News from South Africa

The farm confiscation bill has been pulled, all it took was a Western leader with some balls to call attention to the matter. Thank you President Trump:

CrazyFinn, this is very good news indeed! When I read DD's post from earlier today I was verbally expressing horror at the thought of our brothers being prepped for genocide.

You are right. Trump's bravery and willingness to use the bully pulpit to put things back on the track to sanity is a good sign and at least a momentary relief.

Is there anybody alive that thinks The Imposter would have done anything like this while still in office? He would probably have been eager for the slaughter to begin.

And Killary? Pffft, she would have been as quiet as a church mouse. Well, some kind of mouse...
From someone who lives there and is pissed off at what has happened to his country:

No successful Black nations is telling. Black-ruled S.A. is doomed:

Unjust & corrupt SA “high court” throws out White farmers legal plea to be compensated for their (stolen) lands. POTUS Trump needs to order an invasion & overthrow of the wicked, inept ANC! Those vacuous vermin aren’t fit (intellectually or morally) to “lead” anything! :mad:

South Africa is the next Venezuela, tragically. A white-built, once first world, prosperous country that will soon be a failed-state hellhole, with no economy or basic services, and rampant crime. Even worse than it already is.

All of this is by design of course, engineered by the demonic global ruling class. All of humanity should work together to rid the earth of these monsters. That means working together and not fighting each other, but rather recognizing who the true enemy is, and taking them out.
The mainstream media, for the most part, seems to be ignoring the prospective land seizures in South Africa. They want to pretend it's not happening.
Oftentimes, the (((msm))) most criminal actions are what they don't report. The S.A. issues are a perfect example. The double standard is off the charts.
Oftentimes, the (((msm))) most criminal actions are what they don't report. The S.A. issues are a perfect example. The double standard is off the charts.

Tis’ “par for the course” for the zio-media. They’ve long used their controlled press to aggressively advance their “protocols” against the “goy” White race.
I've been posting on another site with a lot of liberals about the land grab in SA. I ask the liberals if they support it. They won't answer or they mock me for asking the question but they won't answer. It's pretty obvious they support it and don't want to say so because they know it's wrong. Answering my question would reveal them to be anti-white bigots and genocidists so they say nothing.
I've been posting on another site with a lot of liberals about the land grab in SA. I ask the liberals if they support it. They won't answer or they mock me for asking the question but they won't answer. It's pretty obvious they support it and don't want to say so because they know it's wrong. Answering my question would reveal them to be anti-white bigots and genocidists so they say nothing.

One thing I’ve learned about ‘dialog’ with the Godless libtards...don’t engage in a ‘battle of wits’ with an “unarmed” opponent.
I just find out where someone stands on an issue even if it's online and just respond accordingly. Most leftists, in fact 99% of them don't even deserve much of a response and really all they deserve is an absolute total all-out rebuke.

I'll usually quote scripture and some of the most harshest ones that are fitting for them and pronounce their judgment that's coming from God and their destiny in the Lake of Fire. If they want to disagree with the scriptures then their fate is sealed even more and their condemnation is just. I put it all on God's opinion and let them fill up their own wrath according to Rom. 1 and elsewhere. I'm done dealing with baby-murdering pro-aborts and their anti-White, Christ-rejecting ways.
One thing I’ve learned about ‘dialog’ with the Godless libtards...don’t engage in a ‘battle of wits’ with an “unarmed” opponent.

Some of them you can never change their opinion no matter what facts or realities you present.
SA piece of refuse “politician” openly calls for the murder of Whites. That “sentiment” is far more commonplace in SA than the average lemming normie will ever know. These halfwit sheep believe the zio narrative (protocol) that only the White goyem are “racist” & violent, etc.

The racist black ANC government is intent on making South Africa the next Venezuela and will begin seizing white farms in March. It seems some whites will violently resist this. I wonder if any white nations will lift a finger to help the white farmers.
The racist black ANC government is intent on making South Africa the next Venezuela and will begin seizing white farms in March. It seems some whites will violently resist this. I wonder if any white nations will lift a finger to help the white farmers.
I am worried no one will help the white farmers. How many actual white nations are there on the Earth?
I am worried no one will help the white farmers. How many actual white nations are there on the Earth?

That are majority white and non-Muslim? Of course it depends on your definition of white. If you have a more "inclusive" definition, and include certain Latin American and Southern European nations, as well as say Georgia and Armenia, in my opinion there are 48 white nations. And I'm not counting Brazil.
That are majority white and non-Muslim? Of course it depends on your definition of white. If you have a more "inclusive" definition, and include certain Latin American and Southern European nations, as well as say Georgia and Armenia, in my opinion there are 48 white nations. And I'm not counting Brazil.
I tend to agree with what you have said in regards to white nations. I guess a more important fact would be how many have the ability to step into South Africa, oust the tyrannical Negro regime and restore the South African whites to power or at least get them the hell out of hell before there are no whites left alive in South Africa? I have friends that live there and they are scared for their lives yet can’t get out as of yet
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