Ohio inter racial dating

Iron said:
I know theirs this consensus that white women who swim the dark ocean are fat ugly behomoths but the majority of white women i see with Black men are in fact reasonably attractive and middle class looking.I dont think white women can help it as i genuinly believe the majority of them are more attracted to non white men not only Black but Indian,mixed race,Latino aswell.Its genetically predispositioned,so it dos'nt nescersarily make them race traiters. They've been doing it for generations too,so the usual folly of media brainwashing can be put aside as that was nay a factor in the Victorian era,even amonst royalty or the nineteenth century when thousands of white women were turned on by Jack Johnson who personified their fantasys of the all Black conquering mandingo man.The Jewish media picked up on this weakness and used it as a weapon against White gentile society as they have other weaknesses within whites.

I must say that the above quote is by far the most AWESOME thing I've read in the history of the Internet.

When I get back to the office I'm going to tell a couple of friends of mine (one is Korean, the other Guatamalan, and both are horn-dogs) that the best way to get the white secretaries to get on their tip is to tell them "you're genetically pre-dispositioned to want me, baby."
GiovaniMarcon said:
Iron said:
I know theirs this consensus that white women who swim the dark ocean are fat ugly behomoths but the majority of white women i see with Black men are in fact reasonably attractive and middle class looking.I dont think white women can help it as i genuinly believe the majority of them are more attracted to non white men not only Black but Indian,mixed race,Latino aswell.Its genetically predispositioned,so it dos'nt nescersarily make them race traiters. They've been doing it for generations too,so the usual folly of media brainwashing can be put aside as that was nay a factor in the Victorian era,even amonst royalty or the nineteenth century when thousands of white women were turned on by Jack Johnson who personified their fantasys of the all Black conquering mandingo man.The Jewish media picked up on this weakness and used it as a weapon against White gentile society as they have other weaknesses within whites.

I must say that the above quote is by far the most AWESOME thing I've read in the history of the Internet.

When I get back to the office I'm going to tell a couple of friends of mine (one is Korean, the other Guatamalan, and both are horn-dogs) that the best way to get the white secretaries to get on their tip is to tell them "you're genetically pre-dispositioned to want me, baby."

Surely you two are kidding, right?

If not, I guess you could also make the same argument for white men wanting non-white women, even though I see as little evidence of this as I do what you claim about white women.If this is really the case, then the white race is toast. We haven't a hope of surviving. We might as well break camp and head home to bide our time until death overtakes us.

Out of the white women I've seen with non-white men, most haven't been trophies in the looks department. A few have been good looking enough to make me mad about it, but most are dogs. Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Colonel_Reb said:
GiovaniMarcon said:
Iron said:
I know theirs this consensus that white women who swim the dark ocean are fat ugly behomoths but the majority of white women i see with Black men are in fact reasonably attractive and middle class looking.I dont think white women can help it as i genuinly believe the majority of them are more attracted to non white men not only Black but Indian,mixed race,Latino aswell.Its genetically predispositioned,so it dos'nt nescersarily make them race traiters. They've been doing it for generations too,so the usual folly of media brainwashing can be put aside as that was nay a factor in the Victorian era,even amonst royalty or the nineteenth century when thousands of white women were turned on by Jack Johnson who personified their fantasys of the all Black conquering mandingo man.The Jewish media picked up on this weakness and used it as a weapon against White gentile society as they have other weaknesses within whites.
I must say that the above quote is by far the most AWESOME thing I've read in the history of the Internet. When I get back to the office I'm going to tell a couple of friends of mine (one is Korean, the other Guatamalan, and both are horn-dogs) that the best way to get the white secretaries to get on their tip is to tell them "you're genetically pre-dispositioned to want me, baby."

Surely you two are kidding, right?

If not, I guess you could also make the same argument for white men wanting non-white women, even though I see as little evidence of this as I do what you claim about white women. If this is really the case, then the white race is toast. We haven't a hope of surviving. We might as well break camp and head home to bide our time until death overtakes us.

Out of the white women I've seen with non-white men, most haven't been trophies in the looks department. A few have been good looking enough to make me mad about it, but most are dogs.

Oh man, I was being completely sarcastic.

When I said "the most awesome think I've ever read" what I really meant was "rolodex this under 'BS', next to the white people invented AIDS card."
Sometimes I miss the sarcasm Giovani. I take things too seriously sometimes too. Glad to hear it.
GiovaniMarcon said:
Iron said:
I know theirs this consensus that white women who swim the dark ocean are fat ugly behomoths but the majority of white women i see with Black men are in fact reasonably attractive and middle class looking.I dont think white women can help it as i genuinly believe the majority of them are more attracted to non white men not only Black but Indian,mixed race,Latino aswell.Its genetically predispositioned,so it dos'nt nescersarily make them race traiters. They've been doing it for generations too,so the usual folly of media brainwashing can be put aside as that was nay a factor in the Victorian era,even amonst royalty or the nineteenth century when thousands of white women were turned on by Jack Johnson who personified their fantasys of the all Black conquering mandingo man.The Jewish media picked up on this weakness and used it as a weapon against White gentile society as they have other weaknesses within whites.

I must say that the above quote is by far the most AWESOME thing I've read in the history of the Internet.

When I get back to the office I'm going to tell a couple of friends of mine (one is Korean, the other Guatamalan, and both are horn-dogs) that the best way to get the white secretaries to get on their tip is to tell them "you're genetically pre-dispositioned to want me, baby."
"Oh man i was being completly sarcastic"I dont associate sarcasm with men.Not the ones i work with and not the ones i know.I associate sarcasm with women just like bitching,gossiping and catiness especially in that emotional down turn time of the month they experience or bitchy homosexual men who smuggishly believe that their superior to someone else.Or thinking about it,pettulent characters who barely hide their rudeness and insolence when using this form of wit.Given that its aim is to belittle and make one feel superior[i never use sarcasm myself]and frankly annoying as hell i'd slam your head into the pavement in a real life situation
Iron said:
GiovaniMarcon said:
Iron said:
I know theirs this consensus that white women who swim the dark ocean are fat ugly behomoths but the majority of white women i see with Black men are in fact reasonably attractive and middle class looking.I dont think white women can help it as i genuinly believe the majority of them are more attracted to non white men not only Black but Indian,mixed race,Latino aswell.Its genetically predispositioned,so it dos'nt nescersarily make them race traiters. They've been doing it for generations too,so the usual folly of media brainwashing can be put aside as that was nay a factor in the Victorian era,even amonst royalty or the nineteenth century when thousands of white women were turned on by Jack Johnson who personified their fantasys of the all Black conquering mandingo man.The Jewish media picked up on this weakness and used it as a weapon against White gentile society as they have other weaknesses within whites.

I must say that the above quote is by far the most AWESOME thing I've read in the history of the Internet.

When I get back to the office I'm going to tell a couple of friends of mine (one is Korean, the other Guatamalan, and both are horn-dogs) that the best way to get the white secretaries to get on their tip is to tell them "you're genetically pre-dispositioned to want me, baby."
"Oh man i was being completly sarcastic"I dont associate sarcasm with men.Not the ones i work with and not the ones i know.I associate sarcasm with women just like bitching,gossiping and catiness especially in that emotional down turn time of the month they experience or bitchy homosexual men who smuggishly believe that their superior to someone else.Or thinking about it,pettulent characters who barely hide their rudeness and insolence when using this form of wit.Given that its aim is to belittle and make one feel superior[i never use sarcasm myself]and frankly annoying as hell i'd slam your head into the pavement in a real life situation

You know, one might say sitting at the computer is effeminate; one might say arguing on the internet is effeminate; one might also say that flying off the handle and threatening to turn into an internet tough guy just because other people disagree with your posts is an overly emotional and insecure (i.e., female) reaction to a situation. Arguably we're all a bunch of purse-toting, going-to-the-restroom-three-times-during-dinner-to-freshen-o ur-makeup women.

I think you're taking your post a little too seriously, man.

"Slam my head into the pavement?"

What the hell is wrong with you?

If you're going to make a rather far-fetched sounding claim (this idea of genetic predisposition) you can expect some incredulity, especially in a "happy hour" section of a website. This isn't a scientific discussion panel at a Swiss university, which isn't to say scientific claims can't be made, but you shouldn't be too angry if others don't immediately cotton to a theory that goes against their own beliefs.

If that happens, the correct response isn't to get angry and start hurling insults; the correct response it to explain why you're right.

And, as there are numerous tongue-in-cheek posts in this thread -- a thread that has gradually become humorous -- I think it would be fair to say that my post is more in keeping with the spirit of the thread ("happy hour humor") than your violent rant.

I think we're all basically on the same side of the issue, when it comes right down to it.

If you're looking to impress people on the strength of your bravado you're in the wrong place. Anyone on the internet can claim to be as small as mini me or as big as John Wayne.

All we're left with then is the strength and validity of our arguments -- someone with a very narrow view of masculinity might even suggest that using your brain and using your words is a womanly trait -- in that case, perhaps the internet is wrong for that person, and they should be chopping wood somewhere at a lumber mill in the Canadian Yukon, fighting bears and eating raw meat.
"Slam my head into the pavement?"

What the hell is wrong with you?

If you're going to make a rather far-fetched sounding claim (this idea of genetic predisposition) you can expect some incredulity, especially in a "happy hour" section of a website. This isn't a scientific discussion panel at a Swiss university, which isn't to say scientific claims can't be made, but you shouldn't be too angry if others don't immediately cotton to a theory that goes against their own beliefs.

If that happens, the correct response isn't to get angry and start hurling insults; the correct response it to explain why you're right.

And, as there are numerous tongue-in-cheek posts in this thread -- a thread that has gradually become humorous -- I think it would be fair to say that my post is more in keeping with the spirit of the thread ("happy hour humor") than your violent rant.

I think we're all basically on the same side of the issue, when it comes right down to it.

If you're looking to impress people on the strength of your bravado you're in the wrong place. Anyone on the internet can claim to be as small as mini me or as big as John Wayne.

All we're left with then is the strength and validity of our arguments -- someone with a very narrow view of masculinity might even suggest that using your brain and using your words is a womanly trait -- in that case, perhaps the internet is wrong for that person, and they should be chopping wood somewhere at a lumber mill in the Canadian Yukon, fighting bears and eating raw meat.[/QUOTE]

This is gonna be the last post i make in this thread as the last thing i want is to get into a war of typed words against a guy i dont know and i'm not a particularly fast typer.

My post was'nt made due to your disagreement.Lets be honest,you resorted to provocative sarcasm which you yourself acknowledged which only equates with rudeness,disrespect[hate that word] buy my book leading to conflict.Why make an antagonistic post to then accuse the reactor of overreacting when the post was constucted as a catylist for the reaction
On a more serious note though,this is the reason i never post pick even when coming acrossfrom time to time certain viewpoints i disagree with.Only leads to disharmony in an otherwise happy house like this forum.I accept differing ideaologies amongst posters are most likely the result of day to day life experiences which i cannot even begin to contemplate,so who am i to tell them their wrong.

My orriginal post was born out of frustration at the previous day which i spent in a park playing football.I witnessed more BM/WF couples than usual along with a couple of ww parrading around what looked like new born babys with their Black partners.This led to afterthoughts and analyzing of why this seems to be a perpetual problem in any country Black men reside with white women in significant numbers.In the cold light of day where objective thought takes over emotional afterthought i realise Black men due to a number of factors will never be able to date white women in the numbers that would pose a threat to white genetic interests.I actually went back to the same place the next day and saw hundreds of white couples,barely any interacial so it generally varies.I'm generally more optimistic than others in this regard.The moral,behavioural and physical differences born out of centuries of evolution which many people are waking up to across the west putting a huge strain on multiculturalism along with the Black mans inability to create and maintain white standards of civilisation,leading to white flight will always drive down the potential for mass mixing.The threat is their though,and thrives in countrys subjected to marxism like Castro's Cuba and other south American countrys.Maybe one of the reasons the US the most capitalist country in the world is ironically one of the most idealogically marxist.
I thought women tended towards men who were slightly darker n skin tone than themselves; ie, the ideal man is 'tall, dark, and handsome'(it sucks being a fair-skinned blonde man). Look at the couples you know; chances are, the female is probably a little more pale than the male. Look at black couples especially; dark-skinned black males tend to end up with a lot more of the light-skinned females.

I think this comes from Steve Sailer's site, but don't quote me on that.
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