US backs Muslims in cartoon dispute
By Saul Hudson Fri Feb 3, 3:27 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States backed Muslims on Friday against European newspapers that printed caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad in a move that could help America's battered image in the Islamic world.
Inserting itself into a dispute that has become a lightning rod for anti-European sentiment across the Muslim world, the United States sided with Muslims outraged that the publications put press freedom over respect for religion.
"These cartoons are indeed offensive to the belief of Muslims," State Department spokesman Kurtis Cooper said in answer to a question.
"We all fully recognize and respect freedom of the press and expression but it must be coupled with press responsibility. Inciting religious or ethnic hatreds in this manner is not acceptable."
American Muslims welcomed the U.S. position, although it stopped short of urging American media not to republish the cartoons that include depicting Mohammad as a terrorist.
Cooper said he had no comment as to why the United States chose to pass judgment in a dispute that ostensibly does not involve America.
But the United States, which was founded by immigrants fleeing religious persecution, has previously spoken out against publications offensive to believers of other faiths.
"Anti-Muslim images are as unacceptable as anti-Semitic images, as anti-Christian images or any other religious belief," State Department spokesman Sean McCormack told reporters.
The United States, which before the September 11 attacks was criticized for insensitivity to the Islamic culture, has become more attuned to Muslim sensibilities.
Accusations last year that U.S. officials desecrated the Koran sparked deadly riots in Asia and heightened that awareness.
Major U.S. publications have not republished the cartoons.
In contrast, some European media responded to the criticism against the Danish newspaper that originally printed the caricatures by reproducing the images and fueled anger that has led to boycotts of Danish products and widespread protests.
The U.S. response contrasted with European governments, which have tended to acknowledge the tension between free speech and respect for religion but have generally accepted the newspapers' rights to print the cartoons.
Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the Council on American Islamic Relations, told Reuters he welcomed the U.S. position.
The State Department reaction "was a strong statement in support of Muslims around the world. It's a reflection of the concern felt by millions of Muslims and I think it will be appreciated," he said.
"It is support for an understanding that with freedom comes responsibility."
But Stephen Zunes, a professor of politics at the University of San Francisco and a Bush administration critic, said the United States was responsible for creating far more anger in the Muslim world because of its invasion of Iraq.
"The United States is the last nation that should caution against unnecessarily inflaming sentiments in the Muslim world," he said.
The U.S. criticism of the newspapers also comes after the Pentagon complained over a Washington Post cartoon.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff sent an unusual letter to the editor published on Thursday, denouncing as "reprehensible" and "beyond tasteless" a cartoon earlier in the week portraying Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld as insensitive to U.S. troop casualties.
The cartoon portrayed a soldier who had lost his arms and legs with Rumsfeld at his hospital bedside saying, "I'm listing your condition as 'battle hardened."'
White Shogun said:According to Muslim thinking, we're not allowed to print derogatory cartoons of Muhammed or Islam, but it IS okay to call for REAL people to be killed by beheading and massive explosion? wtf kind of logic is this? Is it any wonder that we cannot get along and share the same plot of earth?
guest301 said:Maybe the American's and Isreali's together can turn much of that nation into a parking lot.
guest301 said:It's called self-defence Bart. A little pre-emptive strike before they get you. This whole turn the other cheek thing and loving your enemies only applies to your personal life and certainly not to the foreign policy of your home country. A nation that won't defend itself in this world won't last long. Your tsk tsk tsk's don't carry alot of weight with me.
JD074 said:But I must admit that we can learn something from non-whites, and from the ultra-religious. Everybody is getting something done, except us...
Maybe we need some of the fervor and fanaticism of the Muslims. This century is poised to destroy our people, and we need to find a way to prevent that from happening. White Nationalism isn't working. It's decades away from having an impact, if ever. Conservatism is a joke, as the Bush Administration and GOP prove. Christianity utterly adores non-whites, especially Africans and Hispanics.
What we need is to have a very clear sense of a double standard: one standard for us, one standard for them. We must clearly differentiate us from them. This is what everybody else does, and we have to do it as well.