Post your max lift numbers!

Squat; 475 x 6 (reps)
425 x 11

Bench; about 320 x 5 (could have done MUCH more, pulled pec)
245 x 20

Barbell Rows; 2 x 275 x 8

Chins; about 6 reps with 90 poundshanging fromweight belt

Squats numbers are from high school and to parallel. Noknee wraps, bench shirt, creatine, PEDs, etc.
Intend to improve markedly on all lifts.

Height; 5'10
Weight; about 190
Bodytype; Pure Mesomorph
Can anyone give me advice on squats and deadlifts. Everytime I do them I get very dizzy and lightheaded. It's sometimes hard to breathe. Is this because it's such an intense exercise? Should I be taking long breaks in between each set?
The first thing I thought of is whether you have your lifting belt too tight, although I've never had a problem with them being too tight myself. It shouldn't be so tight that it makes it tough to breathe while doing the lifts.
Colonel_Reb said:
The first thing I thought of is whether you have your lifting belt too tight, although I've never had a problem with them being too tight myself. It shouldn't be so tight that it makes it tough to breathe while doing the lifts.

I don't use a lifting belt as I really don't go that heavy on squats. I usually only do around 200lb for 10-12 reps. No use in trying to kill myself in the gym. Some people say it's normal to get lightheaded on squats.
Squating is comparable to doing sprints (as far as effect on cardio). I've never got dizzy (always breath deep), but have gotten a little winded when cranking out alotta reps.

WA33, ensure your inhale/exhales are good & don't hold your breath. If you still get dizzy, etc...maybe stick with leg press, hack squats, etc. I rarely squat anymore (due to prior tendonitis & knee sprain), but still work the legs pretty solid.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
DarkEye, welcome to Caste Football. 100 isn't bad for a young lady of 20!
i play flanker (with occasional foray into second row, yuck), but this season our team has been depleted by injuries and i had to play wing. totally different ball game!
Does anyone here do plyometrics? I am thinking about adding that to my workout routine to improve my vertical. I'm at 33 inches right now and I think I could improve it up to 35 with some work.
WA33, I used plyometrics a good deal in HS & college. They helped my 40 y/d & vertical leap (alot). Depth jumps & stadium step "bunny hops" were my favorites. I've not done them in years, but would highly recommend them!

Plyometric Training (*put it on mute)

Plyo Drills

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Thanks Dixie. I think I'll take a personal trainer for a few seasons just to teach me some stuff. It's not expensive(20 dollars for a half hour). I'm dunking right now on a 10 foot rim but just barely.
Anyway guys I've been doing good with my bulk up period. My bench press hasn't gone up much but my deadlift is up to 350lbs. I'm trying to look like Mariusz Pudzianowski!! Hehe , I can dream can't I?
whiteathlete33 said:
Anyway guys I've been doing good with my bulk up period. My bench press hasn't gone up much but my deadlift is up to 350lbs. I'm trying to look like Mariusz Pudzianowski(Strongest man EVER!! Hehe , I can dream can't I?
WA33, I'm sure Big Mariusz has some help from his pharmacist.
My DL max is 450. BP is max is 300, squat is a measly 330.

Lots of partying, getting wasted twice a week makes it hard to get strong.
WA33, I'd seen that vid before. Awesome explosive power & delt strength by WSM beast Super Mariusz. BTW, it looks like Pudzian is fighting Robert Paczków (6'2, 310) in May. Paczkow submitted UFC TUF competitor James McSweeney in 2007.
Should be a great fight Dixie!! I'd rank Mariusz as one of the best athletes of all time!! I'd like to see him and Zydraunus square it off in the ring!
I only went a few times in the gym and i did do 60 kgs(132 lbs like 10 reps) i don't know much about lifting.Is 132 lbs bench press good or bad for someone who did it only a few times? what did you guys in the beginning?
WB, my 1st bench press was at age 11 & I benched 125 or so. I didn't really start "working out" until 8th grade, but have always had good natural strength. Keep working your chest, triceps & deltoids to increase your flat & incline bench presses.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
waterbed said:
I only went a few times in the gym and i did do 60 kgs(132 lbs like 10 reps) i don't know much about lifting.Is 132 lbs bench press good or bad for someone who did it only a few times? what did you guys in the beginning?

hey guys that 132 was just to try bench press, I will hit 200 lbs hopefully soon like a real whitey
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