Pats Colts: highest TV rating ever



The game got a 22.5 rating, the highest rating ever for a sunday regular season NFL game. The previous record was 22.2, a 1996 game between the 49ers and Cowboys.

Maple Leaf

Mar 19, 2006
Nevada, can you state your sources? I use the Nielson ratings and they calculated a 19.3 for the game...


I'm familiar with your ridiculous "nobody watches football anymore" argument.

The Nielsen rating was 22. This information is availabe on dozens of news sources. Here's an Associated Press report that circulated on many sites:



Sports Illustrated

The SI article was even on the front page of si.comEdited by: nevada

Maple Leaf

Mar 19, 2006
The source I used this week was at Zap2it, a Neilson rating, with a disclaimer stating, like all others should and do, "ratings subject to change...etc."

If you actually read my posts in the "Gentleman, The NFL Is Not So Much" topic, you would of understood that I never said "nobody watches football anymore". The main substance of my arguement is that the NFL is not as influencial as some would think and it's television ratings are in slow decline, definetly not an incline. On a weekly basis 88-90% of the viewing public are not watching it. That isn't my opinion, it's a fact. And not my fact either.

Have a nice day even if you didn't have a birthday.


Nov 6, 2007
FYI: There are two sets of Nielsen ratings. What was reported today were the "overnight" ratings which come from the 56 largest media markets in the country. Later this week (usually thursday) the entire nation's Nielsen ratings will be published.

The overnights show that the Pats-Colts game was the highest rated regular season broadcast since 1987. 22.5% of homes in those markets watched at least some of the game.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Regardless of the "exact" TV ratings, it's surprisingly good to know that america is interested in teams who are considered "white."

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Just imagine if the Colts were almost all white (resembling say the 1972 Dolphins), and were playing nearly all black Jacksonville in a big game. Now that would be compelling, must-watch football played at a very high level. Even black defenders would be going all-out trying to tackle white runners and receivers.

Football is mostly segregated by race anyway and is powered by unacknowledged racial dynamics; make it explicitly racial and it would be the ultimate sporting spectacle, and incredibly lucrative for the team owners and TV networks. (Addendum: Yes, I realize it's just a dream given the agenda of this country's owners. But who knows how things will turn out if/when the Glorious Imperial Multicultural American Empire collapses.)


Nov 26, 2004
There are over 800 billionaires in the world. What's to prevent one from buying a NFL team and hiring only whites? The SVP's success is largely due to a nationalist Swiss billionaire. So there is at least one very wealthy person who 'gets it'.

I don't think Berlusconi has any non-whites on the soccer team he owns. And he probably had a hand in making sure the Azuri had only Italians in the WC.

American football could prove ripe for a Bill James type of overhaul. The more white players a team has, disregarding the number of white starters, the more likely it is to win. What white players contribute isn't being measured somehow. I suspect Belichek is doing something in this regard, and this explains the number of white players the Pats have.

So some billionaire with a hardscable background, who isn't fond of blacks, who was a marginal college player and was frustrated by that, hires a statistics jockey to see if some viable strategy isn't being employed. 'So there is a strong correlation between having more white players and winning more games? Get my checkbook.'

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Sounds like a good idea Charlie, but don't the other NFL owners get a say in who gets the opportunity to buy an NFL franchise?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
White Shogun said:
Sounds like a good idea Charlie, but don't the other NFL owners get a say in who gets the opportunity to buy an NFL franchise?

Yes they do, so our prospective billionaire's views would have to have been kept strictly to himself all his life, and then he would have to be willing to lose everything -- reputation, fortune, everything -- after he took over the team. Marge Shott had the Cincinnati Reds taken from her solely because of some "politically incorrect" things she said. She was basically a simple woman whose world view was far from well thought out, but all it took was a couple of comments to lose her ownership of the Reds. And even if our billionaire managed to hang onto his NFL team, he would take such a beating -- even if his team was highly successful -- that no one else would want to follow suit.

Gradualism is the most likely way out of the Caste System, much like what the Colts and Patriots are doing. I'm not saying either team is doing it by design, only that they are showing some pretty strong evidence that whites are not only vastly under-rated as football players, but that they are a good thing to have for team success. But the agenda and forces behind the Caste System are so strong that it wouldn't be surprising at all to see the NFL go into full retrenchment mode in the face of the success of those two teams and enforce the Caste System more strongly than ever, as the Caste System is based on lies that must be upheld at all costs, much as "diversity" and multiculturalism in the society at large must be upheld no matter how obvious the lies and failures underlying them.Edited by: Don Wassall


Nov 26, 2004
That's true. But it's funny how the MSM spins that. Supposedly the current owner of the Redskins was objected to because he was Jewish. Huh? There are plenty of Jewish NFL owners.

In any case some billionaire comes bearing Euros or Yen. Makes no comments about his dastardly plans. Promises to build a state-of-the-art stadium. Talks about community empowerment and reaching out and positive role models. Revitalizing the inner city.

So he buys the team and hires a GM who appreciates football's equivalent to SABERMETRICS. The team slowly, over five years, goes from mostly black to a team chock full of special teams demons and receivers who catch passes.

The team's winning. Drawing well at the gate and on TV. The media attributes the success to the overly complex offense and defense, 'It won't last. Gimmicks never do.' The League doesn't like it. Wants the Rooney Rule expanded to include everyone. But can't do much beyond that.

The real stumbing block would be the players and coaches. They don't spend their careers with one program. Being associated with a racist team (the
Denver Enoch Powells or some such) would make it difficult to move on to another team or to coach at the college level.

So plausible deniability would be necessary. A black head coach. A black nominal owner. A sprinkling of blacks and Pacific Islanders. It may be that Div 1 demographics by that time would make it nearly impossible to find NFL-caliber whites for every position.

Deny everything. 'We love the black peoples. My preacher and work out partner and hair dresser are all black.'

Meanwhile the team becomes the 80s Celtics. A sell out at every stadium to watch the mostly white and mostly successful team. The white birth rate soars. The Mexicans go home. The Asians learn how to drive. All is well.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
It all depends onwhether the Empire can continue to maintain control, or if it begins to lose control or evencollapses altogether. If it's the latter, startlingly fast changes may occur in sports and anywhere and everywhere else.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Charlie said:
The real stumbing block would be the players and coaches. They don't spend their careers with one program. Being associated with a racist team (the
Denver Enoch Powells or some such) would make it difficult to move on to another team or to coach at the college level.

So plausible deniability would be necessary. A black head coach. A black nominal owner. A sprinkling of blacks and Pacific Islanders. It may be that Div 1 demographics by that time would make it nearly impossible to find NFL-caliber whites for every position.

Deny everything. 'We love the black peoples. My preacher and work out partner and hair dresser are all black.'

Meanwhile the team becomes the 80s Celtics. A sell out at every stadium to watch the mostly white and mostly successful team. The white birth rate soars. The Mexicans go home. The Asians learn how to drive. All is well.

An owner definitely couldn't get away with hiring "only" white players. However, your Celtic analogy is certainly possible. Maybe even as much as a 3/4 white team could be defended if they were winning.

Here's a sample of what I might do if I were an owner/GM: A duel threat backfield with one white/one black RB, "two" of the top 3 WRs white, white QB, hire college's one black punter to show your progressive (hopefully he's good enough that he won't hurt the team much), 7 of 11 starting on defense white, bring back the ageless Dat Nguyen (or someone like him) for part of the LB rotation (if you find one good enough, if not, just hire an "Asian special teams demon"), white O-line, white TE, black FB.

And then every time you're accused of racism, deny your racist by repeating the same phrase. "As I've said dozens of times, I want a team that looks more like the American population, there are no stereotypes about race; any race can play any position!"

Every time someone accuses you of racism you repeat that same recited line! And then occasionally ask "why are you bringing up racism; are you racist?" Throw the question right back at the Tony "Kornholes." As for Asians learning to drive...Fat chance! I'd be worried about Dat Nguyen fender bendering me on the way out of the team lot!
I bet you didn't expect that from TJR!

Edited to add: You'd have to hire at least a couple black coaches on your staff as well to keep the witch hunters off your back!Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Dec 18, 2004
Don Wassall said:
Just imagine if the Colts were almost all white (resembling say the 1972 Dolphins), and were playing nearly all black Jacksonville in a big game.  Now that would be compelling, must-watch football played at a very high level.  Even black defenders would be going all-out trying to tackle white runners and receivers. 

Football is mostly segregated by race anyway and is powered by unacknowledged racial dynamics; make it explicitly racial and it would be the ultimate sporting spectacle, and incredibly lucrative for the team owners and TV networks.  (Addendum: Yes, I realize it's just a dream given the agenda of this country's owners.  But who knows how things will turn out if/when the Glorious Imperial Multicultural American Empire collapses.)


The 1972 Dolphins had 16 out of 22 white starters most of the season. Tim Foley was injured during the playoffs after starting at CB most of the season. In 1971, the Dolphins started 18 white players in Super Bowl VI, which they lost to the Cowboys. I haven't counted but I think that the Miami Dolphins started more white players than any other NFL team during the 1971-73 period.


Apr 14, 2005
sport historian said:
Don Wassall said:
Just imagine if the Colts were almost all white (resembling say the 1972 Dolphins), and were playing nearly all black Jacksonville in a big game.  Now that would be compelling, must-watch football played at a very high level.  Even black defenders would be going all-out trying to tackle white runners and receivers. 

Football is mostly segregated by race anyway and is powered by unacknowledged racial dynamics; make it explicitly racial and it would be the ultimate sporting spectacle, and incredibly lucrative for the team owners and TV networks.  (Addendum: Yes, I realize it's just a dream given the agenda of this country's owners.  But who knows how things will turn out if/when the Glorious Imperial Multicultural American Empire collapses.)


The 1972 Dolphins had 16 out of 22 white starters most of the season. Tim Foley was injured during the playoffs after starting at CB most of the season. In 1971, the Dolphins started 18 white players in Super Bowl VI, which they lost to the Cowboys. I haven't counted but I think that the Miami Dolphins started more white players than any other NFL team during the 1971-73 period.

Wow that's an amazing stat that I'm sure alot of people don't know. So WTF happened? Shula just started hating on the white man come the 80s?


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
The 70'-72' Dolphins are more proof that majority white teams would be most dominant. We already have the Patriots "eluding" to that idea for contemporary times by pushing close to a 50% white roster with white skill players playing!
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
whiteCB said:
Wow that's an amazing stat that I'm sure alot of people don't know. So WTF happened? Shula just started hating on the white man come the 80s?

The Dolphins team that played in the Super Bowl after the '84 season (Dan Marino's second season) still had a lot of whites on it, a majority white defense if I recall correctly. But by the early '90s Shula had "gotten with the program" big time and Miami went very black. They had a very talented white WR named Scott Miller who had been a star at UCLA but he was only allowed to return punts with the Dolphins (he had just 21 career receptions).

Shula's Baltimore Colts teams in the 1960swere alsovery white. Shula's NFL coaching career is agreat way to trace the development and iron-clad implementation of the Caste System on every team that began in earnest in the mid-'80s.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Weren't the 1982 Super Bowl Miami Dolphins "Killer B's" all white? The names were Bob Baumhower, Bill Barnett, Lyle and Glenn Blackwood (The Bruise Brothers at FS and SS), Kim Bokamper, Doug Betters, and Bob Brudzinski. They all started and were considered the leaders of the whole team that year, as they were trying to find a new QB. Their main QB that year was David Woodley who had gone to LSU. Their season ended in a loss at the feet of John Riggins who won the MVP. Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Dec 18, 2004
Don Wassall said:
whiteCB said:
Wow that's an amazing stat that I'm sure alot of people don't know. So WTF happened? Shula just started hating on the white man come the 80s?

The Dolphins team that played in the Super Bowl after the '84 season (Dan Marino's second season) still had a lot of whites on it, a majority white defense if I recall correctly.  But by the early '90s Shula had "gotten with the program" big time and Miami went very black.  They had a very talented white WR named Scott Miller who had been a star at UCLA but he was only allowed to return punts with the Dolphins (he had just 21 career receptions). 

Shula's Baltimore Colts teams in the 1960s were also very white.  Shula's NFL coaching career is a great way to trace the development and iron-clad implementation of the Caste System on every team that began in earnest in the mid-'80s.

Don Shula's 1964 Baltimore Colt team that played in the NFL Title game that year had 20 of 22 white starters. His 1968 Colt team that lost to the Jets in Super Bowl III had 18 white starters.

As Don says, Shula had a mainly white defense into the 1980's with Miami. I always thought that Shula played so many tough, smart white DB's because he was a tough, smart white DB in his own playing days.

Was it a coincidence that Shula's Colt and Dolphin teams had more white players than most all of his rivals? When he got the Colt job in 1963, he mostly kept the nucleus the team already had. Shula pretty much did the same at Miami. Some coaches upon coming to Miami in 1970, would have unloaded Csonka and Kiick, and brought in another QB to replace Griese.

Don Shula's strong point as a coach was utilizing the strong points of his players. When he got Dan Marino, he had a different offense from what he used in 1971-73.

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006

African-American football players caught up in the rebellion and buffoonery of hip hop culture have given NFL owners and coaches a justifiable reason to whiten their rosters. That will be the legacy left by Chad, Larry and Tank Johnson, Pacman Jones, Terrell Owens, Michael Vick and all the other football bojanglers.
In terms of opportunity for American-born black athletes, they're going to leave the game in far worse shape than they found it.

It's already starting to happen. A little-publicized fact is that the Colts and the Patriots â€â€￾ the league's model franchises â€â€￾ are two of the whitest teams in the NFL. If you count rookie receiver Anthony Gonzalez, the Colts opened the season with an NFL-high 24 white players on their 53-man roster. Toss in linebacker Naivote Taulawakeiaho "Freddie" Keiaho and 47 percent of Tony Dungy's defending Super Bowl-champion roster is non-African-American. Bill Belichick's Patriots are nearly as white, boasting a 23-man non-African-American roster, counting linebacker Tiaina "Junior" Seau and backup quarterback Matt Gutierrez.

rest of the article at


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Another good Jason Whitlock article, except for the Cassius Clay reference which I don't agree with and the last statements about 40 yard speed. It is funny that he said "a little publicized fact." It may be little publicized, but it is easily seen. Also, I wonder if he got his white starter numbers from CF?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Deus Vult said:

African-American football players caught up in the rebellion and buffoonery of hip hop culture have given NFL owners and coaches a justifiable reason to whiten their rosters. That will be the legacy left by Chad, Larry and Tank Johnson, Pacman Jones, Terrell Owens, Michael Vick and all the other football bojanglers.
In terms of opportunity for American-born black athletes, they're going to leave the game in far worse shape than they found it.

It's already starting to happen. A little-publicized fact is that the Colts and the Patriots â€â€￾ the league's model franchises â€â€￾ are two of the whitest teams in the NFL. If you count rookie receiver Anthony Gonzalez, the Colts opened the season with an NFL-high 24 white players on their 53-man roster. Toss in linebacker Naivote Taulawakeiaho "Freddie" Keiaho and 47 percent of Tony Dungy's defending Super Bowl-champion roster is non-African-American. Bill Belichick's Patriots are nearly as white, boasting a 23-man non-African-American roster, counting linebacker Tiaina "Junior" Seau and backup quarterback Matt Gutierrez.

rest of the article at

That article was already discussed in detail here: [url] mp;PN=1[/url]


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Wow, I was going to ask how I missed that whole thread, but now I know. That was when my girlfriend was here!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
And here we thought you were spending all your time educating her in the finer points of the Caste System.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
*refrains from mentioning what finer point Reb was really showing her*