playoffs 2006

Colonel_Reb said:
The Suns blew out the Lakers! What a series. I hope the Suns beat the Clippers bad.

Well Colonel_Reb I am going to have to respectfully disagree with you and cheer for the Clips!

The Clippers have Kaman and Rad to cheer for and one also has to remember that they have a horrible Franchise Record in the Playoffs. Total underdogs.
Well, I would root for them too, but I want to see Nash raise his superstar status, which is something we need badly. Him winning the MVP 2 years in a row would be monumental in a league that is well over 70% black.
Like it or not, when a team wins the leader of that team gets most of the credit. That's why it's important for Nash and Nowitzki to do well. That's what gets through to the public. Nocioni may be at that level soon ,and Gasol is close as well. That's why I would pull for this years suns or mavericks against ,for example, the old Bulls teams with John Paxson, Steve Kerr, Will Perdue, Toni Kukoc, etc. We all know who received the credit for winning those championships. It wasn't the Whites.
We have a white MVP and Sixth Man for the first time since 1986. After 20 years without it, we should be glad whites are starting to get some of the credit they deserve. There were also at least one white on the ALL-NBA team for the past 2 years the first time since the mid 90's. If there are 2 this year, that would be the first time since 76-77 that 2 whites have been on it in back to back years. We need to keep supporting these stars as they take the NBA back from being a black game.
KG2422 said:
Like it or not, when a team wins the leader of that team gets most of the credit. That's why it's important for Nash and Nowitzki to do well. That's what gets through to the public.

KG2422 that is certainly logical.

The whole 'quality vs. quantity' question is actually pretty interesting. The NBA has been so black for so long though (it was really dark in the late '90s) that subjectively I would just like to see more White Players and certainly get more stoked for teams like the Jazz and baby Bulls that seem to be going that route is all.
I will go with the quality for this year.Nash just won his 2nd NBA MVP Award and Dirk Nowitzki finished 3rd in the voting.Nowitzki is very underated.He is as good as any power forward in the league.It was great to see him score 28 points tonight and help the Mavs get one game away from the Western Conference Finals!He like Nash needs to get to at least one championship to help validate his great career.Hopefully,one of these guys will break through this year!
All the write-ups I've seen of the Spurs-Mavs series give the credit for the wins to the Mav's two point guards. I don't think Dirk is going to get much of the credit, if any, if the Mavs win this series and actually go on to make it to the Finals.
white lightning said:
I will go with the quality for this year.Nash just won his 2nd NBA MVP Award and Dirk Nowitzki finished 3rd in the voting.Nowitzki is very underated.He is as good as any power forward in the league.It was great to see him score 28 points tonight and help the Mavs get one game away from the Western Conference Finals!He like Nash needs to get to at least one championship to help validate his great career.Hopefully,one of these guys will break through this year!

Actually I think Dirk is finally getting the respect and props he deserves. He is finally being hailed as a top 5 player in the league and everybody realizes the Mavs would be nothing without him.
Dirk played his heart out with 26 points and 21 rebounds but they still lost a close one.The only thing good about J.Terry getting suspended was to see Keith Van Horn get to play some solid minutes.He was very effective scoring 10 points off the bench.They will need all the help they can get to beat the Spurs.

Manu Ginobli is having a hell of a series.He had 30 points and just took over the game.I wish he played on the Mavs instead of the Spurs.Congrats to him though on another star game!Edited by: white lightning
Well I am going to be cheering for the Mavs when Game 7 is on.

First of all the Spurs have already recently won some Titles so it is time to give the Mavs a chance (even though I can't stand Mark Cuban, isn't he jewish?) On the Spurs I like Brent Barry but he is alreayd a Veteran so this series it is time to go with Dirk!
Well guys,Monday is the huge double header.The Mavs and the Suns will be facing elimination.It is time that Nash & Nowitzki carry their teams to the West.Conf.Finals.I have a good feeling about both games but they will be as close as can be.They both will have to bring their A Games.It should make tommorow feel like a weekend.I can't wait.
Hopefully it's not another Black Thursday. Well, it can't be really because the spurs are the Whitest team in the playoffs despite the star power of Nash and Nowitzki.
Dirk came through with 37 points.What a game!Nash and the Suns looked really good too winning by a landslide.It's too bad that these guys have to face each other in the final round.They are still best friends to this day.I will be happy either way but I am leaning towards rooting for the Mavs.Dirk Nowitzki is by far my favorite player in the NBA.We can only hope that it is a great series.Either way,we win here because both guys are great for the sport.I will be rooting for a west coast team in the world championship for sure.
It was a great night of basketball last night. Nowitzki is also my favorite player ,but I really like Nash as well. I can't help but root for Dirk (at least that is what I did last year). But I wouldn't mind seeing Nash win a title to solidify his legacy with the mvps plus a title. He is older than Nowitzki, so Dirk may have more opportunities ahead of him. It's too bad they're not on the same team ,but if they were they would steal mvp votes from each other. I miss them working that pick and roll together. I had NBA league pass and watched every mavs game back then.
i like nash and nowitski to. but as long as you know they both have sqauds. and on both of those sqauds for starter are black and 6, 7, 8, men are black.
The Mavs-Spurs game was a nail-biter and fun to watch.

The best thing about the matchup in the West is that the finals will have a team that features a white man as its best player. Can't remember that happening since Larry Bird's Celtics.
reggien said:
i like nash and nowitski to. but as long as you know they both have sqauds. and on both of those sqauds for starter are black and 6, 7, 8, men are black.

Keith VanHorn is Dallas's 6/7th man and he's white. Who wins the west finals I could care less. I like Dirk and Nash equally and just want either of their teams to win it all.
I wish I could see the Western Conference Finals, but alas, I don't get those channels here in Thailand. I should be able to listen to the radio feeds though, as I have been doing up until this point. Exciting times these playoffs are!
I hate to say it but I agree with Reggien. The fact is NBA as a whole is lost. Not only because of the players, and the fact we only have 1 or 2 out of 12 on each team. But more because of the culture. The NBA culture is everything we are not and for every good guy there are many, many bad ones. And I absoutely detest that.

It is sort of like the Democratic party. There a couple good folks left in there, but the vast majority are loons. And if you support the few good ones, aren't you then by default supporting the loons? The exact same thing for the NBA.

In my opinion it is suicidal for us to support any business that allows less than 10% of its workforce to come from the majority population. Aren't you then legitimizing that business and the way it operates by continuing to be a customer?

I'll watch a game now and again, but the NBA has long since lost me.
Yes that may be true,but the fight is not totally lost.Steve Nash has won the MVP two years in a row!The National College Basketball Player of the Year has been a white guy two years in a row.D.Nowitzki finished 3rd in the MVP Voting and has risen his game to close to where L.Bird was.Even Larry Bird has spoken out about how the NBA needs more white stars from the US!Morrison and Reddick are going to both be drafted in the first round and they are many more coming.There is a slow changing of the guard.I can see it being alot more balanced and enyoyable to watch within ten years.
Spurs-Mavs was a great series. And kudos to Marv Albert for stellar announcing. Albert stays away from stereotyping. Yeh he did have that weird thing going on--at least it was with a women--but for basketball he is the best in my book. Nash deserved MVP last year but I think maybe Dirk deserved it this year. Better than watching the Detroit Paint Dry Pistons.
joshinva said:
I hate to say it but I agree with Reggien.

It is sort of like the Democratic party. There a couple good folks left in there, but the vast majority are loons. And if you support the few good ones, aren't you then by default supporting the loons? The exact same thing for the NBA.

I'll watch a game now and again, but the NBA has long since lost me.

Hey the Republicans have more looney backwards thinking people then the Dems have. Rep. Mark Souder (R) IN is the most crazy motherf'er out there. He wants to ban medicinal marijuana and is just a total nut'job on this war on drugs. He actually thinks its working and this guy is just one of many loons in the Republican party including First, Cheney, Lott, and George W.
Talk about a tough road for Dirk. Bruce Bowen, now Shaun Marion, and if he gets to the Championship series, possibly Rasheed Wallace. Fortunately Bowen didn't pose much of a problem, but Marion and Wallace could. I was hoping for the Cavs to knock off the Pistons, oh well. Maybe the Heat will. Even though O'Neal and Wade will give either the Mavs or Suns fits, it would be a much better match up for Dirk (and Nash, too, now that I think about it.)Edited by: JD074
Another war in game 1.I feel bad for Dirk losing a game that they should have won.He played great though scoring 25 points and pulling down an amazing 18 rebounds!The Nash Rambler got it done again with 27 points and 16 assists.Can you see MVP.These are two of the best players in the nation and this series is going to be a battle to the end.This is must see tv.It was good to see Keith Van Horn again playing really good.I still am pulling for the Mavs.
Anyone see Wilbon's article yesterday about how the "NBA IS BACK!!!" He mentioned all kinds of "stars", but only Nowitzki got a mention. No Steve Nash. Couldn't freakin' believe it. Unless my local paper cut out some of the article, but I doubt it.

These guys hate Nash.

As to White Lightning, in ten years we'll see if there is more balanced. However, I reiterate, it's the culture of the NBA that is poisonous, moreso than the lack of balance among players. That hip-hop mentality has been taken up in our culture and is incredibly damaging. Personally, even if the NBA players were ALL from the majority, if they continue to mimick that culture, it's still harmful and painful to watch.

For the life of me, we of Scots-Irish-German and other European descent have much to proud of, I don't know why we have to adopt others. Just my thoughts.

I do think is a fantastic way to begin to take it back though. Thank God for the good folks who founded this site. I've told many people about it.
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