Pastor Manning found someone who actually knew Barry Soetoro in Hawaii!

I don't know how you would find a picture of Michelle Obama pregnant as any picture like that would just look like she was fat. I wasn't able to find any pictures of Laura Bush pregnant either. It's probably the same reason my wife doesn't have a lot of pictures of herself when she was pregnant. They are basically fat pictures. Not very popular for the woman. A mother that carries two children to term is not worried about providing convincing evidence to people that think she's a man.

And Michelle Obama does not look like a man in any way shape or form. She's not even a particularly ugly black woman considering she is 50 years old. She has thin shoulders, wide hips, unmuscular arms, smooth facial skin. The one picture posted here is all around the internet and is clearly a result of bad lighting angles or photoshopping.

I don't even understand why a phony family with a transsexual wife is necessary for Obama to be the result of a giant CIA conspiracy to get him elected? Can't really evil people produce children? Even if he was gay, he could have fathered children, Jerry Sandusky fathered a couple of kids.

Isn't this kind of unnecessary hating just the kind of thing some people on this site object to when for example Hitlers bastard father is insinuated as possibly being jewish? Isn't it the same kind of thing you find objectionable in others, to transfer their dislike of someone's politics into a belief that they are also drug users, gay, or some other extreme evil that can be expressed in personal habits??

As I've mentioned before I think it subtracts from the main point someone is trying to make when they go off on these kind of fringe tangents.

Is this picture in front of a modest Christmas tree part of the CIA plan??

Ww why did the CIA create him anyway? Can you break down the whole thing from the beginning? Or link somewhere that does? It sounds a bit far-fetched honestly but it doesn't hurt to check it out. A lot of things sound far-fetched at first so who knows?
I don't know how you would find a picture of Michelle Obama pregnant as any picture like that would just look like she was fat. I wasn't able to find any pictures of Laura Bush pregnant either. It's probably the same reason my wife doesn't have a lot of pictures of herself when she was pregnant...

But those people have hospital records and other historical records to show who and what they are.
Why do you think every politician is a homosexual? bla bla bla

Show me where I said "every politician is homosexual". I'm waiting. Show me. Typical tactic of the deceivers, take something and extrapolate it so that it sounds ridiculous. They twist words around for the purpose of confusing the canon fodder, the proles, the sheeple. Like, "Ha ha, you think EVERYTHING is a conspiracy!" He learns this decptive way of arguing from the stand up comedians pretending to be newscasters on his tv set and radio.

No, I just think conspiracies are conspiracies, and I just call homosexuals homosexuals, like the last two puppet presidents in a row. The POS three back, Slick Willy Clinton, was yet another drug addict (his own half brother, Roger, a junky himself, said "he has a nose like a vacuum cleaner"), and he would try to screw anything on two, and probably four, legs, but I never saw any evidence that he was a poof like the last two. AIPAC likes poof politicians. They can blackmail them easily, and a lot of them are perverts. It seemed like big shot Republican "conservatives" were getting arrested for pederasty every couple of weeks a year or two ago. The Democrats are even worse, not that there's a dime's worth of difference between the two factions of the same mob, as Governor George Wallace noted before they shot him down.


The Dubya Bush - Jeff Gannon scandal was memory holed almost immediately. Here's Dubya making out with his boyfriend, homosexual male prostitute and pimp and porno model, Jeff Gannon, aka Jim Dale Guckert, who Bush had invited for repeated and unexplained sleepovers at the White House. He even got him a White House press pass. "Gannon is not just a garden variety gay prostitute. He is into urination, verbal abuse and sadism (without leaving visible marks)". Much more about "gay" little Dubya here:

These presidents are the very scum of the earth. But don't worry, the next one they trot out for you will be even worse, Dragon Lady Hillary most likely.
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I don’t normally laugh out loud while reading stuff on the internet, but I found this to be extremely humorous.

Michelle Obama allegedly gave birth to Malia and Sasha Obama in 1998 and 2001, when “itâ€￾ was 34 and 37 years old, respectively. In my opinion, the older daughter does appear to resemble “Mikeâ€￾ (especially the primitive-looking protruding jaw), but the younger daughter doesn’t resemble either Mike or Little Barry...


A characteristic of the negro race, especially the more primitive sub-races (negroes are actually very varied, though what we mostly see in the western hemisphere are the lowest negroes that are descendents of slaves whose ancestors were slaves of other negroes who sold them to the slave traders on the coast of Africa as the slave traders rarely ventured into the interior of the dark continent) is the receeding forehead and chin and protruding jaw or muzzle. But yes, the older one does resemble Michael or Michelle or whatever it is. Perhaps it was cloned or maybe his/her sister's kid.

And speaking of resemblance, there is absolutely no resemblance whatsoever between Barry and his alleged Kenyan Luo tribe daddy, though he does appear to be almost the spitting image of Malcolm X, who did happen to be in Africa at the same time as his CIA contracted obamamama who couldn't resist spreading her legs for any nonwhite male, especially a famous one.

"I don’t normally laugh out loud while reading stuff on the internet, but I found this to be extremely humorous."

Then after I applied for that job at the White Castle burger joint and I couldn't show the guy my alleged college transcript he says, OK, kid, you showed me a fake social security card (just like Barry's), so let's see some real ID. So I couldn't show him a drivers license, because as far as I know Barry doesn't have one of those either, so I sez, Sure, mister, here's my bith certificate, so the guy takes one look at that phony thing fresh off the inkjet printer, and the next thing you know there's a big footprint on the seat of my pants and skid marks on Fordham Road and I'm sitting in the middle of the street yelling ouch!

No, you couldn't get a job at a burger joint with Barry's credentials, but they make it a president, and these suckers think it's real!!!
Ww why did the CIA create him anyway? Can you break down the whole thing from the beginning? Or link somewhere that does? It sounds a bit far-fetched honestly but it doesn't hurt to check it out. A lot of things sound far-fetched at first so who knows?

How should I know what they're really up to? I'm not privy to their plans. For all I know maybe they are f'ing reptiles like David Icke says. All I know is that everything the politicians say and do and what's on their news and tv and radio and newspapers and all their wars without end and terror attacks and terror threats and wars on drugs and wars on decent normal people and celebrating diversity is the phoniest and most malevolent and destructive bull**** I ever heard, and anyone who swallows it whole is f'ing brain dead.
How should I know what they're really up to? I'm not privy to their plans. For all I know maybe they are f'ing reptiles like David Icke says. All I know is that everything the politicians say and do and what's on their news and tv and radio and newspapers and all their wars without end and terror attacks and terror threats and wars on drugs and wars on decent normal people and celebrating diversity is the phoniest and most malevolent and destructive bull**** I ever heard, and anyone who swallows it whole is f'ing brain dead.

I was wondering when you would get to this: shape shifting reptile aliens. It's the end point arguement for hardcore conspiracy supporters that can only express their hate for their political enemies by increasingly accusing them of being every kind of evil imaginable-gay, drug users, child molesters, eventually they are not even human-- but reptile shape shifters.

I guess we're done here.
I was wondering when you would get to this: shape shifting reptile aliens. It's the end point arguement for hardcore conspiracy supporters that can only express their hate for their political enemies by increasingly accusing them of being every kind of evil imaginable-gay, drug users, child molesters, eventually they are not even human-- but reptile shape shifters.

I guess we're done here.

I didn't say there were "shape shifting reptile aliens". I said "for all I know" meaning I don't know what's up behind the scenes, behind the stage set - that that the scenario we are living in today is so surreal and deceptive that who the hell knows what's behind it.

That's what these fools and little political correctness internet police like Jaxvid here do, they cherry pick and look for something they think they can mock.

As for David Icke (former pro football/soccer player), he does have an awful lot of interesting things to say, and goofy things too I think. I don't know what the hell to make of the reptile stuff. It looks deliberately self destructive, something for the shills to latch onto and mock, but who knows...

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
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Here's David Icke's website. I never even look at it, though I skimmed part of one of his books once (I skipped the reptile chapters at the beginning), but now that we're talking about it, and Jaxvid has latched onto it , I will take a look. It's quite elaborate. He has a lot to say.

PS Maybe Jaxvid is a reptile. Let me see your tongue, Jaxvid. I want to see if it forks at the end. Why do your eyes look like vertical slits?

The primary reason that nearly every aspect of Barack Obama’s “life story” is so ripe with distrust is because it’s all so enigmatic. From what I can recall, the following items either don’t exist in public records, were sealed up or destroyed, or have had their authenticity questioned…

  1. His actual place of birth (Kenya or Hawaii?).
  2. His real name (Barry Dunham, BHOII, Barry Soetoro, or Barack Soebarkah?)
  3. His birth certificate. A “Certificate of Live Birth” is meaningless.
  4. His usage of multiple social security numbers.
  5. His parent’s connection of violent African governments and the CIA.
  6. The Obama-Dunham Marriage License.
  7. The Soetoro-Dunham Marriage License.
  8. His father’s INS records.
  9. His passport information (he needed it to travel to Pakistan).
  10. His religion (Muslim or Christian?).
  11. His time living “abroad,” particularly in the Muslim-infested hell-hole, Indonesia.
  12. His financial aid documents.
  13. His unreleased college transcripts from Occidental, Harvard, and Columbia.
  14. His time at Columbia, where 400 ex-students didn’t remember him.
  15. His admitted drug usage.
  16. His time as a “lawyer” and eventual disbarment.
  17. His medical records.
  18. His White House “visitor list.”
  19. His connection of Ayers, Wright, ACORN, etc.

I’m sure I’ve omitted several dozen other contentious items concerning the life and times of the purple-lipped, cigarette-puffing, anti-white racist, black nationalist, Marxist, Communist, humorously under-qualified liar, cheater, rumored homosexual, admitted drug-addict, and wildly-inarticulate Teleprompter-in-Chief…
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How should I know what they're really up to? I'm not privy to their plans. For all I know maybe they are f'ing reptiles like David Icke says. All I know is that everything the politicians say and do and what's on their news and tv and radio and newspapers and all their wars without end and terror attacks and terror threats and wars on drugs and wars on decent normal people and celebrating diversity is the phoniest and most malevolent and destructive bull**** I ever heard, and anyone who swallows it whole is f'ing brain dead.

Here's what I meant. Things like 9-11, the boston bombing, sandy hook etc all have motives. Wars on end, police state, gun control etc. What would be the point of grooming Obama from birth?
... the purple-lipped, cigarette-puffing, anti-white racist, black nationalist, Marxist, Communist, humorously under-qualified liar, cheater, rumored homosexual, admitted drug-addict, and wildly-inarticulate Teleprompter-in-Chief…

And those are its GOOD points. You left out mass murderer for one thing. "Obama" quoted in the new book, Double Down: Game Change 2012: "I'm really good at killing people".

Murder - as in the three homosexual members of "Obama's" church murdered within six weeks. Dead men tell no tales. As in the countless thousands murdered by "Obama's" drones and bombs and torture chambers and "targeted killings".
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Here's what I meant. Things like 9-11, the boston bombing, sandy hook etc all have motives. Wars on end, police state, gun control etc. What would be the point of grooming Obama from birth?

I already told you, I don't know. All I know is that what's really going on has in reality zero to do with what the politicians and the talking heads on your tv say is going on. Maybe this might shed some light:

"So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." - Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of the UK and Ireland in *Coningsby*

Disraeli, Jewish himself, went on to describe those behind the scenes "personages". They were Jews.
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Like I said I would do, I looked at the David Icke website. This was linked there:

JFK was killed ‘by a mystery bullet’: Nurse who tried to save President claims she saw a DIFFERENT bullet in his neck to those later shown as evidence

The story is from the UK newspaper Daily Mail. Note the comments. More and more intelligent people are calling out their governments and media on their lies. That is why they are starting to do away with comments sections.
Who can we trust: Icke, Jones, Savage or Duke?

OK video. I agree about Alex Jones, though he does good stuff too. I'm no follower of David Icke, though I brought up his name before just as a way of saying I don't know what's really pulling the puppet strings and my mind is open, but hasn't he been playing down the reptile stuff, and did he ever really say that the Waffen SS is secretly running things? That would be totally insane. He's right about Michael Savage, and I know something about him, and I like Dr Duke and think he's the best debater, but I sure wouldn't trust him 100% either; and I know something about the late Dr Pierce too and likewise. You trust yer mudder but you cut the cards, see. By the way, my theory is that Dr Pierce was murdered just like Yasser Arafat.
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