Post your max lift numbers!

I had tendonitis/jumper's knee in HS & college and sprained my right ankle a few times playing rec league hoops in my I don't squat anymore. I love the plate-loaded leg press though. Calves are my favorite leg muscle to train though. Upper body, delts & tri's are fun to train as well.

White Noise, I'm working on the same type of diet (lean protein, low to moderate carbs). I'm cutting sugar & high glycemic carbs, and will up my carbs on days I'm more active. Eating is my biggest vice & I have a huge appetite, so it's a challenge these days. In my younger/single days, chasin' tail was always a huge motivation to eat clean. However, being married with four kids & a white-collar career, my priorities aren't the same, so I've gotten slack on the diet the last few years.
I hear you Dixie Destroyer. I use Saturdays to reload cabs, which essentially is anything goes, but so far I don't go too crazy. Certainly a couple of beers, some Chinese food, fish basket that type of stuff, then it's back to low carb high protein during the week.
Starting off (my cleaning up/out) phase, I'll usually have 1 cheat day or 3 cheat meals per week...and cut back 1 meal a week over 3 weeks. It's tough to give up all "good" food, as I enjoy many "genres"...BBQ, Steak, Pizza, Wings, Burgers, etc. It's tough to get (back) to eating super clean.
Can you guys give me some good info on how to bulk correctly. I am 5'9 160lbs. I have lots of muscle definition and pretty low body fat. I have been told to eat 500 calories over maintence. I just don't want to add the 10lbs of fat right back that I lost 2 months ago.
whiteathlete33 said:
Can you guys give me some good info on how to bulk correctly. I am 5'9 160lbs. I have lots of muscle definition and pretty low body fat. I have been told to eat 500 calories over maintence. I just don't want to add the 10lbs of fat right back that I lost 2 months ago.
I only know how to bulk by lifting heavy and eating like a death row inmate. Now, I have got to loose the goo and try to keep the muscle. I can tell you that a guy 5'9" can bulk up to 264lbs because I've done it, but on me, it was not pretty!
Whitenoise from what you stated before you are losing too much weight too fast. 2-2.5 lbs a week weight loss is the maximum you should strive for. Otherwise you will be losing muscle. Again if you keep protein in your system at all times while dieting and keep lifting heavy you will maintain almost all your muscle mass while losing the fat.
STAR WARS those are actually what I did when I was 17 i am 22 now and haven't lifted since high school
Ok Whiteathlete33, I will slow the process down a bit while adding back in some carbs. In fact, I'm going to have a big plate of whole wheat spaghetti with marinara sauce.
Carbs are not off limits Whitenoise. You actually need them for your workouts. Don't buy into this low carb crap. The only thing that makes people fat is too many calories.
Tell me about it. Since I started the low carb diet my energy has hit rock bottom and so has some of my lifts. That's another reason why I have to reincorporated them back in.
Standing Military Press: Yesterday, I put up a new Max of 185 pounds.

My delts, traps and back have really thickened. I have a small waist, so the boulders-for-shoulders and big traps really stand out on me.
Flat bench = 350lbs (around 300 these days)

Incline Bench = 315lbs (250ish now)

I haven't done squats or deadlift in so long I don't remember! Used to be decent back in college, but nothing great.

Now in my mid-forties with a not so great back my lifting goals are significantly modified.
Over the last 20 years, I have only had gym memberships for 3-4 of those years. So, no continuous workout routine. I just joined again this past Spring, and plan to make it a forever type of lifestyle commitment.

Even in my 20's, I never messed around with max weights. One reason is I tend to workout alone; the other is higher risk of injury.

Lately, I am doing 8-12 reps of 225 on the flat bench (3-5 sets, depending on how I am feeling after a long day at work, how much time I have, etc.) Also 10-15 reps of 205 or 8-12 reps pf 225 on the decline bench (3-5 sets, depending...), and 8-10 reps of 185 on the incline bench (3-5 sets...)

On the leg extension, I can do 5 sets of 12 reps of the whole damn thing! I don't remember how much weight it is -- probably 220 lbs. For calves, 3 sets of 160-170 (20+ reps, as many as I can stand)

For curls, I started out doing 2 sets of 10 reps with a pair of 40 lb dumbbells, then 1 set with 35s, then 1 set with 30s. I am now up to 2 sets (10+) reps with 55s, 1 or 2 sets with 50s, and sometimes a set with 45s to finish.

I am 6'4" and weight around 265, so these are not heavy weights for me. If I increase the weight on these and other exercises just a bit, that will be enough for me. The main thing I would like to accomplish is more reps over time, and to maintain while cutting my total body weight down to maybe 230.
This week I reached a mini-goal. I'm 6'-1", 190-195 lbs (it usually fluctuates in this range) and I got 8 reps of 225 lbs on the flat bench. My goal has been to achieve this since I started working out at age 18. I am now 24. LOL, it took awhile due to the rigors of college and working at the same time. Now that I just have a 9 to 5er and a gym I have gotten comfortable with, its much easier to workout on a consistent schedule. I hope too progress in weight as I have a good frame to "grow into" (broad shoulders).

Everyone keep up the good work with your training
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