Muslim kills 50 homosexuals in Florida

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
50 killed in shooting at Florida nightclub in act of Islamic terror

A gunman who may have pledged allegiance to ISIS opened fire early Sunday morning in a packed Orlando nightclub, killing 50 people and wounding at least 53 more in a bloody scene that ended hours later when police stormed the building and killed the shooter.

ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack Sunday afternoon via its Amaq news agency, Reuters reported. Amaq said an "Islamic State fighter" carried out the assault. It was not clear, however, if the shooting was actually directed by the terror group or only inspired by it.

The attack in Orlando at Pulse, which bills itself as "the hottest gay bar" in the city and was packed with more than 300 people for "Latin Night," was reported minutes after 2 a.m. Sunday. In addition to those killed inside the club, at least 53 people were taken to area hospitals.

Dozens of partygoers remained hostage in the club for several hours after the initial shooting, prompting SWAT teams to rush inside. Shortly after 6 a.m. local time, Orlando police tweeted that the gunman had been killed. Authorities said there was not believed to be any further threat to the area.


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Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007

The Old Testament (Leviticus) concurs.

That being said, wogs don't belong on Western (White) soil, & deviant s0d0mites need to be locked away (in an outhouse or nuthouse) & not allowed to walk the streets. It's kind of a 'catch 22' because I don't like muzzies...& abhor f@990try. At least he didn't attack a White church or gathering of decent White folks.


Aug 22, 2012
I bet most of the victims aren't homosexual. It's really common now for gay bars to be frequented by straight people. A lot of homosexuals openly dislike this trend.


Oct 6, 2007
It will be amusing to see how Obama, Clinton and the left try to spin this. Obama would never in a million years call it Mooslim terrorism, because he refuses to acknowledge it exists. Clinton is not likely to call it that either. She will probably call it anti-gay hate crime. Trump you would think will call it Muslim terrorism. It's hard to see how this doesn't help Trump. He is the one who wants to stop Muslim immigration to the US. This incident shows that's the only sane approach. Obama, Clinton and the Democrat s want to bring in as many Mooslims as humanly possible.
Jun 11, 2015
Already the ACLU has come out to blame-nope-not Islamic extremism, but Christian and Republican opposition to gay marriage as creating the climate and conditions that caused this attack. Then after claiming that macro-trigger, they, like our dear leader, blamed those darn trigger happy triggers on those Islamo/Homo-phobic guns for the massacre.
Be prepared, now that the precious gay bodily fluids have been ventilated, for this angle of attack besides the usual attack on the 2nd Amendment.
The only piece of that parchment we call the Constitution that's worth a damn these days, is that 2nd Amendment.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I bet most of the victims aren't homosexual. It's really common now for gay bars to be frequented by straight people. A lot of homosexuals openly dislike this trend.

That doesn't matter. ANYONE who'd patronize that kind of vile, disgusting establishment are either reprobates &/or cultmarx scumbags. I consider all the above enemies of God Almighty, the real Republic (v 1.0) & NOT true Americans! >:-(


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
I called it when I posted about this in We Are Living in a Cartoon - the 2nd amendment will be blamed and no mention of islam and terrorism would be uttered by the PC ******** and media who are destroying this country.


Oct 12, 2008
This is a hoax, 100%. The "news" is nothing but a psychological operation designed to get your panties in a wad, so you will blindly support the phony "war on (non-existent) terror." With a splash of gun control shoved up your gullible, brainwashed asses.

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
This is a hoax, 100%. The "news" is nothing but a psychological operation designed to get your panties in a wad, so you will blindly support the phony "war on (non-existent) terror." With a splash of gun control shoved up your gullible, brainwashed asses.

I knew what you were going to post even before I read it.

You're nothing if not predictable.
Jun 11, 2015
This is a hoax, 100%. The "news" is nothing but a psychological operation designed to get your panties in a wad, so you will blindly support the phony "war on (non-existent) terror." With a splash of gun control shoved up your gullible, brainwashed asses.
......and the Apollo Moon landings were staged in Studio 54, at Area 51, by the young Illuminati apprentice Steven Speilberg under the guidance of the frozen brain of Walt Disney as a young Osama Bin Laden was sexually groomed by Afghan War Lords to play the lead role in "The Clash of Civilizations" and then handed over to the C.I.A. to stage a spectacular towering inferno extravaganza under the guidance of the Mossad demolition division to perform in the now fully grown Steven Speilbergs Masterpiece---"9-11."
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Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
Yep Icsept. Elvis called me from his hidaway in Brazil and we talked about it. He's glad you're in our loop now and said he'll get with you later.
Just as an update, I bounced a check last month to one of the actors playing the role of a parent at Sandy Hook. Luckily, Kissinger's right hand man that designed the hologram pseudo planes that we had hit the WTC Towers covered all the costs I incurred. Everything's ok now. Take care, mate...
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
I don't believe it is a hoax.

I've often spoken at this site about the fundamental disagreement between Islam and leftism, or Cultural Marxism and this is a great example of that, expect this type of thing to occur more frequently. Looking forward, as Muslims become a larger part of the West (even becoming majorities in various European countries), steps are going to be taken backwards concerning gay's and women's rights. This might be good news if you're right wing in your own thinking, even if it means that Western societies will become less white.

Whats interesting is that this type of Islamic thinking can even benefit whites, Ill give you an example. In England, White men going through divorces have often claimed that the divorce courts are unfair and strip them of their assets and give it to their ex wives. So some English White men "converted" to Islam and conducted their divorce through a Sharia Law in England (There are many Muslims in the UK and they have the legal right to their own courts under Islamic law). The White men have said that Islamic Law is more fair and righteous than their own law.

I don't agree with what he did, and it's never right to kill people, but I understand and sympathize with his point of view, and at least he had the conviction and discipline to follow through on his actions which is more than I can say about 99.9% of Westerners or Christians.
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Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
I bet most of the victims aren't homosexual. It's really common now for gay bars to be frequented by straight people. A lot of homosexuals openly dislike this trend.
Some are very likely not gay. Some heterosexual women hang around with gay men.
This is a hoax, 100%. The "news" is nothing but a psychological operation designed to get your panties in a wad, so you will blindly support the phony "war on (non-existent) terror." With a splash of gun control shoved up your gullible, brainwashed asses.
No, I don't think so. I've known some Muslims who are very similar to the killer, they really do despise gays.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
No, I don't think so. I've known some Muslims who are very similar to the killer, they really do despise gays.

Christians are also supposed to take tremendous issue with homosexuals, but they don't because over the years their morals have been eroded, lack the conviction, and lack the discipline.

It will be amusing to see how Obama, Clinton and the left try to spin this.

Yep, situations like this put leftists, liberals, and cultural marxists in an uncomfortable position. On the one hand they are very much pro-gay, and on the other hand pro-immigration and pro-racial minority. My guess is they won't spin it at all, and they'll hope it just fades away, down the memory hole in a week or 2. The level of censorship in the West is growing so it wouldnt surprise me if one day we turn on the tv and there's just no mention that any of this happened.

The thing about liberalism is that ultimately it is a self-destructive and unsustainable perspective. I've said on this site many times that the most ironic thing about the left is that the very immigrants they are bringing in, aren't going to respect this ideology in the first place. Eventually, what is going to happen, due to immigration and low birth rates of Whites (because of female empowerment, gay rights, and destruction of the heterosexual family) is that Whites are going to fade out, and this liberal ideology is going to fade out with them. These notions of "gender equality", "gay rights", and "racial equality" are only accepted by liberals in the West. Muslims and even other Asian immigrants won't accept this crap.

This incident essentially confirms what Ive been saying all along. That is one of the reasons why I don't mind this type of immigration. Once again, not saying I agree with him killing gays, just saying that sometimes you have to see the issue for what it really is, and in terms of being right wing, Muslim immigration is definitely helpful to our ideas. Atleast this man had the conviction and discipline to follow through with his beliefs which is more than I can say about 99.9% of Christians or Westerners.

Indeed, it seems Islam or Eastern Europe may be the last stand against the left.
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Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Icsept does have a point.. how does only 1man gun down 100+ people and kill 50=.I've seen gun fanatics on Twitter say he would have had to be carrying 60-80lbs worth of ammunition..


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Icsept does have a point.. how does only 1man gun down 100+ people and kill 50=.I've seen gun fanatics on Twitter say he would have had to be carrying 60-80lbs worth of ammunition..

"Fish in a barrel". Depends on a few factors...what caliber weapons were used, magazine capacity, semi-auto or full auto, # of magazines, # of weapons & amount of ready ammo. In addition, the wog would have needed to been very quick on the reloads, steady on the trigger & focused on targets. That being said, they may have fudged on the number of casualities to garner more (emotional) support for their attack on the 2nd Amendment.


Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
"Fish in a barrel". Depends on a few factors...what caliber weapons were used, magazine capacity, semi-auto or full auto, # of magazines, # of weapons & amount of ready ammo. In addition, the wog would have needed to been very quick on the reloads, steady on the trigger & focused on targets. That being said, they may have fudged on the number of casualities to garner more (emotional) support for their attack on the 2nd Amendment.

he could also use grenades in addition to the bullets
that's what the islamic state tell their terrorists to do on a big nightclub or concert:



Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
These notions of "gender equality", "gay rights", and "racial equality" are only accepted by liberals in the West. Muslims and even other Asian immigrants won't accept this crap.

This incident essentially confirms what Ive been saying all along. That is one of the reasons why I don't mind this type of immigration. Once again, not saying I agree with him killing gays, just saying that sometimes you have to see the issue for what it really is, and in terms of being right wing, Muslim immigration is definitely helpful to our ideas. Atleast this man had the conviction and discipline to follow through with his beliefs which is more than I can say about 99.9% of Christians or Westerners.

Indeed, it seems Islam or Eastern Europe may be the last stand against the left.

delete the part about racial equality not being accepted by muslims
muslims invented racial equality way before the europeans and they haven't changed on this point

then, this time it happened in a gay nightclub, but the islamic state targets every place where people gather to listen to music (as the picture above shows)
we didn't hear you when in france they attacked a rock concert, with 3 times more victims than in this case, mainly whites because whites go to concerts more than the others


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
This is a hoax, 100%. The "news" is nothing but a psychological operation designed to get your panties in a wad, so you will blindly support the phony "war on (non-existent) terror." With a splash of gun control shoved up your gullible, brainwashed asses.
Icsept, can you provide some evidence or explain why you believe this is a hoax.

I do believe that Sandy Hook was in fact a hoax. There was a tremendous number of inconsistencies and lack of evidence presented in favor of the mass shooting. There was also a massive coverup afterward which included demolishing the school posthaste. All of the details were maticulously documented here and throughout the web. I'll also say that the Boston Bombing could have been a hoax, though I'm not as certain out that one.

However, I do believe that terrorist events and mass shootings really do just happen sometimes. When the US government bombs Muslim homelands, while at the same time taking in massive numbers of radicals from these same countries, it's an obvious recipe for disaster.