Rachael Maddow on Herman Cain

Also not a big fan of her either, but she is completely truthful. The guy willingly took the Pokemon movie theme song and used it as a quote, which has to be Obama/Bush stupid.
Herman Cain is perhaps the worst person running for President this election. His idiotic 999 Plan is nothing more than a plan to tax the poor (which he lied about, or was too dumb to figure out that both a flat tax and a sales tax disproportionately affect the poor)while cutting taxes to the Wall Street crowd. He also planned on using so-called "empowerment zones" to ensure that inner-city blacks paid less; although now it seems he has been forced to expand that idea because of the first problem with the 999 Plan. In addition, he is a shill for the Federal Reserve, favors expanded easier immigration, complete Israel-firster, supported TARP, and is an overall moron.

Despite all of that, mainstream "conservatives" are breathlessly awaiting their chance to expunge their white guilt and vote for "their" black President. Alas, they missed their chance in 2008 because Obama was a Democrat.
Cain was the Chairman of the Kansas City F3deral R3serve. He is a puppet/agent of The F3deral R3serve. His loyalties are to them, not to the country or Constitution. Once globalist Perry showed his incompetence in the debates and was exposed as a faux Conservative, he lost enough support for the PTB to thrust Cain into the race as insurance.

As far as the recent allegations against him, I could care less. It actually makes me more sympathetic to him.
I'm not a Cain fan in the slightest, but I do find it interesting that the PTB is going all-out to destroy him. You would think that a Fed Reserve puppet would be a favored candidate, but the frenzy to wipe him out is amazing to behold. The desire on the part of the elite to have a lose-lose Romney vs. Obama "choice" is all too apparent. Lost in all of this is the forgotten man, Ron Paul.
From reports on Drudge it looks like these "victims" are coming straight out of 0bama's camp. 0bama, no doubt, is a puppet of The F3d as well (as were all of the President's since the assassination of Kennedy, with, perhaps, the exception of Reagan, but Bu$h made sure otherwise of their Admin's allegiance.)

So it appears that one black puppet on one side is going after another black puppet on the "other" side. Of course, in reality, there are no real "sides" anymore as both exist solely to serve the interests of the globalists.

Of course there is Ron Paul, but he may as well be invisible in the eyes of the MSM.
Actually the one girl that is represented by Gloria Allred is I guess a big supporter of Rick Perry. Early on these allegations were started by Ric Perry's campaign.
Don't worry guys, Mr Cain will be gone in 10 days. Newt is surging in the polls. Look forward to all in disparging him and calling him a shill for the Star of David. Can't wait. In the words of Dufus John Kerry "bring it on".

Slowly albeit confidently Newt is catching up to Romeny.
Great posts guys exposing "businessman" Herman Cain. You can see Bildeberg attendee Perry was their first choice, but he is too stupid to sound like an intelligent adult even in these scripted "debates". Now that Cain has committed the only act that can possibly ruin a politician these days, wrong a woman in some way, he is done. The Republicans will reluctantly nominate Romney with Ron Paul fighting him tooth and nail all the way.

Dr. Paul and / or Jesse Ventura NEED to run 3rd party in the general election. It may be the only chance we have to restore the Republic peacefully.
Don't worry guys, Mr Cain will be gone in 10 days. Newt is surging in the polls. Look forward to all in disparging him and calling him a shill for the Star of David. Can't wait. In the words of Dufus John Kerry "bring it on".

Slowly albeit confidently Newt is catching up to Romeny.

Your wish is my command…




Newt “The Playboy” Gingrich has been married 3 times, and cheated on his first two wives, once with a woman over twenty years his junior. These ridiculous infidelities, along with his repulsive devotion to Is-ra-hell, make him a perfect representative of the Zionist Christian subculture.

This bloated-belly NeoCon, like all lifelong politicians in both of the Anti-White Corporate Political Parties (although, the term “party” suggests a dissimilarity between the two, which there certainly is not), is only interested in satiating his most carnal of urges. He doesn’t represent my views in any conceivable manner…and I highly suspect that he doesn’t represent yours, either.
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Gingrich may be the scariest of all the slaves of Zion running for the GOP nomination, because he fashions himself a "deep thinker" and loves to ruminate about a world war against Islam.
Here's the thig about Gingrich people somehow forget. He had it in his hand to do something for the country ("Contract with America") and when he won, he backed away and wouldn't do what had to be done to save us from bill clinton. He will never, ever do anything for Americans. That's already a known factor.

Tom Iron...
I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that the GOP candidate field is evidence of how far that party has fallen. That a boob like Herman Cain could ever reach the top of the polling heap is a travesty.
What Does the GOP Really Want in 2012?
by Karen Kwiatkowski

With the field of electable Republican presidents shrinking by the minute and the first primary elections only weeks away, conservatives may be wondering what the Republican Party establishment really wants to accomplish in 2012.

I won’t keep you waiting. The Republican leadership would like nothing better than to have another four years of Dictator BHO.

Of course, they will never admit it. And I don’t doubt that they’d like as many party loyals elected to 2012 state and federal offices, good suits who will do Boehner’s bidding, and stay bought. It’s just that, well, there’s nothing like the Obaminator to rally the party troopers and inspire order.

The Tea Parties have greatly annoyed the Republican establishment with their small government advocacy, their insistence on bringing up the Constitution at inconvenient times, and their pervasive lack of faith in federal solutions, federal justice and federal monetary policy. They are, at the heart of it, just not good Republicans. What’s worse, they revel in their independence.

Here in Virginia, at least in local elections, we are seeing lots of dissenting conservatives running in Republican primaries (as I am for the 6[SUP]th Congressional District[/SUP]) and many hard-core conservatives running as Independents in the general election. They are winning primaries against party-anointed candidates and general elections as Independents over the party’s anointed.
Virginia’s Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, and several other elected Republicans, were recently excommunicated by the Republican Party of Virginia for endorsing a an Independent over the GOP-preferred Republican. That’s a serious crime around here, bucking the party.

That so many people – candidates and voters – are today willing to buck the GOP is a sign of the times, and a sign of GOP decay. The facts have not been kind to the Republican Party over the adult lifetimes of most Americans. We saw an explosion of government growth, illegal wars, and monetary compromise under Nixon. We suffered the Ford administration’s elevation of Cheney and Rumsfeld, both of whom would haunt Washington, D.C. and threaten the Constitution for decades. We had the inspiring years of Reagan but were told that conservatism meant deficits didn’t matter.

We were embarrassed and betrayed by the young Gingrichians and the false promises of their Contract with America. More recently we had a dozen years of Bush mediocrity bringing a flood of spending and borrowing, and the tenacious growth of the neo-conservative warfare-welfare state. Any honest conservative still clinging to the Republican Party in my lifetime must be both philosophically challenged and deeply morose.

Political conditions in the United States are ripe for new alignments, and the fundamental common sense constitutionalist is now found in lots of places they were never found before. Former Democrats, especially those that are antiwar, are increasingly coming to understand that the Federal Reserve and crony capitalism is responsible for both the warfare state and the welfare state. This awareness leads many Democrats to increasingly welcome a smaller, less grasping state.

Independents are increasingly interested in survival, of all kinds, and they too are frustrated with the uniparty spending machine in Washington, and they increasingly see themselves as federal livestock. They are wondering if the grass might be greener with a smaller, more law-biding government.

Libertarians have long recognized the problem with the unbounded state. Most Americans under the age of thirty speak, text and tweet fluent libertarian.

Naturally, the constitutionalists in the Tea Party relish their new and exciting power across the country to be kingmakers in local elections.

These four segments may in fact comprise an emergent voting bloc, and possibly even a nascent party. Beyond a movement, it is these people who most accurately understand what is wrong with this country – "it’s the state, stupid!" Consequently, will be able to agree on first principles, and first steps.

The GOP wants and needs four more years of Obamanation in order to continue its plan of corralling and branding intransigent and increasingly sophisticated state’s rights-asserting, small government freethinkers. But the GOP cowboys are long in the tooth, and their horses keep coming up lame.
The GOP establishment wants, and needs, more time to work the Republican herd. They’ll do this much as they did in 2008. Destroy electable candidates and run losing liberal nominees. Thus, we see the GOP leadership express great satisfaction with Romney and Perry, both big spending statists, while doing everything they can to destroy the reputations of the Republicans with more grass roots appeal, like Cain and Ron Paul. Cain’s crossover appeal to the neocon, progressive, and small government wings of the GOP was frightening – he might have actually won, and then try to change the status quo – and thus he had to be taken out. I doubt Cain would ever have attempted real change, but I’m not as paranoid as the GOP establishment.

One – and only one – presidential candidate running as a Republican would bring the White House back to the GOP. He has grass roots, independent, libertarian and conservative support, appeals to all generations of voters, and were the GOP establishment to back him, he would crush Obama in November 2012. Americans are demanding less war, more respect for the Constitution and liberty, less corporate cronyism and Federal Reserve shell games, and more prosperity for the so-called 99%. Why not let us have what we want for a change?

But the GOP is constrained by a paradigm that says animosity and disgust for the Obama Administration, if it could be sustained long enough, will drive those dissenting constitutionalist dogies back into the fold of the Grand Old Party, obedient and branded.

Your guess is as good as mine as to whether the GOP establishment will make use of the secret ballot to pull the lever for four more years of Obama. They’ll never tell. But it is clear that in 2012, the GOP is running to lose the presidency, by design. With willful blindness and two teaspoons of wishful thinking, the Republican Party expects that four more years of spending and corruption, of borrowing and Keynesian insanity will all be worth it if the Tea Party can be driven home.

Call it karma, or history repeating, but I’m calling it now. By the time the GOP controllers realize that the Tea Party Constitution Liberty and Peace Train has left the station, the Grand Old Party will have gone the way of the Whigs in 1852.

LRC columnist Karen Kwiatkowski, Ph.D. [send her mail], a retired USAF lieutenant colonel, blogs occasionally at Liberty and Power and The Beacon. To receive automatic announcements of new articles, click here or join her Facebook page. She is currently running for Congress in Virginia's 6th district.
I think I can confidently say that this wretched economy has hit us all, both in the public and private sectors. America needs a person who has a successful track record in both. That man is Romeny. My first choice of the candidates was Michelle Bachmann. Obviously she has failed to gain traction.

Mitt will have my vote if he can convince me that he will kill obamacare and eliminate or greatly reduce entities of the government that hender or stifle business. Thus far he has sounded the most presidential and intelligent.

The deal breaker for me will if Mitt wears a yamaha. I think his mormonism forbids it. So that is a plus, at least on the surface.
Great article and great read by Karen Kwiatkowski. Thanks for posting. Her political analysis and insight are incredible. I think you posted another one of her's a while back that I really enjoyed too. She ranks up right up there with PCR as one of the most informative journalists/writers today on politics.
Your wish is my command…




Newt “The Playboyâ€￾ Gingrich has been married 3 times, and cheated on his first two wives, once with a woman over twenty years his junior. These ridiculous infidelities, along with his repulsive devotion to Is-ra-hell, make him a perfect representative of the Zionist Christian subculture.

This bloated-belly NeoCon, like all lifelong politicians in both of the Anti-White Corporate Political Parties (although, the term “partyâ€￾ suggests a dissimilarity between the two, which there certainly is not), is only interested in satiating his most carnal of urges. He doesn’t represent my views in any conceivable manner…and I highly suspect that he doesn’t represent yours, either.
I think the rabbi is showing Newt where the dirty AIPAC money can be hidden. Also with his love of women why isn't he a lover of Islam, having multiple wives and 30 virgins would up his alley.......:thumbdown:
Gingrich is a very knowledgeable person. He can come up with some anecdotal story, situation or evidence from 1968, 1974 or whatever to support his position on something. But having an encyclopedic memory doesn't qualify him for President or anything else.

When he divorced one of his wives at bedside when she was in the hospital suffering from terminal cancel, that made me shudder. If he has such a lack of empathy for someone that he promised to love "til death do us part", then he sure as hell won't have any empathy for any of us as a President.
When he divorced one of his wives at bedside when she was in the hospital suffering from terminal cancel, that made me shudder. If he has such a lack of empathy for someone that he promised to love "til death do us part", then he sure as hell won't have any empathy for any of us as a President.[/QUOTE]

If he was able to pass Romeny and become the nominee, this would be the issue to bludgeon him with non stop. Almost insuring marxist Obummer another disastrous 4 years.
Highlander said:
Gingrich is a very knowledgeable person. He can come up with some anecdotal story, situation or evidence from 1968, 1974 or whatever to support his position on something. But having an encyclopedic memory doesn't qualify him for President or anything else.

Nice observation. He does seems to have one of the sharpest minds in all of politics.

Highlander said:
When he divorced one of his wives at bedside when she was in the hospital suffering from terminal cancer, that made me shudder. If he has such a lack of empathy for someone that he promised to love "til death do us part", then he sure as he won't have any empathy for any of us as a President.

To be fair, his first wife, Jackie, was in the hospital recovering from a benign tumor in her uterus when Newt divorced her in 1981. She is still alive to this day...


Naturally, Newt was cheating on her at the time of the divorce with his eventual second wife, Marianne…


As I noted above, Newt then cheated on his second wife with his eventual third wife, Callista (23-years younger than Newt)…


His sexual degeneracy is absurdly immature. His Negro-esque “relationship conductâ€￾ is perfect accelerant for the Female Supremacist fire to rage into eternity. He’s an utter disgrace to white manhood and white marriage.

Westeside said:
The deal breaker for me will if Mitt wears a yamaha. I think his mormonism forbids it. So that is a plus, at least on the surface.

Well, it’ll be difficult for Romney to wear a Japanese motorcycle on his head, haha.

You’re right, Mormon rules do forbid him from wearing a yarmulke, or else he already would have donned one like all the other White RINO’s (if only they would go extinct instead of the animal). Of course, the term “R.I.N.O.â€￾ is a hilariously erroneous acronym, as it denotes that “real Republicansâ€￾ are actually “conservativeâ€￾ (pro-white). “W.I.S.C.O.â€￾ (White In Skin Color Only) would be more appropriate for these parasites. All the corporate prostitutes must respect and pay homage to their pimps. It matters not, as all members of “high society,â€￾ especially high-ranking politicians, have been fitted with their own invisible “yid capâ€￾ for generations.

Romney is the archetypal corporate conservative white vasectomy-victim. He’ll literally utter anything, for any “target audience,â€￾ to tickle any special interest group, so long as it cannot be construed as pro-white.

One of his notoriously despicable moments came during a 2007 interview with Tim Russert on “Meet the Pressâ€￾ in which he passionately discussed a joyful sobbing episode (which allegedly occurred in 1978) after he learned that blacks would finally be permitted to serve the Mormon Church as priests…

“I was anxious to see a change in my church. I can remember when I heard about the change being made. I was driving home from — I think it was law school, but I was driving home — going through the Fresh Pond rotary in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I heard it on the radio and I pulled over and literally wept. Even to this day, it’s emotional, and so it’s very deep and fundamental in my life and my most core beliefs that all people are children of God. My faith has always told me that. My faith has also always told me that in the eyes of God, every individual was merited the fullest degree of happiness in the hereafter and I had no question that African Americans and blacks generally would have every right and every benefit in the hereafter that anyone else had and that God is no respecter of persons. I told you exactly where I stand. My view is that there’s no discrimination in the eyes of God. And I could not have been more pleased than to see the change that occurred.â€￾

Thrashen I was joking about the yamaha. LOL. Sharpe that you caught it.

I enjoy your astute research on these guys for the most part and the pics you provide.
It's been interesting to note that the Herman Cain "sexual harrassment" stuff hasn't gained a great deal of traction outside of media circles. I, personally, think that it's all a sack of excrement. Not that he'll get my vote, however. Here is a very insightful article by the reptilian Anne Coulter on the Chicago connection that is common to all of the accusers.

Herman Cain​ has spent his life living and working all over the country -- Indiana, Georgia, Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, Washington, D.C. -- but never in Chicago.

So it's curious that all the sexual harassment allegations against Cain emanate from Chicago: home of the Daley machine and Obama consigliere David Axelrod​.

Suspicions had already fallen on Sheila O'Grady, who is close with David Axelrod and went straight from being former Chicago mayor Richard M. Daley's chief of staff to president of the Illinois Restaurant Association (IRA), as being the person who dug up Herman Cain's personnel records from the National Restaurant Association (NRA).
Just one comment on the presidential elections. They are meaningless for the most part. The POTUS is no longer the highest office in the land. It may be so on paper, but the man who occupies the position is merely a frontman for the international banking cartel, the Israeli/Neo-con lobby, and the military/industrial complex. He's a puppet whose purpose is to advance and promote the agenda of this corrupt power structure that has a stranglehold on America and its people.

Once the decision has been made one who the president will be, they pass the baton to their cronies in the media whom they own entirely, and the media has all the tools at its disposal to shape public opinion and make sure the sheeple are herded in the right direction and vote accordingly. I believe the last legit president was JFK, and we all know how things ended for him. Every president after him has been a lapdog of the elites, and the country has been on a downward trajectory since the 1960s, much the detriment of White people.

Every conceviable evil has its root in that decade, whether it's the birth of feminism, the civil rights movement, the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, the Vietnam War, and so on. And every one of these paradigms, along with the numerous laws passed by Congress as well as those in state legislatures has been a step back for White people. In fact, I cannot think of a single legislative act at any level in the last 40-50 years which benefited White people (or should I say White men) in any form or capacity. The biggest beneficiaries have been and continue to be blacks, latinos, women, homosexuals, and other minorities/deviants, while Whites sit back and watch their rights and freedoms erode at a rapid pace, all the while the elites continue to consolidate their power.

That's why I don't bother voting anymore. But next year, when I get my ballot, I'll just write "Ron Paul" and mail it in.
Ron Paul is the only candidate that has publicly said that he would end all support of Israel. Both military and monetary.
And the reality of the federal government is that it's actions are never beneficial to the white man. I'm for Ron Paul 100%.
Got chewed out at my local OWS rally; really a great moment. GO PAUL GO FREEDOM.
American Freedom News