I find this all very interesting. I wonder now how long organized sports as we know them will last. There seems to a waning interest, especially by younger people. They show little to no interest in the nfl, mlb, or anything physical. I think they like hiking, swimming and maybe bicycling, etc. But I don't see how leagues can be made out of these things and mostly that would leave out minorities.
So they are going to pay their starting qb close to 40 million a year to go 4 and 12 or worse under Crennel? That's all Romeo has ever done as a head coach, you would think living off the BB championship teams in New England would have ended after he s$#t the bed twice in KC and Cleveland.https://www.nfl.com/news/houston-texans-could-install-romeo-crennel-as-full-time-head-coach-for-2021
If this were to be true, it would insure that the BLM Texans would be terrible for another season. Crennel will be 74 years old by next season and offers almost no upside as he’s failed as a head coach twice already. It has to be clear to anyone with an IQ over room temperature that this move is purely to satisfy racial black quarterbacks.
However, he is rightly concerned that he is routinely targeted by some people for mistreatment and undue scrutiny because he is Antonio Brown.
I have attended only 5 NFL games in my life and I can tell you with 100% certainly that most white fans think a black QB gives them a better chance of winning. They feel this way because they have been brainwashed through their school years and into adulthood that blacks are superior to whites. Whites have been PC into slavery.
On a more positive note, Teddy Bridge Over Trouble Water has a swollen knee and might miss the Panther's next game.
The Negro Football League has really outdone itself! The NFL's 1st all black officiating crew has been assembled. They plan on rapping the calls to us and swinging those loose hips! Dat upside!
Honestly with this and SR Bowl Invites or lack of invites for Whitey... It's got a cracker ready to be done with this ****!
I hear you brother. Sick of this ****. In this day and age where people are questioning everything sports remains the one area that no one questions. The irony of that is sports were one of the first areas to attack and degrade white people and allow negro creep into greater society. On the field we see a mediocre product and a game played by a majority minority that are basking in their privilege. The growing counter culture in greater American society needs to start making inroads into reclaiming athletics rather than tuning them out.
Jon Runyan was a left tackle at Michigan. He was first team All Big Ten two straight years. The vaunted DE Chase Young played against Michigan three times and registered zero sacks. Runyan tested well athletically as a tackle at the combine. He had an 8.49 RAS. which is very good.
Yet the scouting reports said that he was best suited to play guard, with no explanation why. They gave him a low grade. He was eventually drafted by Green Bay in the 6th round.
I think they tried to pigeon hole Runyan as a guard and gave him a lower grade than he deserved because he's white. The mainstream media always seeks to reduce the life chances of white men and football is no exception.
A black offensive tackle with his credentials would not be shunted to guard and would have been drafted higher. This is another example of anti-white racism in sports.