Muslim demonstration (photos)

Bart said:
What a great post!! Outstanding from top to bottom!!

Thank you, Bart!

Bart said:
The Mexicans care nothing for our laws, breaking them at every opportunity. Why shouldn't they? We reward their activities more and more each day. Blacks are totally irresponsible, breed like rabbits, are the biggest lawbreakers in the universe and what is the downside for their behavior?

Exactly. Why blame them? They're doing what they're supposed to do: exploit stupid, naive, compassionate white people. They're here to bleed us dry, and it's our fault for letting them.

Bart said:
I DESPISE our spineless cowardly white leadership.

Me too, and most of the people they represent. Most of us are spineless when it comes to what we must do to save ourselves.

Bart said:
These are very admirable traits, practiced among our selves in a homogenous society.

Exactly, exactly, exactly. That's why we need a double standard, that's why we need to differentiate us from them. Imagine if we had similar feelings about other groups as Muslims do toward "infidels." Maybe not that crazy, but something similar to it. We wouldn't have these white missionaries going to help those poor Africans. Or that woman who got killed by those Katrina thugs, as you mentioned. People wouldn't be talking about how illegal aliens are good people who just want to work and attain the "American Dream," and that "we're a nation of immigrants" and "diversity is our strength." Or that Islam is a "religion of peace." Or that whites are to blame for the plight of blacks- and not their own terrible backwards culture and behavior. Nope, they'd be spending their time, energy, and resources on helping their own, and repelling the others, not helping them. But that's not what white people are about today.

I would go so far as to say that we should strive to feel very little compassion toward non-whites, no matter the circumstances. We have to re-program ourselves. That's probably too extreme for most people, even many WN's, but I think it would fix a lot of the problems we're having now. We must perceive them as being totally and utterly alien from us.

Edited by: JD074
guest301 said:
I like Pres. Bush but I am not always in agreement on how he bends over backward for people who wouldn't bother to piss on him if someone set him on fire! They would sure toast a marshmellow though.
Fox News (my favorite network) said Bush was taking the high road.

You like Bush? And Fox News? Dude, you have so much to learn!!!

guest301 said:
he would have gained the respect of alot of people in this country if he had got up and walked out with his wife.

Nah, they just would've accused him of racism.

guest301 said:
That whole funeral was a disgusting display of partisianship and there was no place for it.

Partisanship? We need more partisanship! We need more disagreement! We need more conflict! But not the fake "partisanship" between Demopublicans and Republicrats; as Don points out, they're essentially one and the same. The real conflict is between us and them. Those who are working towards our destruction, and those who are working towards our salvation. Which side are you on? As your buddy Bush has said, you're either with us or against us.

guest301 said:
There used to be civility and manners in this country even in political discourse...those days are long gone.

No! White people are too civil! Look at what these people are doing to our countries. Are we going to repel these invaders by practicing good manners? You just don't understand the extent of the problem. Read "Death of the West" by Pat Buchanan, it's a good primer on the demise our people- and it's mainstream enough that it shouldn't offend your sensitive neocon sensibilities. Or you can go anaesthetize yourself with that Fox News garbage. If you're going to watch political shows, at least watch Lou Dobbs Tonight.
JDO74..." You said " dude you like Fox News and Bush, I have so much to learn"..I probably do but I'm not sure You are the one to learn from...(no offence) I think Fox News has been a blessing to this country compared to all the other liberal networks out there and O'Reilly has been on a one-man crusade against pedophiles lately and alot of Jessica's laws have gotten passed because of his also said ' we need more partisanship in this country" I actually agree with you on that..just not at a funeral...partisanship and ideology are not bad just depends on the validity of what you believe.. said in another thread that white people should have "as little compassion on other races as possible..consider them alien to us" we should lose our humanity to further the white race..I get what you are saying on that believe it or not..sometimes our hearts get in the way of our common sense sometimes. But to stop giving to charities, stop volunteering in soup kitchens and other such things wouldn't further the white race as much as you think. Actually it would make us more like the ones who you despise. I have had alot of black friends in my life and even a black girlfriend when I was in high school(inner-city dallas school 90% black) and they have been wondeful friends who have gone out of their way at times to be there for me when life was not going right. So to withdraw from acts of kindness or compassion when it is needed is not the way to go.
guest301 said:
I think Fox News has been a blessing to this country


The neo-con fascists at Fox "News" would have less sympathy for this website than the Caste System propagandists at ESPN, plus if they had their way they would probably like to have us tried as traitors and then shot for our "crimes against diversity." Edited by: Don Wassall you really believe class guys like Brit Hume, Sean Hannity, Fred Barnes, Mort Kondracke etc...would shoot you as a traitor...I guess you really don't believe that. You were just making a point. Why demonize those guys? CNN,MSNBC, CBS, ABC,NBC..ETC..are certainly no kindred spirits of least Fox News makes the effort to be balanced. Of course with you being a unabashed White should expect no friends in the media anyway..I'm sure you don't. I know from your previous postings that you can't stand Sean maybe i shouldn't have included him. I personally love the guy and think he is a very genuine person (conservative) who loves his country.
Hannity is no Conservative, he's a neo-con along with the rest you mentioned, but I am glad Fox News is on the air, as opposed to another CNBC. I'd watch it over CNN any day, just to get another part of the same side of the story!
Edited by: Colonel_Reb
It's too bad that the words "conservative" and "neo-conservative" are so often used as if they're interchangeable. It's a sleight of hand linguistic trick, comparable to the way the media interchanges "feminists" and "women" as if they were one and the same.

301, if you're such a big admirer of Fox "News," you're a neo-conservative, not a conservative. Of course, as JD wrote, conservatism is useless and dead as a movement, but there's still a big difference between what it pretends to be for and what the Straussian neo-cons believe in. There's nothing remotely conservative about the background and ideology of the neo-con revolutionaries who took over the GOP and who run the Bush administration.

Rupert Murdoch, the owner of Fox and many other media outlets, is a strong supporter and backer of the neo-conservative agenda, and all of his media outlets reflect that.
Some people don't mind being called a neo-con..they embrace it. I personally hate the term. Reb, how can a guy like Hannity (or even myself) be considered not a real conservative when we believe in such things as a strong defence, tax reform, balanced budgets, states rights, pro-life, death penalty, end of the welfare state, crackdown on illegal immigration, racial profiling in airports, etc...Those are all things which Hannity and myself believe in. I guess because I support Israel and believe in the justness of our cause In Iraq..that makes me and Sean less of a conservative. I don't mean to put words in your mouth, it's just frustrating to me to see all the division within the conservative movement these days. I don't believe in policing the world and nation building but I still see the justification of our War in Iraq. It's like eating something that you don't like because you have too, if that makes any sense.
Don..I guess I am a neo-con by how you define the term. I don't accept it. I consider myself a classiconservative. My conservative heroes are Reagan, Thatcher, Charles Krauthammer, Ollie North, Gen. McArthur, Sen George Allen and Sen Rick Santorum, Hannity,Thomas Sowell and the devastatingly beautiful and quick-witted Ann Coulter. I am sure some of you despise the names I just mentioned but I think that makes me a conservative or what at least used to be described as a conservative.
I didn't leave conservatism, it left me, and a long time ago at that. The federal government has grown at the same rate under both liberals and conservatives. The rhetoric and professed goals of many conservatives still sound good, but the reality is that Republicans love the prerogatives and power of Big Government just as much as the Democrats do if not more. The conservative Republicans are just as much a part of the Washington, D.C. leviathan as are the liberal Democrats, which means they are just as much a part of the problem.
301 is a troll posing as a CF supporter. The neo-cons are the Republican Party's form of Cultural Marxists. How can somebody be for neoconservatism and still oppose the caste system? Its not possible.
Whatever...If I am a troll... I must be a masochist or something to stay on this site as long as I have. Don't you think Don or jaxvid are smart enough to figure out whether I am a troll or not. I think they are. a little more creative in your critique of me the next least Bart and JD074 do some thinking before they engage me in something.
I know how to think dont worry. You're obsessed with being a Zionist and your main interest is trying to end criticism of Israel here. Go to pro-Zionist boards and post about the caste system and see if you find a single person who will agree with you. Your posts are full of contradictions but your intense intolerance of anyone who isn't a Zionist comes through loud and clear.
Robcat..I am under no illusions that I can end criticism of Israel here. I am just trying to be a voice "crying in the wilderness" so to speak! Do you honestly think I have any more "intense intolerance" than anybody else that posted on this thread. You are the one suggesting after my 230 posts that I am a troll who has pulled the wool over everybody's eyes except yourself. In case you haven't noticed, trolls don't last long around here. The long reign of the "pugnuses" of the world is over. ps...I don't think I have been contradictory at's just that the world and it's issues are not as simple in my eyes as it is in yours.
You sound sure of yourself now because youve post so much in such a short time but you titled your first post here "Is someone like me welcome here". Here is part of that post:

Although I haven't been able to post for a while, I have visited caste football many times(daily). I have noticed at times some very anti semitic posts or at least some hostility towards the jewish people and the nation of isreal. It bothers me because I consider myself a kindred spirit with most of the posters on this board about many topics..I am proud of my scotch/irish background just as well as my jewish background. Like many of you I am very patriotic, conservative, pro life, a protectionist, tough on crime, anti united nations and so forth...However i also am very pro isreal and a beleiver that we are the chosen people who God still has a plan for. I hate it when we are blamed for every problem that exists in the world. We are a very small country (5 million jews) surrounded by much larger countries(280 mnillion arabs) who hate our very existence. Since may of 1948 and when we miracously became a nation again(end times prophecy), we have survived and been victorious in five major wars..despite being outnumbered and outgunned in all of them..That should be a sign to some of you christians on this board.

You stated your mission right up front to be a Zionist presence here. Zionism and a pro-white viewpoint are totally incompatible. Again, name one pro-Israel site anywhere where discussion of the caste system would be welcome. Please answer the question.
Not that i am obligated to answer your question..but I will anyway. I don't know any Pro-Israel websites (at least not any that exist for that purpose) and I am not a member of any other site. I visit alot of other religous, sports and news sites but I am not a member of any of them. Being a "zionist prescence here" as you call it is a far cry from your initial statement about me hoping to end all criticism of Israel here. How could I rationally hope to change the minds Of the White Shoguns, Bart's and JD074's of the world when they have probably held those views for years and sincerely believe them. If I influence anybody at CF , it will probably be the ones who never post here or the hundreds of guests who stop by here everyday. Thanks for putting some thought behind it this time. This "troll" needs to get some sleep..Good night..
Being a Zionist presence here and hoping to end all criticism of Israel are part and parcel of the same mission. You mention being a Christian often but never once admit to being a Zionist despite all your pro Israel and pro Jewish posts. Why are you so afraid of the Z-word??? Is it because Jewish nationalism is totally opposed to all other nationalisms, especially white nationalism? Zionism supports multiculturalism in all white lands while supporting a Jewish ethnostate in Israel. Yes its a complete contradiction which is why the "Jewish question" is at the center of the events now quickly leading to World War III and the destruction of America. Good night. . .
Maybe I almost never mention the word because by your definition of that word I'm not a Zionist. I'm not afraid of it. You really needed your sleep last night. Why would I throw around that word anyway when it is such a perjorative word to many on this site. Why make a dog bark for no reason. You are barking imaginary trolls!
How could I rationally hope to change the minds Of the White Shoguns, Bart's and JD074's of the world when they have probably held those views for years and sincerely believe them.

Wow! I bet JD074 is surprised to find himself lumped into the same category of beliefs as me!

I'm not anti-Israel. I'm anti-U.S. support of Israel. If they can make it on their own, hey more power to them.

You might say I am 'anti-world.'
I guess I see the distinction you are making White Shogun. Didn't mean to lump you in a category you don't belong in.
I agree WS. If we would quit giving them 6 billion a year ,more than all other countries we aid combined, and they still managed to subdue their adversaries, I would also say way to go.
guest 301; Sean Hannity is not a conservative when you compare him to someone like Pat Buchanon, who I see as one of the most mainstream true conservatives there is. I have listened to enough of Sean's radio show over the last 4 years to know where he stands. You listen to the details of what they say, often little things, and you can tell whether someone is a true conservative or not. Who they criticize and who they build up. What kind of life they lead and promote. These are some of the ways I determine who is conservative or not. I'm sure there are other ways, but I find these useful for myself.
I voted for Buchanon back in 1996, contributed money to his campaign, bought his autobiography, got him to sign it and handed him a gift, the soundtrack cd to his favorite movie "braveheart". I agree with him on most everything except on the war in Iraq and his views on Israel.Probably wouldn't vote for him again now that I am more fully aware of his views but I still admire him. I disagree with you calling him a "mainstream" conservative..there is nothing mainstream about him...That's not necessarily a bad thing..the mainstream is often wrong. You are wrong about Hannity..but that's ok!
What I mean by mainstream is that he is accepted by more of the mainstream as a true Conservative than anyone else I know of at this time. I do not think there is such a thing as a "mainstream conservative" in the way you defined it anymore. Mainstream conservatives of yester-year have become the luke warm neo-cons of today. If you listen to Pat and Hannity long enough, you'll see the differences between their ideology just like I have.
I am well aware of the differences, that's why I like Hannity better. I have been listening to Sean about eight years now and Pat for well over a decade. I do think Pat has much more of a clue than Sean on trade issues, I hate the fact that consevatives have jumped on the free trade express. Protectionism is the way to go, it protects jobs, keeps the nation largely self-sufficient and is a incentive for American companies not to relocate overseas.