Police State Redux

Toyota trots out the Orwellian technology, since us lowly serfs cannot be trusted & must be controlled. ***Even though Toyota's part of the (supposed) private sector, they are still directed by the Globalist Elite agenda (like most large Corporations).

Toyota developing anti-drunk driving gadget

Aug 31 06:20 AM US/Eastern

Toyota Motor said Monday it was developing anti-drunk driving equipment that would lock the ignition of a vehicle if high levels of alcohol are detected in the driver.
The system features a hand-held breathalyser, equipped with a digital camera, that detects alcohol consumption and photographs the driver's face for identification, a company statement said.

If the driver tests positive, the system either warns him or her, or locks the vehicle's ignition depending on the level of alcohol detected, Toyota said.

The carmaker is conducting tests with affiliate truck maker Hino Motors, and will install the equipment in selected trucks and other vehicles of fleet customers that include companies and government organisations.

The device will alert fleet administrators if the driver is detected with excessive alcohol levels, Toyota said.

Nissan Motor is currently developing similar equipment. In the United States, certain states earlier this year passed legislation requiring drunk driving offenders to install breathalyser ignition locks in their cars.

**Reference article...Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Violating the Posse Commitatus Act, U.S. troops are continuing occupation of American soil (in preparation for martial law)...

Maximum Alert: U.S. Troops Now Occupying America

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Under the pretext of "helping"Â￾ local communities short of police in difficult economic times, as well as preparations for a potential swine flu pandemic, U.S. troops are now occupying America as the country sinks into a state of de facto martial law.

We have been inundated with reports over the last few weeks of uniformed soldiers and National Guardsmen running internal checkpoints all over the country as a frightening "Red Dawn"Â￾ scenario unfolds not with a bang but with a whimper.

The military are now being called upon to undertake roles normally designated to police as Americans are incrementally acclimated to accept the presence of troops on the streets as an everyday occurrence.

The latest case occurred in Kingman Arizona, where National Guardsmen were filmed "providing security"Â￾ and directing traffic.

Another similar example occurred in Newport Kentucky earlier this month when military checkpoints suddenly appeared downtown on September 6. Military Police from the U.S. Army National as well as Marines were purportedly conducting "traffic control"Â￾ because the city was strapped for funds and did not have enough police to do the job.

The excuse that troops are stepping in to help because there is a lack of police doesn't wash. Crime is down over the last 20 years, there are around three times more police and the state is not calling out the National Guard, they are being put on the streets as a result of the harmonization of police and military, a process that has been ongoing for decades, long before the economic recession hit. Troops also have guns and their primary function is to search people and vehicles, not direct traffic.

Members of the WeAreChange Ohio group interviewed some of the troops, who when asked if they would be prepared to "confiscate guns, shoot resisters in the back of the head, or throw people into ovens to incinerate bodies,"Â￾ refused to categorically deny that they would follow such orders.

Watch the video below.

However, this was by no means the first time that troops have been used to fulfil roles normally ascribed to police in Kentucky.

During the Kentucky Derby on May 2 this year, Military Police were on patrol to deal with crowd control. An Associated Press photograph shows armed MP's detaining a man who ran onto the track following the 135th Kentucky Derby horse race at Churchill Downs.

"The military has NO BUSINESS policing the citizens except during extraordinarily exceptional times of national emergency by an executive order. This is very disturbing and completely un-American. Maybe even more disturbing is that no one seems to care how quietly and easily we have accepted the burgeoning police state,"Â￾ one respondent to the photo stated.

As we reported last year, U.S. troops returning from Iraq are now occupying America, running checkpoints and training to deal with "civil unrest and crowd control"Â￾ under the auspices of a Northcom program that by 2011 will have no less than 20,000 active duty troops deployed inside America to "help"Â￾ state and local officials during times of emergency.

Maximum Alert: U.S. Troops Now Occupying America mps derby

Over the course of the last couple of years, we have reported on numerous instances of military involvement with local law enforcement in violation of Posse Comitatus.

In January, soldiers from the Virginia National Guard. Soldiers from the Lynchburg-based 1st Battalion, 116th Brigade Combat Team, were used to conduct personal searches at checkpoints in Washington DC for the inauguration of Barack Obama.

In March, we reported on U.S. Army troops dispatched to patrol the streets of Samson, Alabama, after a murder spree.

On April 6, we reported on a DHS, federal, state, Air Force, and local law enforcement checkpoint in Tennessee. On April 3, Infowars was instrumental in the cancellation of a seatbelt checkpoint that was to be conducted in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security and the 251st Military Police in Bolivar, Tennessee.

Last December, we reported on the Marine Corps Air and Ground Combat Center dispatching troops to work with police on checkpoints in in San Bernardino County, California.

On April 22, we reported the deployment of 400 National Guard Combat Support Battalion troops to "maintain public order"Â￾ at the Boston Marathon.

Last June, Infowars posted an article by D. H. Williams of the Daily Newscaster reporting the deployment of 2,300 Marines in the city of Indianapolis under the direction of FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.

We also reported a story on April 22 covering the assault of a local television news team by an irate police officer in El Paso, Texas. A video taken by the news videographer shows uniformed soldiers working with police officers at the scene of a car accident.

The presence of uniformed and armed military police at the Kentucky Derby and those seen recently at the Riverfest celebration is part of an ongoing campaign to acclimate the populace to the presence of soldiers at public events.

This has now rapidly accelerated with reports pouring in from our readers of military checkpoints being set up all over the country in preparation for the swine flu pandemic.

Last week we reported on the testimony of a military whistleblower who warned that law enforcement and military personnel are training to set up checkpoints in order to catch people who refuse to take the swine flu vaccination.

In a You Tube video, a woman describing herself as a soldier explains how she was part of a drill in California centered around setting up roadblocks and checkpoints so authorities could check who has received the swine flu vaccine. Those who have had the shots will be fitted with an RFID bracelet so they can be tracked. Those who have not taken the shot will be offered it there and then and if they still refuse, will be carted off to an internment camp, according to the woman.

As CNN reported back in July, the military will assist civilian authorities in the event of a significant swine flu outbreak in the U.S. this fall, stoking fears that the pandemic, which has claimed relatively few lives so far, will be used as an excuse to implement martial law and a mandatory vaccination program.

"The plan calls for military task forces to work in conjunction with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. There is no final decision on how the military effort would be manned, but one source said it would likely include personnel from all branches of the military,"Â￾ states the report.

Northcom has been preparing for mass flu pandemics for years and indeed, Gen. Victor Renuart spoke of the threat of a flu pandemic emerging out of Mexico just weeks before it actually happened.

Testifying back in March, Renuart said Northcom would provide "assistance in support of civil authorities"Â￾ during an epidemic, adding "when requested and approved by the Secretary of Defense or directed by the President, federal military forces will contribute to federal support."Â￾ However, Renuart then added, "USNorthCom does not wait for that call to action."Â￾

Northcom was only relatively recently assigned its own fighting unit â€" the Army's 3rd Infantry Division's 1st Brigade Combat Team, which had been fighting in Iraq for five years before that. As we have previously reported, the Armed Forces Press Service has initiated a propaganda campaign designed to convince the American people that deploying the 3rd Infantry Division in the United States in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act is a good thing, with images of soldiers from the brigade helping in "humanitarian"Â￾ rescue missions, such as car wrecks. This is all designed to condition Americans to accept troops on the streets and highways as a part of everyday life.

The assignment of the 1st Brigade Combat Team to Northcom alarmed the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). "This is a radical departure from separation of civilian law enforcement and military authority and could, quite possibly, represent a violation of law,"Â￾ said Mike German, ACLU national security policy counsel.

The last time the the national guard and military worked with FEMA and local law enforcement on a large scale in the United States was during Hurricane Katrina, when they aided in the confiscation of privately owned firearms of citizens, even those who lived in the high and dry areas and were unaffected by the hurricane.

Another exercise that is training the U.S. military to take over law enforcement duties during a swine flu outbreak was revealed on Monday. According to Navy.mil, the Panamax 2009 drill, which is taking place in both Panama and San Antonio Texas, is designed to train soldiers to "stop people from going to work and school,"Â￾ during a pandemic.

Collating all the evidence of how the military has been seamlessly ingrained into the daily lives of Americans by way of uniformed troops undertaking law enforcement duties, there can be no doubt that the U.S. is already under a condition of undeclared martial law. If a deadlier swine flu pandemic returns this fall, as authorities have vehemently promised will happen, military checkpoints that are now dotted around the country will rapidly multiply and America will fully begin to resemble conditions witnessed in the historical dictatorships of Maoist China, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

Only by becoming aware of how far America has sunk into a militarized police state can we begin to reverse the incremental conditioning that has led Americans to accept the sight of troops on the streets demanding their papers.

***Reference article (with video clips)Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Just a little philosophic reminder about the Police state which passes laws like hunters set traps, to turn innocent people into state criminals. Ayn Rand summed the idea up in Atlas Shrugged:

"Did you really think that we want those laws to be observed?... We want them broken... We're after power and we mean it"¦ There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone?But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted â€" and you create a nation of law-breakers â€" and then you cash in on guilt."
Edited by: Bronk
Bronk said:
Just a little philosophic reminder about the Police state which passes laws like hunters set traps, to turn innocent people into state criminals. Ayn Rand summed the idea up in Atlas Shrugged:

"Did you really think that we want those laws to be observed?... We want them broken... We're after power and we mean it"¦ There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone?But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted â€" and you create a nation of law-breakers â€" and then you cash in on guilt."

Good stuff, love Ayn Rand!!
More SPLC fueled, Orwellian fodder against Americans...

Cops, deputies warned again about right-wing 'terrorists'

SPLC alarm: 'Militiamen, white supremacists, anti-Semites, nativists, tax protesters coalescing'

A private activist organization apparently is picking up where the federal government left off when the Department of Homeland Security issued its "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment" warning that returning veterans and people in a long list of other categories were potential terrorists.

Only the new warning, delivered recently to police officers, sheriffs and other law enforcement personnel across the country, is lumping those dedicated to the constitutional principles on which the nation was founded together with crazed killers.

The fall 2009 "Intelligence Report" was issued recently by the Southern Poverty Law Center, where officials confirmed to WND it was published specifically for and delivered to law enforcement personnel across the nation. The SPLC did not respond to a WND request for other comment

But the article groups members of various organizations such as Oathkeepers â€" whose mainly military and law enforcement members pledge to uphold their constitutional duties, including the duty to question and refuse what appear to be illegitimate orders â€" with a man "said to be interested in joining a militia" who is accused of killing two deputies in Florida.

"The situation has many authorities worried," the report to police officers says. "Militiamen, white supremacists, anti-Semites, nativists, tax protesters and a range of other activists of the radical right are cross-pollinating and may even be coalescing."

Garbage, says a supporter of the individual rights of gun ownership contained in the Second Amendment.

Mike Vanderboegh is with the Sipsey Street Irregulars, who describe themselves as among the 3 percent as in: "During the American revolution, the active forces in the field against the King's tyranny never amounted to more than 3 percent of the colonists."

The SPLC "are conflation experts," he told WND. "They have a pot and they throw everyone in it in an attempt to tar the rest of us with the racists and terrorists they throw in there."

He said the largest number of active members of various "militias" are constitutionalists, libertarians and conservatives who simply fear the government's swift advances toward federal ownership of banks and auto companies, intervention in personal rights such as health care and obstruction of constitutional provisions with gun regulations.

Only the minority are focused on conspiracy theories and the like, he said.

He said, for example, he was at the Oathkeepers April ceremony in Lexington, and the members with no significant exceptions were highly decorated and long-term serving military members and police. The group's principles include statements they will uphold their oath to support the Constitution.

"What I saw there was quintessentially America," he said.

The warning from the SPLC echoes the alarmism from the earlier federal report. WND has posted the report online.

It warned of potential terrorism threats from those who:

* Oppose abortion

* Are returning veterans

* Oppose same-sex marriage

* Oppose restrictions on firearms

* Oppose lax immigration laws

* Oppose the policies of President Obama regarding immigration, citizenship, and the expansion of social programs

* Oppose continuation of free trade agreements

* Are suspect of foreign regimes

* Fear Communist regimes

* Oppose a "one world" government

* Bemoan the decline of U.S. stature in the world

* Are upset with loss of U.S. manufacturing jobs to China and India, and more

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano later apologized to veterans for including them in the list but not to other groups of people, not even when WND also reported later that the "extremism" report was confirmed to have been based on Internet "chatter."

Under the headline "Going Feral," the SPLC warning to police quotes personalities such as Fox News host Glenn Beck, U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann and actor Chuck Norris.

"It's like Thomas Jefferson said, a revolution every now and then is a good thing. We are at the point ... of revolution. And by that, what I mean [is] an orderly revolution, where the people of this country wake up and get up and make a decision that this is not going to happen on their watch," the warning quoted Bachmann, R-Minn., saying.

Norris, in a WND column in March, wrote, "How much more will Americans take? When will enough be enough? And, when that time comes, will our leaders finally listen or will history need to record a second American Revolution?"

Beck's "threat" was, "If this country starts to spiral out of control and, you know, and Mexico melts down or whatever, if it really starts to spiral out of control "¦ Americans "¦ just won't stand for it. There will be parts of the country that will rise up."

In a later column, Norris addressed the issue in a discussion of the 9/12 rally in Washington, where hundreds of thousands of people assembled to protest uncontrolled spending by government and its interference in individual lives.

"On Sept. 12, 2002, we sought to protect our nation against terrorists from without. Beginning on Sept. 12, 2009, we are seeking to protect our nation against enemies of our republic from within. Many of us are protesting the present political direction of Washington. Outrageous borrowing, excessive bailouts, massive spending, speedball stimulus plans "¦ swings toward socialism are just a few of things that were protested that day. Of course, economics is far from America's only problem, as large as it appears to loom," Norris wrote.

"I want to emphasize: this revolutionary movement is not solely an independent, Republican or Democrat fight. It represents patriots fed up against modernists who seek to overturn almost every principle and tenet laid down by our country's founders at the inception of our republic. From the East Coast to the 'Left Coast,' America seems to be moving further and further from its founders' vision and government," he said.

A column by gun rights author David Codrea said, "SPLC's Larry Keller asserts they are 'particularly worrisome.' A fair question might be 'why' or 'to whom?' It's not like they're associated with anything other than patriotism, in spite of his attempts to insinuate racist ties."

Codrea said a militia was important enough for the Founding Fathers to declare them "necessary to the security of a free state."

The terror theme also was raised recently by Democrats. WND reported when an "Organizing for America" campaign document outlined a plan to have activists telephone their state's senators Sept. 11 to demand a "public option," which critics say would lead to a government health-care monopoly.

Bobby Eberle, posting on a Republican Party site called The Loft, said Obama "and his team have no limits on what they will do or say in order to inject socialist views into the minds of Americans."

"They also have absolutely no respect or appreciation for the American way and the sacrifices Americans have made in order to stay free and to promote the American way of life across the globe. Just take the latest effort being pitched at BarackObama.com. Rather than remembering the Americans who lost their lives during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Obama's political team wants you to make phone calls on 9/11 to fight back against 'Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists,'" Eberle wrote.

The OFA plan said, "All 50 states are coordinating in this â€" as we fight back against our own Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists who are subverting the American Democratic Process, whipped to a frenzy by their Fox Propaganda Network ceaselessly reseizing power for their treacherous leaders."

Shortly after the "extremism" report was released, WND reported, the Department of Defense was describing protesters as "low-level terrorists."

WND later reported when the DoD eventually withdrew a training manual question that linked protesters across the U.S. to terrorism.

The Thomas More Law Center has filed a lawsuit against Napolitano and the DHS on behalf of nationally syndicated conservative radio talk show host Michael Savage, Gregg Cunningham of the pro-life organization Center for Bio-Ethical Reform Inc. and Iraqi War Marine veteran Kevin Murray.

The lawsuit alleges the federal agency violated the First and Fifth Amendment constitutional rights of the three plaintiffs by targeting them for disfavored treatment and chilling their free speech, expressive association and equal protection rights. The lawsuit further claims DHS encouraged law enforcement officers throughout the nation to target and report citizens to federal officials as suspicious rightwing extremists and potential terrorists because of their political beliefs.

***Reference article...Edited by: DixieDestroyer
NYC ups midtown surveillance & Neocon/RINO Bloomberg says "We can't just say everybody can go everyplace and do anything they want".

NYC Ratchets Up Police State

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
An historical account of the police state plans from the 1970s:

The Huston Plan was a 43-page security operations plan put together by White House aide Tom Charles Huston in 1970. It was a drawn up for Nixon who wanted more coordination of domestic intelligence gathering information about left-wing radicals and anti-war activists and groups.

The plan called for federal intelligence forces to commit domestic burglary, illegal electronic surveillance and opening the mail of domestic radicals. At one time it also called for the creation of camps in Western states where anti-war protesters would be detained. Despite Nixon's decision to revoke the Huston Plan, several of its provisions were implemented anyway.

The Huston Plan came to light during the 1973 Watergate hearings headed by Senator Sam Ervin.
Obongo & the (Marxist shell/Globalist puppet core) traitors continue their push for the coming police state. They're indoctrinating these youngsters to fight "enemies" like veterans, gun owners & other Constitution-minded Americans...

Obama's "Youth Army" Prepares for Martial Law/Police StateEdited by: DixieDestroyer
"Al CIAda" to monitor the net for "anti-government" chatter. I'm quite sure they (NSA, FBI, DHS) have already been doing so...

CIA to Monitor Web for Ant-Govt ChatterEdited by: DixieDestroyer
More govt push for Americans to spy upon one another. The rats who jump on this are the same ones who call CPS if they see your kid with a little scratch, etc. I don't advocate not paying taxes (even though the Fed income tax is bogus), because it's akin to not paying the mob their vig...you'll end up with (figurative) "concrete shoes". I do take issue with the government fostering a "tattle-tail" state & folks not minding their own business.

Chicago To Pay Stool Pigeons For Informing on Tax Cheats...

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
DixieDestroyer said:
Once again proving George Orwell a true prophet/visionary...

Congress Changes "Hate Crimes" to Cover Sodomites

This mindset is permeating every corner of our society. Infuriating.


Store fires man for saying he opposes gay marriage

It's not coming; it's here. A Brookstone store in Massachusetts has fired a worker because, after a co-worker approached him four times to talk about her upcoming lesbian wedding, he told her he thought homosexuality was immoral. He says she was clearly trying to goad him into expressing his moral beliefs, and when he did, she replied "Human Resources, buddy. You keep your opinion to yourself."Â￾ A few days later Human Resources fired him for "harassment"Â￾ and "imposing"Â￾ his beliefs on others.