Reagan's Legacy


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Dissident, my last post wasn't soley directed at you. I was for anyone who believes in no hope. Oh, and welcome to the boards.


Jan 28, 2011
Westside, Hey, that's okay. No offense taken.

I appreciate all opinions and I've been lurking around here for a while observing and learning. This forum has some intellectual heavyweights on it. I hope to contribute something of substance.

I know what you mean by your comments, but don't worry, I'm no defeatist. I think we should fight this culture rot with our dying breaths. We're engaged in combat and this is a big part of it...the exchange of ideas and solutions. A civil discussion, with civilized men and women. Thanks for the welcome Westside.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Highlander, good references to JFK's stand against the Central Banking Cartel (via E.O. 11110). IMO, that stance lead to his "downfall" in Dallas.

Since I was a young'ern, thru voting age until my early 30s...I was a mainline Republican. I also lauded Reagan & was a NeoCon(ed). It wasn't until I started researching Globalism, that I begin to really awake. I've always been a social & fiscal conservative, but was a typical (GOP) "superhawk" & quasi-Zionist. Once I did my "homework", I discovered that the GOP & DNC "leadership" are indeed 2 sides of the same coin.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Nov 25, 2004
"President Ronald Reagan issued E.O. 12432, which directed each federal agency with substantial procurement or grant making authority to develop a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) development plan."

You add this to his disastorous amnesty program and I don't see how anybody here can say that he was a good President. It's difficult to think of a single thing that Reagan did that was good for us.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Kaptain said:
"President Ronald Reagan issued E.O. 12432, which directed each federal agency with substantial procurement or grant making authority to develop a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) development plan."

You add this to his disastorous amnesty program and I don't see how anybody here can say that he was a good President. It's difficult to think of a single thing that Reagan did that was good for us.

Umm maybe brought us out of a recession. That's something Obama doesn't know how to do.


Nov 28, 2009
whiteathlete33 said:
Kaptain said:
"President Ronald Reagan issued E.O. 12432, which directed each federal agency with substantial procurement or grant making authority to develop a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) development plan."

You add this to his disastorous amnesty program and I don't see how anybody here can say that he was a good President. It's difficult to think of a single thing that Reagan did that was good for us.

Umm maybe brought us out of a recession. That's something Obama doesn't know how to do.
Technically, according to the primary metric used to determine if we are in a recession or not, GDP, we are currently not in a "recession".

Obviously, the economy is in horrible shape and proves that GDP shouldn't be the primary metric used to determine its health or vitality.

You can get out of a recession by spending a lot of money...both Reagan and Obama did, however you'll pay the price with massive increases in deficits and national debt. As the saying goes, "There's no such thing as a free lunch".

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
whiteathlete33 said:
Kaptain said:
"President Ronald Reagan issued E.O. 12432, which directed each federal agency with substantial procurement or grant making authority to develop a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) development plan."

You add this to his disastorous amnesty program and I don't see how anybody here can say that he was a good President. It's difficult to think of a single thing that Reagan did that was good for us.

Umm maybe brought us out of a recession. That's something Obama doesn't know how to do.

Actually the recession Reagan supposedly brought us out of began after Reagan became President. The economy was sluggish at best during the Carter era, but theeconomic downturnof 1981-'82 was the worst one of my lifetime prior to the current depression.

But the main problem is that the President is imbued with this aura of tremendous power and maneuverability. He's the national daddy figure and peerless magician wrapped into one that so many Americans look to for salvation. Presidents don't "build economies" or "bring us out of recessions," they are mostly figureheads for the central government and its claimed powers, as well as the elites that decide on the agenda that administrations follow.

There isgreat continuity for the most part between Democrat and Republican administrations. For all the claims that Obama is a "communist," his administration is filled with banksters and big business types, and his policies since taking office are the continuation of what the Bush administration was doing after the international financial system blew up because of its unfathomable corruption. The elites in this country move effortlessly between government, business, academia, and now even entertainment. It's a closed club andwearen'tpart ofit.

There are differences, such as "Obamacare," which can be attributed to the slightly more liberal social elites that dominate Democrat regimes, but other than that Obama has followed the samesocial, economic and foreign policies that the Bush regime supported. Both administrations are in lockstep behind the post-9/11 agenda of keeping U.S. borders open while building a totalitarian police state domestically to keep Americans from revolting.

The ruling class takes care of its own interests, which involved the U.S. running a global empire. The system is going to have to change fundamentally for "The People" to have representation again. Hopefully the Tea Party and the "Ron Paul Revolution" are the beginning of that needed change away from global empire to small, freedom-loving, accountable government. I certainly agree that we all have to stay engaged because with the breath-taking advances in technology taking place, we can't afford to lose this fight.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Don Wassall said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Kaptain said:
"President Ronald Reagan issued E.O. 12432, which directed each federal agency with substantial procurement or grant making authority to develop a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) development plan."

You add this to his disastorous amnesty program and I don't see how anybody here can say that he was a good President. It's difficult to think of a single thing that Reagan did that was good for us.

Umm maybe brought us out of a recession. That's something Obama doesn't know how to do.
<div>Actually the recession Reagan supposedly brought us out of began after Reagan became President. The economy was sluggish at best during the Carter era, but theeconomic downturnof 1981-'82 was the worst one of my lifetime prior to the current depression. </div>
<div>But the main problem is that the President is imbued with this aura of tremendous power and maneuverability. He's the national daddy figure and peerless magician wrapped into one that so many Americans look to for salvation. Presidents don't "build economies" or "bring us out of recessions," they are mostly figureheads for the central government and its claimed powers, as well as the elites that decide on the agenda that administrations follow. </div>
<div>There isgreat continuity for the most part between Democrat and Republican administrations. For all the claims that Obama is a "communist," his administration is filled with banksters and big business types, and his policies since taking office are the continuation of what the Bush administration was doing after the international financial system blew up because of its unfathomable corruption. The elites in this country move effortlessly between government, business, academia, and now even entertainment. It's a closed club andwearen'tpart ofit. </div>
<div>There are differences, such as "Obamacare," which can be attributed to the slightly more liberal social elites that dominate Democrat regimes, but other than that Obama has followed the samesocial, economic and foreign policies that the Bush regime supported. Both administrations are in lockstep behind the post-9/11 agenda of keeping U.S. borders open while building a totalitarian police state domestically to keep Americans from revolting. </div>
<div>The ruling class takes care of its own interests, which involved the U.S. running a global empire. The system is going to have to change fundamentally for "The People" to have representation again. Hopefully the Tea Party and the "Ron Paul Revolution" are the beginning of that needed change away from global empire to small, freedom-loving, accountable government. I certainly agree that we all have to stay engaged because with the breath-taking advances in technology taking place, we can't afford to lose this fight.</div>

I'll shut up now!!


Oct 19, 2010
In Transit
whiteathlete33 said:
Kaptain said:
"President Ronald Reagan issued E.O. 12432, which directed each federal agency with substantial procurement or grant making authority to develop a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) development plan."

You add this to his disastorous amnesty program and I don't see how anybody here can say that he was a good President. It's difficult to think of a single thing that Reagan did that was good for us.

Umm maybe brought us out of a recession. That's something Obama doesn't know how to do.

Not quite. As unpopular as the following is and without writing a 50,000 word economic dissertation; We weren't in a recession prior to Reagan taking office. The economy was a bit sluggish however Carter enacted various checks and balances via legislation that was to reverse the slower economy within a 5 year window. It wasn't going to be a quick turnaround but it was sound. When Reagan took office his handlers and economists seen that things would slowly turn around. In the meantime at the urging of his cabinet he opted to tank our economy and bring apon the heralded Reaganomics where the wealthy stay wealthy and the rest live under a glass ceiling.

The end result was the economy turned around as Carters Administration said it would and Reagans corporatist handlers stepped out of it with all of the control. It is pure revisionism that the Hollywood actor rode his horse into DC and saved us from Carters recession.

That said it isn't about hating Reagan. As others have said, it's about the lies paraded out there about the guy including by genuine Conservatives such as Pat Buchanan who should know better. The reality is he was one of the worst presidents in our history and was the death blow to genuine Conservatism. Despite that he has been mythologized to such a point you would think he walked on water and healed lepers and I am personally as a Conservative sick of the reverence shown to Corporatist Reagan who was a chip off the FDR block.


Jan 28, 2011
Reagan is to white, affluent conservatives as MLK is to blacks.

He is an icon, an has been elevated to a position of sainthood. The man was largely a myth in the making. His "trickle-down" Reaganomics wreaked havoc on the economy. Bush senior and his cadre of CIA-cultists tried to eliminate Ronnie so that they could run the show and were unsuccessful. That attempt on RR's life further solidified his vaunted status as a messianic figurehead to the "conservative" movement.

Reagans legacy, like most others, has been written by the poison-pen of the mind benders. I cringe when I hear "conservatives" lauding the man as the greatest thing since sliced bread. I don't know who's more stupid sometimes, conservatives or lib's?

Also, remember when Reagan was in Hollweird he was a dyed in the wool Democrat. When he met Nancy, he suddenly changed parties and became a Republican? These guy's change political philosophies like people change underwear. Whatever suits their handlers is what they are at the time. Bush sucked,Obama sucked, Clinton, And Reagan sucked too. They all suck! None of them work for the average man on the street.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Reagan is like Jesus Christ. Even if you don't believe in him or HIM, believe in his philosophy or way of life, even if he or HE was unable to fulfill what ever he professed.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
I realize this thread is pretty much a trashing of Reagan. So I went to YouTube to listen to "The Speech" he gave in 1964 RNC convention, the year of my birth. Alot of what he stated still rings true today.

I know he was human, but I think he tried to implement his ideals and philosophy. I know he wasn't a fraud. While listening to "The Speech" I noticed how the crowd was spellbound and his gift for delivering the speech without teleprompter. Quite remarkable. Anyway, I think alot of members here are a bit too hard on him. Just my opinion.

During his administration, do I think he believed in giving ALL Americans a fair chance at the American Dream. Yes, he did fail due to the forces of liberalism and other forces. But I think he tried. That speech is quite remarkable.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Yeah, remember the myth not the man. At least the mythical Ronald Reagan was a good president. Since the position of president is mainly just one of cheerleading at least with that guy he was a good cheerleader. I'd take a decent cheerleader over the idiots that have come since, and are going to come along in the future.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I disagree completely. Reagan was likely the last President who could have turned around this country in a mostly peaceful manner. Because of his rhetorical gifts and what he was perceived to stand for, Middle America (White America) would have backed him if he had decided to clean house, which is what this country's needed for a long time. We needed an unapologetic ass kicker to go after our internal enemies and what we got was a poser, the same old same old.

Because of what he could have accomplished but didn't, Reagan was in many ways much more a betrayer of America than other Presidents. The diseases afflicting America have festered and worsened for 30 additional years thanks to Reagan's failure to go after the source. If this nation does indeed die, or continue its anguished decline into a high-tech banana republic police state, Reagan will bare a significant portion of the blame.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Don Wassall said:
Because of what he could have accomplished but didn't, Reagan was in many ways much more a betrayer of America than other Presidents.
In many ways this is true. A year or so ago I had read a "ranking the presidents" type book by a Liberatian author. He actually argued that Jimmy Carter's presidency was more "conservative" than Ronald Reagan's. He also raised the point that our most beloved Presidents had larger than life personalities, gave good speeches and had an overall bravado. Historians always glorify these flashy types like Reagan, FDR, Lincoln, et al when these guys were some of the worst of defending liberty, promoting peace and keeping inflation and government debt down. Presidents like Martin Van Buren or Grover Cleveland for example were small government types who lead over periods of peace and property. Lacking the "it" factor they are commonly ranked poorly by revisionist historians (pretty much all of academia).

Don, as for being the worst betrayer its hard to say. You could argue Lincoln invading the South and causing the bloodiest war in US history and bringing about large scale Federalism was the worst. One could say William McKinley or Teddy Roosevelt, the early progressives, were the first "modern" interventionist Presidents and set the bad precedent for the next century. "Globalist", warmonger and Federal Reserve creator Woody Wilson gets my nod, but FDR and LBJ are not far behind. They were other big government, military industrialists who helped destroy this countries identity, wealth and freedoms.

When I finished that book, I became a bit depressed to learn most of the Presidents, especially in the last century, did more harm than good. Really makes you question the whole idea of state vs self governance and which is truly better for free humanity.

As mentioned by others in this thread, Reagan was a Liberal actor before politics so expecting him to right the American sinking ship would be like believing George W. Bush would have a "humble foreign policy" as he promised or that Obama would bring about "change we could believe in".

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Freethinker said:
Don Wassall said:
Because of what he could have accomplished but didn't, Reagan was in many ways much more a betrayer of America than other Presidents.
In many ways this is true. A year or so ago I had read a "ranking the presidents" type book by a Liberatian author. He actually argued that Jimmy Carter's presidency was more "conservative" than Ronald Reagan's. He also raised the point that our most beloved Presidents had larger than life personalities, gave good speeches and had an overall bravado. Historians always glorify these flashy types like Reagan, FDR, Lincoln, et al when these guys were some of the worst of defending liberty, promoting peace and keeping inflation and government debt down. Presidents like Martin Van Buren or Grover Cleveland for example were small government types who lead over periods of peace and property. Lacking the "it" factor they are commonly ranked poorly by revisionist historians (pretty much all of academia).

Don, as for being the worst betrayer its hard to say. You could argue Lincoln invading the South and causing the bloodiest war in US history and bringing about large scale Federalism was the worst. One could say William McKinley or Teddy Roosevelt, the early progressives, were the first "modern" interventionist Presidents and set the bad precedent for the next century. "Globalist", warmonger and Federal Reserve creator Woody Wilson gets my nod, but FDR and LBJ are not far behind. They were other big government, military industrialists who helped destroy this countries identity, wealth and freedoms.

When I finished that book, I became a bit depressed to learn most of the Presidents, especially in the last century, did more harm than good. Really makes you question the whole idea of state vs self governance and which is truly better for free humanity.

As mentioned by others in this thread, Reagan was a Liberal actor before politics so expecting him to right the American sinking ship would be like believing George W. Bush would have a "humble foreign policy" as he promised or that Obama would bring about "change we could believe in".

I was referring to Presidents since the Permanent Cultural Marxist Revolution was launched after the assassination of JFK; I should have been more specific with the context. FDR, Wilson, and Lincoln, among others, did tremendous damage to what was supposed to be a Constitutional Republic with strictly limited governmental powers.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Speaking of 'ass kicking' I remember when the air traffic controllers were threating to strike with at the time, outrageous demands in salary and benefits. Ronnie fired them all. That was a good 'ass kicking' moment at least domestically and against a group who thought they were bigger in what they were.


Nov 28, 2009
Westside said:
Speaking of 'ass kicking' I remember when the air traffic controllers were threating to strike with at the time, outrageous demands in salary and benefits. Ronnie fired them all. That was a good 'ass kicking' moment at least domestically and against a group who thought they were bigger in what they were.
Personally, I want air traffic controllers and pilots paid well, to have them motivated to come to work and want to succeed. The salaries of commercial airline pilots has plummeted in the past decade, some down to near minimum wage levels. I don't want one of them flying me around, or guiding me in a tower, that's for sure.

I bet much of the savings created from the "outrageous demands in salary and benefits" ended up in the pocket of the CEO and hardly any passed back to he stockholders. Most US airlines now are awful, three of the top "worst" companies in the US are airlines...United, American, and Continental (at the top.) I will never fly United again...ever, after my experience with them. Employee morale is almost non-existent, but boy do I love to fly Asian and European Airlines like KLM and EvaAir. Great service with happy employees and "stewardesses" wearing nice skirts not "flight attendents" wearing vests and ties with navy-colored slacks...both men and women.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The way Reagan dealt with the air traffic controllers was the only time he showed the kind of toughness that he should have showed in far more important matters. The humiliating and crushing of that particular group of people signaled the beginning of a "new era," one we are still in, in which the power of organized labor (and then working people in general) was curbed and reduced to almost non-existent.

The "trickle down" economics that began in 1981 meant a massive transfer of wealth from the lower middle class and middle class to the rich upper two percent, through deindustrialization, free trade, outsourcing, and rigging of the stock market and other forms of paper wealth. In recent years that has become a blatant plundering, with no resistance from those being screwed. Americans are too dumbed down and ignorant, and self-consumed with their own personal "rat races" to recognize and resist the myriad of ways the country has been transformed. The "screwees" are protesting and marching in the streets in Europe and the Middle East, but White Americans will be the last people in the world to protest in large numbers, if ever. I think the PTB are amazed at how successfully they have reduced White Americans to a state of apathy and subservience.

The Tea Party is an encouraging phenomenon, but unfortunately most Tea Partiers are thrashing out at imaginary foreign enemies and "communists" and "socialists" at home rather than understanding that the U.S. is a giant corporation run for the benefit of a few monopoly capitalists and zionists. The neo-cons and phony conservatives have done an admirable job of diverting righteous anger into futile pursuits and down blind alleyways.Edited by: Don Wassall


Oct 21, 2004
Reagan's presidency was not merely a disappointment, in terms of what might have still been possible at that point in time; it was a disaster. The man who ran on a platform dedicated to trimming "gubmint" didn't even attempt to abolish the newly created Dept. of Energy. He ignored the sage advice of the Grace Commission, whose report laid out in great detail the untold millions that could have been saved merely by cutting out the ridiculous bureaucratic waste.

In 1986, two absolutely horrendous pieces of leglislaton were passed with Reagan's approval. The odious Immigration Act ensured that we would never seize control of our borders again. The Tax Reform Act made the absurdly complex nature of our tax system even more unfair and incomprehensible. Just getting rid of interest deductions for all loans except mortgages negatively impacted the middle class and poor, who could no longer claim interest on car loans, credit cards, etc. Also, the medical deductions were changed drastically, making it nearly impossible to claim medical expenses any longer. But Reagan had that twinkle in his eye, and the rednecks loved him. And who can forget the heartwarming picture of proud First Lady Nancy Reagan, perched on the lap of guest White House Santa Claus Mr. T.

Reagan's tax cuts, as Don indicated, favored only the most wealthy Americans. For the poor and working class, taxes increased under Reagan, as he simply raised the Social Security rates. Of course, he kept the ass-backwards policy in place, where only the first $50,000 of income is taxed for Social Security (since then, begrudgingly raised to $100,000). So all Americans can sleep safely at night, knowing that Bill Gates and Warren Buffet pony up Social Security taxes on a full $100,000 of their multi-billion fortunes. And Reagan never cut a single federal program out of that "bureaucracy" he was always bemoaning. He did lower the level of increase of spending for many agencies, always those dealing with programs that impacted the poorest Americans. Reagan was also not exactly a gun-happy anti-communist, as witness his reluctance to even strongly condemn the shooting down of a Korean airliner with Congressman Larry McDonald on board. But he did shake his head convincingly on cue.

Reagan the "conservative" was married twice. His adopted son, Michael, who has now become a neocon talk show host that uses his father's "legacy" as almost a religious prop, was often ignored by his father and seldom, if ever, visited the White House. His children never even saw "Grandpa" until they were several years old. Reagan was also ostracized from his two natural kids, Patty and Ron, Jr., during much of his time in the oval office.

Then there was his lovely "conservative" wife Nancy, who was so addicted to the nonsensical "science" of astrology that she planned policy around advice from her gurus. Nancy was also so shallow that she opposed James Brady's nomination as Press Secretary on the grounds that he was too fat and unattractive for the position. Her frosty cold stare must have warmed the cockles of many a heart in the 1980s. But she seemed to have a special spot in there reserved for Mr. T....

We could have made great strides in trimming our massive federal bureaucracy during the 1980s, but President Reagan never even tried to do so. He also not only failed to take action on the immigration issue then, when something could really have been done about it, he actually made it much, much worse by signing on to the 1986 legislation. Finally, the birth of the "neocons" occured under his watch, as the devious group of Israeli- firsters in his administration began their infiltration and eventual takeover of the "conservative" movement.

In reality, Reagan was a grade B actor who played the part of a rightous, conservative man elected to the presidency. He was weak and easily manipulated by his wife, his aides and especially the neo-cons and loyalists to Israel whose influence over him grew increasingly stronger during his eight years in office. He was not a great president. He was not even a good one in comparison to most of the awful ones we've been saddled with for the past 100 years or so.

In fact, he may have been one of the worst ever, because his rhetoric held out hope for millions of Americans that someone in the White House would finally address those huge problems that were so glaringly obvious. Immigration. Big "gubmint." Taxes. The IRS. On every front, Reagan let us down. There is no reason for him to be revered or praised.


Jul 29, 2008
bigunreal said:
In 1986, two absolutely horrendous pieces of leglislaton were passed with Reagan's approval. The odious Immigration Act ensured that we would never seize control of our borders again.

This alone I think is enough reason to establish Reagan as one of the worst Presidents ever. Although the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was the catalyst that opened non-white and third-world immigration flood-gates into the US, things were still tame compared to what has taken place in the 25 years since Reagan's amnesty act was signed into law. That particular legislation triggered a massive tsunami of illegal immigrants coming thru the southern border from Mexico and Central America, which is largely responsible for the exponential rise of the latino population at the expense of Whites.

In 1990, the country was still 81% White (down from 90% just 20 years earlier). But in the last 20 years, the percentage of Whites has fallen to 65%, virtually all of the non-white gains coming courtesy of hispanics. So, if the trends from 1990, 2000, and now 2010 hold true, it would appear unless that border is closed, Whites will fall below 50% by 2030 or so. It's extremely depressing just thinking about it.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal

"Is it better to live on your knees, or die on your feet?" I chose the latter. The quotation was from the famous Reagan speech "A time for choosing" during the Goldwater RNC nomination in 1964.

CF, I believe, is part of the fight and most here, I hope would agree to die on our feet against the forces against us. Living on your knees is just a slower death and eradication of true White People. In the words of Reagan "You and I have a rendezvous with history, we will preserve for our children, the last best hope on earth or sentence them to take the last step into a 1000 years of darkness ,"

The above is just bit of Reagan for his 100th birthday. Too bad he could not accomplish more during his 8 years in office, although, I believe he tried. He was remarkable speaker and his beliefs he espoused great.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
bigunreal said:
And who can forget the heartwarming picture of proud First Lady Nancy Reagan, perched on the lap of guest White House Santa Claus Mr. T.

The limp-wristed "Gipper"Â￾ must have been so proud of his little prostitute "wife"Â￾...


The white members of the "ruling class"Â￾ should thoroughly disgust any sane white man.

Great overall post on Reagan, by the way.Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Thrashen said:
Great overall post on Reagan, by the way.

Yes it was! Keep on postin'


Apr 14, 2005
Westside said:
Speaking of 'ass kicking' I remember when the air traffic controllers were threating to strike with at the time, outrageous demands in salary and benefits. Ronnie fired them all. That was a good 'ass kicking' moment at least domestically and against a group who thought they were bigger in what they were.

You got it all wrong Westsider. The fact that the only time Reagan was "tough" it was towards a group of working class people who wanted a fair pay and benefits shows that your man Reagan is a phony. It's sad that Reagan's only true tough man moment was towards decent middle class working folks. Yup, that's sure some good "ass kicking" alright, NOT! Too bad Reagan couldn't be a tough guy towards the folks that really needed it, but somehow never do, like Wall Street Criminals or the Military Industrial Complex honchos. Oh wait that would involve the PTB not getting what they want. Now it makes sense.