Refugee Invasion of Europe

Damn that guy was one hell of a fighter - those black Muslims sure did look uncoordinated an unable to fight. Hopefully this video goes viral. I have to think that a silent majority of Europeans are also fed up with this outright invasion.
No wonder Swedes get pushed around. 4 cops and a minder can't take down 1 psycho muzzie. Sweden is facked at the moment. Here, in USA, 1 cop takes out 4 muzzies no problem.


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No wonder Swedes get pushed around. 4 cops and a minder can't take down 1 psycho muzzie. Sweden is facked at the moment. Here, in USA, 1 cop takes out 4 muzzies no problem.


Tis' because (sadly) they've been gelded as a society. The z10nistas have known for ions that their only (real) "competition" for world domination is the great White race. So they went after the apex of 'das herrenvolk' (the Nordics) with unparalleled aggression. What we're now witnessing is the (poisoned) "fruit" of the Tribe's efforts...a pu$$ified Scandinavia. :eusa_doh::hmmm: :shakehead:
Tis' because (sadly) they've been gelded as a society. The z10nistas have known for ions that their only (real) "competition" for world domination is the great White race. So they went after the apex of 'das herrenvolk' (the Nordics) with unparalleled aggression. What we're now witnessing is the (poisoned) "fruit" of the Tribe's efforts...a pu$$ified Scandinavia. :eusa_doh::hmmm: :shakehead:

I expect Russian, and her allies, to give the Zionistas are really big co-rection up their rectum!!
No wonder Swedes get pushed around. 4 cops and a minder can't take down 1 psycho muzzie. Sweden is facked at the moment. Here, in USA, 1 cop takes out 4 muzzies no problem.


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That is really pathetic, but it's the logical result when

1. 3 out of the 4 cops are women
2. They aren't allowed to carry guns, or they aren't allowed to use their guns
3. They aren't allowed to carry tasers, or aren't allowed to use their tasers
4. Their rules of engagement restrict their use of force to only the absolute minimum required in a situation. They probably aren't allowed to use batons or flashlights to strike a perp unless it's an extreme situation. In this video the cops were just trying to wrestle the perp to the ground, which didn't work because he was stronger than any of the cops and seemed to have some kind of hand-to-hand fighting experience.
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EU tells Poland and Hungary to "accept mass migration or leave".

The article also says that the EU is now proactively going into countries in Western Africa to open processing centers in order to bring them into the EU to force demographic change:

In 2015, when European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans demanded Eastern and Central EU nations undergo similar demographic transitions as in Western Europe, Hungary was singled out for special mention.

Any society, anywhere in the world, will be diverse in the future — that’s the future of the world,” Timmermans said. “So [Central European countries] will have to get used to that. They need political leaders who have the courage to explain that to their population instead of playing into the fears as I’ve seen Mr Orbán doing in the last couple of months.”

Breitbart London reported that the European Union is to open asylum processing centres in west Africa and countries on the southern shore of the Mediterranean because the continent “needs six million migrants”, the European Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos said last month.
EU tells Poland and Hungary to "accept mass migration or leave".

The article also says that the EU is now proactively going into countries in Western Africa to open processing centers in order to bring them into the EU to force demographic change:

In 2015, when European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans demanded Eastern and Central EU nations undergo similar demographic transitions as in Western Europe, Hungary was singled out for special mention.

Any society, anywhere in the world, will be diverse in the future — that’s the future of the world,” Timmermans said. “So [Central European countries] will have to get used to that. They need political leaders who have the courage to explain that to their population instead of playing into the fears as I’ve seen Mr Orbán doing in the last couple of months.”

Breitbart London reported that the European Union is to open asylum processing centres in west Africa and countries on the southern shore of the Mediterranean because the continent “needs six million migrants”, the European Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos said last month.

**** the EU!!
Poland and Hungary should follow Brexit and leave!!
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That is really pathetic, but it's the logical result when

1. 3 out of the 4 cops are women
2. They aren't allowed to carry guns, or they aren't allowed to use their guns
3. They aren't allowed to carry tasers, or aren't allowed to use their tasers
4. Their rules of engagement restrict their use of force to only the absolute minimum required in a situation. They probably aren't allowed to use batons or flashlights to strike a perp unless it's an extreme situation. It this video the cops were just trying to wrestle the perp to the ground, which didn't work because he was stronger than any of the cops and seemed to have some kind of hand-to-hand fighting experience.

These rules are the result of an ultra-tame society that pushed women above men for experiment not for necessity. Sweden became Telly-tubby land like those three ping pong jumpers in the video above. The Swedish police never had to deal with much violent action. Now they have to. It is natural -of nature- for men to be the protectors. Not the other way around.
The EU is full of sick globalist, nihilists and liberals who hate their own kind.

They are paid collaborators of International Jewry. Their goal is to make Jews the supreme gang.
EU tells Poland and Hungary to "accept mass migration or leave".

The article also says that the EU is now proactively going into countries in Western Africa to open processing centers in order to bring them into the EU to force demographic change:

In 2015, when European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans demanded Eastern and Central EU nations undergo similar demographic transitions as in Western Europe, Hungary was singled out for special mention.

Any society, anywhere in the world, will be diverse in the future — that’s the future of the world,” Timmermans said. “So [Central European countries] will have to get used to that. They need political leaders who have the courage to explain that to their population instead of playing into the fears as I’ve seen Mr Orbán doing in the last couple of months.”

Breitbart London reported that the European Union is to open asylum processing centres in west Africa and countries on the southern shore of the Mediterranean because the continent “needs six million migrants”, the European Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos said last month.

Frans Timmermans is saying all White nations must accept White genocide. He is a sick demented freak. Fu$# him and the EU. All nations sbould exit the EU and it should be put down like the sick dog it is.
Frans Timmermans is saying all White nations must accept White genocide. He is a sick demented freak. Fu$# him and the EU. All nations sbould exit the EU and it should be put down like the sick dog it is.
Timmermans should be tried for treason for his actions and publicly executed. He is one of the most evil men in European history for attempting to genocide his people.
Timmermans should be tried for treason for his actions and publicly executed. He is one of the most evil men in European history for attempting to genocide his people.

Amen! :clap:
American Freedom News