NON-Whites in White Roles


Nov 23, 2008
If you guys are aware, a new Wonder Woman movie might be in the works. It has been rumored that black RnB singer Beyonce Knowles wants to take the role. Really?

Guys, where is the tradition in that? Is Wonder Woman not white, like Linda Carter? What about comic artworks you and I have seen of her over the years?">

One perfect example of a hero character who has been white originally was the GREEN LANTERN. But he's been really black ever since. Seemed OK to me at the time, but now this? If they want Wonder Woman black, why not these other great comic and Hollywood characters too?

James Bond
The Flash
and etc...

Nobody seems to believe in tradition these days. [img]smileys/smiley29.gif Edited by: j41181
It is the affirmative action age. Blacks need to be involved in everything or it's racism. This is nothing new.
Beyonce is a bad choice for Wonder Babe. From what I saw in Austin powers 3, she can't act. You want a busty Burnett. The best choices would be Eliza Drusku
Kelly monoco, Janet Gardner, or Shannon Doherty.

The Green Lanterns are a corp of intersteller cops govern by the Guardians of the Galaxy. When I grew up Hal Jordan was the main GL. There was a Black guy as a GL. He is one of the few black characters in the comic books that I like. I haven't read this series in over a decade, so I don't know who is holding the power ring.
The best GL was Guy Gardnier.
BeYOnce is a grossly over-exposed, undertalented, glorified model pushed as a singer & actress.
She can't "sing" worth a flip & instead "urban yodels" & hollars in her "songs". I get so tired of seeing her mug & hearing her butcher the King's English. Linda Carter was better looking & 10X better actress!
I don't know why but I like the idea of Beyounce as Wonderwoman. I think she's white enough for the role. She is attractive and seems to fit the personna. I haven't seen much of her except in Austin Powers where she was mainly eye candy which is all she will need to be to play Wonder woman.

Re: Green lantern, when I was a kid he was a nice white guy. Don't get why they turned him black although I heard he is now more athletic.
The black James Bond is about 10-20 years away. Trust me it will happen. It's only a matter of time.
A black bond was strongly considered during the last casting and selection process for the newest Bond.A black actor made the final auditions which opened some eyes,so its really only a matter of time.Bond is a white man,in a white role written as such in Flemings novels the original source material so its beyond belief that the film studios feel they can change this most traditional of roles to one played by a negro in the name of multicultural social engineering.
Whats incredible is that if the new Bond was to be of Indian,Arab or Chinese descent people would laugh as a potential Bond of them ethnicities would hold no credibility as Bonds a culturally European man who drives an Astin Martin,drinks vodka martinis,plays cards in European cities and sleeps with white women.And though some wold be steadfast against it,others put off,a Negro man in the same role would be readily more acceptable to many than the aformentioned ethnicities as it would be for any traditional white role Obamanised.A clear sign that the powers have been so successful at seemingly entwining Blacks into the the lives and even consciousness of every white person through the media and enforced integration that many see no difference between themselves and blacks except in extreme circumstances while viewing Asians and Chinese as foreign when in reality the negros in their natural state of mud huts and human pillaging are as distinct from whites as humanly possible far more than Asians in their capacity for civilisation and moral character.

Edited by: Iron
screamingeagle said:
Beyonce is a bad choice for Wonder Babe. From what I saw in Austin powers 3, she can't act. You want a busty Burnett. The best choices would be Eliza Drusku
Kelly monoco, Janet Gardner,
Eliza Dushku would make a good Wonder Woman. There was a black and white catwoman on the tv series.The white ones were much better. Julie Newmar and Lee merriweather were awesome. I wonder how people felt about Eartha Kitt in the 60's.
More evidence of blacks taking over roles that were originally white:

Wild, Wild West (1999), Will Smith (black) plays the hero character, where as Robert Conrad (white) played the hero character in the original 60's classic TV series.

Bruce Almighty and Evan Almighty, OK, I actually don't have a problem seeing Morgan Freeman play as GOD, but I have never seen a white actor play as GOD either. It's funny, because I've seen white actors play as the DEVIL or DEATH:

Jack Nicholson - The Witches of Eastwick
Al Pacino - The Devil's Advocate
Elizabeth Hurley - Bedazzled
Brad Pitt - Meet Joe Black

Before Obama ever got elected as president, the US president acting role has been played by blacks in the following:

The Fifth Element (1997) - Bruce Willis salutes to black president
Deep Impact (1998) - Morgan Freeman as president
24 (TV series) - black president actually gets assassinated
One of the strangest twists I've seen in Hollywood over the years is the role of Harvey Dent (Batman). In the comics Harvey is actually white, but Harvey was played by a black actor in the first Batman movie in 1989, and in the 90's Batman TV series, he was also black. It was quite interesting to see a black villain.

But when Batman Forever (1995) was released, I was actually shocked to see Tommy Lee-Jones assuming the role. I actually enjoyed the movie (my favorite Batman movie). But it brought me to question, "why is it very rare for blacks to take a villainous role?"

Other than Wesley Snipes (Demolition Man, 1991), the only other major black actor to take a villainous role has been Michael Clarke Duncan (The Whole Nine Yards, and Daredevil). Snipes and Duncan are the most recent black actors I know to not only assume a villain role, but to also get killed. It's very rare to see a black movie character get killed these days. I ain't being racist, it's a trend I have noticed in movies there days.

Samuel Jackson actually played a villain in the movie, Unbreakable (2000), but he is only captured literally in the end.
Europe said:
Eliza Dushku would make a good Wonder Woman. There was a black and white catwoman on the tv series.The white ones were much better. Julie Newmar and Lee merriweather were awesome. I wonder how people felt about Eartha Kitt in the 60's.

Eartha Kitt's portrayal wasn't bad; she was much more a villianess in true sense as opposed to Julie Newmar. Julie was the best Catwoman in my opinion; she was bad but it was a GOOD bad (does this make sense?)-the whole love/hate relationship with Batman only accentuated the campiness even more. Plus, she was also naturally funny and that sexy speaking voice of hers made her a living contradiction. I only know Lee Merriwether's portrayal through the movie version, but to me she had neither the seductiveness of Newmar nor the villianous streak of Kitt.
According to the Hollywood Reporter there are five actors who could have a shot at playing Frank Sinatra in Marty Scorcese's latest project: Harry Connick Jr. (most likely choice), Justin Timberlake, Leo Dicaprio, Jaime Foxx, and Micahel Imperioli. Under the Foxx caption reads, "Cool is colorblind."
Yeah, I guess if you are a black actor playing a white icon.
What about historical figures? Which blacks would play Winston Churchill, Thomas Jefferson, Joe Stalin, or maybe Chuch Yeager, etc?

Tom Iron...
My wife and I saw 2012 yesterday and it was for the most part the usual propaganda. black president, black brilliant scientist, black "beautiful" girl, White "villain," etc.

They did make a mistake though. With all the destruction, they only showed buildings and bridges, monuments, White house being destroyed in S, America, Europe, Asia, N. America, but forgot Africa. Of course, as we know, there's nothing to destroy in Africa. I don't think it'd be a big thing to show a hut in flames or falling over.

Not bad effects.

Tom Iron...
Wasn't there a black villian in a James Bond movie? I seem to remember one, but I am not sure.Edited by: Jack Lambert
Jack Lambert said:
Wasn't there a black villian in a James Bond movie? I seem to remember one, but I am not sure.


The movie you're thinking of is Live or Let Die. "Honkey" James Bond sure gets the best of the brothas in this flick.
Freethinker said:
Jack Lambert said:
Wasn't there a black villian in a James Bond movie? I seem to remember one, but I am not sure.


The movie you're thinking of is Live or Let Die. "Honkey" James Bond sure gets the best of the brothas in this flick.

Thanks Freethinker.
I don't know why that one slipped my head. They could never make a movie where a white guy like Bond can kill those blacks. I love in the movie where Bond literally blows Kanenga up.
They'll never make a movie like "Live or Let Die", too much affirmative action for blacks. "Red Heat" (1988) was one of the last action movies to see lots of black villains get blown away. Funny it involved Arnie.

Demolition Man (1991) is another action movie with a black villain (Wesley Snipes), and he rubs elbows with Sly Stallone.

Edited by: indianwhite
Tom Iron said:
My wife and I saw 2012 yesterday and it was for the most part the usual propaganda. black president, black brilliant scientist, black "beautiful" girl, White "villain," etc.

They did make a mistake though. With all the destruction, they only showed buildings and bridges, monuments, White house being destroyed in S, America, Europe, Asia, N. America, but forgot Africa. Of course, as we know, there's nothing to destroy in Africa. I don't think it'd be a big thing to show a hut in flames or falling over.

Not bad effects.

Tom Iron...

Yes but remember that black president didn't come across as that intelligent and actually notes himself as just some old politician. Aside from the brilliant black scientist, and constant showing of various Asians, remember the true hero in the story is Curtis Jackson.

Of course it is outlandish and has awesome special effects, that's exactly what I liked about it. James Cameron I think is a great director. The Terminator series is one of my favorite ever, and Titantic showed a great love story of a young white couple. Also, there weren't to many blacks aboard the Titanic in the movie if I'm not mistaken, and it briefly showed bare breasts in a PG-13 movie

I thought 2012 movie was totally capitivating and is exactly the type of action-adventure fantasy-thriller that I almost always enjoy. Plus it could have shown more miscegination than it did, which was only a white man and Asian woman, even three years from now. Hey, at leat the movie shows the caste system as effectively ended
My girlfriend - who fell asleep during the movie - and I walked out after the black scientist gave his touching speech to all the cold, inhuman world leaders who were willing to let all those people die.All marxism aside(I mean seriosly, would it kill Hollywood to maybe blow up a few synagouges along with all that Christian imagery, Vatican, etc.), the movie was just plain bad - no suspense, no build up, and little exploration of the history and astronomy of the sacred date. The only good thing about this movie going experience was a man who, as if by divine intervention, handed me two free tickets while I was waiting in line.So, at leastI walked away knowing that I did not contriubte to the film's profit.
Btw, 2012 was produced by the same people who did Independence Day.Same formula much?
Alpha, yes that did bother me too that they didn't show the scene of the Kabbaa falling apart, but did show the statue of Jesus in Rio falling apart and the Vatican crashing, with the crack in the fresco somehow going through where God and man are touching fingers. At least overall they showed Christians as good people, even implying that they were "right" all along (I'm not getting into a scriptural debate here, just noting the movie said passivly positive things about Christians when they could just as easily "exposed" them as fools.) And yes a scene of Israel tumbling into the sea would have been in order, especially considering it would wreck Christian, Muslim, and Jewish holy sites in one clean sweep.
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