"Rocket" Ramil Guliyev 9.97 and 19.76 (World Champion 2017 over 200 meters)

"Azebaijan are missing their injured sprinter Ramil Guliyev, who won the
100m and 200m last year before taking the titles in the longer sprint at
the World University Games and European Athletics Junior Championships,
but they are able to call on a group of very good middle and long
distance runners to provide substantial points."

So now we know he is injured.

I hope its nothing serious.
I posted this in another thread. Guliyev is racing in Russia on June 26th. It is a stacked field. I'm not sure if he is back to full health but he is in the starting lineups. I'm hoping for a time in the 10.30's or better. I don't want to expect too much too soon. Good luck to Rocket Ramil.
I hope he is better and doesn't make things worse. this kid could be as good as Lemaitre.
I hate to say it but Guliyev is probably done for this season. He didn't even finish his 100 meters races today. Very sad for the 2nd most talented white sprinter in the world. Barring a miracle, I don't see him doing anything this summer. We will have to wait for next year and hope that Ramil puts athletics at the top of his list of importance.
Dang. Can this season get any worse? Guliyev gone, and LeMaitre psyched out by false starts. We should have had two sub-10 guys already. LeMaitre is legitimate 9.8's if he ever decides to leave the blocks before the race is half over.

Anyway, thanks for the update, Lightning. Please update us if you find out anything on the nature of his injury and failure to finish.
Still no new on Guliyev. What a bummer. The guy is so talented. He made the 200 finals at the World Champs as a 19 year old. Here is the last thing in print. I'm keeping an eye out but no one is talking about what type of injury he has.

I just hope he is back next year ready to set the ground work for 2012.this injury has been the biggest upset for me this year. Yuri, you got any news on this kids?
The Rocket being hurt this year has really been chapping my ass. with Pick running like crap, and The Rocket hurt, it has been a bit depressing. thank God for Pepe! could you guys imagine if Guliyev wasn't hurt this year and we had to young studs tearing up the track? well with any luck he will be 100% next year and putting up times like The Master. I just wish we had some info on his injury.
Wow this is some great news. Ramil Guliyev is scheduled to race twice in the next two weeks before the 2010 European Championships! I'm sure he is not in proper sprinting shape but to see him run will be so nice. He is as talented as Lemaitre. Good luck Ramil.

Azerbijiani speedster Ramon Guliyev looks like he's back on the track with his name down for starts in Karlsatd and Monaco this week.

In Karlstad (Thursday July 15) he's listed to run 200m against Alonzo Edward, Brian Dzingai & Johan Wissman
([url]http://www.friidrottsanmalan.se/fgp/kar ... ault2.aspx[/url])

In Monaco DL (Thursday July 22) he's listed against Gay, Dix & Spearmon
([url]http://www.iaaf.org/mm/document/competi ... f21043.pdf[/url])

Wonder if Lemaitre might join the latter field...
wow, I wonder if he is 100% even if he doesn't run super fast times, it would be good to know he is fully recovered. lets hope the boy can create some magic!
Only 3 more days till Rocket Ramil races his first 200 of the season! I can't wait!
Rocket in 3, Pepe in 4 and Unger in 5. this could be one hell of a week! I pray to God this kid is 100%!
Ramil Guliyev finished in 2nd place. This is about the time I expected coming off an injury and not running all summer. It acutally is a nice result for his first race of the year in mid July. His body will take a while to get back intopeak shape. I would be very suprised if they can get him ready to be in medal form by Barcelona. He can make the finals regardless though as long as he can run like today or a little fastere. I expect him to drop another 2 tenths off his time the next time he runs a deuce.

M 200 m Vind:1.7

1 Brian Dzingai 81 Zimbabwe 20.68 SB
2 Ramil Guliyev 90 Azerbaijan 20.77
3 Johan Wissman 82 IFK Helsingborg 20.97
4 Calvin Smith 87 United States of America 21.17
5 Alonso Edward 89 Panama 26.84 ?

By the way. Alonso Edward went sub 20 last year. What happened to him? Injury is possible but I think it is something else. He ran in the 21's a few weeks ago. Makes you wonder.Edited by: white lightning
Well, that's better, but where did you find that? When I clicked on the 2010 results (linked above), they were completely different.
Go look at the results again my friend. It is the third result from the top of the page on the link you posted.
Dang. I'm blind as a bat. Well then it's good to see Guliyev running again! Hopefully, he'll get the times back down soon. Phew!
nice, good to see he is back. can't wait to see him race next week. with the fast competition he should drop another SB.
Ramil as was posted in another thread opened up his season with a 20.77 to finish 2nd a week ago. His second race will be this Thursday in the Diamond League Meet in Monaco. The field of sprinters is very high in talent and even includes Tyson Gay. Hopefully Ramil can get his time down alot. A top 3 finish would be a step in the right direction coming off the injury.
I'm not optimistic about this one. Guliyev's been having a Pickeringesque season so far, and looks destined to finish a very distant last. On the other hand, I think we'll be a lot happier if we ignore the 100 and watch the 400, 800, and 1500. I'm predicting Borlee for an outright victory in the 400. He's going places. In the 1500, we get to watch the continued development of two top young guns, Andrew Wheating and (even younger) Aussie Ryan Gregson. Good luck to Guliyev, but based on his first two 100s this year, he should probably phone in sick.

Incidentally, speaking of Gay, I can't remember if it was already posted on here, but did anyone see this brilliant headline from a couple of weeks ago?
That is a hilarious headline. Your right about the other events. Borlee and Lemaitre are reallying tearing it up this year. Guliyev is just not in shape yet. I don't expect big times until next year but the talent is there. I'm excited about alot of events currently. The youth is starting to step it up!
"Tired Gay succumbs to Dix in 200 meters" PRICELESS!
If I´m not completely wrong Guliyev ran his 20,77 in pretty bad weather. It had been a raining around the country that day.
Were are less than a day away from Guliyev racing tommorow. Hoping he can perform well on the big stage tommorow. Anything under 20.50 and I would be satisfied. It's take time to get into peak sprinting shape and he is far from that. He needs alot of racing and some more training. I'm hoping he might put up some good numbers in late August. I'm just very happy to see him racing again.
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