Polamalu wins AP Defensive Player of the Year!

TheAnimal said:
warhawk46 said:
<div></div><div>On the other hand, statistics do not tell the whole story on how effective and disruptive a player can be. I love this site, but some of you are so over-the -top it hurts Caste Football's standing and reputation. For those of you who cannot accept that Polamalu deserved this award I question whether you've watched the Steelers games or are nearly as biased as those who we are trying to fight against...</div>

Considering the NFL's current push of all things Pittsburgh I have seen more Steelers games than I care to. The truth of the matter is Troy Polamalu is probably the most overrated player in the NFL. Anyone questioning that is free to look at the stats, he's no better than any other number of safeties. The big difference between he and everyone else? His highlights are crammed down our throats via the MSM giving the appearance he is this superman that he isn't. Pay closer attention from this point forward, they beat each highlight the guy mans into the dirt. Reality? He's often hurt, for every amazing play it appears he makes(Appears meaning: He gets away with hits that anyone else would draw a penalty over as well as being the only guy in the NFL who can grab a ball that hit the ground and have it counted as an amazing interception) there are twenty he doesn't make and he is a benefactor of his surroundings. As for Clay Matthews it has nothing to do with his race except maybe to those who snubbed him. The fact of the matter his play on the field speaks for itself, he is legitimately a one man game changer that offenses have had to game plan around. He is a guy that can cream your QB, he can stuff the run and he can drop back in coverage playing the pass. Simple put teams spend their weeks gameplanning around Matthews. I'm also going to state this in another matter via breaking down player v.s. player. First let me preface by saying I am big on integrity. This is a area where the NFL lacks any. That said...Let's start with interceptions, shall we? Troy has 7, Matthews has 1. This one goes to Troy. Fine. HOWEVER this here is where it gets muddy and the NFL's lack of integrity shows through. Out of those seven INT's exactly TWO came off of intercepting top franchise quarterbacks, namely Joe Flacco and Matt Ryan. The rest? Vince Young(1), Jason Campbell(1), Ryan Fitzpatrick(1), interception machine Carson Palmer(2) and rookie Colt McCoy. Not so impressive. I believe they call it padding stats. Now you brought up the tackles, correct? Clay having 60, Troy having 63. You are correct that the stat DOESN'T tell the entire story. 54 of Matthews sacks were SOLO. 49 of Troys were solo, the other 14 being his specialty of running in after another Steeler has the guy wrapped up and throwing on. Edge: MatthewsSacks: 13.5 for Matthews, one for Troy. Edge Matthews. Pass deflections: Troy with 11, Clay with 4. Edge: Matthews. How so you ask? 1: Because he is a passrushing linebacker in a 3-4 defense, it isn't his job to defend passes yet he excels at it. Also because like with everything else in regards to Polamalu, two of his deflections came against elite franchise QB's. You guessed it, Flacco and Ryan. The other 9? Vince Young(1), Jason Campbell(2), Ryan Fitzpatrick(3), Palmer(2) and McCoy(1). Hopefully you're noticing the trend here, Polamalu is at his best against weak quarterbacks. As anyone can see who goes and looks at the breakdown he disappeared from entire games from week 3 through week 10 as well as being "injured" in weeks 15 and 16. Forced fumbles: Clay with 2, Troy with 1. Edge Clay. Now I wrote out the above to show that Polamalu is highly overrated as well as to break down why Matthews deserved DPOY. The only thing Polamalu beats Matthews in is interceptions and as we can see they came via a weak schedule against horrible quarterbacks. The great thing about stat sheets? They break them down by each game. That's the key, especially when it comes to things like interceptions as well as to judge a player based on their entire season. If they vanish for large stretches only to pull out a nice game against a horrible opponent? They're not very good. That brings me to another point, anyone who cares to read through Matthews seasonal stats? They will quickly see despite being doubleteamed and game planned against he was STILL having productive games week after week. Polamalu? No dice.

so if Peyton Hillis had won running back of the year over Arian Foster or some other back with better stats you'd cry foul right? haha. good one. i'd vote for Hillis for offensive MVP over any runningback this year, based on what he meant to the browns and his shattering of the 25 year glass ceiling. does that mean he's overrated?
johnnyboy said:
Kaptain said:
warhawk46 said:
The reason Troy doesn't make as many tackles as some safties is because the Steelers defense is so great. No one can run on them. Even the great Peyton Hillis struggled against the Steelers. <div></div><div>Matthews, as a linebacker, had 60 tackles. Not a very high number. I think that gets held against him. For example, James Harrison won DPOY a couple years ago and had 100 tackles and 16 sacks, plus like 5 or 6 FF. </div><div></div><div>On the other hand, statistics do not tell the whole story on how effective and disruptive a player can be. I love this site, but some of you are so over-the -top it hurts Caste Football's standing and reputation. For those of you who cannot accept that Polamalu deserved this award I question whether you've watched the Steelers games or are nearly as biased as those who we are trying to fight against...</div>

Ah yes, another poster worried about our reputation. Save it. I guess 15 members of the associated press must also be "over the top", or caste football members. I get it - Matthew's low tackles total should be held against him while Polamalu's low tackle and sack numbers can be dismissed because he is so colorfully magical. Matthews must be so good that he not only has to win against this years competition, but also he needs to win against past year's competition as well. I've watched most of the Steelers and the Packers games and I can honestly say that Polamalu did not deserve to win the award. The fact that the biased white-hating associated press nearly gave Matthews the award he deserved is evidence that supports my stance. Surely Matthews lost a few votes simply for being white - just think of the kind of people that make-up the Ass. press.

I question the credibility of anyone who seems to insist that the award should go to a Steeler no matter what the statistics bare out. That kind of talk is best left for Steeler blogs of which there are plenty you can join.

question warhawk's credibility all you want. fact is a lot of people can make a case for Casey without hating on Troy's ability. you should try it. maybe provide more proof than "I can honestly say [he] did not deserve to win win the award.

also, if the 15 AP members are caste football members, does that mean ALL the other AP members are racist and don't really think polamalu is deserving of the award? nice logic.


Casey? OK, you don't like it when I questioned the credibility of a poster who felt the need, with his whole 44 posts, to rag on caste football posters for daring to suggest Clay Matthews was deserving of the award all the while feigning a great desire to uphold the integrity of this site. Gimme a break.

I think Polamalu is a good player and had pretty good year, but I think Clay Matthews had a better year and is more deserving of the award. That's not "over the top" nor does it hurt the credibility of this website where we support white athletes, not black Pittsburg Steeler players. Maybe you should read the sites bylaws. I don't need to be lectured by folks with 44 posts on the reputation of this website.

cheers. Edited by: Kaptain
Kaptain said:
johnnyboy said:
Kaptain said:
warhawk46 said:
The reason Troy doesn't make as many tackles as some safties is because the Steelers defense is so great. No one can run on them. Even the great Peyton Hillis struggled against the Steelers. <div></div><div>Matthews, as a linebacker, had 60 tackles. Not a very high number. I think that gets held against him. For example, James Harrison won DPOY a couple years ago and had 100 tackles and 16 sacks, plus like 5 or 6 FF. </div><div></div><div>On the other hand, statistics do not tell the whole story on how effective and disruptive a player can be. I love this site, but some of you are so over-the -top it hurts Caste Football's standing and reputation. For those of you who cannot accept that Polamalu deserved this award I question whether you've watched the Steelers games or are nearly as biased as those who we are trying to fight against...</div>

Ah yes, another poster worried about our reputation. Save it. I guess 15 members of the associated press must also be "over the top", or caste football members. I get it - Matthew's low tackles total should be held against him while Polamalu's low tackle and sack numbers can be dismissed because he is so colorfully magical. Matthews must be so good that he not only has to win against this years competition, but also he needs to win against past year's competition as well. I've watched most of the Steelers and the Packers games and I can honestly say that Polamalu did not deserve to win the award. The fact that the biased white-hating associated press nearly gave Matthews the award he deserved is evidence that supports my stance. Surely Matthews lost a few votes simply for being white - just think of the kind of people that make-up the Ass. press.

I question the credibility of anyone who seems to insist that the award should go to a Steeler no matter what the statistics bare out. That kind of talk is best left for Steeler blogs of which there are plenty you can join.

question warhawk's credibility all you want. fact is a lot of people can make a case for Casey without hating on Troy's ability. you should try it. maybe provide more proof than "I can honestly say [he] did not deserve to win win the award.

also, if the 15 AP members are caste football members, does that mean ALL the other AP members are racist and don't really think polamalu is deserving of the award? nice logic.


Casey? OK, you don't like it when I questioned the credibility of a poster who felt the need, with his whole 44 posts, to rag on caste football posters for daring to suggest Clay Matthews was deserving of the award all the while feigning a great desire to uphold the integrity of this site. Gimme a break.

I think Polamalu is a good player and had pretty good year, but I think Clay Matthews had a better year and is more deserving of the award. That's not "over the top" nor does it hurt the credibility of this website where we support white athletes, not black Pittsburg Steeler players. Maybe you should read the sites bylaws. I don't need to be lectured by folks with 44 posts on the reputation of this website.


haha. wow. ok champ how many "post" does wawrhawk need to have before he can question YOUR credibility?

don't backtrack skipper. you implied troy got the award over Clay because Troy is "colorful." you do realize Troy isn't the same as chumps like Ed Reed or Roy Williams, right? if you're going to pull theories out of the air don't back track or get upset when people call you out on them. i'm still waiting for your theory on how the AP members voted for Troy based on race? fill me in.

maybe you should read the bylaws. it doesn't say anything about having to believe that Troy Polamalu is not a defensive MVP caliber player. it also doesn't mention your name anywhere in the bylaws. nor does it describe your theory on the importance of the number of posts you have. frankly, i don't care about "post" numbers. there's a jackass on the ESPN soccer board that swears the key to the US winning it's first World Cup is giving green cards to african soccer players...and that guy has 3x as many posts as you.

I agree with Kaptain. Matthews clearly was a better player this year than Polamalu. The reason Polamulu got it is because of his name and reputation, not his production on the field. Kind of like how Shaquille O'Neal made the All Star team last year despite only averaging 12 ppg. His name got him in as well as the stupidity of the DWF's. Polamalu is over rated and Matthews is a beast.
johnnyboy said:
haha. wow. ok champ how many "post" does wawrhawk need to have before he can question YOUR credibility?

don't backtrack skipper. you implied troy got the award over Clay because Troy is "colorful." you do realize Troy isn't the same as chumps like Ed Reed or Roy Williams, right? if you're going to pull theories out of the air don't back track or get upset when people call you out on them. i'm still waiting for your theory on how the AP members voted for Troy based on race? fill me in.

maybe you should read the bylaws. it doesn't say anything about having to believe that Troy Polamalu is not a defensive MVP caliber player. it also doesn't mention your name anywhere in the bylaws. nor does it describe your theory on the importance of the number of posts you have. frankly, i don't care about "post" numbers. there's a jackass on the ESPN soccer board that swears the key to the US winning it's first World Cup is giving green cards to african soccer players...and that guy has 3x as many posts as you.


Kaptain's point was that people with a small amount of posts shouldn't concern themselves with how the site is going to appear to other people. He's right. One should have some input before they take on the position of site monitor.

He is also right that CF posters bragging on Matthews against Polamalu is perfectly sensible. Why would it be any other way. Do you think there is anyone on blackathlete.net arguing that Matthews should have won? (I know that Polamalu isn't black, but do you think that makes a difference to black people?).

For what it's worth, yes Polamalu is a good player, no question, but as Don mentioned he won the award more as a "career acheivement" then as what he actually did on the field this year. And I for one am tired of non-white players getting credit year after year for something they did in the past. It is a big part of the caste system to continually give credit to non-whites for past accomplishments. Polamalu's stats indicate to me that he was not deserving this year. That is not an outrageous conclusion and I don't think anyone that looked at the issue in an unbiased manner would disagree.
what i found ridiculous was that Peppers had 6 votes, what with his 8 sacks (3 came against Dolphins 3rd string QB and backup o-line), where even Dolphins Wake was more deserving and had 0 votes. What's with the love for a guy who hasn't done much for last few seasons. I feel like these votes should have been split between Clay and Polamalu.
As Highlander mentioned, an argument could made to suggest that Polamalu wasn't even the best defensive back in the NFL in 2010. Devin McCourty, for instance, had the same amount of interceptions (7) as Polamalu, but also amassed 82 tackles, had 2 forced fumbles, and a sack. McCourty's interceptions, unlike Polamalu's trademark "Ed Reed Cherry-Picking,"Â￾ were made nearly entirely while tightly covering every team's "best"Â￾ receiver (which isn't saying much, I know).

Also, the DPOTY award was intended to be given to the player who is most "valuable"Â￾ to his team. In my opinion, there was no clear cut winner.

JohnnyBoy, is it possible for you to be any less of a d-ck? Probably not, huh?
come on guys, johnny is just under influence of Troy's hairdo.

"you asked with your eyes, trent, you aked with your eyes..."
Polamalu is an impact guy and big hitter in the tradition of a Butkus, Mike Curtus, Jack Tatum, or John Lynch.

The guy is fun to watch, you can't miss him, everyone's seen his commercials, and he does HIT.

Best defensive player in the league? Naah. But he's a "safe" pick.
backrow said:
what i found ridiculous was that Peppers had 6 votes, what with his 8 sacks (3 came against Dolphins 3rd string QB and backup o-line), where even Dolphins Wake was more deserving and had 0 votes. What's with the love for a guy who hasn't done much for last few seasons. I feel like these votes should have been split between Clay and Polamalu.

Peppers is ALL about past rep. A lot of these awards and all-star team votes are.

Ir is ridiculous that he got even one vote.
warhawk46 said:
It's a nice breakdown but you can literally do the same thing for Matthews to downplay his accomplishments.

Actually no you can't. As I stated, the year long stat sheet shows he was productive for most every game in one way or another.
Week 1: 7 solo tackles, 3 sacks, 1FF
Week 2: 5 solo tackles, 3 sacks, 1 TFL
Week 3: 3 solo tackles
Week 4: 3 solo, 1 sack, 1TFL
Week 5: 2 solo, 1.5 sacks
Weeks 6-7 was injured
Week 8: 4 solo, 1 sack
Week 9: 3 solo, 1 sack, 1TFL, 1INT
Week 11: 5 solo, 1 sack, 1TFL
Week 12: 3 solo
Week 13: 6 solo
Week 14: 3 solo, 1 sack
Week 15: 2 solo
Week 16: 5 solo, 1TFL, 1FF
Week 17: 2 solo, 1 sack

You can point to weeks 6, 7 and 15 but that's about it. Despite being doubleteamed constantly and gameplanned around he was in most every game making plays.

warhawk46 said:
Now, let me be clear I am NOT downplaying Matthews' stats or dominance. He is the ultimate game-changer, a player the offense must account for on every play. Some of you guys are too sensitive and don't want to admit that there are several players in the NFL like this. The Steelers great defense has several of them.

It isn't about sensitivity, and I admit to it when it is warranted. I notice this is about the Steelers getting more unwarranted kudos. I'm not going to do that. As a whole their defense is really good but i'm not going to jump the bandwagon and fawn all over their 'roided out affletes, sorry.
warhawk46 said:
In a year or two, I fully expect him to take the next step and become as dominant as James Harrison, an OLB I compare him too.

He already is. Moreso actually when people take into account Harrisons multiple failed steroid tests and cinderella story of being an undersized OLB languishing on practice squads before adding 30lbs of muscle in one offseason and blossoming, as well as the Steelers getting caught having black market gear shipped to their facilities v.s. Matthews passing every steroid test he's ever taken and simply put being a superior athlete.
Thrashen said:
As Highlander mentioned, an argument could made to suggest that Polamalu wasn't even the best defensive back in the NFL in 2010. Devin McCourty, for instance, had the same amount of interceptions (7) as Polamalu, but also amassed 82 tackles, had 2 forced fumbles, and a sack. McCourty's interceptions, unlike Polamalu's trademark "Ed Reed Cherry-Picking,"Â￾ were made nearly entirely while tightly covering every team's "best"Â￾ receiver (which isn't saying much, I know).

Also, the DPOTY award was intended to be given to the player who is most "valuable"Â￾ to his team. In my opinion, there was no clear cut winner.

JohnnyBoy, is it possible for you to be any less of a d-ck? Probably not, huh?

Troy P v.s. McCourty head to head:

Solo tackles-
McCourty: 69
Polamalu: 49

McCourty: 1
Polamalu: 1

McCourty: 7
Polamalu: 7

INT yards-
McCourty: 110
Polamalu: 101

McCourty: 17
Polamalu: 11

McCourty: 2
Polamalu: 1

It isn't even close. McCourty equals or is "head and shoulders" better than Polamalu in EVERY category. The other part to look at is McCourty was batting down passes and racking up INT's against Aaron Rodgers, Peyton Manning, Brett Favre, Jay Cutler and Ben Roethlesberger, a whose who of franchise QB's while Polamalu was only having success against backups and bottom feeders.

I can't wait to see how someone tries to make the above about race considering McCourty is black!
very nice breakdown, TheAnimal. However Polamalu plays on the "vaunted" Steelers D, while McCourty was on leaky Pats D.

Another thing worth noticing is... McCourty was a rook!
backrow said:
very nice breakdown, TheAnimal. However Polamalu plays on the "vaunted" Steelers D, while McCourty was on leaky Pats D.

Another thing worth noticing is... McCourty was a rook!

Thanks. You're right, I forgot, Troy plays for the mighty Steelers! Who cares if he doesn't produce? No doubt these many awards and accolades are payback for Art Rooney lapdogging the Marxists with his Rooney Rule. Good point on being a rookie. McCourty is only going to get better.
This award is heavily skewed toward "big plays" rather than "plays." Both Polamalu and Matthews had very modest tackle totals. Was Matthews a better defensive player this past season than Chad Greenway, who had an outstanding 144 tackles as an OLB, but just 1 sack and no picks? Or Brian Urlacher, who had 125 combined tackles, 4 sacks, 1 pick and 10 pass defenses? Anyone who watched Bears and Vikings games knows that those two were all over the field making play after play. Maybe Urlacher should have gotten it, coming back from a lost season on IR,as a "career achievement award," rather than Polamalu.

Paul Posluszny had 151 combined tackles for the Bills even after missingtwo games with an injuryand single-handedly kept them in many games. Craig Dahl was a tackling machine when he finally got a chance to be a starter at safety for the Rams.

Polamalu and Matthews are big play specialists, but are they more valuable than the guys who are consistently productive at a high level? Ed Reed is proclaimed a cinch future Hall of Famer yet he annually racks up puny tackle totals. Which one was more valuablein 2010-- Ed Reed with his 37 tackles and 8 interceptions, or Eric Weddle and his 96 tackles and 2 interceptions? I'd rather have Weddle on my team but we know who the media and DWFs would rank as more valuable. Edited by: Don Wassall
jaxvid said:
johnnyboy said:
haha. wow. ok champ how many "post" does wawrhawk need to have before he can question YOUR credibility?

don't backtrack skipper. you implied troy got the award over Clay because Troy is "colorful." you do realize Troy isn't the same as chumps like Ed Reed or Roy Williams, right? if you're going to pull theories out of the air don't back track or get upset when people call you out on them. i'm still waiting for your theory on how the AP members voted for Troy based on race? fill me in.

maybe you should read the bylaws. it doesn't say anything about having to believe that Troy Polamalu is not a defensive MVP caliber player. it also doesn't mention your name anywhere in the bylaws. nor does it describe your theory on the importance of the number of posts you have. frankly, i don't care about "post" numbers. there's a jackass on the ESPN soccer board that swears the key to the US winning it's first World Cup is giving green cards to african soccer players...and that guy has 3x as many posts as you.


Kaptain's point was that people with a small amount of posts shouldn't concern themselves with how the site is going to appear to other people. He's right. One should have some input before they take on the position of site monitor.

He is also right that CF posters bragging on Matthews against Polamalu is perfectly sensible. Why would it be any other way. Do you think there is anyone on blackathlete.net arguing that Matthews should have won? (I know that Polamalu isn't black, but do you think that makes a difference to black people?).

For what it's worth, yes Polamalu is a good player, no question, but as Don mentioned he won the award more as a "career acheivement" then as what he actually did on the field this year. And I for one am tired of non-white players getting credit year after year for something they did in the past. It is a big part of the caste system to continually give credit to non-whites for past accomplishments. Polamalu's stats indicate to me that he was not deserving this year. That is not an outrageous conclusion and I don't think anyone that looked at the issue in an unbiased manner would disagree.

your post makes a lot more sense than the posts that read as if Polamalu is just average. i see that "career achievement" thing being an influence on the voters. good post.
Don, I absolutely love your last post. Far more productive players often get overlooked because they don't make the SportCenter highlights like a Polamalu or Matthews. Greenway and Poszluzny for example.<div>
</div><div>The DPOY always goes to a team that is very, very good. Game-changing timely plays cannot be under-valued though. Matthews and Polamalu provided those. I honestly don't see a problem with him receiving the award, although I think James Harrison is the best defender on the Steelers, one of the absolute best in the league.</div><div>
And whoever said I shouldn't be concerned with the site's reputation because of not having many posts, shame on you. <div>
</div><div>That kind of attitude is what will keep the media and DWFs from taking it seriously. I have been telling friends to check the site out to educate themselves about the caste system in American football (and other sports) and to suggest that I shouldn't care how the site comes across due to over-the-top posts is arrogant and off-putting.
All year long Clay Matthews was considered to be the front runner for Defensive Player MVP. When did Polamalu gain the advantage? He stripped the ball out of Flaccos hand at the end of the Ravens game. That highlight was shown over and over and talked about constantly. He then had 2 picks against the hapless Bungles the following week but had only 2 assisted tackles. He missed the remaining 2 games of the regular season,but apparently he didn't need to do anything more to win the award.

Very odd that he would gain so much ground over Matthews who made several huge plays down the stretch in crucial games. Packers had to run the table to make the playoffs. Matthews was crucial to their success.

Go figure!

Maybe his hair is too blonde? Next year he should dye it black and frizz it up, he'd stand a much better chance with the writers. Oh, he should be kinder to Michael Vick too. Throwing Vick around the field and talking trash to him probably cost him several votes from dog killer's groupies.

I heard a broadcast today from Dallas that was interesting. The hosts couldn't believe how good a player Matthews had become being he was a walk-on in college and special teams demon for 2 years in California.

Someone said Clay has only played in 20 games for the Packers and has registered 17 sacks.

Is that impressive or not historically?

Pretty darn good considering no one in NFL history has recorded that many sacks in their first 20 games.
There is no way the NFL of 2010 (Year 25 of the Full Blown Caste Era) was going to have White Offensive and Defensive Players of the Year. The last time that happened was in 1995 (10 F.B.C.E.) when Brett Favre won the Offensive award and Bryce Paup won the Defensive award. The only other time this has happened in the F.B.C.E. was in 1989, when Joe Montana and Keith Millard were the award winners. In 1983, Joe Theismann and Doug Betters won them. In 1976 it was Bert Jones and Jack Lambert.
Keith Millard, still dwfs can't explain why whites aren't given a chance at defensive tackle. Keith Millard has 18 sacks that year, as a DT. None of the affletic defensive tackles have come close except for Warren Sapp one year, with 16.5. Albert Haynsworth who everyone drools over had 8.5.
Yeah, Millard was absolutely outstanding that year. I would like t point out that La'Roi Glover had 17 sacks as a 3-technique one year. At least he was a black player who wasn't coddled and had to work his way into the NFL (played in NFL Europe for a couples seasons).<div>
</div><div>Also, in 1995 Paup shouldn't have won. Should have been Junior Seau that year. Seau, being from America Samoa, isn't black so in my mind that wouldn't have mattered. People forget just how absolutely dominant Seau was throughout the whole 90s decade. He finished 2nd in the AP DPOY 4 times I believe. In my opinion, he should have won it in 92, 95 and 98 (Lost to Cortez Kennedy, Paup and Reggie White).</div><div>The most disruptive linebacker I've ever seen. Too bad he played for the lowly Chargers of the 90s.</div><div>
</div><div>Clay Matthews reminds me of Seau in his absolute passion for the game, elite athleticism and overall disruption to the offense (even if he doesn't make the actual play who can be pretty sure he freed up his teammates to).</div><div>
</div><div>Both Southern Cal guys too.</div>
I really don't care for the Player of Year Award nonsense. The same goes for not wasting one second on watching the "NFL All Pro game or what ever they call it. I prefer to look at the performance on game days and the entire year for who is the real player of the year in my own mind. These awards are corrupt and don't merit who the real players are.

Next Sunday looking for Rodgers to have a a defining game. Jordy to have a break out game, Kuhn to have significant carries and plays. For Matthews to have game changing plays and for the Packers to triumph.
warhawk46 said:
And whoever said I shouldn't be concerned with the site's reputation because of not having many posts, shame on you.  <div></div><div>That kind of attitude is what will keep the media and DWFs from taking it seriously. I have been telling friends to check the site out to educate themselves about the caste system in American football (and other sports) and to suggest that I shouldn't care how the site comes across due to over-the-top posts is arrogant and off-putting.<div></div><div></div></div>

Good grief fella, give it a rest. Stick around for awhile before you judge our opinions as "over the top" or "arrogant." This site hasn't consistently grown because we mince our words or constantly give the other side the benefit of the doubt. We give our athletes the benefit of the doubt.
warhawk46 said:
DIV]</div><div>Also, in 1995 Paup shouldn't have won. Should have been Junior Seau that year. Seau, being from America Samoa, isn't black so in my mind that wouldn't have mattered. People forget just how absolutely dominant Seau was throughout the whole 90s decade.</div>

I'm going to give an example of how to stick up for our guys and completely shred your arguement so you can get a feel for this website. In 1995 Brice Paup led the league in sacks with 17.5 sacks and also recorded two interceptions from the DE position. Junior Seau had 111 tackles, 130 combined tackles, and 2 sacks that year - somewhat pedestrian stats. There, that was simple.

Junior Seau was certainly not an underrated player. He was media darling the first year he put on a uniform. Despite never leading the league in an any statistical category in his 20 years (often not even close), he was elected to 12 pro bowls. The media seemed to be more obsessed with his race and over the top demeanor than his actual performance on the field. American Samoans are now the NFL's most over-rated race by far. Some kind of ridiculous number like 40% of American Samoan high school football players go on to the NFL. And this for a race that I don't beleive has a single track and field or weightlifting record. The media infatuation with American Samoans is a microcosm of the caste system as it shows the power of perception over reality skewing illogical minds into believing magical qualities of certain races. Edited by: Kaptain
American Freedom News