Ominous Times

Stopped it before he got through the first chorus. Utter puke. This is a perfect example of a plant, an imposter, an actor, a Trojan horse to destroy an enemy. (((They))) put in place one of their own to destroy, plain and simple. To Hell with him.
Stopped it before he got through the first chorus. Utter puke. This is a perfect example of a plant, an imposter, an actor, a Trojan horse to destroy an enemy. (((They))) put in place one of their own to destroy, plain and simple. To Hell with him.

I’d love to see his trip down there “expedited”. I totally abhor all reprobate vermin such as that no talent, putrid pile of maggot dung!
Whites on the chopping block:

Just did a quick google search - Wheeler Walker Jr is the performing name for comedian Benjamin Issac Hoffman who is jewish.
Wheeler, the fouled mouth perv is a Jew. I'm utterly surprised.
Whites on the chopping block:

Muhammad Ali Vehemently Disapproves Of Racial Miscegenation ...

  1. Cached
Jan 3, 2018 - Muhammed Ali only had an IQ of 79, we all know that this was because of his severe inbreeding. Miscegenation could have help this man.
Missing: Mixing
Ali wasn't the sharpest pencil in the box but be had this right. I cringe at that mealy mouthed British White guy.
White boy (literally) treatment by the TSA. All part of conditioning the public (because he could have been "the next" (fake) "mass shooter" or "White Nationalist 'terrorist'". It was retweeted by Trump.

His mom responded in the original tweet:

I’m that parent. It was be escorted out by the police or submit. They basically terrorized my kids talking about how they would bring in the police (and they did). I asked for an alternative screening. Asked why he couldn’t be wanded ... he’s a minor.
As I briefly mentioned yesterday in another thread gentlemen, this is dark and nary a voice in Congress making a peep of opposition. We are under the rule of two stripes of whores: Anti-Whites and Cowards.

I'm surprised this isn't front and center in one of the threads:

The “Demoncrap” Party is 100% subversive to the true Republic (America v 1.0). The overwhelming members of their party should NOT even be on Republic soil...much less allowed to vote! I have ZERO respect for the (misallocated, contrived) so-called ‘authority’ of any such untermenschen. It’s a complete joke (albeit a sick one) to see halfwit vermin like “MaxyPad” Waters running her moronic, ugly yapper while grandstanding on a load of total BS. Vacuous imbeciles like her (& Demoncrap “leadership”) are completely devoid of intelligence, morality & decency.
These are indeed ominous times we're living in. But every so often dingbats say something that hits the bulls eye. The first dingbat was Ilan Omar who shot her mouth off about 9-11 and the usual suspects are carrying on that she's not nice, etc. Not to be out done, the next dingbat, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez came to the first dingbat's defense causing more horrid wailing from the same usual suspects. I think the Jews fear this might be the beginning of the end for their multiple scams they're juggling. Who would've ever thought it'd all start with a few off-White dingbats.
Jared Taylor addressing some of the over the top outfreakingrageous quotes from the absolutely insane vomit for brains anti-White idiots in the hearings. Good grief!!!!.... these people are so full of hatred for Whites it's amazing;

The most ominous thing about what's taking place is that the ongoing anti-White rhetoric, legislation, and censorship has greatly accelerated since Trump became President, and he's too busy calling the Democrats "anti-semitic" and fulfilling all his campaign promises to Israel to even send out one of his impotent tweets about what's taking place against his base much less take any action.
Jared Taylor addressing some of the over the top outfreakingrageous quotes from the absolutely insane vomit for brains anti-White idiots in the hearings. Good grief!!!!.... these people are so full of hatred for Whites it's amazing;

I don’t know whether to laugh, cry or rage. It’s really Clown World, as ramzpaul perfectly conveys in his video describing the circus.
Excellent points. Don...
And thanks Freethinker, first time I laughed all day!
These are indeed ominous times we're living in. But every so often dingbats say something that hits the bulls eye. The first dingbat was Ilan Omar who shot her mouth off about 9-11 and the usual suspects are carrying on that she's not nice, etc. Not to be out done, the next dingbat, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez came to the first dingbat's defense causing more horrid wailing from the same usual suspects. I think the Jews fear this might be the beginning of the end for their multiple scams they're juggling. Who would've ever thought it'd all start with a few off-White dingbats.

Yes, the Jews have multiple scams going, as they have for a long time. The Jews at the center of the anti-white hearings by Congress this week mentioned below exemplify that. It seems they have gotten so over the top with their offensive, authoritarian, manipulative behavior towards everyone on the planet, that they are pushing groups together, such as White Christians and Muslims, that they have jumped the shark, are forcing people to wake up who were comfortably numb, and some of their scams are unraveling.
One of the most important videos online, from yesterday. Full on, outright promotion of shameless and proud violence and Cultural Communism against Whites on network tv, courtesy of CBS. This guys, is very disturbing...and we have seen a lot. Spread this far and wide. Whether or not we think "it's on" or not, it clearly is to our enemies:

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That jews/crypto-jews/gypsies were colonizing the U.S. and Canada -- rather quietly -- after the disintegration of the USSR wasn't "Stormfront paranoia." It was 100% true, scarily true. We are seeing the results. In the quest for true liberty, these interlopers are mostly dead weight. They are mostly open borders and will site their own 'resettlement' (of themselves, a parent or parents, etc.) - American Dream For Everyone can be heard from them. Every biped on the planet has tribal origins, and these interlopers being mentioned here almost always come from a few dozen locales. They most definitely have features and mannerisms and physiologies, but location is important too. Pay attention. It's usually not difficult to unravel their serial 'name-changing hobby' either... aren't they cute? For the gypsies, why don't you earn respect and then you'll be treated as such, but it's too difficult for most to grasp. They are pretty much an accursed lot. Vile child abuse/grooming is the norm - just totally messed up - generation after generation.
As I stated in another post about this you don't have to be Catholic, which I'm not, to feel some real pain and our enemies of all stripes are seemingly reveling in the Notre Dame Cathedral fire...and I'm not buying the "accident" theory:

Some voices out there are suggesting they redo Notre Dame to "reflect modern day France." I think what they mean is they would prefer a homage to black "French" soccer players. The old Cathedral is one of the greatest wonders of the world and a living religious touchstone. There is no messing around here. Build it back up as it was.

Also longtime NC woman's basketball HC Sylvia Hatchell resigned under pressure due to alleged "racist" type team speeches. This from a woman who has marinated in caste teams for ages. Ironically only recently have more white players appeared on their team. She even won a championship ( 1994?) with basically an all black team with a leaping black star in Charlotte Smith.

The Yankees traditionally play Kate Smith's rousing rendition of "God Bless America" before every 7th inning. Apparently there is a rumor she recorded a "black satire" song which by the way black Doug Robeson recorded too. Not verified but even it is who gives a bulls balls.

Also some people are voicing discontent over having library shelves overstuffed with white authors. I guess genius works don't matter much anymore? To be replaced by what?

Everyday it seems is clobber Honky day.
It’s unfortunate what’s happened to white people. But really, it’s white people to blame. Half of us are willingly marching into extinction. I’m tired of giving a crap about most whites because they refuse to take a stand. I plan to get the hell out of the US as soon as possible. I feel the same way about Europe. I do feel terrible for my brothers and sister on this site and around the world who are proud and don’t want any of this forced diversity. But we are the minority and I think that’s pretty clear now. There have to be at least 10-20 million of us so maybe someday we can have a mostly white country somewhere....perhaps Hungary?? In any case it’s gonna be a dark road here for a while guys. Train, take care of yourselves and your families and just try to be prepared for whatever comes!
YouTube Won’t Let You Watch Lauren Southern’s ‘Borderless’

We need a different alternative to youtube or else the president has to stop Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Youtube from shadowbanning and deleting christian, truther and so called conspiracy videos. This is a shame that the left controls everything. Not fair and yet they are allowed to censor and get away with whatever they want. 1984 in real life. Scary stuff.
Kommisar Warren isn't Native American anymore, but she's beyond the usual tax and spend liberal. She's all for reparations and new socialist 2 cent tax on multimillionaires that will go to child care and skills upgrading for the poor.

If she wasn't the only loonie left candidate she would be the joke that she is, but it seems like half of the Democrat candidates have similar ideas to Fauxahauntas....
American Freedom News