Pope rips Muslims (good for him)


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
This news item has gotten my shorts in a wad. You may have read where the Pope made some innoccuous remarks about Muslims, I think he repeated some quote from about a thousand years ago by a guy who stated that Islam was a religion of violence because, ya know, it IS. Mohammad was a violent raving lunatic compared to Jesus who was an extreme pacifist. This is all obvious and true. Cannot be denied by anyone with any commonsense which unfortunately includes every Muslim, every member of the media and even the Pope himself apparently.

As a lapsed Catholic, maybe a lapsed Christian, I am so pissed off at the response of the Muslims, who predictively have responded to a comment that they are violent by promising to protest violently. Who cares, screw em. But I am just as pissed off by the media response in bending over to these whiny crybabies and their demands for an apology when what they deserve is total expulsion from our lands.

Furthermore what the heck kind of a guardian of Catholicism is this Pope if he is going to roll over on these clowns threats??

I thought the idea of Christianity was that you believed in something and those that did not were going to hell. You could help them to salvation but if they continued to be unrepentent Muslims (or whatever) then it's off to hell with them and good riddance.

Why are Christians expected to make nice to other religions anyway? Those religions are EVIL by Christians own rules, one of the Ten Commandments, the bedrock rules of the faith, explicitly sends non-believers to hell. Muslims are non-believers, their protestations should be like protests from the devil, not worth a thing and further proof of how hot it is going to be in hell for them.

The Pope should say something like: I have heard the protests from the Muslim community, however what I have spoken is true. Each and every Muslim should heed MY words because to fail to do do will ensure eternal damnation in hell to each and everyone of them. Oh, and that includes the Jews too, by the way. So I am not playing favorites, all non-believers are going to hell,

Pagans, Wiccans, Mormons, Scientologists, everyone that is not following the word of our Lord Jesus Christ and has not been baptized in his blood in our Church. That is what we believe to be true. That also includes Protestants which broke from the true church many years ago and by doing so broke from the Kingdom of Heaven.

For those of you who don't like it: too bad, that is what I believe God has said. So to sum up: all you non-believers can go to hell, and remember I am HIS main man on earth so you are for all intents and purposes--screwed.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
So jaxvid, tell us what you really think!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
What's amazing to me is the way those on the left in our country bend over backwards to avoid slandering Islam, but have no problems bashing, limiting, or trying to outright prohibit the practice of Christianity. Verses from the Bible are labeled as 'hate speech!' (I am not making this up!)

Yet, these very same Muslims whom they want to welcome into this country with open arms will be CHOPPING OFF THEIR HEADS as soon as they gain power! You think its 'HATEFUL' having a preacher rail against homosexuality from the pulpit - wait til the Muslims drag your effeminate, makeup-faced dress-wearing transvestite ass onto the public square and hang you! NEWSFLASH: They stone you for committing adultery or sleeping around! I don't mean they give you a doobie and make you get high, I mean they throw rocks at your head til you are DEAD.

Anyone who thinks Islam is peaceful or tolerant is crazy. The libs on the left have the most to lose in a nation ruled by shar'ia law, not Christians. You'd think that the LIBERALS and DEMOCRATS would WANT to block immigration of Muslims, but they're the ones at the forefront, with open arms, all in the name of diversity!

I, too, am sick of kowtowing to these people everytime someone says something they don't like. They need to learn to stop complaining and learn to get along like everybody else.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
White Shogun said:
What's amazing to me is the way those on the left in our country bend over backwards to avoid slandering Islam, but have no problems bashing, limiting, or trying to outright prohibit the practice of Christianity. Verses from the Bible are labeled as 'hate speech!' (I am not making this up!)

Yet, these very same Muslims whom they want to welcome into this country with open arms will be CHOPPING OFF THEIR HEADS as soon as they gain power! You think its 'HATEFUL' having a preacher rail against homosexuality from the pulpit - wait til the Muslims drag your effeminate, makeup-faced dress-wearing transvestite ass onto the public square and hang you! NEWSFLASH: They stone you for committing adultery or sleeping around! I don't mean they give you a doobie and make you get high, I mean they throw rocks at your head til you are DEAD.

Anyone who thinks Islam is peaceful or tolerant is crazy. The libs on the left have the most to lose in a nation ruled by shar'ia law, not Christians. You'd think that the LIBERALS and DEMOCRATS would WANT to block immigration of Muslims, but they're the ones at the forefront, with open arms, all in the name of diversity!

I, too, am sick of kowtowing to these people everytime someone says something they don't like. They need to learn to stop complaining and learn to get along like everybody else.

Great point, as always and:

NEWSFLASH: They stone you for committing adultery or sleeping around! I don't mean they give you a doobie and make you get high, I mean they throw rocks at your head til you are DEAD.

I'm still laughing!!!!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
An alternative theory: The media plays up these stories and appears to be "pandering" to Arabs/Muslims in order to more easily stir up anti-Arab and anti-Muslim sentiment in this country to build support for the neo-cons' wars of aggression in the Middle East.

If we kept them out of our country and left them alone in theirs they'd be absolutely no threat to us whatsoever. Animosity between Christians and Muslims benefits Zionists.


Good for the Pope! I spent several years serving as an adviser in the Middle East. Its a totally foreign culture and full of hypocrisy. As long as we are hyper-sensitive to the Islamic worlds feelings, no real progress will ever take place. This is one case where I believe in calling a spade a spade.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Menelik said:
As long as we are hyper-sensitive to the Islamic worlds feelings, no real progress will ever take place.

Let's see, around 100,000 dead Iraqi civilians, Iraq's infrastructure in ruins along with its ancient art even though Saddam and Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and had no WMDs;Iran constantly threatened with being nuked; Israel financed and armed to be able to treat the Palestinians like "cockroaches" as one Israeli politician referred to them; Israel allowed to drop 1,000,000 cluster bombs on Lebanon without a peep of protest from the neo-con Bush administration.

Thank God we're "hypersensitive" to their feelings.


Mar 5, 2006
jaxvid said:
Pagans, Wiccans, Mormons, Scientologists, everyone that is not following the word of our Lord Jesus Christ and has not been baptized in his blood in our Church. That is what we believe to be true. That also includes Protestants which broke from the true church many years ago and by doing so broke from the Kingdom of Heaven.

For those of you who don't like it: too bad, that is what I believe God has said. So to sum up: all you non-believers can go to hell, and remember I am HIS main man on earth so you are for all intents and purposes--screwed.

judeo-christianity is only 2,000 years old. In some parts of Europe it has only been in Power for about 1,000 years. Are all of those White Pagans from before Christ died in hell? Are your White Pagan Ancestors in hell? Do you hate your Ancestors? Why this hatred for pure White People?

Problem of Hell
Oct 24, 2005
It is times like this that I remind my liberal friends that when the Moslems take over, they will be the first ones shot. The useful idiots are always killed first because they are idiots.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
Jofreidr_1488 said:
judeo-christianity is only 2,000 years old. In some parts of Europe it has only been in Power for about 1,000 years. Are all of those White Pagans from before Christ died in hell? Are your White Pagan Ancestors in hell? Do you hate your Ancestors? Why this hatred for pure White People?

I think what jaxvid is trying to express is that the Pope needs to grow a pair! The media is all too willing to portray the Pope as subservient to the PC almighty. What is Pope Benedict XVI afraid of? Starting a holy war?



Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Haven't the radical Muslims been calling for a holy war against the "infidels" for quite awhile?


Nov 25, 2004
He also rips Israel. Doubly good for him.

israel ripped

Vatican condemns Israel for attacks on Lebanon
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Vatican on Friday strongly deplored Israel's strikes on Lebanon, saying they were "an attack" on a sovereign and free nation.
Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Angelo Sodano said Pope Benedict and his aides were very worried that the developments in the Middle East risked degenerating into "a conflict with international repercussions."

"In particular, the Holy See deplores right now the attack on Lebanon, a free and sovereign nation, and assures its closeness to these people who already have suffered so much to defend their independence," he told Vatican Radio.

Israel struck Beirut airport again on Friday and bombed Lebanese roads, power supplies and communication networks in a widening campaign after Hizbollah guerrillas seized two Israeli soldiers and killed eight.

Sodano said the Vatican condemned both "terroristic attacks" and military reprisals.

Hizbollah, which wants to trade its captives for prisoners held in Israel, has showered rockets across the frontier in its fiercest bombardment since 1996 when Israel launched a 17-day blitz against southern Lebanon and Hizbollah. ADVERTISEMENT

But Sodano reserved his harshest words for Israel.

"The right of defence on the part of a state does not exempt it from its responsibility to respect international law, particularly regarding the safeguarding of civilian populations," he said.
Edited by: Kaptain Poop


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
i am a Pagan (i, somewhat loosely follow principles of Odinism-ÃÂ￾satrú), although i was christened as a kid by my catholic family...

does it mean i will go to hell?

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
backrow said:
i am a Pagan (i, somewhat loosely follow principles of Odinism-ÃÂ￾satrú), although i was christened as a kid by my catholic family...

does it mean i will go to hell?

Only if you spell it 'hel.'

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
backrow said:
i am a Pagan (i, somewhat loosely follow principles of Odinism-ÃÂ￾satrú), although i was christened as a kid by my catholic family...

does it mean i will go to hell?
My pagan ancestors killed catholics in Germany in the barbarian overthrowing of the Romans, I'm proud of that........


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
screamingeagle said:
It is times like this that I remind my liberal friends that when the Moslems take over, they will be the first ones shot. The useful idiots are always killed first because they are idiots.

Aren't radical Muslims in charge in Iran? The Jews living in Iran ( IRAN?! ) are doing very well. They aren't lined up and shot. They are a minority but aren't running for the hills. Read article from a Jewish site.

Iran remains home to Jewish enclave.
It is one of the many paradoxes of the Islamic Republic of Iran that this most virulent anti-Israeli country supports by far the largest Jewish population of any Muslim country.

While Jewish communities in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, Morocco and Algeria have all but vanished, Iran is home to 25,000 - some here say 35,000 - Jews. The Jewish population is less than half the number that lived here before the Islamic revolution of 1979. But the Jews have tried to compensate for their diminishing numbers by adopting a new religious fervor.

''The funny thing is that before the Islamic revolution, you would see maybe 20 old men in the synagogue,'' whispers Nahit Eliyason, 48, as she climbs over four other women to find one of the few vacant seats. ''Now the place is full. You can barely find a seat.'' Parvis Yashaya, a film producer who heads Tehran's Jewish community, adds: ''We are smaller, but we are stronger in some ways.''

Tehran has 11 functioning synagogues, many of them with Hebrew schools. It has two kosher restaurants, and a Jewish hospital, an old-age home and a cemetery. There is a Jewish representative in the Iranian parliament. There is a Jewish library with 20,000 titles, its reading room decorated with a photograph of the Ayatollah Khomeini.

Khomeini protection

Iran's Jewish community is confronted by contradictions. Many of the prayers uttered in synagogue, for instance, refer to the desire to see Jerusalem again. Yet there is no postal service or telephone contact with Israel, and any Iranian who dares travel to Israel faces imprisonment and passport confiscation. ''We are Jews, not Zionists. We are a religious community, not a political one,'' Yashaya said.

Before the revolution, Jews were well-represented among Iran's business elite, holding key posts in the oil industry, banking and law, as well as in the traditional bazaar. The wave of anti-Israeli sentiment that swept Iran during the revolution, as well as large-scale confiscations of private wealth, sent thousands of the more affluent Jews fleeing to the United States or Israel. Those remaining lived in fear of pogroms, or massacres.

But Khomeini met with the Jewish community upon his return from exile in Paris and issued a ''fatwa'' decreeing that the Jews were to be protected. Similar edicts also protect Iran's tiny Christian minority.

Just as it radically transformed Muslim society, the revolution changed the Jews. Families that had been secular in the 1970s started keeping kosher and strictly observing rules against driving on Shabbat. They stopped going to restaurants, cafes and cinemas - many such establishments were closed down - and the synagogue perforce became the focal point of their social lives.

Iranian Jews say they socialize far less with Muslims now than before the revolution. As a whole, they occupy their own separate space within the rigid confines of the Islamic republic, a protected yet precarious niche.

Jewish women, like Muslim women, are required by law to keep their heads covered, although most eschew the chador for a simple scarf. But Jews, unlike Muslims, can keep small flasks of home-brewed wine or arrack to drink within the privacy of their homes - in theory, for religious purposes. Some Hebrew schools are coed, and men and women dance with each other at weddings, practices strictly forbidden for Muslims.

''Sometimes I think they are kinder to the Jews than they are to themselves. ... If we are gathered in a house, and the family is having a ceremony with wine or the music is playing too loud, if they find out we are Jews, they don't bother us so much,'' Eliyason said.

''Everywhere in the world there are people who don't like Jews. In England, they draw swastikas on Jewish graves. I don't think that Iran is more dangerous for Jews than other places.'' </BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE>



Dec 17, 2004
Gosh, why would the Pope rip Islam, when our very own President has described it as a "religion of peace?"

I guess because Islam practicioners feel so peaceful after bombings and beheadings of "infidels."


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Colonel_Reb said:
So jaxvid, tell us what you really think!

One of thethings I like about Jaxvid is that he will TELL us what he thinks. He doesn't pussyfoot aroundthe issues. He comes out and lays it on the line. I like that quality in a person.I may agree with a particular point or I may not, but at least I know he is being forthright and honest.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I agree with you there Bart. I hope everyone realizes I was messing with jaxvid. I thought it was a great post.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Bart said:
One of thethings I like about Jaxvid is that he will TELL us what he thinks. He doesn't pussyfoot aroundthe issues. He comes out and lays it on the line. I like that quality in a person.I may agree with a particular point or I may not, but at least I know he is being forthright and honest.

Very true, and a very admirable quality!


Mar 8, 2005
United States
Jofreidr_1488 said:
jaxvid said:
Pagans, Wiccans, Mormons, Scientologists, everyone that is not following the word of our Lord Jesus Christ and has not been baptized in his blood in our Church. That is what we believe to be true. That also includes Protestants which broke from the true church many years ago and by doing so broke from the Kingdom of Heaven.

For those of you who don't like it: too bad, that is what I believe God has said. So to sum up: all you non-believers can go to hell, and remember I am HIS main man on earth so you are for all intents and purposes--screwed.

judeo-christianity is only 2,000 years old. In some parts of Europe it has only been in Power for about 1,000 years. Are all of those White Pagans from before Christ died in hell? Are your White Pagan Ancestors in hell? Do you hate your Ancestors? Why this hatred for pure White People?

Problem of Hell

Its hard to believe God would send pagans to hell before the word of Jesus Christ reached them.

The problem with whites returning to their pagan roots is that their ancestors weren't very religious at all. Even while converting to Christianity they weren't. Besides how would you know which Germanic tribe your ancestors came from? Not all of them had the same practices, not all tribes got along, very hard to return to something you can't trace. A lot of pagans converted for political reasons, you couldn't make many christians convert for this reason. Also the Germanic religion was mostly about death, not of life, like the Christian religion, its easy to see why so many converted. Besides its not like Christianity was new to the Germanic tribes, I know the Goths were Arians by atleast the 4th Century.


Oct 21, 2004
I agree with Don here. Unlike blacks and jews, who are treated with kid gloves by the mass media and corporate America, muslims are often demonized and negatively stereotyped. Just listen to some of the identical idiots who rule talk radio. Other than "retard," their favorite term is now "islamo-fascists." I completely understand how they'd be sensitive about this subject.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
bigunreal said:
I agree with Don here. Unlike blacks and jews, who are treated with kid gloves by the mass media and corporate America, muslims are often demonized and negatively stereotyped. Just listen to some of the identical idiots who rule talk radio. Other than "retard," their favorite term is now "islamo-fascists." I completely understand how they'd be sensitive about this subject.

I don't know how you guys can say that Muslims are being demonized, let alone unfairly. The Pope says something negative about Islam, and they burn down churches. Next thing you know, the Pope is APOLOGIZING for saying something just days after they proved what he said was true! Every time I open my browser, there is some new article referencing how Muslims are pissed off that some one said something, drew something, or wrote something critical of Islam. They demand apologies or they threaten to blow stuff up. And you know what? THEY DO IT.

Christianity is criticized all over the world, for some of the same things that Muslims are against - homosexuality being number one - but Christians are vilified for saying so, banned on college campuses, kicked out of after school extra-curricular activities, all of which permit Wiccans and Muslims and everybody else who wants to have some kind of club.

We condemn Israel for their treatment of the Palestinians, and rightly so - yet we give the Muslims who burn down churches and cut off peoples heads and blow up hotels a free pass? I don't think so.

We can't sit here and complain about the U.S. attacks and killing of Iraqi civilians as unjust, but not criticize Muslims who have been committing attacks against civilians long before the U.S. invaded Iraq.

What's more, the people in this country should not have to bend over backwards for people who are essentially guests here, regardless of what is happening in the Middle East. They have no problem eating our food, living off our economy, or banging our women when they feel like it, but I'm supposed to avoid having a pork sandwich in the cafeteria because his stupid ass would be offended? WELL F*** THAT.

When was the last time you saw a Jew in this country drive his car into a crowd of people shouting the Shema? We'd erupt into fury on this board if that ever happened, but there have been several MUSLIMS who have done just that, and the government didn't consider it a terrorist attack! This despite the fact these guys were obviously Arab Muslims and trying to kill people on behalf of Islam. But we're vilifying them and criticizing unfairly? LMAO

Now where did I put my ham sandwich.....

Edited by: White Shogun


Oct 21, 2004

Israel doesn't have to resort to terrorism (although it certainly once did- the Irgun Gang, for instance)- they have a tremendous military advantage on the countries surrounding them. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Btw, what churches have muslims burned down? I don't think they could burn down as many as we have destroyed (along with their mosques) in recent years with our carpet bombing campaigns in Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan. As for blowing up hotels, Menachim Begin and co. blew up the King David hotel in the late 40's. I have grave doubts about any of the so-called "terrorist" acts. The Mossad has infiltrated so many of these organizations, and like the FBI undercover agents who infiltrate all the "extremist" organizations in America, I suspect they are often the catalysts for acts of violence. My empathy for the Palestinian cause doesn't mean that I am happy about all the muslim immigrants in America. We don't need them any more than we need the asian and hispanic immigrants. No matter what you think about terrorism, I think it's pretty clear that the most dangerous country in the world right now (outside of us) is Israel.