"Rocket" Ramil Guliyev 9.97 and 19.76 (World Champion 2017 over 200 meters)

White Lightning

Staff member
Oct 16, 2004
Today we had a major break through. 19 year old Ramil Guliyev set two national records and became one of the fastest white sprinters in the history of track. He
ran a 10.08 and 20.42! Both times were wind legal. This is simply incredible. I can't
believe how good this kid is. Yuri told us about him a long time ago. We know have around five 19 year old stud sprinters. The future will be different. It is only a
matter of time before the magical 10 second barrier is broken. Congratulations to
Ramil on this record setting display of sprinting from the teenager! WOW!!!

http://www.tilastopaja.org/staticresults/eaa12787730.htm Edited by: white lightning
I need to see video of these two races. I'm so pumped up right now. Gotta get some sleep but this kid has me jumping up and down. Now I just can't wait for Wed. in
Ostrava! Hopefully we will see another eye popping time! Congrats Ramil Guliyev. You
are truely an inspiration!
He is indeed white. The surname Guliyev is Russian, not to mention he is incredibly white. Azerbaijani people can be Iranian or as caucasian as it gets. This is awesome.
Very very good time.his pb in the 60 meters is 6.66.over the years his 60 meter time is 66% of his 100 meter time which means he has a strong seconnd part of the race.mostly the guys with a good 60 to 100 meters time ratio come the most far in the 100 meters and not the guys that nearly have to run a WR in the 60 to run a sub 10 if you know what I mean(most white sprinters 60 meters is around 64.5% of 100 meter).and in his pb of 6.66 in the 60 meters looks room for improvement.so I think the chance that he will run sub 10 is very very big.He looks white BTW.he is from Azerbeidjan which is slighty outside Europe.it is in Eurasia most people look white their but also some look white with mongoloid admixture.but this guy is an example of a full white looking one.I hope he is not seen non white by stupid people that think that if your roots are 1 inch outside europe means anything about your race.
He had a pony tail a few years ago at the Euro Junior Champs. He looked like a rock star. This guy is caucasian. No doubt about it. He proves that you don't have to run a 6.50 in the 60 to get near 10 seconds flat. He is also around 6'2 or 6'3 so he has
a very long stride. Tall guys are the future of sprinting in my opinion. It usually
takes the a little longer to get going but then they eat up the track and run you
down. This is the best result we have had in my opinion since Kenteris! This kid is
also very thin. Imagine with some more muscle and a better start. Now we have 3 stud
19 year old 100/200 elite guys in Guliyev, Lemaitre and Herring. The future is bright!
Another video from teh 2009 Euro Indoor Championships. Ramil is in lane 1 with Christophe Lemaitre in lane 8. Look at how tall and skinny these guys are compared to the rest of the sprinters. What a future they will both have. I'm pumped up!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6vsSMRPx_4Edited by: white lightning
wow, I think we are looking at the next Borzov!
As of right now in the Top 30 European times, Ramil is number 2 in the 100 and ranked number 1 in the 200 meters. Not a bad day at all. I'm suprised at the lack of responses. I'm speachless and I can't shut up at the same time. I wonder when his next race will be. I know one thing, he was a 200 meter specialist but now he will be running both events for sure. If you ask me, all 100 guys should do 200 meters races if nothing else than for the conditioning. Not everyone is built to run the deuce but boy does it help you finish the 100 strong as can be. Maybe more coaches will take note. Guliyev, Lemaitre and Herring are doing it the right way.Edited by: white lightning
Is he still bone rail thin as his photo suggests? That time is up there with Yohan Blake and he still might have a shot at the world junior record if he doesn't turn 20 this year. He is a new dark horse for making the finals at the worlds....
I hope he considers himself white too. Wow, if he breaks ten... This is the best white time in the 100 in years. I already bragged to that idiot Charlie about him and Lemaitre's 10.03w.
I'm F-ing pumped right now! the future so bright, I got to wear shades!
he only turned 19 on may 29th!
Someone over at T&FN says that his time makes him the fastest white junior ever, surpassing Sven Matthis's 10.14 (E. Germany).
What about Shirvington? Wasn't he 19 when he ran 10.03? I know there are specific rules that dictate who is and isn't a junior. Maybe you have to be 19 for the entire year or season. No matter - blazing fast time. Would love to see the race. Things are looking good with Guliyev, Lemaitre, Schwab, Blum, Herring, and Cerutti all quickly emerging on the sprint scene.
How did you ever guess? Yep. Thanks StarWars. Back on the subject of Ramil. The world junior record in the 100 is held by Darrell Brown at 10.01! Guliyev has a chance to break it. No junior has ever gone sub 10! Maybe we are about to witness history soon. I sure hope so. It would shut up alot of critics and open a few peoples eyes. What we really need is for several of our guys to break through within the next 2 - 3 years leading up to the olympics. What a day. What a sprinter. Thank you Ramil and good luck to you the rest of the summer! Go break the world junior record!
I just read that his mother is a 1/4 Nigerian, and his said that's where his talent comes from.

JUST KIDDING! this kid is whiter then my ass! where is Yuri, we need some more info.
Not true in my opinion. I go to around 5 or 6 different track sites. All of them are talking about how the white kid almost went sub 10! They are in disbelief. Some are rooting against him, some are rooting for him. He is white and has made us all very proud today. I keep thinking I'm dreaming. These kind of results need to become the norm in the future. I want our guys to acheive success and they will!
Actually he is more Caucasian than some Euros. The term comes from the region. While technically Asian his republic competes in the European Track Federation. It's similar to Armenia and Turkey. Even Russia has more of its federation in Asia than Europe.
Just logged on after a day of toil... wow! what great news!
A shinny white guy doing a legal 10.08 at 19 years and 2 weeks old.

I'd love it if the first white to break the stereotype and run 10 seconds was still a junior when it happened.

Btw, Matt was 6 weeks short of 20 with his 10.03 but he had done a legal 10.07 in South Africa 4 weeks prior to that... I don't know why that wasn't a junior best but ATHLETICS AUST notes his Aust JR as 10.28.

Here's one of the ways he earns a living these days. I'm sure his comment at 41 seconds in is in no way a rascist taunt LOL

MattEdited by: mastermulti
I've watched this show before, first time I couldn't belive it was shirvo. ah, thats why he's not running. do we know when Ramil runs again?
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