Playoffs Thread

White Shogun said:
I wouldn't say they fix or rig games to promote the caste system. They would fix games for money.

Yes, but this site is about the Caste System, what actually exists, not some all-encompassing conspiracy theory that defies the most basic tests of logic and common sense. And primary threads aboutNFL games, ones that get thousands of views every week,are regularly marred by the same unsubstantiated claim by the same poster that every single game is scripted and fixed, to the point that he apparently now believes college games are also scripted and fixed. There has never been the least plausible explanation given as to how this "theory" relates to the Caste System. We're to believe that Green Bay purposely threw the game yesterday to the Cardinals -- but also to believe that the coal black Eagles threw their game, and the thug-filled Bengals threw their game.

This tired and nonsensical buffoonery belongs, at best on a site that roots for White athletes, in a thread somewhere in Happy Hour and I'm not sure even there, rather than constantly being reiterated over and over in the football forums.Edited by: Don Wassall
Two plays before the fumble, Rodgers almost hit a TD pass. What would the fixers have done if he had?

You write: "Usually, that's the team with more white players than the other."

Why do the teams with more white players win pretty often? Why did they fix it for McNabb to be knocked out of the playoffs in the first game? Are you going to place a bet on Arizona to win the Super Bowl?
And the "script" sure was careless letting it get to overtime and then letting the Packers win the coin flip.

Surely the evil referee had an old coin of Maxwell Smart's that could be rigged to land in whatever fashion was favorable for Arizona.

And the game winning play had of course beenfinely honedall weekin secret joint practices between the two teams, with Rodgers pretending not to see the oncoming rusher, then fumbling the ball in such a manner that it hopped right into Karlos Dansby's hands.

And how about that Kurt Warner -- the "script" called for him to throw more TD passes (5) than incompletions (4) -- and darn if ol' Kurt didn't follow the script perfectly.
Don Wassall said:
<div>And the "script" sure was careless letting it get to overtime and then letting the Packers win the coin flip.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Surely the evil referee had an old coin of Maxwell Smart's that could be rigged to land in whatever fashion was favorable for Arizona.  </div>
<div> </div>
<div>And the game winning play had of course been finely honed all week in secret joint practices between the two teams, with Rodgers pretending not to see the oncoming rusher, then fumbling the ball in such a manner that it hopped right into Karlos Dansby's hands.  </div>
<div> </div>
<div>And how about that Kurt Warner -- the "script" called for him to throw more TD passes (5) than incompletions (4) -- and darn if ol' Kurt didn't follow the script perfectly.</div>


The reason I post these comments on NFL threads is because they pertain to those particular NFL games. I realize I'm in the minority here, and in the country at large. I feel that the "fix" aspect ties in nicely with the Caste system, because they each represent clear and irrefutable evidence that professional (and big time college) sports are not legitimate, uncontrolled sporting events. There is no really "good" outcome for any of these games, from an anti-Caste system point of view. All teams discriminate against white players and promote less qualified blacks. Therefore, no Super Bowl winning team in the present day NFL is going to upset those who run the Caste system.

I always provide my reasons, and cite specifics to back up my claims. I don't understand your antipathy to this particular view- you are embarrassed by my theories, which I humbly suggest are articulate and understandable, yet you aren't taken aback by the many crude racial slurs some posters here use? If you're out to sway general public opinion, I think far less people will be offended by my extremist views than those who will infer "racism" in the remarks of others.

To those who think the end of the Green Bay game wasn't suspicious, how do you explain a supposedly impartial official looking directly at a player grabbing the facemask of another and not dropping a penalty flag? Was he a Cardinals' fan? These glaring "mistakes" by officials still happen repeatedly, and they can and do effect the outcomes of games. What's the innocent explanation for why "illegal" blocking in the back is only called sporadically, when if one watches closely one can see it happening on virtually every play?

Look, I'm only speculating here. That's what I thought forums were for. You have threads on many topics that don't pertain to white athletes or even sports. I will be happy to post any further rantings on this subject in Happy Hour or whatever forum you like.
bigunreal said:
I don't understand your antipathy to this particular view- you are embarrassed by my theories, which I humbly suggest are articulate and understandable, yet you aren't taken aback by the many crude racial slurs some posters here use? If you're out to sway general public opinion, I think far less people will be offended by my extremist views than those who will infer "racism" in the remarks of others.
Are affelete, afrolete and black quarterback racial slurs? Lol
Does Sumo Watch constitute a crude racial slur? Lol
Concerning next weeks games, I'm rooting for the Colts, Chargers, Saints and in the Vikings Cowboys game I have mixed emotions. Both Cowboys and Vikings are about as white, but in Miles Austin we have a half white WR and of course now two white tight ends in Witten and Phillips. Also, Bobby Carpenter was on the field alot in the Eagles games (witness his two fumble recoveries). For those reasons I'm actually going to root for the Cowboys, a situation I never did before I got into CF, when I was a big Cowboy hater.
I guess at this point I wouldn't mind seeing the old man win another one, especially after all the hits he has taken in the media over the last couple of seasons. Part of it undoubtedly has to do with Favres wavering in terms of retirement, which I think would have been a moot point if the Packers had not forced him out in the first place. It was pretty obvious that he really never wanted to retire. I just can't see how it is any of the medias damn business though. The pack of vipers that is the media act like they have been personally assaulted with regards to Brett Favre, which is a way they would never reacted to the "Ageless" Warren Moon no matter what he did. So I guess for that reason, I wouldn't mind seeing Favre win one. That and if nothing else, it would be a kick in the teeth to a lot of stupid, drunk Bears fans that I know.
I am tempted to say the whitest Super Bowl would be the Colts v. Cowboys (though I'm not sure how many whities start for the Saints - I imagine it is around the same - 6 - as the Cowboys and Vikes).

BUT - I hope the Colts lose in the SB as it wil be spun into a triumph for more affirmative action for black coaches if the Colts win again and black coaches win 3 SBs in the last 4 years.
When it comes right down to it, I hardly care who wins the games. I just want whatever white athletes are on the field for any of the team to just go out there and tear it up. I want the white athletes to be the headline makers on offense, defense, and special teams, regardless of which team they play for.
Hopefully Austin Collie and Dallas Clark can have big games in the playoffs. Austin will be an elite receiver in the league for years to come.
bigunreal said:

The reason I post these comments on NFL threads is because they pertain to those particular NFL games. I realize I'm in the minority here, and in the country at large. I feel that the "fix" aspect ties in nicely with the Caste system, because they each represent clear and irrefutable evidence that professional (and big time college) sports are not legitimate, uncontrolled sporting events. There is no really "good" outcome for any of these games, from an anti-Caste system point of view. All teams discriminate against white players and promote less qualified blacks. Therefore, no Super Bowl winning team in the present day NFL is going to upset those who run the Caste system.

I always provide my reasons, and cite specifics to back up my claims. I don't understand your antipathy to this particular view- you are embarrassed by my theories, which I humbly suggest are articulate and understandable, yet you aren't taken aback by the many crude racial slurs some posters here use? If you're out to sway general public opinion, I think far less people will be offended by my extremist views than those who will infer "racism" in the remarks of others.

To those who think the end of the Green Bay game wasn't suspicious, how do you explain a supposedly impartial official looking directly at a player grabbing the facemask of another and not dropping a penalty flag? Was he a Cardinals' fan? These glaring "mistakes" by officials still happen repeatedly, and they can and do effect the outcomes of games. What's the innocent explanation for why "illegal" blocking in the back is only called sporadically, when if one watches closely one can see it happening on virtually every play?

Look, I'm only speculating here. That's what I thought forums were for. You have threads on many topics that don't pertain to white athletes or even sports. I will be happy to post any further rantings on this subject in Happy Hour or whatever forum you like.

I mentionedsome timeback that Happy Hour was the appropriate place for your obsession. You used to write most of your posts about how White players were treated unfairly, and other aspects of "Don King's America," and many were entertaining. However you've turned into a One Note Johnny. Virtually every post is identical. Yes, we get it, you believe every single NFL game is scripted and fixed. You have no plausible explanation for how it's done, but every week you pick out a game or two and say the same thing over and over.

Never explained are all the blow-outs and boring games, the continual failure of black quarterbacks, or the continued excelling of White quarterbacks. Why aren't the coal black Redskins playing the coal black Eagles in the NFC championship game? Why aren't black quarterbacks regularly making it to the Super Bowl?

A ref misses a call or makes a bad call, and that is your "proof." I've watched many an NHL game that was poorly officiated. Do you think all NHL games are scripted and fixed? I've seen many blown calls by umpires during baseball games. Therefore are all baseball games scripted and fixed?

The idea that two NFL teams conspire to perfectly execute scripted plays is absurd, and your assertion that every game is scripted this way is paranoia and buffoonery. We've had threads about games being fixed or "tweaked" in the past, and I have written that I do believe it's possible that some games have been manipulated. But your single-mindedness with the subject is over the top.

And no, the forums aren't for continually "speculating" about things not related to the site and its purpose. So yes, please confine your obsession to a Happy Hour thread.
Since the quarterback position is the most important position on any football field and since the vast majority of NFL starting quarterbacks are white and since only one team starting a black quarterback has ever won the Super Bowl, to suggest that NFL games are fixed does a disservice to all the white athletes who work their rear ends off to play the quarterback position in the NFL. The suggestion of fixed games also taints every white player in the NFL with the possibility of scandal and being in on the take.

For example, I would like to know how it could happen that Aaron Rogers could accidentally kick the ball that he fumbled due to a blind side sack and that ball go straight into the arms of Karlos Dansby so that he could head into the end zone untouched could be scripted. Without that play, the game doesn't end in a Cardinal victory.
Right. And now that that's all behind us, lets go ahead and talk about the upcoming games and how Drew Brees is going to light up the coal-black Cardinals defense, just like Aaron Rodgers did.
Yes, I think Drew Brees will stack up some impressive numbers against one of the worst secondaries in the NFL. Warner will be valiant, but with pressure, and dropped passes he will not pull this one out.

The " Hot" Cowboys will go into Minnesota and finally cool off. Jared Allen is due for a monster game along with good run support by Greenway,Leber and Robison.The Sumo lineman on the Cowboys will start missing blocks under pressure which will pave the way for sacks and forced passes.

And finally, this season will be one for the ages in terms of witnessing Brett Favre's run to the Championship. Given the less than optimum performance in the secondaries of the play off teams, and the way Farve is running his offense, the Vikings need only to maintain an average degree of fundamentals on defense and they win out all the way to the Superbowl.
Don and others,

Why is it not considered paranoia or buffoonery to post in other forums suggesting that the mainstream media hand-chooses stories (from literally zillions of daily happenings across the globe) to fulfill whatever anti-white wet-dream is the latest fad? Or that everything involving the American and world governmental systems is inherently intended to annihilate and to replace white culture with anything else?

I think an "average Joe,"Â￾ if he were to consider the "Football Fix"Â￾ theory weighed against the "Anti-White Globalist Cultural Marxist"Â￾ theory"¦.he would probably think it's far easier to fix a meaningless little football game (for gambling purposes only) via the officiating.

I think we all benefit from Bigunreal's posts, and he's certainly one of the brightest posters I've ever encountered on a world wide web full of racially-devoid, sheeple-zombies. I realize that threads do tend to go off on a tangent more often when he posts"¦.but he's a very interesting person with unique insight.

We have no conclusive evidence to suggest that fixing is real, but we also have none to suggest that everything is legitimate (judging by the caste system, quite the contrary). To me, it doesn't seem too far-fetched in the grand scheme of international totalitarian deception.Edited by: Thrashen
Hey Thrashen, I think what Don is saying is that speculation of that sort is best left to the Happy Hour section of the site, where anything (almost) goes. Then if it is buffoonery or not is left to the responding posters.
Uh-Oh, Urban got the first catch of the game for the Cardinals, and he just got stripped.

The Cardinals managed to refrain from starting an all black defense today, starting Monty Beisel at in Inside Linebacking spot.Edited by: Jack Lambert
Urban didn fubmle it, it was stripped, just a good play, he had it secured, nothing more he could have done

Shockey is doing great despite not being 100 percent, toe injury a few weeks back still lingering, rumor has it that it was from kicking a vending machine. Would like to see a few passes go to David Thomas and Kyle EckelEdited by: dwid
Anybody rooting for cardinals to win? I know the saints have more white stars on their team, but i'd like to see Urban and their TE Becht establish themselves. My other motivation for rooting for the Cards is that I had an experience with a New Orleans fan who had a manlove obession with reggie bush, marques colston, and chris paul (the New Orleans basketball player). I don't personally dislike any of those athletes, but everytime I see those players I think of that guy and it makes me want to gag. If I could describe this man to you, i'd tell you he was an unathletic, socially awkward, stalkerish, and talked using hip hop lingo.
Taco said:
Anybody rooting for cardinals to win? I know the saints have more white stars on their team, but i'd like to see Urban and their TE Becht establish themselves. My other motivation for rooting for the Cards is that I had an experience with a New Orleans fan who had a manlove obession with reggie bush, marques colston, and chris paul (the New Orleans basketball player). I don't personally dislike any of those athletes, but everytime I see those players I think of that guy and it makes me want to gag. If I could describe this man to you, i'd tell you he was an unathletic, socially awkward, stalkerish, and talked using hip hop lingo.

A typical wigger DWF. I guess I have to root for the Saints in this one though.
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