Number of White Players Compared to Last Year

My Texans ball cap is in the mail! I haven't been to an NFL game in twenty years, but buying a team hat once in a while is a means to supporting certain players. I explained to my son the other day when his Vikings hat arrived that in a small way, he is supporting Farve. Wearing a team hat is also a means for conversation with regard to white players. When someone makes a commment about the hat, it gives me an opportunity to speak about a particular white player on that team. It also keeps the sun out of my eyes.
Some of the comments on here make me sad for the future of the NFL. You guys are openly "cheering for white players and blaming mistakes on black ones"? How in the world are we going to ever get equality with crap like that? This is the same thing going on in the "real" world now. Blacks used to be able to play the race card whenever discussion of a race topic came up that put them in a negative light. Thus, it prevented actual discussion from going on. America still isn't past this yet (as evidenced by I'm sure the large amount of ignorant racists on this board), but it is getting better as far as I can tell.

If you guys want true equality in football, you'd cheer for white players but not at the expense of blacks. Let me put it this way: if the NFL was all-white, would you be satisfied or would you encourage more blacks to play?

I know I'm in the minority on this website but I feel like I shouldn't just sit back here and see people fighting fire with fire, the world isn't gonna work that way. We'll never get this message out with ignorant pricks who are openly racist and justify their racism with "Well, football is racist against white guys so therefore I'm entitled to be a racist back". We want the "mainstream" to hear the virtually undiscussed problems in the NFL and college football, then you stop being a racist and try to help the problem, not ostracize the entire movement by having a mindset of the 1960s or whatever.

Bottom line for me is: I will cheer for white players in general, especially those who play RB, WR, CB, etc but I will not blame every mistake on black players, nor will I overlook mistakes by white players. I'm a Vikings fan and I have favorite players from the present and the past that are white and black, and that's not going to change just because the NFL isn't truly colorblind.

I don't even know why I posted this, but I enjoy this site because it helps me follow rising white stars in the league to cheer for and alot of the opinions that I disagree with are made by people who do truly want a colorblind sport that I think everyone deserves.
Manifest Distiny, please enlighten me further....perhaps you can make it your 3rd overall post since joining this board!Edited by: Thrashen
Where are we blaming black players Manifest? Most on this site simply state that todays NFL is worthless. The players are more interested in getting arrested and doing stupid touchdown dances than actually playing the game and entertaining. What kind of an idiot dances around like a 2 year old after a routine tackle? Ohh yea just about 95 percent of the blacks in the league. You really have no idea what this site is about or what anyone stands for.
Manifest Destiny said:
Some of the comments on here make me sad for the future of the NFL. You guys are openly "cheering for white players and blaming mistakes on black ones"? How in the world are we going to ever get equality with crap like that? This is the same thing going on in the "real" world now. Blacks used to be able to play the race card whenever discussion of a race topic came up that put them in a negative light. Thus, it prevented actual discussion from going on. America still isn't past this yet (as evidenced by I'm sure the large amount of ignorant racists on this board), but it is getting better as far as I can tell.If you guys want true equality in football,

Large amount of ignorant racists???? Perhaps you should not visit here if there are so many horrible RACISTS!!

Equality??? I'm done with that sh*t. When blacks and other minorities along with white/jew elites turned "equal before the law" into black quarterback's and affirmative action and violated the constitution in the process I knew it was WAR. I'm not going to be a brain dead ***** that wants *equality* while every other group supports their own. You must be really clueless to be able to come to this board and see the information we present and yet still think that there is any chance of a colorblind society.
MD I am sure if you stay on this site, you will become more educated to the injustices that play out in NFL, the country's sports religion. In due time you will see things from out point of view. I am confident you will start to see the double standards that apply to the NFL specificlly and in life in general.

MD do feel sad for the NFL, get angry on whats going on.
Manifest Destiny said:
Some of the comments on here make me sad for the future of the NFL. You guys are openly "cheering for white players and blaming mistakes on black ones"? How in the world are we going to ever get equality with crap like that? This is the same thing going on in the "real" world now. Blacks used to be able to play the race card whenever discussion of a race topic came up that put them in a negative light. Thus, it prevented actual discussion from going on. America still isn't past this yet (as evidenced by I'm sure the large amount of ignorant racists on this board), but it is getting better as far as I can tell.If you guys want true equality in football, you'd cheer for white players but not at the expense of blacks. Let me put it this way: if the NFL was all-white, would you be satisfied or would you encourage more blacks to play?I know I'm in the minority on this website but I feel like I shouldn't just sit back here and see people fighting fire with fire, the world isn't gonna work that way. We'll never get this message out with ignorant pricks who are openly racist and justify their racism with "Well, football is racist against white guys so therefore I'm entitled to be a racist back". We want the "mainstream" to hear the virtually undiscussed problems in the NFL and college football, then you stop being a racist and try to help the problem, not ostracize the entire movement by having a mindset of the 1960s or whatever.Bottom line for me is: I will cheer for white players in general, especially those who play RB, WR, CB, etc but I will not blame every mistake on black players, nor will I overlook mistakes by white players. I'm a Vikings fan and I have favorite players from the present and the past that are white and black, and that's not going to change just because the NFL isn't truly colorblind.I don't even know why I posted this, but I enjoy this site because it helps me follow rising white stars in the league to cheer for and alot of the opinions that I disagree with are made by people who do truly want a colorblind sport that I think everyone deserves.

Let me say what I agree with and disagree with in this post:

First I will say that in my arguments on Youtube I have gotten quite a few messages from people in my inbox. The majority that messaged me or left a comment on my channel (most of which I deleted to keep my TJR identity from being given away) were not members of this site, but some of these on the fencers had checked out this site and said that although they agree with the underlying message too many posts left sour tastes in their mouths. I had a few people figure out that I was in fact TJR (from the article I wrote) and one of those people even left a message on my channel, that was there for 3 weeks, giving away my identity. I guess these people are of the same stock as the guy who posted in the NBA forum and stated "isn't possible to be a white athlete enthusiast without nonconstructive criticism or bashing of other races." I think there are many more people than simply the ones who messaged me and the aforementioned NBA forum poster who think like this.

Secondly, I would like to hear your take on if it is wrong to cheer for white athletes more than black ones. Although I'm definitely a moderate on this site I will always cheer for white athletes in the NBA and NFL more because they are underdogs and discriminated against. But secondly I do feel a connection to Celtic athletes, and secondly, generally all European ones because they are closer related genetically to me than black ones/ Polynesian ones etc. When I see a white RB break defenders ankles with jukes it makes me wonder if when I have a son he could do the same thing in H.S and college (we all know the NFL would shun him). Black RBs don't make me think about athletic ability of people of my heritage or the future that my children could have in the sports I love the most. Nationalism is basically what the original Olympics were founded on and for most countries in the world, especially in the early times, countries were pretty homogeneous ethnically.

Sorry, but I had to post about a National Geographic article I read and TV special I saw:

If you are Irish you have probably shared a common relative with basically any other Irish person within the last few thousand years. With those on the opposite end of Europe in the east (Slavs) or in southern Europe (Latin Europeans) it could have been as much as 20,000 or possibly even up to 30,000 years. With Black Africans it would be about 70,000 years since an Irishman like me has shared a common ancestor and about 50,000 to 60,000 thousand years with Polynesians (probably about 30,000-40,000 years with Native Americans etc. etc). Maybe I'm too fascinated with genetics and athleticism, but I loved reading about the out of Africa migration and the Mitochondrial and Y chromosomal tracking of human genealogy. The show I watched actually proved scientifically that a Slavic woman had shared a common ancestor with a Native American man just over 30,000 years ago. One' line had continued east and then eventually into the Americas and the woman's genetic line had gone west back into Europe.

Lastly, war with other races will never work. We have to fight to take back the rights that have been taken away from whites, but I believe in fairness. But remember, we have to carry a big stick to enforce fair treatment of people of every color, but most importantly our families. If you can't stand up for yourself or your own race first, what desire or even ability will you have to make sure "others" are treated fairly?

Not saying anyone here would be this radical, but you should remember that an original small "War" has turned into a World War before and a small personal war can eventually lead to hatred and eventually you could become as radical as the guy who shot up the Holocaust museum. Remember that everything starts small. As Yoda says "fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering, suffering leads to "Sesame street" wait that's Grover sorry.
One more thing Manifest Destiny. Why does your posts say only 2 when you have posted here, months ago, in forums about Sam McGuffie, Adrian Peterson etc.? BTW, welcome back and I hope you stay if you agree with the underlying theme of the site, even if you have some objections.

BTW, I count 17 less white NFL players than last year. So a racist league gets even more racist.
If more and more people understood our view and the cold hard facts on what is taking place in the NFL we wouldn't have a caste system. The DWF are too interested in munching on hot dogs and drinking beer during games to pay attention to anything else. Plenty of them will be wearing Michael Vick jerseys this season.
Manifesty Destiny, another problem with what you say is that you don't consider anyone racist but us. The truth is, jews, mexicans, and negroes are all "our race first." In this country though, it is unacceptable for Whites to be the same way. Screw that double standard! I'm not going to let a bunch of limpwristed ignorant cultural Marxists define my behavior, or what I have to say or think. To hell with political correctness and multiculturalism! So what if I get called a racist. Everyone "of color" is, and I'm not about to let anyone tell me I can't be one too.
I hope that isn't the case Colonel. I think Manifest Destiny realizes that racists come in all colors and most posters on this board aren't racist. In fact whites are the least likely group to be racist nowadays and we are by far the least likely to get away with racism.

In fact we can't even be "un-PC" anymore and freedom of speech is being suppressed even on harmless comments. Other groups are given much more of a pass on this though. Whites- "like any other race"- have showed a history of racism in the past (especially in the era of colonialism and the trans-Atlantic slave trade- although many other races owned slaves in the past as well), but now I would say we generally have become mainly the best good shepherds of planet earth post WWII.
jaxvid said:
You can cheer for whites like crazy. When they get a carry or make a catch or sack or INT, hoot and hollar like the DWF's do when some high profile black makes a play. You can criticize black players when they drop passes or miss tackles (which they do ALOT). When the inevitable criticism comes from someone about a white player, give them hell about it! And most of all rag on the announcers, they are the worst. Nobody likes them anyway.

This is exactly what I have been doing for the past few years now jaxvid. If the DWFs want to play hard ball and piss and moan when whitey makes a mistake then I can play that game the other way around that much better.
ToughJ.Riggins said:
I hope that isn't the case Colonel. I think Manifest Destiny realizes that racists come in all colors and most posters on this board aren't racist. In fact whites are the least likely group to be racist nowadays and we are by far the least likely to get away with racism.

In fact we can't even be "un-PC" anymore and freedom of speech is being suppressed even on harmless comments. Other groups are given much more of a pass on this though. Whites- "like any other race"- have showed a history of racism in the past (especially in the era of colonialism and the trans-Atlantic slave trade- although many other races owned slaves in the past as well), but now I would say we generally have become mainly the best good shepherds of planet earth post WWII.

You pretty much made my point for me, Tough. Yeah, we get a bum rap about our history as a race, and the double standard is applied only to us when we act "wrong."
Westside said:
MD I am sure if you stay on this site, you will become more educated to the injustices that play out in NFL, the country's sports religion. In due time you will see things from out point of view. I am confident you will start to see the double standards that apply to the NFL specificlly and in life in general.

MD do feel sad for the NFL, get angry on whats going on.
I am educated already on what has been going on, I've been reading this site for months and have posted before. There is clearly a double standard going on.

However, I am optimistic that one day we will see this broken. You can already see the movement of whites away from football and towards other sports (see: lacrosse). Though American football is more popular than ever, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that with the lack of players to identify with, the NFL will become less and less watched. Just look at the NBA. It's rapidly losing fans and will continue unless they get some "American" whites in the big leagues, which are far and few between.

The problem with this is that we still have the quarterback position in the NFL, and that is still a majority white position. This means we still have the guy who is the most important on the field as mainly a white player, and thus people still identify with the league and can feel like they can follow it. This is going to be hard to break, and as a result the league may continue to get blacker before a change is made.

Another interesting thing from my perspective (and I have no scientific research to back this up) but it seems like alot of the black community has gained economic and social progress that has put them at or near the level of the traditional middle class white. This means that there are less and less of those "poor inner city kids" who dominate football because they have nothing else to do and nowhere else to go. Their "ticket" out of their situation has been sports.

I think it's common knowledge that most of the great white athletes (WR, DB, RB) come from more rural areas or poorer areas where the kids start out like what used to be mainly poor black kids, and they start out playing sports because what else do they have? This in turn makes them better athletes and I think if more whites started out in "harder" conditions we'd see more in the NFL and NBA. I mean, the traditional American job used to be the farmer, but now with that rapidly losing ground, less and less whites are having a bunch of kids to help tend the farm. These kids grew up working hard and being outdoors, and that in turn resulted in being a better athlete. Thus, I think that's why in the mid to late 20th century whites were able to compete easily with blacks in sports.

I firmly believe that with our declining birthrate (among whites), that this is going to kill our chances at having more and more athletes. It seems that minorities are still having large numbers of children, while whites simply do not anymore. Just look at Europe. They have a laughably shrinking population, and it's no surprise that they are moving away from sports to a more liberal pastime (which ultimately is not bad per se, but it means less and less whites are willing to become athletes).

Ironically, now that whites have become so successful and contraception has become so common, it's much more difficult for whites to produce large amounts of children, nor are many families willing to with the costs of raising kids being so high. It used to be that white people had large families (this was very evident in the Great Depression era which produced the baby boomers) and many kids, but nowadays it's very rare to have more than 3 kids. Our Christian roots used to be what kept us from "overpopulating", but now that we have become so much more liberal and sexual desires have become something encouraged, it seems like we should see an explosion of population growth, but we've seen the opposite.

Now, white America is still producing a large amount of children (and our population overall is growing), but it's nowhere near what it should be for us to continue to compete with other races. Fact is, the more whites that are born, the more that are likely to play sports, and the more that are likely to make it to the pros.

But I don't see the caste system evaporating anytime soon until minorities stop reproducing at their current rate that's higher than whites. Even with more whites overall in America, it isn't going to be for all that much longer. If enough white support for the sport wanes, then we'll see the NFL scramble to find a way to bring back the money (which is all it cares about anyways) and that will have to be to bring back the white athlete.
Birth rates are not relevant when discussing competition for several thousand "professional" athlete jobs drawn from a population of over 300 million. Whites were able to "compete easily with blacks" before the Caste System was put in place.It's true that whites aregrowing up with much less connection to the outdoors and physical labor, but that's even morethe casewith blacks. The Big Picture is about the demographic and psychological remolding of whites, and everyone else for that matter. Whites are not even allowed legitimacy as a race anymore, except in negative ways. All out war is being waged against us, and through the method of gradualism very little of it is subtle anymore to those who have escaped the system's methods of indoctrination and programming.
The caste system follows liberalism, and liberalism is exactly nothing, it is the king's new clothes. One day they woke up in East Germany and said enough and within a week it was over. One day enough people will wake up to the caste system and the traitorous drunk white media/sports oligarchy and say "enough." And thousands of white hating goofs who dominate who plays what and where will insist on their mother's graves they were not anti-white. Now for those PC fairys who are scared of standing up for what is right, all I can say is "The times are a changing, get with the program."
I wouldn't expect a legitimate CF poster to push the idea that "Whites just aren't good enough for the NFL or NBA."


Several ACC and SEC football teams don't even have 1 White starter on defense. Is that legit? Using your theory, Manifest Destiny, are there not "poor White kids" in Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, etc??
Manifest Destiny, the black population is not rising. If I recall correctly I remember reading something that blacks were 16 percent of the population a while back and now are about 12 percent. It is a huge increase in hispanics that we are seeing. How many hispanics do you see in the NFL? Not too many I can assure you.