Paris Hilton


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Don Wassall said:
<div>I don't know, though I do know that some do lesbian stuff exclusively.  I am opposed to lesbian porn for a  number of reasons, not the least of which is that is promoting homsexuality over man-woman relations, part of the overall assault on White men and the traditional family unit. And there are a number or resons reject to feiminist porn,which has pushed aside hetero porn, and thus helped pushed the female in control over many traiditional men's roles and prerogoratives.</div>

This isn't the first time you've expressed your familiarity with the "porn scene." I was just curious"¦are you opposed to pornography in general, or are you opposed to "non-traditional" (homosexual, interracial, non-white, etc) pornography?

In the new age of free, convenient, and private access to the internet and satellite TV (coupled with the omnipresent, cradle-to-grave, overt sexual allusions found in all forms of contemporary media), I imagine that nearly 100% of white American men ages 12-25 watch it quite regularly.

A discouraging state of affairs"¦but the art of interacting with modernized, enlightened, liberated "women" (imitation men) in the "new world" is much more so.Edited by: Thrashen
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
Deadlift said:

On the TLC channel, there's a program about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in it's "weirder" manifestations.

OK, so, there was an eccentric negro (typically ugly and skinny) and he had a White mannequin sex doll! It was really disturbing.. he would always buy different clothes for it and talk to it..

The episode was pure, demented TNB. Should be required viewing for all deracinated Whites!
I've seen the program, they have people who eat laundry detergent and chalk.

But it's no mystery black men have an obsession with white women, and some are pushed off the deep endwhen they are unable to develop a relationship with a whitewoman.
It's really unfarefor blacks to beexpose to the white race, they see beautiful white women in movies and TV. Pluis, jewish interracial porn and the media have geven them a twisted view of European women,making many to believe theres young attractive white women that want a relationship with a black man. So they forsake their own black women and go looking for this pretty, shy, smart white women that wants to be with them too.Edited by: lost


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Wasn't it a black woman that was eating the chalk? Anyways, the program has featured a significant number of blacks "with OCD"...

I thought things like OCD and hoarding were simply "White things?"..


Nov 28, 2009
lost said:
But it's no mystery black men have an obsession with white women, and some are pushed off the deep endwhen they are unable to develop a relationship with a whitewoman.
<div>It's really unfarefor blacks to beexpose to the white race, they see beautiful white women in movies and TV. Pluis, jewish interracial porn and the media have geven them a twisted view of European women,making many to believe theres young attractive white women that want a relationship with a black man. So they forsake their own black women and go looking for this pretty, shy, smart white women that wants to be with them too.</div>
If a White woman is in India by herself (who knows why, maybe for "business" or maybe she's caught up in the whole "Eat, Pray, Love" feminist horsesh*t that's going on now) and she is seen checking into a hotel room alone, there will soon be Indian men knocking on her door. The Indian men, from what they see on satellite T.V. and the Internet, simply assume she's a whore without even knowing her...and why not?


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
Paris Hilton is way too skinny for me. She also really thinks she is hot and that all men desire her. I hate that attitude in a girl.

I don't care what you guys say, I need a girl with some thighs and curves. Not a chubby chaser, but need to feel something other than bones.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
I certainly hope that Paris does not back down, and instead, reaffirms her position in regards to black men, but I'm not going to hold my breath. As for her looks, sure, I think that she's very attractive. But so what? I can wander on over to the local shopping mall here in Missouri, and see plenty of women who are just as attractive or moreso. And it is the same about virtually any "celebrity". They are held up as icons of beauty because of their celebrity, notoriety, or wealth.


Jul 3, 2010
Thrashen said:
This isn't the first time you've expressed your familiarity with the "porn scene."Â￾ I was just curious"¦are you opposed to pornography in general, or are you opposed to "non-traditional"Â￾ (homosexual, interracial, non-white, etc) pornography?

In the new age of free, convenient, and private access to the internet and satellite TV (coupled with the omnipresent, cradle-to-grave, overt sexual allusions found in all forms of contemporary media), I imagine that nearly 100% of white American men ages 12-25 watch it quite regularly.

A discouraging state of affairs"¦but the art of interacting with modernized, enlightened, liberated "women"Â￾ (imitation men) in the "new world" is much more so.

Pornography should be forbidden, brothels should be forbidden, only family life should be encouraged.

From the pornography I saw, I would say that at least 90% of the girls involved were White girls. Pornography is in reality exploatation, abuse and degradation of White girls who "perform", is also a mental degradation of the White boys and men who watch it. Check out the truth about porn from a trustworthy source.

Life for porn girls is hell. Check out how many porn girls have committed suicide.

From the first video we learn that at least 90% of porn girls are taking drugs. You think they are taking drugs because their life is paradise? No, they take drugs and they even take their own life because their life is HELL. They take drugs because they want to escape from their hellish life. Many girls couldnt accept their life anymore and committed suicide.

This is what happens in a jew-ruled society. When jews cannot transform White girls into whores, when they cannot abuse and exploit them, like in National Socialist Germany, than that society is "evil" and "oppresive", ruled by "dictators" and "tyrants". If jews can transform many White girls into whores, like in today's America and in Weimar Germany, than that society has alot of "freedom" and is ofcourse "a democracy". If you had any doubt about who is degrading White girls in porn, this link should make it clear.

This is what happens when White people are anti-racists, when they dont support each other. If White people were racists, if they supported each other no matter what, White girls would not have been forced to sell their soul and body to the Devil. If the white people were racists, the fathers and brothers of these girls would have had jobs and the girls would not have been forced to become "porn stars". As it is, AA negroes and latrinos steal the White jobs, the white girls are forced to become "porn stars", the White men are forced to join the army to fight for the chosenites.


May 10, 2008
alln2, I'm with you 100%. The war of culture cannot be won if the enemy is allowed to win in this area; because in doing so, they already have at least a partial control of our own troops. This is really the front lines and the damaging wedge, I think.
I'd rather have a 100 virgin-warriors fighting by my side (think Tim Tebow) than 200 others.
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
Deadlift said:
Wasn't it a black woman that was eating the chalk? Anyways, the program has featured a significant number of blacks "with OCD"...

I thought things like OCD and hoarding were simply "White things?"..
It was a black woman who was drinking the laundry detergent but i can't remember who was eating chalk.
But really Hilton never said anything that i've not heard from 90% of the white women that ive talk to over the years. Most would agree with her, but just not in public......


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
lost said:
Deadlift said:
Wasn't it a black woman that was eating the chalk? Anyways, the program has featured a significant number of blacks "with OCD"...

I thought things like OCD and hoarding were simply "White things?"..
It was a black woman who was drinking the laundry detergent but i can't remember who was eating chalk.
<div>But really Hilton never said anything that i've not heard from 90% of the white women that ive talk to over the years. Most would agree with her, but just not in public......</div>

True. We are always reminded of that small minority of white women that chose to strike up relationships with negroes. Usually they learn their lessons. They either end up in a coffin or get beat on a daily basis. I've only seen a handful of black women in my entire life that I would consider attractive. I've seen literally thousands of white women who look good.
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
whiteathlete33 said:
lost said:
Deadlift said:
Wasn't it a black woman that was eating the chalk? Anyways, the program has featured a significant number of blacks "with OCD"...

I thought things like OCD and hoarding were simply "White things?"..
It was a black woman who was drinking the laundry detergent but i can't remember who was eating chalk.
But really Hilton never said anything that i've not heard from 90% of the white women that ive talk to over the years. Most would agree with her, but just not in public......

True. We are always reminded of that small minority of white women that chose to strike up relationships with negroes. Usually they learn their lessons. They either end up in a coffin or get beat on a daily basis. I've only seen a handful of black women in my entire life that I would consider attractive. I've seen literally thousands of white women who look good.
Right! We get a "Bountiful Basket full" of Heidi Klum and Seal photos flying around the internet and on TV because thats all they got. And Klum was just a lowlevel model before she tooked Seal. After that she's on everything! It was just a business move for her as her modeling career was ending. And she was still pregnant by a white man when she married the negro!


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
lost said:
whiteathlete33 said:
lost said:
Deadlift said:
Wasn't it a black woman that was eating the chalk? Anyways, the program has featured a significant number of blacks "with OCD"...

I thought things like OCD and hoarding were simply "White things?"..
It was a black woman who was drinking the laundry detergent but i can't remember who was eating chalk.
<div>But really Hilton never said anything that i've not heard from 90% of the white women that ive talk to over the years. Most would agree with her, but just not in public......</div>

True. We are always reminded of that small minority of white women that chose to strike up relationships with negroes. Usually they learn their lessons. They either end up in a coffin or get beat on a daily basis. I've only seen a handful of black women in my entire life that I would consider attractive. I've seen literally thousands of white women who look good.
Right! We get a "Bountiful Basket full" of Heidi Klum and Seal photos flying around the internet and on TV because thats all they got. And Klum was just a lowlevel model before she tooked Seal. After that she's on everything! It was just a business move for her as her modeling career was ending. And she was still pregnant by a white man when she married the negro!

Seal is disgusting looking. Look at those deep scars on his face. I just hope Hilton doesn't back down on what she said. It's the truth.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Thrashen said:
Don Wassall said:
I don't know, though I do know that some do lesbian stuff exclusively. I am opposed to lesbian porn for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that is promoting homsexuality over man-woman relations, part of the overall assault on White men and the traditional family unit. And there are a number or resons reject tofeiminist porn,which has pushed aside hetero porn, and thus helpedpushed the female in control over many traiditional men's roles and prerogoratives.

This isn't the first time you've expressed your familiarity with the "porn scene."Â￾ I was just curious"¦are you opposed to pornography in general, or are you opposed to "non-traditional"Â￾ (homosexual, interracial, non-white, etc) pornography?

In the new age of free, convenient, and private access to the internet and satellite TV (coupled with the omnipresent, cradle-to-grave, overt sexual allusions found in all forms of contemporary media), I imagine that nearly 100% of white American men ages 12-25 watch it quite regularly.

A discouraging state of affairs"¦but the art of interacting with modernized, enlightened, liberated "women"Â￾ (imitation men) in the "new world" is much more so.

Very strange that my post-- which I had even edited -- became filled with typos like that, but at any rate I am anti-porn. I agree with Dixie Destroyer that it is a diabolical poison, one that mostly gets a pass these days because it is somehow seen as "unmasculine" for most men to say they don't likeporn or that they find it unhealthy. My only qualification is that there are elements in society that want to use censoring porn as the proverbial foot in the door to censoring certain types of free speech (such as that expressed on this site) as the equivalent of "political pornography."

At one time I found thatposition somewhatnonsensical but I have come to see that it is indeed relevant. When one looks at how easily the masses of "conservatives" have been trained to mindlessly despise all Arabs (who areactual Semites, thus it'sgenuine anti-Semitism promoted by the pseudo-Semites who are always crying wolf about "anti-Semitism" against themselves), to the point of enthusiastically supporting genocide against them, and realize that many White conservatives also have that same kind of irrational mindset when it comes to racially conscious Whites, it's not much of a stretch toanticipate that broad political and free speech censorship, if it occurs in the days ahead,is just as likely to come from the "right" -- the DWF/dittohead/Christian Zionist crowd -- as it is from the "left."


Jul 16, 2005
watching porn is like kissing a rattlesnake- its deadly to your survival