NFL News, Rumors and Musings

I'm locked out of the Milwaukee Journal site for the month, so I'm not sure of the skuttlebutt about Montgomery being sent down the road. IMO he had a load of black privilege, he has a fit on the sideline, instructed to take a knee, ignores that and somehow just fumbles the ball away, but I suppose management played it cool and sent him down the road for seventh round pick.

I think they were lucky to get anything for him. If I were a coach or player I wouldn't want him on my team.
I'm locked out of the Milwaukee Journal site for the month, so I'm not sure of the skuttlebutt about Montgomery being sent down the road. IMO he had a load of black privilege, he has a fit on the sideline, instructed to take a knee, ignores that and somehow just fumbles the ball away, but I suppose management played it cool and sent him down the road for seventh round pick.
Ran into a guy told me about this only he said it was a 2nd round pick. I thought that was too high a pick to give up for a snake in the grass but this guy can't listen for ****. I'm seldom able to finish a sentence in a conversation with him. Turns out it was a 7th round pick. I think the Pack should have just offered him plus a 7th round pick of their own to anyone who would take him off their hands. Sort of like when Frank Layden coach of the Utah Jazz fined Adrien Dantley thirty dimes. Send a message.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out Montgomery.
As for Montgomery I don't automatically side with management for the most part we agree they are mostly morons. I'm rather surprised by this whole thing, but that's the biz as long as all these goofs toe the party line of black privilege they get cycled thru and collect their fiat not much matters outside of that.

It's why I rarely watch a football game if it is not "diverse." "Diversity" being our word for the taking when it comes to sports. This weekend it was a pleasure to watch NU versus Wisconsin but then I had to sit thru a SEC game where I secretly was hoping they would both lose.
I agree with Clay Travis in that GB understands they don't have the team to compete this year with the trade of Dix. IMO Dix was assignment sure and more surprisingly he seemed to actually tackle people with decent form instead of whiffing on the big hits routine that so excite the bottoms at ESPN. Too bad they don't have a white safety sitting on the bench.
Doctor Z died today, I forgot about his stroke a decade ago and that he was 86 at the time of his death. Back when he wrote for SI his weekly columns were must read material and his knowledge of football was higher than most writers as he played DI football and a few years of minor league pro ball. He also had a more respected pro bowl selection team than the writers picked.

PS, I remember when the same old tired faces were making pro bowls and this site had the unofficial Walter Jones/Reuben Brown annual pro bowl award, maybe it was a tribute to Paul Zimmerman......
Doctor Z died today, I forgot about his stroke a decade ago and that he was 86 at the time of his death. Back when he wrote for SI his weekly columns were must read material and his knowledge of football was higher than most writers as he played DI football and a few years of minor league pro ball. He also had a more respected pro bowl selection team than the writers picked.

PS, I remember when the same old tired faces were making pro bowls and this site had the unofficial Walter Jones/Reuben Brown annual pro bowl award, maybe it was a tribute to Paul Zimmerman......

I remember reading his SI columns back when I first started getting into football. I enjoyed his stuff and was saddened to hear about his stroke. Is that Walter Jones/Reuben Brown annual pro bowl award a thread here? I can't recall it (assuming it's a running joke on the site).
I remember reading his SI columns back when I first started getting into football. I enjoyed his stuff and was saddened to hear about his stroke. Is that Walter Jones/Reuben Brown annual pro bowl award a thread here? I can't recall it (assuming it's a running joke on the site).
No when the pro bowl teams were announced it seemed like Reuben Brown was forever going to Hawaii so a bunch of posters gave out the award for a few years. Call it the Football Razzies.....
Doctor Z died today, I forgot about his stroke a decade ago and that he was 86 at the time of his death. Back when he wrote for SI his weekly columns were must read material and his knowledge of football was higher than most writers as he played DI football and a few years of minor league pro ball. He also had a more respected pro bowl selection team than the writers picked.

PS, I remember when the same old tired faces were making pro bowls and this site had the unofficial Walter Jones/Reuben Brown annual pro bowl award, maybe it was a tribute to Paul Zimmerman......

Dr. Z was my favorite football writer for years. And he was usually spot on with his Super Bowl predictions. Dr. Z did get the Raiders/Bucs wrong but that was rare if memory serves.

Even though football was turning very caste unlike some SI writers at the time, particularly the caste riddled NBA writers, Dr. Z was a no frills football guy who appreciated offensive linemen and in general didn't incorporate heavy caste analysis into his writing.

I was shocked when he suffered a terrible stroke. Lesson to us all that it can happen to anyone. He was so vibrant and talked about his love of Guinness and his red headed wife. It was a terrible blow when he fell ill.

Speaking of SI it is currently at the worst level it has ever been in the history of the magazine. It is pretty damn bad but my subscription doesn't run out for a while so I will wait it out to see if the new ownership ( it has been up for sale for about a year now) changes things around. The most current rumor is former NBA player Junior Bridgeman and a Canadian group are the frontrunners to buy it but until the dotted line is signed we just don't know. The current SI owner recently sold off Time magazine but already the new ownership has hinted about going bi-weekly, not a good sign.

They need to bring the magazine back to it's roots. And have it come out weekly again. SI suffered many setbacks over the years including when back page funny man Rick Reilly bolted to ESPN. I think he is retired now and just writes mainly golf books.

The current owner of SI had no business buying them in the first place. Hell they specialized in women's magazines of the "Redbook" variety. What the hell would they know about sports? Perhaps when it is sold to someone "serious" about sports it will improve. Time will tell.
They need to bring the magazine back to it's roots. And have it come out weekly again. SI suffered many setbacks over the years including when back page funny man Rick Reilly bolted to ESPN. I think he is retired now and just writes mainly golf books.

I've never known of a publication that once it began to publish less frequently, at some point went back to publishing more frequently. Print publications in general continue to slowly die out. They won't disappear completely as there will always be an audience for the printed word, just not nearly as large as before. I've experienced it firsthand as print publishing is the main way I try to pay my bills (with less and less success in recent years).

As far as going back to their roots, I can only think of The Sporting News. It was family owned for generations (by the Spinks), covered every possible nook and cranny of baseball, which was the sport I loved to no end as a kid, while also covering other sports. It was conservative in presentation and also to the extent there was any ideological bias. I used the little money I made from my paper route to begin subscribing at the age of 13 and couldn't wait until it showed up in our mailbox every week.

Then it was sold by the Spinks family and the downhill slide began. Eventually it was sold to the LA Times I believe, and ended up as liberal fluff, simply unreadable, on a par with ESPN The Magazine. I haven't seen a copy in over a decade and have zero interest in it. I never even check the Sporting News website, if they even have one anymore.

Look at Playboy -- first they cut out the nudity, now they've cut back on how often it's published. From what I've read it's now nothing but SJW crap. It always had a liberal/libertarian viewpoint under Hugh Hefner and some quality journalism along with the leftist stuff, but now it's just non-stop far-left. Esquire is now mostly anti-White male propaganda. I can't think of a single publication that's become what can broadly be considered more "white friendly," the trend is always in the other direction.
You are referring to Sporting News I take it about not seeing a copy for a decade. They stopped their print publication in 2012. I believe they still have a website and they combined with Street and Smith's to publish MLB and NFL etc. yearbooks.

As for the publication trends you are correct the downsizing and publishing fewer issues has been the way. But I think to myself perhaps one day someone will buck that trend. Remember when they said vinyl records were done for good? Well they have made a bit of a comeback especially with younger people no less.

What bothers me is there is no "historical" record of major sporting events anymore other than daily newspapers and even there it's not great. And they can't match the detailed wrap ups and pictures SI used to publish. SI used to do wall to wall coverage for all the sports and never missed a big write up for the Majors in golf and tennis.

Rumors are that an SI deal is coming down before the year is up. We will have to wait and see which way the wind blows on that score.
I've never known of a publication that once it began to publish less frequently, at some point went back to publishing more frequently. Print publications in general continue to slowly die out. They won't disappear completely as there will always be an audience for the printed word, just not nearly as large as before. I've experienced it firsthand as print publishing is the main way I try to pay my bills (with less and less success in recent years).

Then it was sold by the Spinks family and the downhill slide began. Eventually it was sold to the LA Times I believe, and ended up as liberal fluff, simply unreadable, on a par with ESPN The Magazine. I haven't seen a copy in over a decade and have zero interest in it. I never even check the Sporting News website, if they even have one anymore.

Look at Playboy -- first they cut out the nudity, now they've cut back on how often it's published. From what I've read it's now nothing but SJW crap. It always had a liberal/libertarian viewpoint under Hugh Hefner and some quality journalism along with the leftist stuff, but now it's just non-stop far-left. Esquire is now mostly anti-White male propaganda. I can't think of a single publication that's become what can broadly be considered more "white friendly," the trend is always in the other direction.
GQ as well...horribly SJW, anti-White and anti-male...who's core audience would appear to be straight White men.

Maybe "Cigar Aficionado" is one of the few left that aren't, along with maybe "Car and Driver"...

Anyway, I stopped my SI subscription way back when the NFL became Caste...mid-late 80's. I remember being in the doctor's office about twenty years ago and the cover of one was "Whatever Happened to the White Athlete?", or something along those lines. I still consider Reilly and Z "cucks", but compared to today's "sports writers" they almost come across as White identitarians...
Hue Jackson on BSPN on why he was fired. Once again, a black can do no wrong, has no faults and refuses to take responsibility for anything; it's always someone else's faulty, especially Whitey's.

Truly incredible and BSPN doesn't call him out on it at all (of course):

BEREA, Ohio -- Hue Jackson did not agree with Cleveland Browns owner Jimmy Haslam's statement that "internal discord" led to the firing of Jackson and offensive coordinator Todd Haley on Monday.

"I don't really think it was truly just about internal discord," Jackson said Friday on ESPN's First Take. "I think that's a strong word. I think you have disagreements with coaches. With Todd, with [defensive coordinator] Gregg Williams, with Amos Jones, who's also the special-teams coordinator. I don't think that's internal discord."

To what, then, did Jackson attribute losing his job eight games into his third season with the Browns?

"I think when you stop and look at it, it's truly, really about Baker Mayfield, " Jackson said. "I think they want to do everything they can to put him in the situation ... I mean, you got the first pick in the draft -- who I think is going to be a franchise quarterback, who's going to be a sensational player -- and he's not playing as well.
Hue Jackson on BSPN on why he was fired. Once again, a black can do no wrong, has no faults and refuses to take responsibility for anything; it's always someone else's faulty, especially Whitey's.

Truly incredible and BSPN doesn't call him out on it at all (of course):

BEREA, Ohio -- Hue Jackson did not agree with Cleveland Browns owner Jimmy Haslam's statement that "internal discord" led to the firing of Jackson and offensive coordinator Todd Haley on Monday.

"I don't really think it was truly just about internal discord," Jackson said Friday on ESPN's First Take. "I think that's a strong word. I think you have disagreements with coaches. With Todd, with [defensive coordinator] Gregg Williams, with Amos Jones, who's also the special-teams coordinator. I don't think that's internal discord."

To what, then, did Jackson attribute losing his job eight games into his third season with the Browns?

"I think when you stop and look at it, it's truly, really about Baker Mayfield, " Jackson said. "I think they want to do everything they can to put him in the situation ... I mean, you got the first pick in the draft -- who I think is going to be a franchise quarterback, who's going to be a sensational player -- and he's not playing as well.

Amazing how dense he is. He has a 3-36-1 record (or something close) and cannot take accountability for the fact he is the reason for the Browns performing poorly.

Another small piece of good news - Vikings WR Chad Beebe has been promoted from the PS to active roster. I believe the Vikings now have Thielen, Zylstra and Beebe. Would be nice if Beebe and Zylstra take snaps away from megabust treadwell.
Had forgotten about Cracraft, and now Beebe gets promoted. Read an article saying Cracraft might have a shot at some decent playing time.
New article on BSPN about Thielen, "Damn, who is this guy?" How the Vikings discovered Adam Thielen.

However, check out the video propaganda hit-piece on him at the top of the article (of course) with a bent-nose cuck interviewing some random millennial female "analyst" (and, most-likely, pussy-hat wearer) about Thielen.
Pretty good article. no overt caste speak that I noticed.
Amazing how dense he is. He has a 3-36-1 record (or something close) and cannot take accountability for the fact he is the reason for the Browns performing poorly.

Another small piece of good news - Vikings WR Chad Beebe has been promoted from the PS to active roster. I believe the Vikings now have Thielen, Zylstra and Beebe. Would be nice if Beebe and Zylstra take snaps away from megabust treadwell.

Beebe was activated because it looks like Diggs is going to miss tomorrow's game. Would be nice to see Zylstra pick up some of that slack and play in three receiver sets as Treadwell likely will be the second starting receiver.

In another move, the Bears called up the legendary running back Taquan Mizzell from their practice squad, ignoring Ryan Nall. Poor Ryan is oblivious to the Caste System, he should have stayed in school this year which would have given him a slightly better chance of being drafted than coming out early did.
Amazing how dense he is. He has a 3-36-1 record (or something close) and cannot take accountability for the fact he is the reason for the Browns performing poorly.

Another small piece of good news - Vikings WR Chad Beebe has been promoted from the PS to active roster. I believe the Vikings now have Thielen, Zylstra and Beebe. Would be nice if Beebe and Zylstra take snaps away from megabust treadwell.
I really don't think he is that dense. He reminds me of a slippery con man, he was in the process of throwing Haley under the bus. He did it Brown, so why not try it to Haley and scratch out another season as the Brown's head coach. Thank god Cleveland's ownership wasn't buying the bs he was selling...
I really don't think he is that dense. He reminds me of a slippery con man, he was in the process of throwing Haley under the bus. He did it Brown, so why not try it to Haley and scratch out another season as the Brown's head coach. Thank god Cleveland's ownership wasn't buying the bs he was selling...
Yeah, I guess two years of buying his AA BS got old. LOL
The Cardinals cut Sam Braford - he has had an up and down career but is a viable QB option for some teams out there. Should be interesting to see where he ends up.
The Cardinals cut Sam Braford - he has had an up and down career but is a viable QB option for some teams out there. Should be interesting to see where he ends up.
Wow. Just think 2 years ago, he was almost unstoppable for the Vikings. His injuries certainly handicapped his career.
Do the Cardinals now have to eat Sam Bradford's salary?
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