It doesn't hurt to point out the double standard. Whites often time around the same if not better in many drills as their black counterparts. Their production is often discredited for one reason or another and people point to to the times of a few black outliers when comparing White prospects to back their argument. "See he didn't time as fast as one of the fastest black athletes in the NFL". When they do it's "well he just times fast , it doesn't translate to the field." That's when adjectives such as hip swivel and quick twitch get thrown about.
For the longest time I had to argue with trolls whose main argument for the lack of white receivers and running backs was the fact that no White person had gone sub-10 in the hundred meter dash. Now we have a sub 10 rusher and most of the fastest black sprinters have been busted for banned substances.
It shouldn't matter any way because there are rarely plays that long in the NFL. In the last 20 years there have been a whopping total of five 99 yard passing plays. Despite only a handful getting chances to play, White receivers were on the receiving end of 2 of those plays. Wes Welker and Marc Boerigter.
I don't know much about Marc but Wes didn't time well and didn't have any of the adjectives people use to describe their precious affletes. He just proved people wrong at every level. The same with McCaffrey, although he had the measurables, he still had to prove himself over and over. I am sure both of these players are well aware of the caste system and that they HAD to go the extra mile in order to make it.
Many of our guys don't realize the double standard and when they are looked over they just assume they weren't good enough. Some of these people who didn't make it are the biggest believers of the black athletic supremacy myth. I was talking to an ex big 10 RB who firmly believes in the "bigger, faster, stronger" thing. Pointing out the fact that there's a 5 7 180-lb half-back with 4.8 speed with a D1 scholarship putting up good numbers on supposedly good defenses... it just kind of makes his argument look silly
If you are not out there trying to change people's opinions at least once in a while then what's the point? Although it feels like I'm preaching to the choir when posting on here, I figure it doesn't hurt to reiterate the same points I made elsewhere . I'm sure there's quite a few lurkers reading.