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- Jul 19, 2013
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Looks like you never seen this
Asian people were historically more advance than most of Europe apart from ancient greeks and Romans. China was the richest nation in the world for 2000 years and Mongol had the largest empire in medieval period.
Some famous Japanese people who appear to be Eurasian:
One of the greatest movie directors of all time, Akira Kurosawa (can't paste image here but it's on this link):
The greatest Japanese actor, Toshiro Mifune. He appeared in 170 films, including 16 of Kurosawa's:
So if we're not supposed to claim any eastern Europeans with some Asian blood you can't have many of your famous Asians either.
And while we're at it you can't have many - if any - of your infamous Negroes either, like the Reverend Barak Hussein Obama.
Central Asians have heavy Caucasian admixture and even then blue eyes are rare, wouldn't apply in your case anyway as your father is 1/2 Japanese and 1/2 Korean according to you. Blue eyes don't exist in those populations. So I ask again, where did your blue eyes come from?
I wouldn't call them Eurasian, Japanese and Koreans have sharper features than the rest of east Asia. Fun fact, the genetic distance between Japanese/Koreans and the Chinese is larger than the genetic difference between British Isles and Iran. Not unusual that such a large gap would have changed the phenotype as well. There was a pamphlet produced by USA during WWII that explained to people the difference between a Chinese man and a [COLOR=#009900 !important]Japanese man[/COLOR].
I don't care if it's rare what matter is exist.
Kazakhs have 30% Caucasian admixture and light hair and light eyes is 10% but among Mongolians who little Caucasian admixture is 5%. Even Turkish people have more Mongoloid blood than Mongolians have Caucasian blood.
And this is the reason why they have all sorts of hair and eye color while retained strong east Asian face.
For 50/50 Asian-White blue eyes are nothing uncommon if one of your parent has blue eyes.
She is half Japanese and has blue eyes.
GDP is a modern concept, people who say China had the largest GDP for 2000 years are just pulling facts out of their ass. They're assuming that because China's population was so large that they must have had a large economy. Retard logic.
Blue eyes are basically recessive, how hard is that to understand? That girls eyes aren't blue by the way.
Ancient Chinese dynasty and ancient Chinese civilization were 100% East Asian Mongoloid civilization of Sino-Tibetan origin. They've had a rich culture and advance technology.
For example.
the Tang Dynasty China was the largest, richest and most civilized country in the world.
Emperor Wu was one of the talented and ambitious emperors in the Chinese history, and Han Dynasty became the most powerful nation at that time in the world .
Listen, I don't what the problem now. Why does it surprise you that I have blue eyes when many of you half Asian hollywood celebrities have them too. Just Eurasians and at least 35% have either blue eyes or green eyes.
How does that dispute my claim that the largest economy for 2,000 claim years is bull****? Just because the Han Dynasty was very powerful for a short time doesn't change the fact that for most of that 2,000 years China was stagnant
Blue eyes are recessive, why is this so hard for you to understand? Both parents need to possess the genes for it to occur. Green eyes are possible I guess, they're just very light brown eyes I believe. That chick you posted has very light brown eyes, I'm not disputing that's possible.
And why is it so hard for you understand that many half Asians who only have one blue eyes parents have those traits? you already have seen tons of Mongoloid/Asian faces with blue eyes and brown hair so what's so special about a Eurasian who is 50% Asians and have blue eyes?
Asian man with blue eyes and brown hair, a Mongolian with only 10% Caucasian blood.
Now a half Asian girl.
Here's a better picture of that blue eyed girl you posted.
View attachment 822
Neither of those pictures are high enough quality to make out their eye colors. It's possible the Mongolian has blue eyes, that's how recessive traits work. Sometimes they stay dormant for a few generations.
Clear as day her eyes aren't blue. That was the whole reason you posted her picture, to show a "blue eyed" half-Japanese Eurasian.
Here's your other "blue eyed" Eurasian when the image is enhanced.
View attachment 823
Not blue either.
Don't you know blue eyes comes in all different shades? all of them are blue eyes even gray eyes. Show me what's a blue eye than?
Those eyes are light brown, use a ****ing eye dropper tool in Paint if you don't believe me.
Blue eyes are recessive, this is a fact. Post as many blue eyed Eurasians as you please, doesn't change the fact that both their parents had to possess the genes for blue eyes for that to have happened. It doesn't even happen among whites either. Whites in the USA used to be majority blue eyed but now less than 1/5 of white babies born in America have blue eyes. By your logic it should have stayed the same because blue eyes aren't recessive. :icon_rolleyes:
Well you're obviously far behind on genetics. :tsk:
I just proven your ass wrong many times and you can do is make superficial claims about these eyes are light brown?
My father is 100% Asian and he has not white ancestors as are those those celebrities I showed.
Image one is fake, here's the original.
Image two is a 3/4 white 1/4 Asian baby, a simple reverse Google search revealed such. Here he is with his 1/2 Asian mother.
I'm sure if I could find the original source of the third image it would reveal similar lies on your behalf.
1. You couldn't even post the first image picture.
2. NO. Her mother is Mexican while his father is 3/4 Korean + 1/4 White and have green eyes as mentioned by her mother
SO is 1/4 white and 3/4 Korean but also has green eyes)
3. And how conveniant that you din't bother checking the 3rd picture. Because wikipedia says she is a french actress his father is Chinese and mother is frenchène_Jampanoï