Polamalu wins AP Defensive Player of the Year!

Just in regards to what snow was saying before, I'm not trying to make a statement about the the quality of polynesian football currently playing in college and the NFL. I don't get to see enough football or have an in-depth knowledge of the game to make those kind of judgements. All I wanted to get across was the point that in a sport I do know a lot about, which has some similarities to football, there are a lot of polynesian players who could play in positions outside of just interior linemen, linebackers and fullbacks.

I am under no illusions that many polys, such as Polamalu, can be overhyped and certainly do not have the same negative stigma attached to them that white players have. In saying that, there does seem to be a stereotype of the polynesian athlete that limits him to merely playing 'power' positions. From my experience, while polynesians may be genetically predisposed towards those positions, there are plenty who do not fit neatly within that mold.
American Freedom News