Police State Redux

DixieDestroyer said:

The Surveillance State is very real and getting more Orwellian all the time, but I believe this article is nothing buta psy-op designed to frighten and intimidate the sheeple more than they already are. When "virtual reality" becomes "reality" I'll believe the Dr. Strangeloves of science are on the verge of reading thoughts. A lot of claims made in the daily rags are pure hokum and this reads like one to me.
Thanks for the feedback Don. It's reassuring to know some of this stuff is horse squeeze meant to dupe the lemmings.
DixieDestroyer said:
Thanks for the feedback Don. It's reassuring to know some of this stuff is horse squeeze meant to dupe the lemmings.

DD, I would like to hope it is, i certainly don't know definitively one way or the other. I am of the belief that the powers that be are in many ways like the Wizard of Oz, they can only hope to implement their lunatic agenda of ruling the world by intimidating the many millionshere and elsewhere who are onto their agendainto compliance. The "man behind the curtain" can't be confronted head-on, but he can fall from a thousand indirect cuts just like anyone else. Gulliver's Travels is an apt analogy to the present situation.Edited by: Don Wassall
More from modern "Oceania" 2010...

Airport device follows fliers' phones


How Bluetooth can measure airport security wait times:

1. Passenger enters security line with personal electronic device.

2. Bluetooth receiver picks up signal from the device and records the time.

3. Passenger exits security checkpoint.

4. A second Bluetooth receiver records exit time from the same device and calculates the time elapsed between the first and second measurements.

Source: Darcy Bullock, Purdue University

By Thomas Frank, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON â€" Today's smartphones and PDAs could have a new use in the nation's airports: helping passengers avoid long lines at security checkpoints.

The Transportation Security Administration is looking at installing devices in airports that home in and detect personal electronic equipment. The aim is to track how long people are stuck in security lines.

Information about wait times could then be posted on websites and in airports across the country.

"This technology will produce valuable data that can be used in a variety of ways," TSA spokeswoman Lauren Gaches said, noting it could help prevent checkpoint snarls.

But civil-liberties experts worry that such a system enables the government to track people's whereabouts. "It's serious business when the government begins to get near people's personal-communication devices," said American Civil Liberties Union privacy expert Jay Stanley.

The TSA is in the early phases of exploring the technology, which Purdue University researchers tested for a month last year at Indianapolis International Airport. Thumbnail-size receivers near checkpoints detected serial numbers emitted by some electronic devices being carried by passengers. The receivers recorded the time when a passenger entered a security line and the time when the same passenger cleared the checkpoint, Purdue transportation engineer Darcy Bullock said. Only part of each serial number was recorded, and the numbers were quickly deleted, he said.

Some electronic devices automatically broadcast, or "chirp," their serial number every 15-20 seconds when they are turned on. People can set their devices so they don't broadcast. Bullock found he could detect signals from 6% to 10% of Indianapolis passengers. "We sit there and listen, capturing the unique identifier," Bullock said.

Marc Rotenberg of the Electronic Privacy Information Center said Bullock's current system minimizes privacy risk by recording partial serial numbers. But he worries that could change.

Airports Council International security chief Christopher Bidwell said wait-time information would remove some uncertainty of air travel "especially if that information is real-time, up-to-date and accurate."

A few European airports have started using such systems, the TSA said. London's Heathrow Airport is working with airlines to start using the technology, airport spokeswoman Mary Kearney said.

The TSA used to post information on its website that listed average wait times during the previous month. Measurements were done with time-stamped cards that screeners handed passengers as they entered and cleared a checkpoint. The TSA stopped those measurements in 2008 to focus more on security


Edited by: DixieDestroyer
DixieDestroyer said:
More grasping for greater control over the sheeple...

TSA Wants More "Behavior Detection"
Ironic that the TSA wants to follow the Jewish model

One thing that doesn't square, however is that the Israeli model is highly dependent on "profiling", from what I've read. Here in this country, the darker-skinned folks can't be looked at with more scrutiny as that's "racist". Instead, well-dressed white folks and old ladies are herded off to be more thoroughly screened. How is the Israeli model going to help with that?
FootballDad said:
DixieDestroyer said:
More grasping for greater control over the sheeple...

TSA Wants More "Behavior Detection"
Ironic that the TSA wants to follow the Jewish model

One thing that doesn't square, however is that the Israeli model is highly dependent on "profiling", from what I've read. Here in this country, the darker-skinned folks can't be looked at with more scrutiny as that's "racist". Instead, well-dressed white folks and old ladies are herded off to be more thoroughly screened. How is the Israeli model going to help with that?

I think a lot of it is propaganda designed to scare and intimidate Americans, as part of conditioning them to instantly submit to authority of all kinds as the police state continues to be implemented in all spheres of life. Everyone must not only act the part of obedient serfs but always look the part as well. After all, slavery is freedom.. . Edited by: Don Wassall
DixieDestroyer said:
FBI, DHS & local law conducting raids in Michigan, Indiana & Ohio (via "sealed" warrants) against "militia" groups. There was supposed "threats" against Congressmen & "pipebomb" sales. Meanwhile our southern borders are wide open to gangsters, drug pushers & other assorted vermin!

Massive Fed Raids in Michigan...

...And Ohio...

...And Indiana

Arrests Made on MidWest Militias

This makes total sense...because making / selling pipe bombs (normally made by high school kids, or younger) is a much more dangerous activity than the Bloods, Crips, Latin Kings, drug cartels, and the zillions of the other appallingly violent non-white criminals who are encouraged and rewarded for creating perpetual bloodshed within America's borders.

The FBI and CIA, like every other façade of the PTB/NOW/Z0G, are only interested in destroying white lives. After the great white awakening, I hope their ivory towers come spiraling down to hell...I hope nothing of them remains.
Edited by: Thrashen
Thrashen...that's assuming the Fed's "charges" weren't trumped up (or a set-up by an agent provocateur).
Observer said:
What's all this "sealed warrant" stuff about? Is that common?

I'm not sure how common it is partner, but warrants are usually sealed if their release might hinder the investigation in some way...then the DA requests them sealed. The DA will sometimes request to seal a warrant when dealing with informants. The officers might be searching for incriminating correspondence between the defendant and their informant.

I suspect the Feds had some informants/moles, etc. Now it appears the "suspects" were pinched on gun charges, but these are just online rumors (as of now). Also, the PTB lackeys supposedly conducted a raid at a funeral! How "PC" of them.
It appears the other militia groups are on "high alert" according to online chatter at SF.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
It looks like one of the "threats" of this "militia" was to muslims because of the strong pro-Christian attitude of the group. I think some sort of "hate" charge against them is going to be brought out. Even if it's not part of the official charges which will probably just be some silly little gun technicality violations, they will use their anti-muslim views to make them look guilty to the media, which is what this is all about anyway.

Strange country, supposedly at war with radical islam, worried about terroists and now arresting Christian's because they might be some kind of threat to muslims.

The Feds in this area (SE Michigan) are under pressure because they recently shot some nut job arab which has put the powerful local muslim groups in protest mode. I think this is a way of evening it out. And who cares about a few rural devout Christians? No one's speaking up for them. In fact all of the quotes from the other local "militia" people are throwing these guys under the bus.

Get this quote: "One of the Hutaree members called a Michigan militia leader for assistance Saturday after federal agents had already began their raid, Lackomar said, but the militia member -- who is of Islamic decent and had heard about the threats -- declined to offer help. That Michigan militia leader is now working with federal officials to provide information on the Hutaree member for the investigation, Lackomar said Sunday.

From The Detroit News: http://detnews.com/article/20100328/METRO/3280313/#ixzz0jZbfUWAZ
JaxVid, I question the legitimacy of these supposed "threats". Whenever I see Feds raiding White, Christian groups...I suspect some kind of entrapment or trumped-up charges (complete with inserted paid snitches & agent provocateurs, etc.)...typical Orwellian M.O. Most militia groups are wise enough to know they're on the radar of the Orwellian DHS (& other Feds).

"Hutaree" (Christian) Militia Group Members Indicted for "WMDs", Conspiracy etc.

"Hutaree" Supposed "Threats" Against Muslims

Indictment : "Hutaree" Milita Members Sought to "Levy War" Against US

Feds Raid Funeral in Militia "Crackdown"

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
One of their crimes: "Teaching/Demonstrating Use of Explosive Materials" so don't show your kids how to light off firecrackers or risk Fed Gov't involvement.
This Hutaree story has been on every news outlet imaginable, with the usual "right wing extremist" fearmongering. Reading through the alleged charges, and after perusing the Hutaree website, I'm thinking that this looks to be a big trumped up batch of BS. Even the snippets that the MSM took from the site are lifted out of context. This sort of story, along with the attempt to connect it to the Tea Party movement, should send a shiver down the spine of every person looking to defend themselves from Big Brother.
From what I have seen the MSM have suggested that this group got raided partly because of their anti-muslim philosophy. What a bunch of hooey! John Hagee's group couldn't be any more anti-muslim and they have never been raided or infiltrated in anyway. The JDL is the most active terrorist group in America and yet their leader does interviews in the MSM and, of course, you never hear of them being raided. If anti-muslim reteoric gets people arrested, then why hasn't half of the GOP been arrested? I still get calls from Republican Party delegates warning me about the evils of Islam.

Just like all the other raids this raid was done because the organization is quietly considered anti-semitic. The SPLC has them listed as a right-wing extremist group. They have an "Evil Jew Forum" on their website. Like other targeted groups they believe in an end times prophecy that involves fighting the Anti-Christ and Jewish control. I'm sure they are anti-muslim too, but who cares about that? Take a number and get in line. This is all done to hide the real reason groups get raided. Any end times prophecy groups who don't believe in the chosen people ruling over us in the end times are a target.
And more on the Christian midwest militia. Shades of Waco, anyone? "Authorities seized guns in the raid but would not say whether they found explosives". Meaning: They didn't find any. Just normal, perfectly legal (for now) guns. Maybe I missed it, but I couldn't findanything on the Hutaree website that was derogatory or incitefulabout peace officers at all, even in the wide-open forum. But we have to trust and believe the FBI, right?

DixieDestroyer said:
NYC cops toting (full auto) machine guns in subways, etc. Any excuse to ramp up the Orwellian police-state!

I can just imagine the look of terror in the eyes of the normal criminal thugs (ethnicity not to be mentioned;-)) who don't pay any attention to the news and assume that they cops are after them! I'll bet the subways were a WHOLE lot whiter!
FootballDad said:
And more on the Christian midwest militia.  Shades of Waco, anyone?  "Authorities seized guns in the raid but would not say whether they found explosives".  Meaning:  They didn't find any.  Just normal, perfectly legal (for now) guns.  Maybe I missed it, but I couldn't find anything on the Hutaree website that was derogatory or inciteful about peace officers at all, even in the wide-open forum.  But we have to trust and believe the FBI, right? 
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Don't worry, if they can't find any weapons of mass destruction they will plant some. Or suddenly find child porn and a meth lab.