Post your max lift numbers!

Freethinker if I may ask have you been lifting for 6 years straight? I have been lifting for a year and 9 months now. I hit alot of plateus but sometimes I break through them with different exercises and taking a week off every 3 months or so. My goal is to get 225 ten times. It may take me a few more years though.Edited by: whiteathlete33
Well my first year I was a novice just learning the ropes from friends. Year 2-4 I worked out more frequently but plateaued a bit and took off from time to time when school/work got busy. Year 5 I pretty much took off due to the amount of time I dedicated to my thesis class. When I picked up again it was almost like starting from scratch. Then I moved last fall which was another long break (always something). I've been doing great since then and jumped from 155 to 225 in the last year. I'm sure you can do the same thing in maybe less time. Switching your routine and some short extended rest is good so you are on the right path. Good Luck!
for sh*t and giggles i tried to see what i can do with 225 lbs (my 1 rep max is 400 lbs, never tried more than that, and that was this year after i stopped playing rugby and was hitting the gym 4-5 times a week with a very strict diet etc.).

got 28 off (last two-three were shaky and i am not sure how strict they would be at the combine type of a test and whether they would count. i weigh 247 lbs, at 6'3 and a half. not bad for a linebacker i guess!
BR, 28 is dang stout partner! My 225 reps (15 years ago) was 34. I'm not sure if I could break 25 reps right now. My max bench was 440, and I threw up 325 last week. I'm holding 335 at 6'8, so I'm a little weak for a OT.
I'm trying to get back to the DE/TE range of 255-265, but it'll take a spell.
We have some very strong posters I see! I can't do nearly what you guys can do because I am 5'9 160 lbs. I just like to stay cut all year long.
WA33, I've never been "cut" (much less "shredded"), but I was lean all the way until my mid 30s...then started putting on some married+kids weight. When my wife & I met in 1996, I was 255 at about 9-11% bf%. Now I'm holding 335 (bf% is probably not quite "sumo"), so I'm wanting to work back down to 300, then 275, 255. I might try to get down to 235-245 by next spring/early summer. I'd like to get my bf% under 10% by next summer.
IT is easy to get most of the weight off Dixie. The last 10-15 lbs is the most difficult when you are trying to get into single digits bodyfat. They body likes to have a certain percentage of fat stores. When you cut the weight make sure to lift and keep protein intake high to maintain muscle. Otherwise the muscles go with the fat.
I know for body building you bulk by eating what you want and maintain a high protein to carbohydrate intake. For definition you do more intense aerobic activity and cut back on the weights. I'm sorry to say that it's impossible to do what most pro athletes do and stay lean and gain tons of size. That's a PED routine I'm afraid.
white is right said:
I know for body building you bulk by eating what you want and maintain a high protein to carbohydrate intake. For definition you do more intense aerobic activity and cut back on the weights. I'm sorry to say that it's impossible to do what most pro athletes do and stay lean and gain tons of size. That's a PED routine I'm afraid.

Exactly. Anyone who think wrestlers like Batista, Scott Steiner or Mr.Olympia competitors are "natural" is living in fantasy land. Look at Lesnar's physique in the WWE vs. now/UFC...he's still massive, but not massive+shredded. I'm certain I could have gotten my flat bench over 500 on the sauce, but even in my younger days..I was old fashioned/John Wayne.
while i agree with you on the count of PED being responsible for most of the pro athletes shredded looks, it is possible, jut very hard to achieve with nothing else but hard work, very high protein intake and making sure that you eat good carbs only and are very specific about when you eat them.

i am at 246 as of today with 8.2% of body fat which is pretty good, i look cut and am big at the same time. before i got back to rugby i was probably bigger, but not as cut, maybe about 10%.

doing weights, just different rep intensity/speed of exercise etc is a great way of getting cut, i went down from being about 270 to 258 with NO cardio whatsoever, just diet and weights.
Backrow anytime you bulk you will gain fat unles using PED's. You can make the fat gain minimal by eating correctly during bulking. That means lots of chicken breast, tuna, baked potatoes, yams, shrimp, salads, eggs, milk, and any type of lean meats. A 500 calorie a day surplus is all that is needed otherwise you get fat.
BR, 246 at 8.2 BF% is pretty impressive partner. Except for when I was a young, lanky elementary schooler, my BF has probably never been lower than 9%. I'm aiming for 15% by early next year 10% by spring.

WA33, dietary needs/regime varies by bodytype (ecto, endo & meso morphs). I'm mostly endo, with a touch of I'm an "easygainer". For me, diet is 65-70% of my results when I start training. As I progress & start trimming down, training yields more results (% wise). Being an IT professional, married with 4 kids, consistency (diet & training) is my biggest hurdle. In my younger days, my priorities were different, so I was a "gym rat", plus playing lots of rec league hoops, etc. I'm now getting around to cleaning up my diet more consistently (as I've been slack the last few years).
Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Yes I know Dixie. Some people are hard gainers. I am not sure if that is endo or whatever. They take a long time to put on muscle but minumum fat gains as well.
exactly. it really does depend on your body type. and you can both bulk up (in my case i just converted fat into muscle, i had a surpluss of bulk, heh) and then get cut by doing things right. trust me on that, it doesn't have to be PEDs as long as you are willing to take your time, go through some major sacrifices diet and training wise and have decent genetics. you can gain muscle without a surplus of fat.
Backrow I honestly doubt you have 8% bodyfat. This is one subject that you will not beat me in. What you state is Mariusz Pudzianowski territory. Let's get real!

And by the way Backrow I hate to start controversy. I know that you are one of the biggest contributors on this website. I just do not buy what you are selling!Edited by: whiteathlete33
WA33, I don't know partner...bodybuilders (on PEDs) are in the 4% range, so it's definitely obtainable to hit 8% PED-free. I have a good buddy who's 6-4, 250 & probably 8-10% bf (high jumped & played hoops in college) & he's it's do-able.Now, if someone is 285+ at 8%- bf...then they're probably juiced to the gills. Mariusz is 309 lbs, so that's alot more mass than what BR is atating.
Yes well bodybuilders have 4 percent body fat only for competition. In the off season they go much higher. It is almost impossible to keep the body fat that low because our bodies need some stored fat. He is describing a lean mass weight of 225 lbs. Also it depends on your height. If you have someone who is 5'4 200 lbs you know something is up.
whiteathlete33 said:
Backrow I honestly doubt you have 8% bodyfat. This is one subject that you will not beat me in. What you state is Mariusz Pudzianowski territory. Let's get real!

And by the way Backrow I hate to start controversy. I know that you are one of the biggest contributors on this website. I just do not buy what you are selling!

believe what you will bud. i've no reason to lie.

here's my profile, it's slightly out of date, as i haven't gotten my new camera yet, but you can see progress pics there. 8.x is not really that great. in those pics you can see i might have been just below ten, i am slightly more cut now.

PS my BF test was taken a month ago by our rugby strength and cond. trainer. it was a skinfold test, which is probably slightly less accurate as hydro measurement but is a valid way of establishing BF value. tht was 2 weeks into the preseason, which consists of a lot of cardio work, more so than durin the season, when indeed i can see myself getting slightly bigger and maybe up to 10% or so.Edited by: backrow
Height 5'10 1/2
Weight 185 pounds
305 2x's Bench Press (Long Bar)
195 2x's Front overhead Military Press (Long Bar)
335 Squat 4x's max (I am afraid to stack on weights for a 1 off because I nearly hurt myself before).

I like to do alot weight with low reps. 5 sets of 5 with high weight.
Also, since my wrestling days I have always lifted in a manner that allows me to explode into the movement. You have to be careful when simulating explosion though because if your muscles are not properly warmed up you can pull a muscle (or worse) quicker than sh*t.Edited by: aussieaussie31
Impressive stuff BR. Are those rugby or Australian Rules Football pix? Do you (still/currently) live in Spain?
Dixie, this is rugby union (so called 15s). and yes, i am still in Madrid.
looking good, backrow! keep representing, man!
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