Romney vs. Obama

Jaxvid, again you prove to be the voice of reason to me. Although not digging you not making arrangements to absentee vote. But regardless, I want Romney to win for 2 important reasons.

1. Repeal Obamacare, the lynchpin in controlling all of us. The ones who will get exceptional care will be those rich and those at highest levels of government. The rest will be escorted to quicker pain, misery and death.

2. Mr Romney has a proven track record in the private sector in creating jobs. He has a proven record in governing in the state. Also, promised to unleash our energy resources, gas, petro and coal. That is a great thing!

I want all of us to become prosprorous. Obamacare is scaring the sh*t out of all business, small, medium and large. They won't hire. End Obamacare, American business unleashed.

Don, I understand your point, but the cult marxists have done a grand job on White people. If A3P had arisen around the late 60s or early 70s there would have a great odds it would have succeeded. Now, will all of these minority groups wanting this and that and Whites giving in, I can't see it getting off the ground.
Don, I understand your point, but the cult marxists have done a grand job on White people. If A3P had arisen around the late 60s or early 70s there would have a great odds it would have succeeded. Now, will all of these minority groups wanting this and that and Whites giving in, I can't see it getting off the ground.

Westside, you're one of the ones my post wasn't addressed to, as you're a strong Republican Party supporter. Hey, I hope you're right and that Romney unleashes American greatness. But I won't hold my breath.

However, your reasoning is similar to what I've been hearing for decades. "I can't support a third party until it gets big, otherwise I'm throwing my vote away."

A third party can't get big unless people are willing to support it when it's small. The old Catch-22, I guess, but I gave up trying to figure out a long time ago why so many people still vote for the "lesser of two evils" when the lesser of two evils is always more evil than it was four years previously.

How do we turn the country around? If it can't be done through the same old two parties, then supporting a small alternative party and helping it grow is the only way. I'll admit it doesn't have much chance of success given the way this country's been subverted and tens of millions of Whites turned into dittoheads, Christian Zionists and DWFs, but there's zero chance of it happening through the "lesser of two evils" default mode that Americans have been stuck in forever.
as is so frequently the case, there have been some incredibly insightful and poignant posts in this thread. if there is a consistently higher level of discourse in an open forum on the web than Caste Football, i've not visited it.

from a personal standpoint, i've seen my inclination to participate in this year's presidential election nullified by a sense of apathy and historical perspective. in my state, write-in votes aren't even counted (if i even believed that any votes are actually and/or accurately counted), so a vote for Miller wouldn't even be counted.

from a wider, historical context, an empire that has reached this point in its bloated, decadent, decayed state of moral and economical bankruptcy has never recovered. the coming collapse appears to be inevitable, but will it be an excruciatingly slow slide ala England or a swift collapse like the former Soviet Union? who is to know?

also, i'd not be surprised to seem another false flag-type event to "inspire" the populace in the days soon after the election in order to "unite us" against an "enemy." Iran seems to be the current bogeyman of choice for morons to frightened of ...

as far as a third party goes, Don is right, of course. it can't grow without people buying in, but most people won't buy in until it grows. the Golden Dawn in Greece shows that it CAN happen, but the right mix of ingredients, not least of which is a strong leadership who refuses to compromise their principles, to succeed.
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I supported and voted for Ross Perot in 92 only to be left with Bill Clinton. Father Bush was not much better, lost to Clinton, due to Perot's 3rd party run. G.H Bush would have won a second term if not for Perot and W. Bush would not have run or consequently become the 43rd president. Too much Bush people would have sought someone else.

Which would have possibly meant. No crazy foreign wars (Iraq) or assaine spending only surpassed by BO. The 43rd President could have been Gore with similar results or a more conservative man such as Pat Buchanan. Will never know. One thing is certain, W.Bush would not have become president who pushed the US towards fiscal insolvency with his misguided spending, not to mention his open border policy.

I supported and voted for Ross Perot in 92 only to be left with Bill Clinton. Father Bush was not much better, lost to Clinton, due to Perot's 3rd party run. G.H Bush would have won a second term if not for Perot and W. Bush would not have run or consequently become the 43rd president. Too much Bush people would have sought someone else.

Which would have possibly meant. No crazy foreign wars (Iraq) or assaine spending only surpassed by BO. The 43rd President could have been Gore with similar results or a more conservative man such as Pat Buchanan. Will never know. One thing is certain, W.Bush would not have president who pushed the US towards fiscal insolvency with his misguided spending, not to mention his open border policy.

The U.S. government has been running up large budget deficits for well over 40 years, no matter whether a "conservative" Republican or a "liberal" Democrat was president. The only exception was a brief period at the end of Clinton's second term, which W. Bush quickly turned into half trillion dollar deficits and then Obama into trillion dollar annual deficits.

I respect your political opinions. You strongly supported McCain in '08 and you strongly support Romney this year. I'm addressing those who are fed up with both monopoly parties and want a pro-White political vehicle, because one exists now, but it's facing great odds as it is, and if the vast majority of racially aware Whites continue to not support it, it has no chance at all of becoming well known and having any impact on the current CM paradigm. And if that happens racially aware Whites need look no further than the nearest mirror to see who clinched their fate in the U.S. There's way too many people who won't leave their comfort zone, even when the fate of their race is at stake. So many talk the talk, but. . . I realize the system has inculcated fear and trepidation when it comes to supporting organizations outside of their carefully constructed and very narrow "mainstream," but the times call for involvement not surrender.
How do we turn the country around? If it can't be done through the same old two parties, then supporting a small alternative party and helping it grow is the only way. I'll admit it doesn't have much chance of success given the way this country's been subverted and tens of millions of Whites turned into dittoheads, Christian Zionists and DWFs, but there's zero chance of it happening through the "lesser of two evils" default mode that Americans have been stuck in forever.

I put so much energy and money and effort into a third party for many years of my life and it was very frustrating. There were local races that our candidates were a good match for, we contacted almost every registered voter and got out the message, leaflets, door to door, handing out pamphlets at the polling stations, and then at election time-- 1% to 5% of the vote. We would lose to independents that had no message and no organized support, but they had the advantage of being the most vanilla of choices. So I got burned out from years of doing that.

I have an extremely low opinion of the average voter. When you consider that the majority of white people in this country voted for an unqualified black man who actively supports a program of thinly veiled white dispossession and will do so again--what are the chances for the A3P?

I've been tilting at windmills all my life, I have flat spots on my head from all of the banging against walls I've done. However I also like to put my money where my mouth is so I just donated to the A3P. I recommend anyone else that prefers to do something instead of nothing to do the same. You can go to your paypal account and donate to: it takes 30 seconds. It's probably more meaningful then the 30 seconds you will spend in the voting booth on Tuesday.
I put so much energy and money and effort into a third party for many years of my life and it was very frustrating. There were local races that our candidates were a good match for, we contacted almost every registered voter and got out the message, leaflets, door to door, handing out pamphlets at the polling stations, and then at election time-- 1% to 5% of the vote. We would lose to independents that had no message and no organized support, but they had the advantage of being the most vanilla of choices. So I got burned out from years of doing that.

I have an extremely low opinion of the average voter. When you consider that the majority of white people in this country voted for an unqualified black man who actively supports a program of thinly veiled white dispossession and will do so again--what are the chances for the A3P?

I've been tilting at windmills all my life, I have flat spots on my head from all of the banging against walls I've done. However I also like to put my money where my mouth is so I just donated to the A3P. I recommend anyone else that prefers to do something instead of nothing to do the same. You can go to your paypal account and donate to: it takes 30 seconds. It's probably more meaningful then the 30 seconds you will spend in the voting booth on Tuesday.

But all that effort was for a party that wasn't pro-White. Oh well, let's not even try and support an openly pro-White party. Better to ignore it and wax philosophically when it fails. Better to stay in our negative mode based on past experiences rather than support a party that would end the Caste System.
Like jaxvid, I too have a low opinion of the average voter. I was just going over my sample ballot this morning, primarily to review ballot initiatives, local candidates and judicial retention. These are all items which will have more impact on the average voter than the national election in most instances. But I have a fair degree of certainty that "joe voter" doesn't know squat about any of them, and will essentially mark boxes based on the snippet of information given on the ballot itself.

In Missouri, we get to vote "yes or no" to retain judges who are appointed by the governor. In my experience, the chance of a judge being voted out are slim and none, mostly because the "average voter" doesn't know a thing about the name and just votes "yes". It's a shame, since a couple (well, more than a couple) of them are essentially criminals in robes. Yet they will be reaffirmed to the bench. These same knuckleheads voted Obama into office in 2008 based on nothing but the same kind of hype that are given to athletes like "RG3".
An article entitled "Senior Obama adviser vows “paybackâ€￾"

A senior adviser to Barack Obama bragged that Obama would take revenge on his enemies in his second term. She also said the Supreme Court would be transformed and congress will not stand in their way.

An article entitled "Why Is Obama Visiting States that he Supposedly Has “Locked Upâ€￾?"

Obama is visiting Ohio, Wisconsin, and Colorado in the last two days of the campaign. So much for having Ohio and Wisconsin “locked upâ€￾ as all the liberal media pundits have claimed countless times. Obama is also visiting Nevada, the home of Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, whose crooked political machine stole the last state election for Reid with illegal alien voters. Reid was facing an extremely popular Tea Party challenger, Sharron Angle, who should have defeated him in 2010 if only votes by US citizens were counted.

No incumbent president in the last 60 years has managed to win reelection with unemployment as high as it currently is. Add to this all the other other failures of the Obama regime, including the denial of support to Ambassador Craig Stevens and three other Americans, who died in Benghazi, and it seems fairly certain Obama should lose.

If the Democrats aren't able to steal enough votes and Obama loses, in a landslide the nonwhites will, probably, go looting, burn down their own neighborhoods and attack any White they can, and since all the looting going after Sandy the cold weather only slow them down, but if the election is close or can't be determined clearly, all of the above will still happen but more intensive and what if even in a landslide a defeated Obama refuses to give up the presidency?

Now the even more dangerous situation where Obama is declared the winner. People accept massive election fraud when the economy is good but in a depression with 20%+ real unemployment people are far less tolerant of corruption. The alternative press is already reporting massive election fraud and if it changes the election results before long they will have, no doubt, proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt the election was rigged with a usurper declared the winner. This will lead to crisis after crisis. Talk of secession will be in the air, threats of martial law, rule by executive order, etc. Many political leaders will rise and fall for to prosper a leader will need brains and intelligence something the current crop, mostly, lacks. These would be interesting times and impossible to predict the outcome.

The best case outcome for a more peaceful transition would be Romney wins in a landslide and Obama coincides that would lead, most likely to limited rioting. Long term a Romney presidency would lead to wars, a continue declined in the economy (the economy can not be fixed without cutting off the flow of funds from the productive class (the White middle and working classes) to the overclass and the underclass [minority welfare/Affirmative Action] and the overclass won't cut off their own funds) and many a crisis will lead to a one term presidency.
Heads they win tails we lose. Whichever one of their ****-eating grin-wearing puppet candidates they have pre-programmed into their Diebold voting machines to "win" their bull**** election we lose, the "gay" mulatto dope fiend from Africa, or Sheldon Adelson and Rabbi Dov Zakheim and John Bolton's draft dodging chicken hawk warmongering zio-candidate from Israhell by way of Mass.
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Geez, Romney loses Wisconsin. So much for having Ryan on the ticket. He should've picked Rubio and assured a victory in Florida.
Just like the last election this one is coming down to voting based on race. Pretty sure we are past the point of no return as the hispanic population continues to expand like ****roaches in this country. Blacks obviously vote based on race and it seems like Hispanics will do this moving forward as well.

The cultural marxist attack on the white nuclear family over the past 50 years has had its intended effect. Woman have decided to become career women and put off having children and having fewer of them later in life. It's only going to get worse.

Tons of white sheeple have bought into Obama again - especially in the Rust Belt of this country which has been historically democratic. Why people continue to vote this way in such economically downtrodden areas is beyond me. These states have been in economic disrepair since the 70s as textiles/factories/coal have either gone south to the sun belt or overseas. The aging white populations are being replaced with brown skinned individuals looking more to suck off the govt tit than contribute to society.

The democratic ideas of Jefferson, Franklin and Washington are long gone.
Geez, Romney loses Wisconsin. So much for having Ryan on the ticket. He should've picked Rubio and assured a victory in Florida.

That wouldn't have made a difference.
Jesus and George Washington couldn't have beaten the fraud machine of the Obama campaign.
I'm guessing 40% of Obama's total votes are fake.
Just like the last election this one is coming down to voting based on race. Pretty sure we are past the point of no return as the hispanic population continues to expand like ****roaches in this country. Blacks obviously vote based on race and it seems like Hispanics will do this moving forward as well.
Another reason why Romney's camp (from a strictly strategic point of view) should have picked Rubio. I said this way earlier in this thread. He would have garnered probably over 50% of the Latino vote while still keeping the same % of White votes and countered the traitorous and brainwashed "White" women (especially single "White" "mothers") and feminists (most "White" women today) that voted for 0bama overwhelmingly.

The cultural marxist attack on the white nuclear family over the past 50 years has had its intended effect. Woman have decided to become career women and put off having children and having fewer of them later in life. It's only going to get worse.
Yep. That's all part of the plan. It's too bad so many "White" women (and women, in general) are so easily influenced by these Luciferians and cannot seemingly think for themselves. Giving women the right to vote was a major mistake in the history of this country.

Tons of white sheeple have bought into Obama again - especially in the Rust Belt of this country which has been historically democratic. Why people continue to vote this way in such economically downtrodden areas is beyond me. These states have been in economic disrepair since the 70s as textiles/factories/coal have either gone south to the sun belt or overseas. The aging white populations are being replaced with brown skinned individuals looking more to suck off the govt tit than contribute to society.
Because 0bama assures them free food, subsidized housing, "0bama phones", etc. However, the parasites can only "suck off the govt" (really, the productive class that pays the taxes to support these programs) for so long until the host is no more. That's where we are heading. What happens when the host has finally been sucked dry?
Because 0bama assures them free food, subsidized housing, "0bama phones", etc. However, the parasites can only "suck off the govt" (really, the productive class that pays the taxes to support these programs) for so long until the host is no more. That's where we are heading. What happens when the host has finally been sucked dry?

We're going to see PSAs in China asking "Won't you please feed Barack Obama's sons."
About the only truthful thing Romney said was about the 47% who are dependent on the government tit in one way or another, which he thought was an off the record comment. That number will continue to grow, along with the non-White proportion of the country.

If Obama can get re-elected after four years of economic depression, then it's likely the Republicans can never again win a national election. That may actually be the silver lining in this election; but then again I've been hearing the "worse is better" line for decades when it comes to Whites coming to their senses, yet the number of White activists (meaning the ones that will actually contribute time and money to the cause as opposed to the legions of anonymous keyboard warriors and philosophers) continues to shrink and the White population continues to visibly decline in quality and character.

It's probably better that the inevitable continued economic decline occurs under a Democrat administration, but it's hard not to feel that this country is so far gone now with Whites a dumbed down, fattened up, psychologically re-programmed, ever shrinking "majority" that the Cultural Marxists have won a total victory. That it's a hollow victory as there will be fewer and fewer of the detested White men to prop it up in coming years, is our best hope of future gains.

Ron Paul was the last hope of salvaging the old Republic, now it's full speed ahead for Amerika. Let's hope and pray and work toward better days.
I can confidently say the USA is going down the ****ter.

The DWFs, dumbass white liberals at least in the battle ground states, once again re installed a AA candidate back into the white house. Any White man with BO's record loses 10 out of 10 times!!! But not him.

Interesting the country as a whole rejects f**king Obama as the popular count stands now. So I can take a f**king drop of hope from that!!!

I believe Romney was a good man and qualified and able to exploit this countries natural resources. Now I acutely know that America has seen its best days with it electing this abortion of a president. I am more frustrated than depressed, although I do see my self getting my drink on in a couple of hours.

Things will only get more chaotic and dyer in the coming months and years. Those misguided whites and lazy negros celebrating BO's re election have no f**king idea what awaits their sorry asses.

My only advice to CFers is to fortify your homes and arm yourselves, the ride down to ruin will become bumpy.
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My only advice to CFers is to fortify your homes and arm yourselves, the ride down to ruin will become bumpy.
Excellent advice and the only thought I have on this election right now.
Romney gives his concession speech to a sea of White faces. In a bit, Obama will give his victory speech to a United Nations audience.

Unfortunately, the Republican Party will never acknowledge its base, much less gear the party toward representing it and helping it thrive. No decent Republican will ever say or advocate anything that can be construed as pro-White. That's why White America is doomed under the closed two-party system. We need glasnost and perestroika in the U.S.
Don Wassall;It's probably better that the inevitable continued economic decline occurs under a Democrat administration said:
Don, you hit the nail on head after this troublesome defeat for me. I really thought White people would wake up to this fraud. So, now the whole mess will be left on BO and Democratic Senate's door step. Unfortuneatly, the wheels will be falling off the bus with us on it as it careens downhill. F**K!
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Just as Caste Football promotes "The New Sports Paradigm," so can Whites only survive and thrive under a new political, social and economic paradigm in the U.S. The current one means the death of Western, Christian civilization. I don't mourn the demise of the current paradigm, which is a hollowed-out Orwellian version of the Constitution and government set up by the Founding Fathers, I look forward to its replacement with something far better. The next four years will be a wild ride, and we need to continue building our real and virtual communities and otherwise work together, because it is truly "ourselves alone" against the globalist, corporate, Zionist, Cultural Marxist all-out onslaught.
The fact that such a terrible president can win re-election is mind-boggling to me. Even though I knew the outcome, and even though we at CF know to a large extent there's little difference between the two candidates, I'm still very disappointed now that is over. The changing demographics of this country almost assures that Republicans will never again win a national race, so Don is right. And from what I saw, homosexual marriage referendums are passing in several states, just to add a little more salt to the wounds. It's truly a dark day in America.

The anti-White, anti-male, pro-homosexual/black/latino, and feminist agendas will now move full speed ahead. It's gonna be hard to get up and go to work tomorrow.