NFL News, Rumors and Musings

Here’s another one, veteran WR Cody Latimer was arrested on 5 charges. Latimer is a 2nd round bust who has had a whopping 935 receiving yards in his 6 NFL seasons. He had his best NFL season in 2019 with 300 yards. How is this guy still in the league?
the afflectic upside of course. To be honest, I would prefer the NFL not to play for a season or so, just to watch these affelets go broke or gladly fall into the Tom Iron rule. Which dozens would.

Here’s another one, veteran WR Cody Latimer was arrested on 5 charges. Latimer is a 2nd round bust who has had a whopping 935 receiving yards in his 6 NFL seasons. He had his best NFL season in 2019 with 300 yards. How is this guy still in the league?

It's comical going back and reading articles on this guy prior to the 2014 draft. A nice example of the caste system in action and the zero accountability across board.
Gotta love how Weenieworld is worried that the two armed robbers may face a suspension of several games. How awful! Terrorize people, stick guns in their faces and threaten to shoot them and steal their belongings -- and at worst possibly miss a few games of work! Such a deal. We wonder how these guys could be so stupid to do what they did. Considering they'll probably face no prison time and, going by how it almost always works for black athletes, the charges will magically be dropped or reduced to a slap on the wrist -- maybe in reality they're pretty damn smart criminals.

Giants CB Deandre Baker was released on $200,000 bond Sunday.
Quinton Dunbar, meanwhile, has been released on $100,000 bond. Accused of armed robbery, both players turned themselves in Saturday. Baker was ordered not to leave the state of Florida, but that could be amended later for work. This is a truly serious legal situation for both Baker and Dunbar, one that will eventually cost them games in the form of a suspension. The question is whether it will be in 2020 or 2021 after the legal system takes its course.
Sports media guy Clay Travis tweeted this:

Clay Travis

New NFL rule proposal: If you start two white cornerbacks the opposing team should have to get twenty yards for a first down.
Sports media guy Clay Travis tweeted this:

Clay Travis

New NFL rule proposal: If you start two white cornerbacks the opposing team should have to get twenty yards for a first down.

I don't agree with that tweet as it just denigrates white athletes. I don't know much about him but from what I can guess is that he is a typical republicuck. He should be questioning why there are ZERO white cornerbacks.
The Travis threads on the latest idiocy from the NFL were pretty good all things considered, hell everyone seemed to know who Dustin Fox was when he tweeted back at that white CB gibe. The fact is black CBs are a dime a dozen, most fail and fade, but a white man not given a hint of a hint of a real chance and everyone remembers him or would want to know who he is. Fact is Travis has done more for white kids who can actually play DB then all the stats and stuff presented in the usual conservative wail, whine and moan routine. Because if you ain't tearing down the authority of the Caste Clowns you ain't doing much of anything.
I took Clay Travis's tweet as a commentary on the hypocrisy of the NFL in thinking about making special rules to promote black coaches while blatantly discriminating against white men at the cornerback position.

Seems like a good time for this video clip. The last White cornerback in the NFL, Jason Sehorn, pick-sixes the media's favorite black quarterback, Donovan McNabb.

The Giants would win that game 20-10, then go on to crush another black quarterback team, the Daunte Culpepper-led Minnesota Vikings, 41-0 (in which Sehorn had another interception), before losing to the Baltimore Ravens in the Super Bowl.
I don't agree with that tweet as it just denigrates white athletes. I don't know much about him but from what I can guess is that he is a typical republicuck. He should be questioning why there are ZERO white cornerbacks.

Clay Travis is actually a moderate Democrat. Though by being one of the few sports media figures willing to criticize far left insanity, he has attracted a large audience of conservative White people and become a multi-millionaire.

Seems like a good time for this video clip. The last White cornerback in the NFL, Jason Sehorn, pick-sixes the media's favorite black quarterback, Donovan McNabb.

The Giants would win that game 20-10, then go on to crush another black quarterback team, the Daunte Culpepper-led Minnesota Vikings, 41-0 (in which Sehorn had another interception), before losing to the Baltimore Ravens in the Super Bowl.

One of the greatest plays ever.
Clay Travis is actually a moderate Democrat. Though by being one of the few sports media figures willing to criticize far left insanity, he has attracted a large audience of conservative White people and become a multi-millionaire.

This is what happens when one (((tribe))) has near-total control of the media. After they've purged virtually all the talking heads who aren't rabid SJWs, a "moderate" liberal looks like a hero by comparison and gets worshipped by cuckservatives. Talk about lowered standards.
Phyllis George died today, for the younger posters and lurkers she was pioneer in female broadcasting. She was a co-host of the NFL today on CBS, she was on pregame and post game shows with Brent Musberger, Irv Cross and crusty Jimmy "The Greek "Snider.

Before Jimmy was fired from the broadcast for his infamous "Blacks are taking over football" comment on the state of the NFL circa 87' he was known for sparing with George on the air and coming of as stay in your lane and don't talk when the adults are talking guy in the booth when it came to dealing the George.

PS, before I read the obituary I didn't know she was former beauty queen who was married to the governor of Kentucky....
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At least other websites on the right are talking about this blatant attack on Whites.

I commented a few times on the story - going against some cucked boomer who contradicted himself by saying his generation played on the same level as blacks but that this generation is soft but also that blacks are superior. Decided not to waste too much time on him since he seems to be one of those on the far right who buys into the blacks are better athletes nonsense.
I commented a few times on the story - going against some cucked boomer who contradicted himself by saying his generation played on the same level as blacks but that this generation is soft but also that blacks are superior. Decided not to waste too much time on him since he seems to be one of those on the far right who buys into the blacks are better athletes nonsense.

Lol yeah.. Not worth your time to argue, stuck in his ways this long, likely won't change.
I commented a few times on the story - going against some cucked boomer who contradicted himself by saying his generation played on the same level as blacks but that this generation is soft but also that blacks are superior. Decided not to waste too much time on him since he seems to be one of those on the far right who buys into the blacks are better athletes nonsense.

Sounds like that guy has Crissy Collinsworth syndrome - "whiteys are inferior athletes, except for me, the only cracka good enough to play on da same level as da bruthaz."

Us millennials get a bad rap, and while a lot of that is justified, boomers are far more responsible for the sad state this country is in. They inherited the cleanest bed in history and s*@t in it big time.
As for the owners wanting to be winners above all else, I for one do not believe it. I think those billion dollar franchises are owned by snakes who spend most of their time trying to chisel one another out of their franchises so a person in their circle can take it over and then they can band together to run the league to benefit themselves. If their team actually wins it is a benefit but the owners' biggest concern is not to be outside of the consensus and the consensus in the NFL is Blacks Uber Alles.

FTR if I were to attain power over the financial stakes of these billion dollar subsidized stadium babies I would "share" their fortunes like Pauli shared the tiki bar's business in "Goodfellas."
And those Boomercucks you folks are grousing about, unless you make it psychologically painful for them to blather on and on about the crap dogma they spew you won't change their minds much less the Boomcuck narrative. It's a pleasant fiction we on the right have held for decades that logic and reason sway the masses of asses, yeah right, buy my NYC bridge.
Sounds like that guy has Crissy Collinsworth syndrome - "whiteys are inferior athletes, except for me, the only cracka good enough to play on da same level as da bruthaz."

Us millennials get a bad rap, and while a lot of that is justified, boomers are far more responsible for the sad state this country is in. They inherited the cleanest bed in history and s*@t in it big time.

Only if you think this country is run from the bottom up rather than the top down. Boomers grew up watching just three (identical) networks and reading their local newspaper. And relatively speaking the country was in far better shape than it is now. What exactly were they supposed to be doing?

There's just a very small group in every generation that is "aware." The generations following the boomers grew up when everything was becoming out in the open and "in your face," yet the number of activists is more miniscule than ever. Blaming entire generations for being successfully bamboozled is an exercise in futility. All are to blame in some ways and none are to blame in other ways. Amerika 2.0 was carefully constructed over a very long time; the masses didn't have a chance. Organized, powerfully motivated minorities are what change history.
Us millennials get a bad rap, and while a lot of that is justified, boomers are far more responsible for the sad state this country is in. They inherited the cleanest bed in history and s*@t in it big time.
I’m an older millennial myself, yet I find I often times enjoy the company of boomers over my age peers. Maybe it’s due to the state I live in.

Leftist boomers are the worst. I won’t even have political discussions with these types as they are literally brain damaged from drug abuse and yearn to be perpetually living in that “magical” Summer of Love. They mentally are children.

Conservative Boomers, while being fairly grug-brained on certain topics (cough *WWII* cough, cough), they are at least fun to be around. It’s especially fun when you give boomers like this a few drinks and give them the cues that they’re in safe company. They’ll be basically “Fed posting” in minutes. Contrast them with millennials, who could get triggered over any number of topics. Race, homosexuality, gender roles, the climate (!!). Practically every topic is a potential land-mind with these people and rather than simply agreeing to disagree (a boomer mindset), these people could rat on you to your employer. A terrible generation to be a part of.
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As for the owners wanting to be winners above all else, I for one do not believe it. I think those billion dollar franchises are owned by snakes who spend most of their time trying to chisel one another out of their franchises so a person in their circle can take it over and then they can band together to run the league to benefit themselves. If their team actually wins it is a benefit but the owners' biggest concern is not to be outside of the consensus and the consensus in the NFL is Blacks Uber Alles.

FTR if I were to attain power over the financial stakes of these billion dollar subsidized stadium babies I would "share" their fortunes like Pauli shared the tiki bar's business in "Goodfellas."
Think you are right. If I’m not mistaken, aren’t all profits and potential losses shared amongst all owners? Stadiums are tax payer funded. What incentive does an owner have to go rouge and field a 50% or more White team? Some bonus money for winning the super bowl and the accolades that come with it? The downside is far greater. The other owners ganging up and forcing you to sell your team.
And relatively speaking the country was in far better shape than it is now. What exactly were they supposed to be doing?

It was in far better shape, and the liberal boomers decided that wasn't good enough, that they wanted "change." We all know how that turned out. Liberal boomers and liberal millennials are both idiots, but it was liberal boomers who set the whole cultural revolution in motion.

Blaming entire generations for being successfully bamboozled is an exercise in futility. All are to blame in some ways and none are to blame in other ways.

I agree with this, and that's why I said a lot of millennials' bad rap is well earned. I just get tired of hearing "you young people these days, can't get it together, cluck cluck," from a lot of older people in my everyday life who refuse to take any responsibility for the failures of their own generations.
Not to side track this thread too much more.. But since we're on subject of Boomers, I thought this video was fitting.

It was in far better shape, and the liberal boomers decided that wasn't good enough, that they wanted "change." We all know how that turned out. Liberal boomers and liberal millennials are both idiots, but it was liberal boomers who set the whole cultural revolution in motion.

Those liberal boomers were for the most part the privileged children of the upper class. Even milquetoast Readers Digest let the cat out of the bag 50 years ago by identifying 80% of the "New Left" as Jews. These were the far more radical offspring of the even-then strongly Jewish overclass who were pushing for "change." They were the ones who founded Rolling Stone and its kin, led the protests against the Vietnam War (which they were right about but for the wrong reasons), and helped bring about "black power," feminism, widespread porn and the rest of the poisons plaguing us today. When they got older and assumed power from their parents, there was no longer any need to cover up their true nature and agenda and they became the totalitarian commissars of today.

Between the old liberal establishment and the New Left, the average Boomer didn't have a chance but be dragged to the left. That was all they knew, the old liberal media and the omnipresent counter-culture.

The subversion has been going on for well over a century, but became open in the late 1960s and has only intensified since. With no real leaders except the same establishment Republican Party faux conservatives who continue to sell out the country, the Boomers were just normal people trying to get by in life, like generations before and since. Yeah, most are screwed up and won't change even in the face of reality beating them over the head, ala the Whites who have fled California but learned nothing, but that's true of most Amerikans today of all ages, and people in general. Almost everyone can be easily molded when they lack leaders and institutions who are looking out for their interests rather than exploiting and manipulating them.

At any rate, this can be discussed further in Happy Hour, let's get back on topic.
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