Rachael Maddow on Herman Cain

It's been interesting to note that the Herman Cain "sexual harrassment" stuff hasn't gained a great deal of traction outside of media circles. I, personally, think that it's all a sack of excrement. Not that he'll get my vote, however. Here is a very insightful article by the reptilian Anne Coulter on the Chicago connection that is common to all of the accusers.

Yes, I know that's it hard to believe that a black man would sexually harass blonde white women???:icon_rolleyes:

What is the grand conspiracy theory here? That before Herman Cain ran for public office some weird liberal Chicago connection decided to set-up Cain with false accusations years in advance of him running for office? I think it's time you cut your naval cord from the Republican Party. Cain is guilty as hail.
I think it's time you cut your naval cord from the Republican Party. Cain is guilty as hail.
Interesting, but not surprising attack here by you, KP. If you've paid any attention, you would know from my posts that I am a Ron Paul supporter. I'm also a registered independent.

My only point here is that I do not like candidates (always Republican) being tried in the media, and then have the candidate be selected by them, like the hold-your-nose-while-you-vote candidate John McCain from 2008. The Republican party is the only viable vehicle for a conservative candidate, such as Dr. Paul, to get elected POTUS from. A conservative candidate running in a third party would simply siphon away votes primarily from the Republican candidate, thus assuring us continued Democrat administrations. And considering that the Democrat platform is virtually indistiguishable from the platform positions of Communist Party USA, that is disconcerting for a Constitutional conservative.

As for the accusations leveled at Herman Cain, it can only BE tried in the media as their is:
- No Documents
- No Sources
- No Evidence
Only unsubstantiated accusations. And although I wouldn't miss Cain if he bailed out, I don't like to see candidates run out by the media and their handlers. I'd rather the voters decide.
Interesting, but not surprising attack here by you, KP. If you've paid any attention, you would know from my posts that I am a Ron Paul supporter. I'm also a registered independent.

My only point here is that I do not like candidates (always Republican) being tried in the media, and then have the candidate be selected by them, like the hold-your-nose-while-you-vote candidate John McCain from 2008. The Republican party is the only viable vehicle for a conservative candidate, such as Dr. Paul, to get elected POTUS from. A conservative candidate running in a third party would simply siphon away votes primarily from the Republican candidate, thus assuring us continued Democrat administrations. And considering that the Democrat platform is virtually indistiguishable from the platform positions of Communist Party USA, that is disconcerting for a Constitutional conservative.

As for the accusations leveled at Herman Cain, it can only BE tried in the media as their is:
- No Documents
- No Sources
- No Evidence
Only unsubstantiated accusations. And although I wouldn't miss Cain if he bailed out, I don't like to see candidates run out by the media and their handlers. I'd rather the voters decide.

Wonderful, but the voters can't decide if they listen to repeated skewed judgement and total denial of the obvious such as you have spewed forth. I'm still waiting for the explanation of the conspiracy theory and just how that operated. At what point did the girls know years in advance that Herman Cain would run for President? When did they get together and decide to preemptively sabotage his future campaign? How did they have such foresight? You don't need a document to prove anything. A document is a piece of paper - it means nothing. A source? How about the 4 women? How about the hush money? How about the lie that he didn't know about the hush money? Evidence? Do you need a shovel to hit you in the head? Four accusations followed by hush money. The guy is an affirmative action sleeze ball.

The accusation that the media has been unfair to Cain is ridiculous. The reporting of the sexual harassment accusations were done in about the most matter of fact neutral tone as possible. Could you imagine the barrage of jokes, negative spin, and attacks the media would unleash if Ron Paul had been accused of such? He is the media candidate. How do you think he got to the lead in the first place? He was and is fully supported by the media. I have yet to see a difficult interview or anything but softball questions come his way.

Tell me what the big difference is between Herman Cain and Barrack Obama. The idea that a crappy Republican is better to elect than an equally crappy Democrat is just not true. At least with a crappy Democrat there is hope that a good Republican like Ron Paul can defeat him in 4 years. With a crappy affirmative action Republican it ensures that the status quo will exist at least 8 years. That's why you might as well for vote 3rd party if Dr. Paul doesn't get nominated.
I recall in 92' the Democrats had a motley crew that were seeking the presidential nomination because Bush was seen as unbeatable. Of course Mr. Spice Channel emerged as the victor. This could be something similar. After the debate on the 9th you can rule out Rick Perry...:dizzy:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTNjhcyx7dM
Newt has changed! As a favor to his third wife, he became a Roman Catholic! Somehow I do not think that it is believeable.
Being a Catholic hasn't stopped Berlusconi. IMO being a Catholic has probably enabled various powerful men to philander more as all one has to do is confess your sins and their is absolution from your sins. Traditional fire and brimstone Protestant sects don't believe in this form of easy absolution.
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Newt has changed! As a favor to his third wife, he became a Roman Catholic! Somehow I do not think that it is believable.

Sounds like a genuine conversion. :icon_rolleyes:

If only Gingrich would have married a woman who said, "Newt, don't you think we have enough wars with Iraq and Afghanistan; we shouldn't go expanding it to the whole region. Can't you just be content with two wars?"
Watch the video at this link for some comic relief.

Herman Cain: Anger Management Candidate

Haha, great find, Don, as always. Boy, with such stunning aptitude, Cain will fit in quite well with the other brain-prodigies at “Washington, Incorporated.” Even America’s pea-brained, word-fumbling, race-hustling, grey-skinned, purple-lipped, pencil-necked, bony-armed, elephant-eared, cigarette-puffing, drug-abusing, autobiography-ejecting, Marxist-befriending, Kenyan-born, black supremacist Muslim and “Teleprompter-In-Chief” isn’t quite so proficient in the art of double-speak.

Even after the “controversy” surrounding Cain’s incredibly-tiny penis becoming aroused whenever a white groupie whore was within its proximity, I still believe this human-mucus has a “bright future” amongst NeoCon Rat Pack society.

And who are the other “choices” from “Conglomerate-R?” Rick Perry, the Jew-deifying, pro-Mexican Texas governor? Newt Gingrich, the oft-married, hardcore-adulterer, corporate piggie and professional Zionist? Glove Romney, the gutless, weepy Mormon Negro-lover?

America is “represented” by the absolute worst of its citizenry.

Ron Paul, despite his nauseating comments concerning MLK, currently has my (throwaway) vote.
Well it looks like the headline for tomorrow will read "Jezebel slew Cain".....:biggrin: I could see two Jewish Brooklynites talking over coffee stating"You know Herschel these Schwartzers have a bigger problem with their penises than we do." "Marty I don't know about that...."
"Woody Allen, Governor Spitzer and now this Fine fella....."
"What about OJ and every Schwartzer NFL player....., Oy Vey!".....http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/04/us/politics/herman-cain-suspends-his-presidential-campaign.html
To quote the Jewish woman comedian, "it's always something." That's what she said on being told she had cancer.

Well, with blacks, it is always something. The only unkown factor is just how their stupidity will manifest itself.

Tom Iron...
Well it looks like the headline for tomorrow will read "Jezebel slew Cain".....:biggrin: I could see two Jewish Brooklynites talking over coffee stating"You know Herschel these Schwartzers have a bigger problem with their penises than we do." "Marty I don't know about that...."
"Woody Allen, Governor Spitzer and now this Fine fella....."
"What about OJ and every Schwartzer NFL player....., Oy Vey!".....http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/04/us/politics/herman-cain-suspends-his-presidential-campaign.html
American Freedom News