Don Wassall said:I'm not picking on you, it's just that periodically there's an upsurge in posts trying to skirt the rule against racial slurs. As enlightened white men we have the ability to express ourselves brilliantly and make any point we want to with wit, discretion and subtlety.![]()
Ground Fighter said:GiovaniMarcon said:Well, as has been said, it is a free country and people can do whatever (or whomever] they want, but it's pretty sad how a lot of white women who willingly bed down with other races -- again, their choice, whatever -- sooner or later want to come back to bedding down with white men, and they (the white women) act all shocked and indignant to discover that no white man wants them anymore.
These white women feel it's okay to exercise their right to choose who they want to have sex with, but feel that the white men they previously rejected shouldn't have the right to say "they can keep you, thanks and don't let the door hit you on your way out."
Giovanni my friend, that is why I have invented a little thing I like to call "the n*gger test". Let me explain now what exactly "the n*gger test" is. For example, when I was single, if I met a girl somewhere and we had some general conversation throughout the course of the evening. Ok, great, now say everything is going well and we are making a good connection. Then out of nowhere, I use the word "n*gger" in any random sentence and I watch closely for her facial expression and reaction to what I just said. If she gets all huffy and calls me a racist, then I KNOW she's a pig and she potentially f*cks n*ggers. BUT, on the other hand, if she laughs and smiles like she would any ordinary joke, then she's good to go. The facial expression is actually more important than the verbal reaction. Trust me, I'm a pro at this. You cannot cheat on "the n*gger test".![]()
All the information you need to know about her sexual history (racially anyway) can be determined with "the n*gger test". Women who get offended by that word "n*gger" have usually been brainwashed to some extent and cannot be trusted. You want the girl who laughs and smiles every time you drop the n-bomb. Now thats a keeper.
And that, gentlemen, is my speech of the day for you all.
White Shogun said:No country for old men.
Menelik said:White Shogun said:No country for old men.
I don't get it.
guest301 said:Menelik said:White Shogun said:No country for old men.
I don't get it.
I don't get it either Menelik and speaking for myself I feel very stupid about it.I know there is a hit movie that came out by that name last year which I was thinking about renting this weekend. Maybe it has something to do with that movie. Shogun, the ball is in your court. Solve the mystery.![]()
White Shogun said:guest301 said:Menelik said:White Shogun said:No country for old men.
I don't get it.
I don't get it either Menelik and speaking for myself I feel very stupid about it.I know there is a hit movie that came out by that name last year which I was thinking about renting this weekend. Maybe it has something to do with that movie. Shogun, the ball is in your court. Solve the mystery.![]()
Times have changed. A black man and a woman are front runners for President of the United States, and their only opponent is a white man who wants to give America to the Mexicans. Race mixing is acceptable and gay marriage is practically legal. White men are scorned, mocked and ridiculed on television and movies. Blacks rape and murder almost at will but no one can say anything about it for fear of repercussion. Our industries are moving overseas or have been bought by foreign companies. What companies remain import foreign workers to replace Americans. Blacks and Hispanics are accorded special privileges in hiring for the jobs that are left. Guys are talking about 'making out' with girlfriends, something I haven't done in years. And Arnold Schwarzenegger is the governor of California.
No country for old men.
johnnyboy said:3. they're fat...dudes trust me on this. like 90 percent of the w girls with blacks are ATLEAST moderately overweight and can't get the popular white boy to date them so they go with the loud black boy who is pushing real hard to get with her bc blacks LOVE white girls (see NFL).
Deadlift said:Iron,
Are you single? If so, test your theory by going out in blackface. Don't forget to rub some fried chicken grease on your face, arms and neck. You want to be as "authentic" as possible.