Our Bias Academia: Foul Calls in the NBA


Nov 25, 2004
We "silly" people at caste football keep talking about race in sports. American academia and the media are now putting pressure on white referees to call more fouls on white players! Yep, you heard that right. The lastest charge is that white referees call more fouls on black players compared to black referees. Never mind the reverse; that comparitively, black referees call more fouls on white players. Apparently, that little fact is unimportant.

white racist referees

"But the key finding was in regard to foul calls, saying "black players receive around 0.12-0.20 more fouls per 48 minutes played (an increase of 2 1/2-4 1/2 percent) when the number of white referees officiating a game increases from zero to three.""

I guess white refs have to be just as biased as black refs, or they are sure to be racist. Not the other way around of course.

Edited by: Kaptain Poop
Could it be that *black* refs are more lenient on black players? The NBA all but confirms it with thier comments on the white refs making the right calls. They could never say that in the media, though, due to the stupid double standard.

This will be part of a "push" to get more black refs, you watch.
This only shows how racist the black refs are. Black players foul more than white players. That's obvious.
They just dedicated an entire episode of Outside The Lines to this
report on race and officiating. We all know how this particular
program tries to push the anti-white gentile agenda. Interestingly,
all but one of their five experts refuted the claim made by the report
(including CF favorite, Stephen A. Smiff). One of the other black
a$$holes they had on the show tried to argue that whites have to
foul more to keep up with their black adversaries.

Bob Lee, being the complete b!+ch that he is, couldn't attempt to
even empathize with the black experience. The whole "taxi cab"
conversation came up further promoting the BS of white privilege.

The entire show was shameless caste promotion. Both sides of the
argument had an anti-white angle. Predictably, there was only a
brief mention that black refs also call more fouls on whites, but was
never mentioned again. The rest of the show's focus was on white
refs and their inherent biases.

The bad news is that there are castewhore producers that are
continuing to turn out their anti-white propaganda. The good news
for us is that with such blatant racism being shown on a major cable
network, more people are bound to take notice, stop fearing the
racist label, and fight the REAL racists.
Steven A Smith(he of the Hackey references)is defending the white refs. One thing that could lead to call differences is position differences. Many white players have tended to be spot up shooters. Players like this don't play tight d and tend to be specialists.
I heard Rush talking about this today and the whole methodology behind the "study" is seriously flawed. Ex. in looking at refs, they used the way their names were spelled to determine whether they were white or black. As anyone on this site knows, that has serious flaws. I wouldn't pay this any mind at all. Total BS.
Did the morons who conducted the study recognize the percentage of black to white players in the league? or maybe that little helpful bit of information fell by the way side
I hope it's true! Racial favoritism what a great idea! This news and the story where the ref wanted to fight with the player have tempted me to become a basketball fan. Go Zebra's!
BTW Steve Sailer has more on this story as the actual numbers tell us far more then the MSM take on the subject.

a sample:
- NBA teams would win slightly more games if they played whites more. The economists write: "In our sample, the team with a greater share of playing time accounted for by black players won 48.6% of games ..." That this figure doesn't diverge far from 50% show that NBA teams are pretty good about about putting the best team on the court irrespective of color, but you know that if the study showed the opposite -- that teams that played more whites won only 48.6% of the time -- the NYT would be howling about anti-black prejudice.

Sailer's homepage
Two of the three top foulers in the league are white.-ESPN source this morning-

One thing that is conveniently left out of the study was a simple comparison of the average amount of fouls a white or black player will get per 48 minutes of play. That's the ONLY fair way to assess if there is any favoritism either way. My guess is that per minute white players get called for more fouls than black players. When something important like this very simple and yet telling statistic is left out of the conversation, you can be sure that it was done so purposely.
Come to think of it, no statistics degree is required for the research I describe above. Anybody interested in looking at this? I'm pretty sure the findings will show what we have all suspected - and the results would be unarguable. Any go-getters out there? Maybe ESPN will give airtime to your study.
Two things. The whole episode makes one want to puke because the two morons are so wrong. And credit the NBA for pointing that out. Unfortunately though just the specter of this nasty thing could have a negative impact on white NBA players. Funny that these two a-holes didn't do a study on the bias media coverage of the NCAA tournament where whites were reduced to having a "slow gene" handicap. Three things are certain in life: death, taxes and a-holes.
This may be retaliation in some part for the slight "whitening" of the NBA. The NBA has been pushing to market more towards white fans who have grown tired of the "thug" NBA.

Perhaps the players, like Kobe elbowing all those white players, are lashing out at the NBA for this in some subtle ways? I mean who else, besides someone with an agenda, would pay for a study like this?

Blacks see Nowitzki and Nash and fear that the NBA may be a little more diversity coming in the near future, and trust me, they resent it.Edited by: InfamousOne
Deeper in the study I think it said whites are called for about 4.9 fouls a game, per 48 minutes played, blacks about 4.3 times a game.
Anyone who has ever watched a college or NBA game knows that white players are not allowed to play the "aggressive" defense that all black players are allowed to play. The notion that black players are called for fouls more frequently than white players is therefore totally laughable to those non-brainwashed fans who follow the sport. I have coached youth basketball for several years, and I can tell you from first-hand experience that black basketball players at EVERY level of organized play are whistled for far fewer transgressions than their white peers. This includes girls and boys at the youngest ages imaginable, and referees of EVERY race give them the preferential treatment. The fact is, given the way that most blacks play the game (traveling, carrying the ball, instigating far more physical contact than their non-black competitors), most of them would quickly foul out of every game if the rules were enforced. Most of us would think this was a good thing, as it might force them to learn and abide by the rules white players are required to abide by. When Stephen A. Smiff is not taking this latest blast of propaganda seriously, you know that it's a hard sell.
I've always said the problem in the NBA is even worse than college. In the NBA too many defensive fouls are called and not enough offensive ones. That is unless it is a white offensive player who gets aggressive and bumps his way to the hoop.

Speaking of Dirk Nowitzki, you almost never see him get away with lowering his shoulder to pound his way to the hoop. Yet black stars such as Shaq get away with this all the time. And you also see black guards like Kobe Bryant get too many freebees from the charity stripe.

Most games are now won in the NBA by blacks getting too many unwarranted free throws. I mean just look at the Utah-Houston series and see how many fouls they are calling on Kirilenko. The Jazz have had to alternate defenders on McGrady. The refs haven't allowed Kirilenko to play his game even though he is possibly the league's best defender. The refs are clearly favouring McGrady. Yet guys like Bowen, Artest and Stephen Jackson get away with bumping and roughing up white players all the time. Maybe this is why at the Olympics and basketball World Championships the true story is being told, because they don't let team USA's black players get away with this crap. Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Did anybody watch the Jazz Rockets game last night? There were several classic fouls on white defenders. You know the kind, when the white player is simply staying in between himself and the guy with the ball, and the guy with the ball moves to shoot or step towards the basketball, so the white player puts his hands up and does nothing else, and refs whistles a foul.

That's common in the NBA and is something I noticed even before I thought about race and sports much. It seemed clear that white players were not allowed to play defense, that standing there with your hands up and not touching the guy with a ball was often a foul.
Going back to Outside the Lines. Every week I watch it as I get ready for church. And EVERY WEEK there is a story on basically black victims and white privelege. I told my wife the other day, it's as if ESPN is deliberately trying to alienate their white fans. From a pure business perspective this is pure insanity and for the life of me I can't understand why they are on this kick.

Are the soooo worried about one day falling into the wrath of Sharpton et al. that they think this will somehow provide cover?

That is the only thing I can think why ESPN would be so blatantly obvious in their anti-white propaganda.

There can be no other reason. I laugh about it actually because these guys are so infantile yet take themselves so seriously. But oneday, hopefully soon, they'll wake up and see the only audience they have are high school black teens and nothing else. Not a way to retain a TV empire.
cslewis1 said:
Are the soooo worried about one day falling into the wrath of Sharpton et al. that they think this will somehow provide cover?

That is the only thing I can think why ESPN would be so blatantly obvious in their anti-white propaganda.

You're putting the cart before the horse. If Sharpton didn't exist, the System would invent someone like him. There's an agenda, one that's beenin place for many, many years -- some would argue centuries -- and the Powers That Be in this country are just as monolithic as they are in any one-party state, which of course is what we've had in the USA Inc. for a long time, and they are fanatically determined to implement that agenda no matter how patently false and even absurd and crazy it is to the tiny segment of Americans who see what's going on and object to it.

Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson, have "power" only because they're useful tools, much like MADD is a great front group to use as a battering ram to bring back Prohibition,and Bin Laden and Al Qaeda are all-purpose bogeymen to justify wars of aggression and torture and a police state at home. It's all part of the Great Charade by the Powers That Be on and for their sole behalf.Edited by: Don Wassall
Last year's finals were an example of why this "study" is complete BS. Wade drew a foul every time he bulldozed his way to the basket or flopped on a jumper. It was ridiculous. Dirk got mugged and didn't get the calls.
referendum said:
Deeper in the study I think it said whites are called for about 4.9 fouls a game, per 48 minutes played, blacks about 4.3 times a game.

Anybody find a source for the quoted stat? That's the part of the study that should have gained headlines. Instead virtually the opposite was assumed and reported with tricky language.
I thought it was also conveniently timed when white led or white teams were on the ascendency

Come we can't have Nash/Suns , Nowitzi(Mavs) or a majority white Jazz teams winning now can we?

this is unamerican to say the least...
Good editorial from the Cleveland Plain Dealer

http://www.cleveland.com/sports/plaindealer/bill_livingston/ index.ssf?/base/sports/1178440838209180.xml&coll=2&t hispage=1
<H1 ="red">Referees may be biased, but not because of race </H1>
<DIV ="sub">
<DIV ="byln">Sunday, May 06, 2007
Bill LivingstonPlain Dealer Columnist

The most shocking example of racial bias in the NBA had nothing to do with the referees, although that is the conclusion of a recently released academic study of the league.

It was instead committed by a famous player, who was voted one of the NBA's 50 greatest.

Billy Cunningham would run alongside the nearest official after an opponent had inflicted grievous bodily harm that had gone undetected by the arbiter. Often, he would hold out his left arm, the one with which he shot the ball, and point to the red marks left on his fair, Irish skin after being fouled.

Said Fred Carter, a black teammate, in mock outrage: "That is a racist ploy."

Carter and Cunningham played three decades ago. But such rough kidding between teammates separated by skin color still exists, and so does the racial tolerance it implies.

The NBA does a much better job than society as a whole in assimilating cultural and racial differences. In the context of the basketball court, it does not matter very much if a player is black, white, or if he comes from Europe, Asia, Canada, Mexico or the USA. It matters if he can play or not.

Yet a University of Pennsylvania professor and a Cornell graduate student labored mightily and produced a report that, although flawed in methodology and confused in conclusions, was picked up by many media outlets in the land. According to the study, white referees called fouls at a greater rate against black players than whites and, to a lesser extent, black refs did the same against white players.

The Ivy League savants charted calls from the 1991-92 season through 2003-04, using newspaper box scores. The 8,000-pound elephant in the room is that the box scores don't indicate which referee made which call. The NBA doesn't release such data, although it keeps it for training and evaluation purposes.

Reaching any conclusion without access to such vital information is so wrong-headed that TNT's Charles Barkley was right when he called the authors "jackasses."

Color simply is not a part of referees' decision-making. Not in my 34 years of covering the NBA.

A player's personality, that's different. Stephen Jackson and Ron Artest do not get a lot of slack cut for them, because they have caused problems in the past. Back in the day, refs had a low guff threshold for Rick Barry, too.

Cavaliers veteran Eric Snow said: "The only difference I've ever seen is the star system. Stars get more calls. But that's because they get more plays called for them."

Such biases that exist are not racial. They are based on how long a player or coach has been in the league. Less often, they depend on whether or not a coach played in the league

"I have definitely heard referees say something to young coaches that they would never say to a Larry Brown," Snow said of his one-time mentor, a gypsy coach with many years' experience.

Said Cavs coach Mike Brown, a second-year coach who didn't play in the NBA: "Oh, I have to pay my dues. But I have never felt discriminated against by referees."

People with liberal pieties so far-reaching that they feel compelled to apologize for Antietam and Gettysburg said there was something to the report.

Wrong. There is next to nothing to it.

To reach Bill Livingston:

blivingston@plaind.com, 216-999-4672 Edited by: highschoolcoach
American Freedom News