NFL Pre-season Week 4


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Tonight is the last round of pre-season games, and the last chance to see many white performers before the final purge. Surprisingly, the first roster cut-down was not as overloaded with white players as normal, but don't get your hopes up.

Obviously, the Patriots and Giants tilt will be interesting because of Tim Tebow, but also to see which of the white defensive players can stay with the team.

Also the Blackaneers vs. the Blackskins. It's surprising when one of these teams (Tampa Bay) has a virtual overload of white talent at a taboo position, RB, for us to root for.

Another game to watch is the Buffalo Bills game where the hated Matt Leinart attempts to resurrect his career. It's a longshot since he's going to be battling against upside-loaded-hidden-gem afflete Thaddeus Lewis for the last roster spot at QB. Lewis was obtained in a trade with the Lions, shipping cracka WSTD linebacker Chris White to Detroit.
I'm very excited for tonights games. First and foremost to see Tebow try to make this Patriots Team. He needs to play alot better and I'm hoping he will have a break out game especially for passing. With all of the negative media attention over the last year and a half, he needs it as the kid is human. He has been through more than anyone should have to go through all just for being a good person. Shame on him for being a humble God fearing Christian who happens to love everyone.

I want to see Zach Line and Gerhart both do good tonight. Along with Hillis and Leonard for the Bucs. Then just rooting for alot of the young guys trying to make their teams. It's the final audition or like the old rock song goes "The Final Countdown".

I hope the Chargers play Danny Woodhead at least a little bit more tonight. I know they can risk an injury but he got 1 run last week. That's it. I don't think it would hurt to let him carry the ball around 5 times or so.
I don't know if you play Woodhead tonight being that he is still probable, maybe a handful of snaps like last week. Should Gerhart get snaps? he is very vital if Adrian goes down (who they have taken no risks on, 0 yards in preseason, only a few fakes on play action). If Peterson makes it all 16 games I don't know how valuable footage from a 4th preseason game would be when its mostly 2nd to 4th teamers (it works for affletes but not for Whites). Last game they never let him get into a groove, which is when he does the best, unless they are willing to given im that then I don't see the reason to give him a few carries where he gets 4 yards, 3 yards, 3 yards, 1 yards, no gain, 12 yards and then pulled out right when he starts to get a feel for things.

amazing how nobody is really joking about the lofty goals set by Adrian Peterson wanting to gain 2500 yards. What a selfish player. Heres this for a goal that can still be egotistical "i will carry this team on my back all the way to the Superbowl and win it"

So the main thing is to see how Tebow does. Amazing Pryor gets to run all of the read option he wants in preseason but I haven't seen it with Tim.a

and of course, the battle for who stays in Tampa. I have a feeling its only going to be one White guy, I want to say Hillis. Leonard is less injury and fumble prone, but Hillis has a more exciting style that people like to see, plus has proven he can do it. As far as dwfs are concerned, Leonard is never an option to get more than a few carries even if the starter goes down, theyd sign some scrub off the street first. Would like to see Hillis really put on a show after hearing "not much talent after Doug Martin", yet these smae people think there is talent behind Chris Johnson (Shonn Greene, the guy that the Jets were trying forever just to get him to make ONE person miss in the open field, I think he had made one missed tackle, and the guy was partially blocked)
apparently Hillis isn't battling Leonard for a spot, they said he is battling Mike James? for a spot. We know who should win this in a fair world. Hoping to have him rush for 10 ypc. Pat White looks terrible, they thought that he would be an okay backup since they brought in the read option? come on
Okay, is the deal that Gerhart is too valuable to play in the preseason, but not good enough to get carries in the regular season? I guess that actually almost makes a certain amount of sense, but it does keep him a secret. Convenient.
The Redskins are playing a Black guy named 'White' @ QB (I love irony).

White threw a bad pick in the first half.. but moments later was being likened to RG3, as a skilled & versatile weapon.

Somebody fill me in.. is Theismann a member of the DWF media complex (?) I haven't noticed his commentary too much since the original American Gladiators..
Hillis looks like he hurt a knee.He has been running well tonight so far and looked much better than James.James may have hurt his chances with a bonehead penalty,dropped pass,and several blown pass protections.
Hillis looks like he hurt a knee.He has been running well tonight so far and looked much better than James.James may have hurt his chances with a bonehead penalty,dropped pass,and several blown pass protections.

they said on the broadcast that they were looking at his ankle. I hope its not the knee, they just proposed a rule where you can't hit a guys knees, not sure if it went through. And Gerhart not getting snaps in the 4th game makes perfect sense, its mainly for players on the bubble and 3rd stringers, or guys that need experience. Gerhart is one play away from being the starter. Unfortunately it hasn't happened but he has had to start multiple games. For example, when Hillis went down, Leonard or James didn't go back in, I think they had a guy on the bubble to make it as a db line up in the backfield. Just saw that Hillis is back, so thats good new, they said he was kind of hobbling, so maybe not so good, means his job is in serious jeopardy

unfortunately with dwf type coaches mistakes by black players like that might not hurt them automatically, I hear things like "you can correct those mistakes...but you can't replace the talent" or something like that, the same cliche as "you can't coach speed"
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There aren't any surprises in these games. We are watching the end of Tebow's NFL career tonight, I''m afraid. They have succeeded in making him into the awful QB they've always claimed he was. As Mike Mayock keeps helpfully pointing out, in case the audience doesn't understand how bad he is, Tebow doesn't look off his primary receiver, takes too many sacks, etc.

Another injury for Hillis. Shocking. I wonder if the Saints will decide to keep Tanner over some unheard of, nondescript black WR? The suspense, the suspense. Will Terrell Pryor "win" the QB job in Oakland? Again, so much drama. Such excitement. Will Geno Smiff start opening day? Hmm. Maybe Sanchez will make a remarkable, Adrian Peterson/ RGIII type of recovery.

Speaking of RGIII, he is going to start the first game, we're now being assured. Another stunner. Who could have predicted that? After all, he did guarantee it, and they did have commercials demanding it. Meanwhile, plain old "white boy" Gronk will be lucky not to start the season on the PUP list. If only he had those miraculous healing powers.

Why is Ryan Nassib barely playing? Is he even going to make the Giants roster? As for Pat White, who do you think the DWFs and "journalists" want there, another magical black quarterback or the always despised Rex Grossman?

It's hard to watch Tebow. He is now taking sacks way too easily, and never, ever completes even half his passes. How can anyone believe that a QB who was that accurate in college, and as a rookie, can't seem to even hit 50% of his throws in any given game, let alone a season?

Okay, Nassib back in the game. Will he beat Painter out for the #3 job? And to think he was talked about as being the #1 pick of the Bills. If only he had that magic 'upside," and was more dynamic.
I really hope Hillis makes the cut. Some times it seems like defenses really hit certain players a little dirty and a little late. It almost always happens to our guys to. Just look at how hard they come after Tebow. They hate him. It's amazing he hasn't been hurt as well.

Really glad to see Rex Burkead get a td today. He broke off a 20 yard run and again averaged right around 4 yards per rush. Will it be enough? They say he is in a battle with Heron to make the team. Heron had 51 yards rushing to 39 for Burkhead today. Rex did score however and Heron didn't. Rex also had 2 receptions for 18 yards and Heron is not a good receiver in my opinion. If I'm the Bengals, I take Rex. He can do more for you on the offensive side and he is also a fan favorite that will help put more people in the seats.
If LeGarette Blount could play for the Bucs last season...there is NO REASON on this planet why Peyton Hillis can not play for the Bucs this year!

The Bucs should Man-up & have two white RB's on the Opening Day roster!
yes Hillis is injured again, not some conspiracy, they had guys diving at his knees the other game (maybe just black resentment, could be that someone paid them to do it, but the new rule that says don't tackle high, means guys have to go low, and now they are thinking of changing it to only hitting in the midsection, and he has had to play through it because he is on the bubble. We have a handful of White backs in the league, more if you include fullbacks, and really only one is injury prone. Tim Tebow was able to complete 60+ percent of the passes in college the same way all of the black quarterbacks do it, the read option, if leaves wide receivers wide open. He is better than what he has been playing like but they have tried to change him so damn much, its just screwing him up. He has been throwing with the wind up motion since he was a kid, muscle memory, its just more thinking. He has always locked onto the primary receiver, which is why Decker kind of dissapeared once Demaryius Thomas was healthy that year on the playoff run having to think through his throwig motion slowing him down ven more. Andy Tanner has a good shot to make it, Brees said he should make it, but Brees doesn't control the final roster descision.

Matt Flynn has tendonitis, who do you want them to play? Speaking of which, Tebow should be running the read option if Pryor gets to run it in preseason but McDaniels and Bellicheck are stubborn and think they can mold any player into what they want. Also with Tebow playing behind the 2nd and 3rd team, I just don't think you realize the difference in talent levels between teams. Some have better and 2nd and 3rd teamers than the others, its not like everyone's first team where they are alll pretty much the same, which is why teams with the most depth tend to wind the most. Patriots usually have good depth but have been dealing with injuries. If Rg3 starts he won't be 100 percent and prone to more injury so its not that big of a deal. I don't know what you don't understand about the difference between a torn mcl/acl which many players have come back from quickly, and a broken BONE that got INFECTED, by a guy that doesn't apparently seem commited to the rehab process.
Well, what do you know? Tebow with a long TD pass, although the receiver did most of the work. Who knows, maybe he will make the roster.
Well, what do you know? Tebow with a long TD pass, although the receiver did most of the work. Who knows, maybe he will make the roster.

Way to go Tebow. I feel so bad for this kid. Never has a nicer guy been treated worse. It's like how most ladies these days don't apprectiate a gentleman anymore. Society sucks.

Jeff Maehl has 8 catches and is having a monster game for the Eagles. I say Philly keeps him since he is playing for his old college coach. Good showing my Spadola in this game to on the other side of the ball.
And Tebow comes right back with an awful interception. He just can't put together any consistent play now. Clearly, the unprecedented campaign against him has destroyed his confidence.

Dwid- so Gronk is not "committed" enough? That's why it has taken him longer to recover from a broken forearm than it took RGIII to come back from a much more serious knee injury? Well, we all know how lazy "white boys" are, never taking anything seriously. Not like those dedicated, Griffin types, who are so "committed" they can predict they'll be back playing way ahead of schedule.

Good to hear Maehl is having a great game for the Eagles. But remember, as Danny Woodhead and numerous other whites can attest, no matter how well you play in a preseason game, you are still lacking "upside" and a room brightening smile, so your place on the roster is never assured.

Now we will await next week's cuts, and see if somehow, the predictable annual white purge is less severe than usual. My bet is that when the smoke clears, all rosters will contain the usual number of whites, with even the "whitest" having not many more than 20 players.
I hope Jordan Kovacs makes it with the Dolphins. Bob Griese made mention of how he was a walk-on at Michigan and has a good shot at making the team. However, I'm not going to get my hopes up as long as Jeff Africa is the one picking the players.
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Tebow is not a dropback passer, he never was one, and he will never be one. He needs an offense, or at least a package, designed for his abilities. He needs designed runs out of the shotgun, and some passes based off that. As much as I despise Urban Meyer, he did know how to use Tim Tebow.
If TT's NFL career ends, he does it with a GREAT throw for a TD! After watching Hard Knocks, he could easily be Andy Dalton's back up over Josh Johnson!
they have knee injuries and rehab down to a science, not so much with broken arms, they aren't as routine in football (like 17 players have torn their acl or mcl this preseason alone and no broken arms, thats not counting the sprains one which Hillis probably has, which causes an imbalance in his leg, leaving him more prone to in ). Yes because one White guy might not be committed that makes all Whites lazy, get over yourself with all of the pessimism, reading your posts sometimes makes me want to put a bullet in my brain thats how pessimistic you are. Gronk is a known party guy, now pictures surface of him drinking and partying on places like tmz, do you think he is going to be 100 percent committed the next day to rehab? in fact, I don't even know how you rehab a broken forearm. With ligaments I know there are exercises to strengthen it. I broke my arm a long time ago and the only thing to do was let time pass by and not injure it while in the cast. What you keep avoiding is the fact that it got INFECTED. I am not sure if you realize how much of a setback that is. If it hadn't gotten infected, he would be back by now.

Scratch the thing on Tanner making it, he only had two targets tonight, and dropped both of them. A guy that has caught everything in preseason, practice, the past few years, drops two catches in the most critical game when it came to making the roster, right after Brees gave his endorsement. Maybe the stress got to him. but I am guessing that is some sort of conspiracy, unlike Tebow having his confidence destroyed, its impossible to have Tanner lose confidence when everyone has been doubting him and putting a bunch of stock in tonights game. Good job at ignoring everything else posted.

btw, when multiple guys have made it on a similar schedule for similar injuries, then its no longer ahead of schedule, just a bunch of bs talk by the media. Scott Chandler tore his knee up and the coach said it looked like nothing even happened to him 4 weeks later. Welker recovered in a similar amount of time, there have been a few others. What makes Rg3 more prone to injury though is that its been multiple injuries on his knee and I think they had to go somewhere else to patch it up because they had already used up one spot, thats not good for his future, and I give him 3 or 4 years in the league.

Not every White player is going to be a boy scout and behave the way you want them to. Brees came back from a shoulder injury thats never been matched, probably like 97 percent of people with that would never had been able to play qb again, he did it in one offseason, like Welker and Chandler, not talked about. Dude had a should be career ending injury and came back and started setting records, if he were black he would be a superhero. Whites are going to tough it out on smaller nicks and dings which leads to bigger injuries, instead of taking it easy which is why a guy like Hillis has been injured often, meanwhile the media will be eager to push any agenda they want, lets just ignore blacks like Denario Alexander who have had like 5 knee injuries and take longer to heal from them each time. For every RG3 or AP there are a dozen of black guys that take longer than expected to rehab their injury. Your whining about ONE White player.

Tebow is a scrambling mobile qb who has trouble going through progressions, I have read its due to dyslexia that he has, not meant to play in an offense designed for Tom Brady
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Jon Baldwin, the bonehead superbust just traded from KC to San Diego for fellow WR bust A. J. Jenkins, just had a bad, gator arms drop. Veteran caste clown Dan Fouts immediately blamed Colt McCoy for "throwing it to him before he's ready," whereupon Fouts' partner in the booth Billy Ray Smith quickly stated that Baldwin should have had it.

Fouts has always been a tool. I still remember a Monday night game from the last week of the 2001 season when the Vikings rested their starting QB and instead started Spurgeon Wynn, perhaps the worst quarterback to start a game in NFL history. Wynn missed a wide open Randy Moss in the endzone from 5 yards out, the ball bouncing in front of his feet. Fouts, who was then a MNF announcer, quickly blamed a sudden supposed "gust of wind" for the errant throw that just about everyone reading this could have completed.

Why do I remember that play to this day? If Wynn had managed to complete the simple 5 yard throw, a throw even Kordell Stewart or Vince Young would have made 98% of the time, I would have won the championship in my homeboy fantasy league for the third year in a row. In fact, all it would have taken was a couple of completed passes at any point to Moss, who was then at his peak, for me to win the championship, but Wynn managed to not complete a single pass to Moss the entire game. Fouts sucks as an announcer almost as bad as "Spurgeon" Wynn did as a quarterback.
Well it will be interesting to see how the media and DWFs try to spin Pryor's pathetic performance.

Tebow performed better than him tonight which is a good thing.
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