Ron Paul in 2008!

White Shogun said:
Fred Thompson is waaaaay out in front, over 30,000 votes. Newt is next with just over 12,000. And neither of these guys has even said they're running for sure.

AND...both of those mugs are Globalist shills! Newt is a CFR member who's for limiting the 1st Amendment/free speech. Thompson is a NeoCON too...for "free trade"...NAFTA, CAFTA, FTAA & probably pro-NAU as well.

A message from a person who runs a Ron Paul myspace page:

On MSNBC's polls regarding Thursday's Republican Primary Debate
held this passed Thursday, Republican Presidential Candidate Ron
Paul placed first, garnering 37% of 78,000 total votes.

How does MSNBC respond? By declaring Mitt Romney as the winner,
and Ron Paul as having placed 9th!!!

Ron Paul advocates, unite!

Write MSNBC here...

Tell them WHY you object to their deceptive journalism.

Also, let them how many friends YOU have, and how many people
will receive your protest with just a click of a button!!!

Let them know that we are MORE powerful then they are!

Are there any links to stories that MSNBC has declared Romney the winner? I've read a couple of articles from various journalists, both on MSNBC and elsewhere, that say Romney was the 'winner,' but nothing that says 'MSNBC declares Mitt Romney the winner.' I wanted to quote or reference their story in any correspondence I have with them but haven't been able to find anything definitive.
Given that its a republic, and not a direct democracy, could Ron Paul get elected anyway?
Is there any doubt that the media has group-think agenda? The complete disappearance of anything about Ron Paul in our MSM says it all. One would think that liberals would be all over pointing out the fact that Ron Paul won the debate in a landslide - especially considering that he was the only candidate against the Iraq war.
Good point there Kaptain! What a crock and a fix this whole election mess is. The GOP will get what they deserve because of betraying conservatives.
Neither party will support him because they both support only one thing: getting into a position of power to influence things in thier favor and grow more wealthy/powerful. Dems by wealth redistribution and Reps by outsourcing and globalizingAmerica into oblivion. We desperately need a nationalist party, as both sides are dangerous to the future of America in thier current course.

Does anyone else find it insane that it is legal to influence the public to this degree about a presidential candidate? The media has the power to make candidates "vanish" even if the people support thier ideas, like Ron. Should it be legal for the media to have such a powerful influence on politics if it does not have America's best interests at heart? Absolutely not!
IO, the "mainstream" media (like the upper echelons of government & big Corporations) are controlled by the Globalist Elite, so it's the most evil running everything behind the scenes.
I was able to educate at least six of my co-workers today about Ron Paul and what he stands for. Everyone loved his platform but the majority still said, 'but he can't win.' I told them they have to learn to think outside the box. He won't win if we don't vote for him.

I admit that I very recently held the opinion that he cannot win, and in the back of my mind, I still have great doubt. But I have been encouraged by the popular response to Paul's message in the debates, on Internet forums, and in conversation with others about his platform. If nothing else, he is forcing the other candidates to consider his position merely by articulating them so clearly in public forums like the debate.

Here's to Ron Paul in '08! Statistics Suggest Ron Paul Won Debate

As you can see from the graph, traffic to Ron Paul's site more than
tripled after the debate, and Ron Paul now gets about 30% more
traffic than any of his competitors. Spread this information, and the
Internet will defeat mainstream media spin-doctors.

Yahoo! has conveniently omitted Ron Paul from their presidential candidacy polls and election coverage.

Contact them NOW and demand that Ron Paul be included immediately!

Here's the number to call and let them know how you feel.

Jill Nash
Chief Communications Officer
Senior Vice President

(408) 349-3300 Option 1 to dial by name, then 6274 then, Option 9


I made my call already.

This is unbelievable. Ron Paul won the debates according to MSNBC's own poll data, but he can't get a sniff of being included in news articles or polls. It's ridiculous that Yahoo will include Huckabee, Hunter, and Brownback but not Ron Paul.
The Globalist Elite controlled propaganda machine (aka - the "mainstream" media) is trying to bury/black out Dr.Paul because they know full well that his pro-Constitution, pro-freedom, pro-individualism message/platform/voting record would resonate and spread like wild-fire with the American people!!!We all need to keep spreading the word to our family, friends, co-workers and other blogs/websites!!!
i'd just like to thank Dixie Destroyer for posting all this political information. i've fount it to be VERY informative.

keep up the good work!
Jimmy, thanks for the kind words're quite welcome! As Americans, we ALL need to awaken to the betrayal of our Republic by the many traitors in office (& those who "puppeteer" them). Far too many good folks are unaware of the Globalist Elite's agenda (North American Union, open borders, higher taxation, continued mass outsourcing of American jobs, etc.).IMO, we have a civic duty and obligation to our loved ones to be very proactive and vigilant in educating ourselves, friends & families in defending our Constitution, borders, sovereignty, traditions and morals!

On the Ron Paul front, here's some great news from the campaign team. Ya'll keep PLEASE spreading the word on Dr.Paul's liberty/individualism platform & pro-Constitution voting record!!!

Ron Paul Builds Momentum

May 8, 2007

ARLINGTON, VA - Congressman Ron Paul's support has soared since the first Republican presidential debate. Conservative commentator John McLaughlin, host of "The McLaughlin Group," cited Ron Paul as having given "the best performance of the debate." In fact, the Paul campaign's apparent strength has many other pundits scrambling to explain it. Paul campaign officials offer the following examples of the candidate's rising success.

Since the debate on May 3, Ron Paul:

1. Handily won two post-debate polls posted by event sponsor MSNBC.

2. Placed a close third (18%) in a post-debate poll on the conservative Drudge Report.

3. Won an online debate poll with 84%.

4. Won a C-SPAN online GOP candidate poll with 69%.

5. Became the third most-mentioned person in the blogosphere, beating out Paris Hilton, according to the reputable

6. Produced a video that was ranked the 8th most popular overall video, and the most-viewed political video.

7. Was featured, by popular demand, on the front of

8. Generated so many bulletin posts on that the site owner News Corp. blocked all additional posts about Dr. Paul.

9. Became a "most searched" term on Google and Yahoo!.

10. Saw a quadrupling of daily visitors to

"These figures speak for themselves," said campaign chairman Kent Snyder. "Ron Paul has quickly become a strong contender for the GOP nomination because of his powerful message of freedom and limited government."
Also....great article from Alex Jones' on Ron Paul being the only hope to defeat the Globalist Elite selected "Shillary Rotten ClinTAX" in 2008!

Only Ron Paul Can Defeat Hillary Clinton

Prison Planet | May 10, 2007
Paul Joseph Watson

Which is why the corporate elite that have already selected the New York senator are doing their best to blackball the Texas Congressman - including Yahoo! who lied by claiming Paul had not filed papers to officially run, and omitted him from their website coverage

There is only one Republican candidate that can prevent Hillary Clinton from walking into the Oval Office after the next election and that's Ron Paul - which is why the corporate interests that have already selected Hillary are busy trying to stem the tide of a populist onslaught to bring the Texas Congressman to the attention of the American people.

Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate to carry a message that resonates with the American people, his thoroughbred anti-war and anti-big government stance, but the establishment press have done their level best to keep Paul in the shadows while lying in claiming that every participant featured in last week's debate was pro-war .
Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate to have voted against the Iraq war.

Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate who will not seek to lead the U.S. into a military confrontation with Iran, something also that Democrats Obama, Clinton and Edwards have all vowed to keep "on the table."
Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate who is not compromised while the likes of Giuliani and Romney have more skeletons in their closet than a fancy dress boutique. He holds true conservative values unlike the vehemently pro-abortion Giuliani and Romney.
Ron Paul is the only candidate period who has promised to abolish to IRS and end the fraudulent fiat-based money system that is crippling America's economy while lining the pockets of the ultra-rich.

Every other Republican candidate besides Ron Paul stands no chance of coming out on top if they go up against Hillary Clinton for the 2008 presidency.
This is a message particularly directed at people who consider themselves conservatives despite voting for George W. Bush on two occasions - get behind Ron Paul or Hillary Clinton is guaranteed to be the next President of the United States.

For all the reasons mentioned above, we are witnessing a clear agenda to marginalize and discredit Ron Paul on behalf of the corporate media, while burying the fact that he won last Thursday's debate hands down.
Nowhere was this more evident than in a May 8th Washington Post editorial entitled 'Building a Better Debate' in which the Post exposed itself as perhaps the most prominent media organ for those who wish to control and suffocate the democratic process in America.

The editorial was basically a manifesto for restricting the debates to include only the establishment's most well groomed appointees and kicking Ron Paul off the podium.

The wider media plot to censor and sideline Ron Paul has been documented here all week and the latest example was Yahoo's decision to include Mike Huckabee and Duncan Hunter, whose combined support in the polls trails Ron Paul's, on their 2008 coverage page , yet omit the Texas Congressman altogether.

"Stunned, I actually called Yahoo and left a voicemail message for their chief communications officer, and included my email address," writes Thomas E. Woods, Jr. of the Ludwig von Mises Institute. "In their emailed reply, I was told: "According to the latest FEC filings, it is our understanding that Congressman Paul has not officially entered the 2008 Presidential race, but has only gotten to the stage of forming an exploratory committee."

"Huh? Unannounced candidates are allowed into the debates? Can't possibly be true, I thought. So I simply went to the Federal Election Commission website, and after three seconds of searching I found Ron Paul's filing statement, dated March 12. (That's funny: I was told Yahoo had consulted "the latest FEC filings.") Well, here are Ron Paul's documents right here .
So Yahoo! are now stacking lies on top of their censorship in claiming that Ron Paul has not even officially entered the race, despite the fact that this was announced on CSPAN by Paul himself two months ago.
Yahoo! have made numerous promises to add Ron Paul to their list but it hasn't happened yet.

In addition, ABC News, who initially also scrubbed Ron Paul from their online poll , are deleting comments supportive of Paul from their messageboards.
Other large media organizations are deleting votes from Paul's tally on polls, citing multiple voting by the same people as the reason, despite the fact that the polls only allow one vote per IP address.

Though Ron Paul is still obviously a long shot for the Oval Office, purely because he's the only candidate besides Gravel that isn't completely bought and paid for, the fact that the corporate media have to go to these lengths to try and stem the wave of popular support for Paul only exposes their true agenda.

And for that we thank them and invite them to continue their tactics - because by acting like bullies, censors and hostile to the true democratic process, more people will be turned off by their lies and seek alternative avenues for the truth.

***Source article reference/link...

[url] n_defeat_hillary.htm[/url]
I see Ron Paul has been taken off the pajamas media presidential poll AGAIN!!. Apparently he does not get 1% of the vote in national polls. (the minimum required to be listed on their ballot)

Big debate tomorrow, dont forget to support him in the post debate polls.
Paul was attacked relentlessly by the debate questionaire, the other candidates, and the fox news lackies like Sean Hannity. He got no national interview after the debate like Guilani, McCain, Romney, and even Huckabee.

Despite all this, Sean Hannity had to reluctantly announce that once again Ron Paul was leading the debate poll. The poll is a text-message poll - not an on-line poll. Regardless of how popular Paul is, we are sure to see an almost complete Ron Paul MSM blackout. Unfortunetly, our candidates have already been selected for us. Edited by: Kaptain Poop
Ron Paul is leading the text message poll with 30%. Sean Hannity is pouting and declared "there is no way Ron Paul won this debate". Everyone said during the MSNBC debate Ron Paul supporters spammed the poll and voted multiple times with their computer. I have to imagine Fox has some software on the phone poll that does not count multiple votes from the same phone. Thus this is genuine. If anybody listens to rush or sean tomorrow, I would like to hear their spin. I am sure they will accuse democrates of voting for Dr. Paul. (NWO type Giulianni is only at 16%)

Before the poll results came out, the talking heads declared that this was the end of the line for Ron Paul, and he will be out of future debates. Edited by: KJV1
I missed it.

Looking for replays right now.
looks like Giuliani's attack on Dr. Paul backfired, current polls are 27% Paul, 27% Romney and 18% Giuliani. I am sure before the poll closes they will have Romney inch ahead.
Neocon attack boy, Hannity, tried to hammer Ron Paul in the post debate interview. The only candidate I saw greeted with open hostility. He was trying to get Paul to blame America for 9/11. He was rudely cutting Paul off and trying to make him angry.

Dr. Paul came off looking great in the exchange.

Again, out of the blue Hannity tells the audience that he disagrees that Paul won the debate. Paul has been leading all night with his picture at the top; however, now he is tied with Romney at 27% and Paul has been bumped to the #2 spot. FOX News is obviously anti-Paul.

edit: For at least the 3rd time Hannity tells us Ron Paul did not win that debate. He adds he doesn't care about an internet or text message poll. Edited by: Triad
Hannity has been pushing Giuliani on his radio show since he said he would run. Giuliani is pro-choice, pro-gay, pro-amnesty, pro-war, and anti-gun.

I'm getting pissed off watching the hatchet job on Fox. I used to think Hannity was okay a long time ago. Boy, was I wrong.
At some point in time, people are going to realize that most of these official
right-wing "new media" types are actually employees of the RNC. There is
no reason for any large politically based organization or corporation to
support Ron Paul. He is for smaller government, less regulation, sound
money, and a de-centralization of power in general. Tell me why any of the
familiar cast of characters, creeping amongst the shadows of Washington
D.C--the lobbyists, corporations, PAC's, special interest groups, etc, would
want him in?

FWIW, I'm going to send him some money--$100. I like Dr. Paul and if we
give him money, hopefully he will run for a 3rd party ticket. The day is
coming soon when a 3rd party does indeed have a chance.The president
has a 30% approval rating and the congress even less. Things are that bad.Edited by: PitBull
American Freedom News