Ron Paul in 2008!

Among the republicans, I see Giuliani as the most dangerous, with McCain second. Giuliani is the best democrat in the race, and decided to avoid the other democrats by going to the republican party and running there instead. As for McCain, I think he actually, literally dislikes americans. He has contempt for them.

I put Huckabee in the middle, he is your run of the mill christian nut. I see Romney as better, he's smarter, and pretty reserved on the christian rhetoric for a mormon.

Thompson is second best next to Paul, he's an actual conservative and not a neocon, but he doesn't even want to be president. I can't figure out why he is running.

It is interesting that other people rate the candidates by how much damage they would do to the nation, instead of by what they offer or by how they would improve things. This is also the way I have decided to evaluate them. It really reflects how far downhill the US has gone.
As was to be expected with the Globalist Elite getting extremely worried about the rise of Dr.Paul, they've now dug up some old newsletters (many of which he didn't write or review) to label him as a "racist" and "Conspiracy theorist". If this doesn't de-rail Dr.Paul's momentum, I fear the Elite will go the "JFK" route.

[url] -ac15-4532a7da84ca[/url]
White Shogun said:
Stick a fork in him, he's done:

I quickly read through the list of quotes. I like him even more! Who in their right mind could disagree? In a sane world he would be championed, but in our dumbed down, brain dead society he will be villified.
It shows how amazingly inefficient and incompetent the media elites are that it took this long to find the so-called "damning" quotes given the fevered witchhunt mentality that has overtaken them when it comes to Ron Paul. We're talking about a newsletter that was circulated nationally in the 1990s here, not an obscurepublication of the Silver Shirts of the 1930s or some other long forgotten outfit.
Nevada, it makes total sense to me that Romney would be reserved on the Christian rhetoric as a mormon.

Also, how do you look at Thompson and see him as a real conservative and not a neo-con?
Bart said:
White Shogun said:
Stick a fork in him, he's done:

I quickly read through the list of quotes. I like him even more!Who in their right mind could disagree?In a sane world he would be championed, but in our dumbed down, brain dead society he will be villified.

Me, too, Bart... me, too.
Paul's site is denouncing the story as follows.

In response to an article published by The New Republic, Ron Paul issued the following statement:

"The quotations in The New Republic article are not mine and do not represent what I believe or have ever believed. I have never uttered such words and denounce such small-minded thoughts.

"In fact, I have always agreed with Martin Luther King, Jr. that we should only be concerned with the content of a person's character, not the color of their skin. As I stated on the floor of the U.S. House on April 20, 1999: 'I rise in great respect for the courage and high ideals of Rosa Parks who stood steadfastly for the rights of individuals against unjust laws and oppressive governmental policies.'

"This story is old news and has been rehashed for over a decade. It's once again being resurrected for obvious political reasons on the day of the New Hampshire primary.

"When I was out of Congress and practicing medicine full-time, a newsletter was published under my name that I did not edit. Several writers contributed to the product.For over a decade, I have publicly taken moral responsibility for not paying closer attention to what went out under my name."

Now he will lose even more votes with his statement denouncing the statements in the newsletter. The people who wouldn't vote for him now because he is 'racist' aren't going to be dissuaded by an explanation, and the white nationalist types will be upset he is showing some love toward MLK.

Not only that, he finished FIFTH in New Hampshire, behind even Rudy Giuliani.

The revolution is over.
White Shogun said:
Now he will lose even more votes with his statement denouncing the statements in the newsletter. The people who wouldn't vote for him now because he is 'racist' aren't going to be dissuaded by an explanation, and the white nationalist types will be upset he is showing some love toward MLK.

I think you are correctmi amigo.

Don't give up just yet. Lets see how he does in South Carolina. Every campaign has a low point and this might just be Paul's. i've got a feeling he'll do some good things in S. Carolina, the nullification state.

Tom Iron...
Maybe $ doesn't matter after all. Particularly dissapointing is how New
Hampshire touts itself as the Freedom State, and even has a libertarian
program to get like-minded folk to move there ... yet the state merely
perpetuated the status quo in the primary.

Maybe all the white people who voted for McCain would think again if
they realized that with his border policy, their state will soon look like my
hometown in Michigan, overrun by disease-ridden gang-banging third-
world midgets.
Sorry to bring out the conspiracy theories again, but...

I just can't accept that the votes were legitimately counted in New Hampshire. You see Ron Paul signs everywhere- more than all the other candidates combined. He has destroyed the other candidates in every online poll by the mainstream media outlets. He has also raised a ton of money, which is supposed to be everything in politics. So- how does he get only 8% of the vote in the state that gave Pat Buchanan his only primary win?

The late Collier brothers exposed the whole rigged voting system, back in the 1980s, long before the controversial 2000 election. All citizens should read their excellent book "Votescam," most of which is available for free online. There is no doubt in my mind that the votes aren't being counted in states that use electronic ballots, but I held out hope for New Hampshire, which uses old-fashioned paper ballots. Looks like there's no sanctity in the ballot boxes anywhere now.

If this kind of atrocious voting is actually happening- with the only decent Democrat (Dennis Kucinich) garnering 1% and a refreshing, well-funded candidate like Ron Paulfinishing 5th, behind the likes of Ghouliani and Huckabee Hound, then there really is no hope for America. If the state that is touted as being so "independent," and gave Pat Buchanan a victory not that long ago, is now in love with the corrupt, insane, unattractive and uncharismatic geezer John McCainiac, then what chance do we ever have of turning things around in this country?

Since the Republicans will nominate either a milquetoast loser like Huckabee or Romney or a certified nut like McCainiac, the Democratic nominee will be the next President. So we will be left with the biggest nightmare imaginable, even with our long history of Tweedledum and Tweedledee "choices," when we have to pick the lesser of two monstrous evils- Hillary Clinton or Barrack Obama. I guess years of watching network t.v. have had the desired effect- look at all the white women swooning over Obama, who was totally unknown until a few years ago. The fact that we are on the verge of electing a president named Barrack Obama must have the founding fathers whirring in their graves.

This is what we fought a war of independence for?
bigunreal said:
So- how does he get only 8% of the vote in the state that gave Pat Buchanan his only primary win?

This is what we fought a war of independence for?

First off, a good part of the reason is the continued rise of groupthink in this country.

Secondly, no its not what we fought the Revolution for, or the Second War of Independence.

It is a pretty sad state for Dr. Paul right now, but I hope he somehow wins in the South and elsewhere.
Another solid post Bigunreal. The fix has been in for ages at the ballot box. Besides, the Globalist Elite were never going to allow a real Constitutionalist like Dr.Paul get anywhere close to their White House or Senate. They first tried to ignore him, then attempted to marginalize him, now come the hit-pieces/mud-slinging. There's NO way Dr.Paul will get the GOP nomination because he's not a puppet like Rudy McRomney, Hucksterbee and "Fraud" Thompson. Even if Dr.Paul doesn't run 3rd party (Constitution, Libertarian or Independent), I'll still not going to compromise my principles and vote for a Globalist shill (as I ignorantly did in 00 & 04). I'll support whoever the Constitution Party nominates if Dr.Paul drops out of the race. It was well said "the lesser of two evils, is still EVIL!". Edited by: DixieDestroyer
White Shogun said:
Now he will lose even more votes with his statement denouncing the statements in the newsletter. The people who wouldn't vote for him now because he is 'racist' aren't going to be dissuaded by an explanation, and the white nationalist types will be upset he is showing some love toward MLK.

Not only that, he finished FIFTH in New Hampshire, behind even Rudy Giuliani.

The revolution is over.

The negative remarks about MLK that Paul was quick to recant were written by Lew Rockwell, I believe. A dozen years ago, Rockwell wrote very scathingly about Martin Luther King.
bigunreal said:
Sorry to bring out the conspiracy theories again, but...

After you were so, so wrong about Joe Gibbs, I'd like to see you keep all of your conspiracy ideas to yourself.

This is a serious discussion about the future of the United States, not a place for you to tell us about how the moon landing was faked.
bigunreal said:
So we will be left with the biggest nightmare imaginable, even with our long history of Tweedledum and Tweedledee "choices," when we have to pick the lesser of two monstrous evils- Hillary Clinton or Barrack Obama. I guess years of watching network t.v. have had the desired effect- look at all the white women swooning over Obama, who was totally unknown until a few years ago.

Oprah is campaigning heavily for Obama, which means America's women will trample over each other castingvotes for him.
DixieDestroyer said:
Even if Dr.Paul doesn't run 3rd party (Constitution, Libertarian or Independent), I'll still not going to compromise my principles and vote for a Globalist shill (as I ignorantly did in 00 & 04). I'll support whoever the Constitution Party nominates if Dr.Paul drops out of the race. It was well said "the lesser of two evils, is still EVIL!".

Ditto for me Dixie!
nevada said:
bigunreal said:
Sorry to bring out the conspiracy theories again, but...

After you were so, so wrong about Joe Gibbs, I'd like to see you keep all of your conspiracy ideas to yourself.

This is a serious discussion about the future of the United States, not a place for you to tell us about how the moon landing was faked.

Dude... is that necessary? Another one of your drive-by postings insulting someone with nothing substantive to add to the topic?
We're going to hell in a hand basket fast. Nothing is as it seems. Voter fraud is rampant everywhere.

Sutton County official admits Ron Paul votes not counted.

I heard on the radio today that out of state voters were being bussed into New Hampshire to vote in the primary. Apparently, New Hampshire law allows a person to show up and register the day of the primary and vote, simply by vowing they plan to live in the state some day.

Hacked voting machines

But there are no cpnspiracies, right nevada?

I don't know how anyone can believe that election fraud is not rampant in every district of the Union. To believe otherwise is simply naive.
wow. just wow.

there's no limit to what the powers-that-be will do, is there?
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