Hahahahaha, first things first......your post has made me laugh like I haven't laughed during the last week. Second, once again is pathetic how most white dudes in here don't know how to handle their "fellow" white American "brotha" and allow him to party hard in what is supposed to be "their territory". Don Wassal let you do your thang in here but I bet he's waiting in the corner to ban me again (like I give a crap really) simply because I am "too fanatic"........Oh well, let's focus to you my lying friend

I easily recognized you and your style, while your typical crusade (eastside boxing, youtube and yahoo answers) tends to reach levels of insanity and OCD. Thumbs up and full credit to Carcharias who was the only one to stating the OBVIOUS here, you ain't no half Asian man, you are A WHITE AMERICAN (what else is new) who LOVES BLACK BOXERS and you don't give a crap for Asian boxers........You actually went wild in Eastside Boxing when Manny Pacman got KO'd by Marquez. You are just another self-loathing, excessively overweight (not trying to offend you and say obese) in your late 40's or early 50's from the US (the country that produces millions of your kind for some reason) and focus exclusively on how to discredit white boxers. Be honest about who you are if you want to have any credibility as a person.
Even though I am as proud as it gets when it comes to my White-European kind/blood, if they put a gun in my head as I have said before, and asked me if I was not born white what other race I would probably pick to be (even though I would probably pick death over anything) Japanese. It's no secret that the Eastern-Asian kind is the second most dominant, smart, capable, overachieving etc. miles behind of course the superior and dominant white race. The fact that Asians consist nearly 40% of the planet's population (Eastern-Asians alone, all Asians over 65%) and have invented or produced a couple great things such as high technology, paper, gunpowder or people like Genghis Khan, Akira Kurasawa and Sun Tzu or great nations such as Japan, China and Korea make them look good in my eyes. Having said that, Eastern-Asians look completely PATHETIC comparing them to the superior white kind, especially if you take into consideration how they outnumber whites by nearly 5 times on a global scale, yet they have invented or produced 1 million times less than the Master Race, which is the WHITE ONE of course. ASIANS however, ARE DEFINITELY superior to Negroes or inferior kinds of human from Australia, Americas and so on.......no doubt about that. Whites and Asians combined win nearly 90% of medals in all sports of Summer Olympics and almost 100% of them in Winter Olympics.
Let's also not forget how your "Asian" half part (you lie and I know it, just being sarcastic) fought bravely next to Adolf Hitler and it was OBESE WHITE AMERICAN BEASTS like you who decided to cowardly bomb kids, mothers, father, elderly and innocent citizens to finish a war you might lost in combat battle after all.........I bet my life I have seen you on yahoo answers attacking and making fun of Asians (together with a Negro named America'sfavoritethug) and how USA "owned" them during WW2 (referring to Hiroshima's act of cowardice).
I don't know what's the fuss in here and why no white man in here could talk some sense to you..........I don't mind if Golovkin is part Asian as long as he CRUCIFIES NEGROES OR MEXICANS OR OTHER "LATINOS" like this Rosado joke:eyebrows:
After all Asians, despite being WAY greater warriors than Negroes and despite winning way more medals in way more sports than Negroes and populating more than both whites and blacks are still portrayed from "THE CHOSEN" media as inferior physically, militarily to both Negroes and whites, while Asian women are widely known for their LUST AND LOVE for sexy white men (unlike you)
Now what's more pathetic, ask yourself that: A) Being a white man lying about your race (nationality, weight and age as well) only so you can hide and do your "typical Negro-worshiping'' without any guilt, B) few white guys rooting for a guy like Golovkin who's after all (even according to your claims) half or more white?