Political Correctness killing Nascar

The July All Star race has been moved from Charlotte to Bristol, the tracks are owned by the same guy, but I think he screwed up. Last year's races at Bristol were good enough on the track but the attendance especially in the spring race was an absolute joke. Supposedly they can allow 30,000 fans into the track but if last year's attendance was any measure they won't even come close to doing that IMO. Bristol was completed into a huge stadium for the crowds in Ought years, the peak of 'Murka and patriotism till the Bush is a Christian spell and the economy plus demographic change doomed Nascar's growth. Now showing the seats is an embarrassment.
As if Nascar couldnt be any more of a trainwreck. Schlomo or maybe Wallace himself has Jusie Smolletted a noose. I cant imagine the self hatred that these fans will display for the next couple weeks. Its going to be humiliating for weeks.
As if Nascar couldnt be any more of a trainwreck. Schlomo or maybe Wallace himself has Jusie Smolletted a noose. I cant imagine the self hatred that these fans will display for the next couple weeks. Its going to be humiliating for weeks.
I wouldn't be surprised if he put the noose up himself. He's got the majority of the attention focused on him now. Probably figures it's time to capitalize on it. What an attention whore!
I agree. I am not a Nascar expert by any means but we have easily been to over 100 races in our lifetime and you cannot walk around in the pits and garage area anymore. From the 60s through the early 90s, you could go to pit row and speak with the drivers who would take time to talk to you. Not now. The garage and pit area is very restricted to who goes in and near them. If there was a rope place there it was a member of his team or a person with Nascar i.d. They lock down the garage area as secure as possible to protect anyone from stealing info about the setup of their cars. Some poor fool will take the fall for it though.
The confederate flag, bubba Wallace, noose incident is an ongoing publicity stunt staged by NASCAR so they could do some more virtue signaling. Any staged event worth its salt has legs and stays on the news for days or weeks. This one is no different and definitely was not an organic event.
The confederate flag, bubba Wallace, noose incident is an ongoing publicity stunt staged by NASCAR so they could do some more virtue signaling. Any staged event worth its salt has legs and stays on the news for days or weeks. This one is no different and definitely was not an organic event.

Not to mention, no Confederate flag supporter would place a noose in Bubba Wallace’s garage, knowing it would only fuel outrage and sympathy for the schmuck. It’s just pathetically transparent show fodder for the unwatchable sports commentary shows. All the White people I know are completely turned off by the nonstop BLM and racial topics shoved down our throats. Nobody I know feels privileged or advantaged, nor do they discriminate or believe blacks are disadvantaged by anything other than their own life choices.
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After a thorough review of the facts and evidence surrounding this event, we have concluded that no federal crime was committed."

"Although the noose is now known to have been in garage number 4 in 2019, nobody could have known Mr. Wallace would be assigned to garage number 4 last week."

Wow that wasn't a total waste of resources whatsoever...
This Bozo is still pushing the false narrative that it is a noose ans not a garage pull. I don't follow NASCAR but from what I can tell this guy is a middle of the pack driver at best - a great example of black privilege going unchecked. I hope NASCAR fans walk away from sport in great numbers.


What an idiot.. this is the BS they're falsely pushing on society to cure all of our ills. Let's boycott Bubba's sponsors since he has been insensitive to an entire race of people ! ... wishful thinking.
Good short video for anyone trying to catch up on this latest hate hoax and blood libel against Whites.

What little bit of goodwill Nascar had built up for starting up before other sports has gone out the window with this stunt. The more I read and watch racing news this looks like a staged incident. Anybody that ever worked in the pits or garage area would absolutely would have known what that rope was used for. I thought it was hanging over the car or in the car. It doesn't pass the smell test to me.
Bubba Wallace is a racist scumbag who threw water in a white man's face after a race. Somehow the mainstream media didn't bring this up.

Apparently Wallace can't handle the rough and tumble of NASCAR racing and isn't a good enough driver to avoid problems. He's also a big baby.

How is it that NASCAR has, like, one black guy and he's the one causing trouble?

He’s not even that black. He looks like Blake Griffin.
I think what pisses me off most about this farce is that they sent 15 FBI agents to investigate it.

They can’t protect government property like statues but they can spend tens of thousands on “hate crime” which shouldn’t be a crime anyway.
As expected, BLM, Inc. invaded F1 for the first race of the season in Austria. Unlike in NASCAR, the lone black driver is, begrudgingly, one of the best in Lewis Hamilton. At the behest of him and The globohomo owners of F1, Liberty Media, a slew of promotional campaigns came about

Mercedes will field an all black car


McLaren added some rainbow (AIDS) to the side of its car

#WeRaceAsOne and #EndRacism feature heavily in social media posts and digital graphics packages during the race

the icing on the cake for the week was supposed to be all drivers taking feebishly taking a knee in black End Racism t shirts. However, unlike all other sports to date, 6 of the 20 drivers broke rank and stood: Kimi Raikkonen, Max Verstappen, Charles Leclerc, Antonio Giovinazzi, Carlos Sainz, and Daniil Kvyat


Some may recall Kimi famously missing a Pele presentation years ago

The day ended with the podium finishers getting one last photo op with their shirt in case the viewer forgot


Former F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone was recently quoted as saying he thought blacks are more racist than whites. Suffice to say a lot of this clown world would likely be avoided if he was still in charge
The opening F1 event and all the racism stuff was pathetic.....

Hamilton the Halfrican cry baby complained as usual this time about gearbox critical settings and curb avoidance ............then when he was being legitimately being overtaken by an upcoming sophomore ex F2 driver Alex Albon he decided to given him a boot sending him to the back of the pack and losing his first chance for podium finish...........F1 surprised me in giving Hamilton a time penalty that kept him off the podium.

The most insane thing I saw is what the Mercedes brass said in an interview about racism and what they are planing to do to end it...............which Toto Wolf said is make a concentrated effort to hire more minorities in all aspects of the sport.......by starting with an investment of like a million bucks I think (a total window dressing waste of time)........so they want minorities at all levels in their program????

Design, mechanics, engineering, logistics......etc...........they want Blacks involved?..

Does he know about the Black Nigeria space program?.................Christ that's insanity!

Folks ................"ending racism" by giving anyone a chance at an opportunity is fine.................but let the best qualified do the job with no consideration given to race or anything else other than individual excellence............you can't create equality of outcome..............only equality of opportunity.

Imagine if we wanted to end racism in the NBA because there are so few Hispanics in pro basketball.......you can give them the opportunity but there won't be many success stories at all to brag about........imagine if you had to have a percent of your players Hispanic in order to end racism.....

But see BLM and Blacks in general want the outcome as well...............that's Communism and they just happen to be force behind all this funding them.

Its not racist if Blacks are underrepresented in certain areas of White society if in those positions Blacks never demonstrated the aptitude or ability to achieve that in their past history before ever being discovered by Whites......its not racism its DNA.......they are not best adapted for the cognitive skill sets that are required math, engineering and design as required in Motorsports.....hell they never discovered the wheel or developed a written language before or since...

And the fact they show no interest in racing may not be from lack of economic opportunity but lack of interest........I know when they people struggle to understand something they lose interest in it...............and in Motorsports you better know what the F you are doing when it comes to the engineering aspects critical to it.......

The Chinese are laughing.........they promote the best and brightest and are now engineering DNA for increasing the IQ of human births while we have to stop and drag Negros behind us the whole way.....................Negros truly are the White man's burden.

If they didn't exist we'd be on Mars by now.....................crap...... what a pisser all this racism commie junk is...........
How much longer can the human species suffer through this turgid dirge like black lies matter parade?

I say let's get back to basics. Things that make people want to live. Things that make you want to get up in the morning without cringing.

First order of business is to ditch the empty black bitch fest ceremonies and bring back the Formula One Grid Girls The sheer joy on the beautiful gals faces is palpable. It stirs the senses that yes at one time there was a thing called happiness and fun in the world.
Nascar is WOKE! Nascar announced Saturday that the new president of the Nashville SuperSpeedway will be Erick Moses. Moses will become the first Black to hold that position at any Nascar track.
Nascar is WOKE! Nascar announced Saturday that the new president of the Nashville SuperSpeedway will be Erick Moses. Moses will become the first Black to hold that position at any Nascar track.

This is the kind of progress NASCAR needed! Moses will finally bring some diversity to the sport ! lol what a joke. They are going out of their way to **** up racing.
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