Pope rips Muslims (good for him)

White Shogun said:
When was the last time you saw a Jew in this country drive his car into a crowd of people shouting the Shema? We'd erupt into fury on this board if that ever happened, but there have been several MUSLIMS who have done just that, and the government didn't consider it a terrorist attack!

Remember all those churches that were being torched in Alabama some months back? Turned out it was three Jewish college students who were the arsonists.

This board didn't "erupt in fury" about that, in fact I don't think it was even mentioned. But more interestingly, the racial/religious identity of the culprits was notrevealed by the corporate media(only alternative media outlets revealed it) and the story died an instant death.

Would it have been treated that way if it was "white supremacists" or "Muslim terrorists" burning churches? What about if synagogues were being torched and it turned out to be three white Christian students behind it or three Klansmen. Would they have been given a pass like that?

There's a lot of intolerance and hatred in the Jewish religion, but no one's allowed to talk about that. The U.S. is supposedly a "Judeo-Christian" country even though the Jewish population is 2% or so. How many Americans even know anything about the Talmud, the source of the Jewish racial religion? We're free to criticize and/or praise Christianity and criticize and/or praise Islam, but it's "anti-Semitic" to say anything about Judaism.
Of course you know the answer to the questions you've raised: no 'white supremacist or Muslim terrorist' would get a pass if they were burning churches.

And you are right of course in that Jews and Judaism are off limits. Even questioning U.S. policy towards Israel can bring condemnation as an 'anti-semite.'

But I personally do not believe that any of the aforementioned warrants letting Muslims run thing the way they want in this country, either. I don't think that the enemy of my enemy is my friend is a viable option in this case. Yes, I know, there are vast untold numbers of 'moderate Muslims' who only want to live in peace, etc. But it is the moderate Muslims who file civil suits about pork being served in cafeterias, or force people to remove piggy banks from their cubicles, or who's youth think the gang rape of Swedish women is authorized because they're slutty infidels. What's more, it isn't just the immigrants and native-born Arabs who are doing such things, there are second- and third- generation children of Muslims, and converts, who are doing such things.

If any of you were to go back and read my earlier posts on this forum concerning Islam and Muslims, you'd find that I was in agreement with your central point, i.e. that Islam is being unfairly criticized and maligned by the pro-Israeli right. But the more they are given, the more they take, e.g. 'civil rights,' to excesses that are not warranted by our culture or our constitution.

Again, IMO the obvious solution is to withdraw our troops from the Middle East and bar immigration from Muslim countries.

And bigunreal, I see our many points of agreement, too. I think the only thing we are in disagreement about, Don as well, is in how we perceive the treatment of Muslims in the MSM and by the mainstream culture in our society.
I understand and agree with your viewpoints as well. My belief is -- keep Muslims out of our country and quit intervening in their countries on behalf of Israel, and 99.9% of this "conflict" would go away. The only thing we might disagree on is that I think all the anti-Muslim feeling -- and sometimes by seeming to pander to Muslims that also creates anti-Muslim sentiment -- is being deliberately whipped up by certain forces to advance their agenda. I'm no fan of Islam, but I think hating individual Muslims is as pointless and just plain wrong as hating all Jews because of the sins of powerful Zionists, or hating all individuals of any group. It's just another divide and conquer tactic, and we've fallen for too many of those already.
Don Wassall said:
and sometimes by seeming to pander to Muslims that also creates anti-Muslim sentiment

Good point, Don.

Some of the cases I referred to were actual suits or complaints brought by Muslims against their employers, not necessarily referring to the way those cases were portrayed in the media.

Don Wassall said:
I'm no fan of Islam, but I think hating individual Muslims is as pointless and just plain wrong as hating all Jews because of the sins of powerful Zionists, or hating all individuals of any group. It's just another divide and conquer tactic, and we've fallen for too many of those already.

And I agree with this statement in toto.
White Shogun said:
When was the last time you saw a Jew in this country drive his car into a crowd of people shouting the Shema?

Since you ask. No, she didn't recite a prayer but she did call em white trash.

Aug 23, 2002 RIVERHEAD, N.Y. (AP) - Lizzie Grubman, a New York publicist with a star-studded roster of clients, pleaded guilty Friday in a hit-and-run crash that injured 16 people outside a Hamptons nightclub. Grubman, 31, will likely receive two months in jail, 280 hours of community service and five years' probation under the plea agreement. She could have faced up to seven years behind bars if convicted.

According to witnesses at the Southampton club on July 7, 2001, Grubman became upset when a bouncer asked her to move her Mercedes SUV from a fire lane. The bouncer, Scott Conlon, claimed Grubman called him "white trash" before slamming her SUV into reverse and driving into the crowd.
Bart said:
White Shogun said:
When was the last time you saw a Jew in this country drive his car into a crowd of people shouting the Shema?

Since you ask. No, she didn't recite a prayer but she did call em white trash.

Aug 23, 2002</font> </font> RIVERHEAD, N.Y. (AP) - Lizzie Grubman, a New York publicist with a star-studded roster of clients, pleaded guilty Friday in a hit-and-run crash that injured 16 people outside a Hamptons nightclub. Grubman, 31, will likely receive two months in jail, 280 hours of community service and five years' probation under the plea agreement. She could have faced up to seven years behind bars if convicted.

According to witnesses at the Southampton club on July 7, 2001, Grubman became upset when a bouncer asked her to move her Mercedes SUV from a fire lane. The bouncer, Scott Conlon, claimed Grubman called him "white trash" before slamming her SUV into reverse and driving into the crowd.


I knew I could count on you, Bart!
How can the pope, a man believed by Catholics to be infallible, make a mistake?

an interesting article from the BBC.

now Pope being asked to convert to Islam. "If this person were really someone reasonable, he would not agree to remain at his post one minute, but would convert to Islam immediately"Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood
Jimmy Chitwood said:
How can the pope, a man believed by Catholics to be infallible, make a mistake?

The Pope is only considered 'infallible' when he speaks 'ex cathedra,' or officially on a matter of faith and morals to the church, for that specific purpose. At least that's the official church position, I'm sure many lay Catholics think the Pope is infallible and speaks for God regardless.
i am aware of that, but it is interesting to watch the Catholic church dance a bit.
and everyone on the board may not have known, so it was sort of a PSA.
If I remember from my religion classes of many years ago, The pope is the head of a religion and the head of state of a nation (Vatican city). In religious matters, he is infallible. In political matters, he is fallibal as any one else.
Bear-Arms said:
Jofreidr_1488 said:
jaxvid said:
Pagans, Wiccans, Mormons, Scientologists, everyone that is not following the word of our Lord Jesus Christ and has not been baptized in his blood in our Church. That is what we believe to be true. That also includes Protestants which broke from the true church many years ago and by doing so broke from the Kingdom of Heaven.

For those of you who don't like it: too bad, that is what I believe God has said. So to sum up: all you non-believers can go to hell, and remember I am HIS main man on earth so you are for all intents and purposes--screwed.

judeo-christianity is only 2,000 years old. In some parts of Europe it has only been in Power for about 1,000 years. Are all of those White Pagans from before Christ died in hell? Are your White Pagan Ancestors in hell? Do you hate your Ancestors? Why this hatred for pure White People?

Problem of Hell

Its hard to believe God would send pagans to hell before the word of Jesus Christ reached them.

The problem with whites returning to their pagan roots is that their ancestors weren't very religious at all. Even while converting to Christianity they weren't. Besides how would you know which Germanic tribe your ancestors came from? Not all of them had the same practices, not all tribes got along, very hard to return to something you can't trace. A lot of pagans converted for political reasons, you couldn't make many christians convert for this reason. Also the Germanic religion was mostly about death, not of life, like the Christian religion, its easy to see why so many converted. Besides its not like Christianity was new to the Germanic tribes, I know the Goths were Arians by atleast the 4th Century.
This is why I don't care for any religion, the dogma isn't logical. My ancestors slaughtered Christians, who subjegated them. I have told some immigrant friends of mine (who have a German background)and are professed born agains this and they can't follow this logic or won't. It's like 2+2 is 4, but in this case it makes 5?
Jimmy Chitwood said:
i am aware of that, but it is interesting to watch the Catholic church dance a bit.
and everyone on the board may not have known, so it was sort of a PSA.

Sorry, bro.

What's a PSA?
White Shogun,

PSA: Public Service Announcement.

and no prob, man.
things continue to get worse, as more religious violence makes headlines...

Indonesia executes Christian militants
Associated Press
PALU, Indonesia - Three Christian militants were executed by firing squad early Friday for leading attacks on Muslims six years ago, including a gun and machete assault on a school that left 70 people dead, a police official and local media said.

The men were taken before the firing squad at 12:15 a.m. (2:15 p.m. EDT Thursday), said a senior police officer who asked not to be identified because he wasn't authorized to speak to the media. Metro TV and SCTV had similar reports, but did not identify their sources.

The case against the men has heightened tensions in the world's most populous Muslim nation and raised questions about the role religion played in punishing those allegedly behind the violence that swept Sulawesi province from 1998 to 2002, killing more than 1,000 people of both religions.

Only a handful of Muslims were convicted in the violence, all for 15 years in prison or less.