Muslim demonstration (photos)

guest301 said:
I think Fox News has been a blessing to this country compared to all the other liberal networks out there and O'Reilly has been on a one-man crusade against pedophiles lately and alot of Jessica's laws have gotten passed because of his efforts....

Wow, he's really going out on a limb there! Really politically incorrect. To break with the neocon establishment like that. How courageous.

guest301 said: said in another thread that white people should have "as little compassion on other races as possible..consider them alien to us" we should lose our humanity to further the white race..

No, we should just reserve it for ourselves.

guest301 said:
But to stop giving to charities, stop volunteering in soup kitchens and other such things wouldn't further the white race as much as you think.

Again, we can help others, but it should be amongst ourselves. Let's stop trying to be saviors of all non-whites. Can't we raise our collective self-esteem some other way?

guest301 said:
Actually it would make us more like the ones who you despise.

But in some ways we need to be more like them.

guest301 said:
So to withdraw from acts of kindness or compassion when it is needed is not the way to go.

As long as white people think like you, our race will continue to deteriorate, while the others will inherit our civilizations, and promptly drive them into the ground....
guest301 said:
Reb, how can a guy like Hannity (or even myself) be considered not a real conservative when we believe in such things as a strong defence, tax reform, balanced budgets, states rights, pro-life, death penalty, end of the welfare state, crackdown on illegal immigration, racial profiling in airports, etc...Those are all things which Hannity and myself believe in.

Aragorn, you must understand that there's a big difference between rhetoric and action. "Crackdown on illegal immigration?" Are you kidding? Do you really think the neocons give a sh*t about illegal immigration? If Bush were serious about it, he wouldn't be trying to jam this guestworker nonsense down our throats. It's amnesty and will only entice more illegals, just like it did in the 80's. The Mexican military is entering our country in order to smuggle drugs, and Chertoff said that most of these incursions were "accidental." He's either incredibly ignorant or lying... I would say both, but especially the latter. They don't care about this issue. Look beyond the rhetoric.

And don't get me started on the so-called balanced budget. Please.

guest301 said:
I guess because I support Israel and believe in the justness of our cause In Iraq..that makes me and Sean less of a conservative.

Yes, it does! Now you're gettin' it! A true conservative would be against our "entangling alliance" with Israel. A true conservative would be against destroying the sovereignty of a nation that was not threatening us.

guest301 said:
I don't believe in policing the world and nation building but I still see the justification of our War in Iraq.

That's blatantly contradictory. That's exactly what we're doing.
JD074...What makes you think I approve of Bush's immigration policy or lack of one. I agree his guest worker proposal is lunacy. We (Republicans) are a little too concerned with getting a larger percentage of the hispanic don't sacrifice principle for votes. We are getting about 35% percent of them anyway and so I don't see the need to kiss up to them as much.
I also will never agree that the white race should only practice acts of kindness and compassion within our own race. That's a very sad belief on your part and I think it is the one characteristic that distinguishes white people from other races. Don Wassall stated in another thread that he likes the classification "white" because of the purity and light that the word "white represents. I agree with that sentiment. What about such things as nobility, honor, and character. If the white race all the sudden withdrew within themselves, the world would collapse and the white race eventually would too. The roman empire was for the most part populated by white men and they ruled the world. They still collapsed from within because they turned on each other, practiced all types of perversion and persecuted the one group of people(christians) who could have lifted them out of their depravity. Do I think that the white race should value their history, accomplishments and culture more..absolutely! Should we withdraw from the rest of the world, not give a darn about anybody different..absolutely not!
guest301 said:
JD074...What makes you think I approve of Bush's immigration policy or lack of one. I agree his guest worker proposal is lunacy.

Fair enough. I believe we came to an understanding in another thread. You're a conservative on issues that don't concern Israel. But I will add that you're a moderate conservative, not a radical right winger like myself!
But that's okay. To each his own.

guest301 said:
We (Republicans) are a little too concerned with getting a larger percentage of the hispanic don't sacrifice principle for votes. We are getting about 35% percent of them anyway and so I don't see the need to kiss up to them as much.

Pandering to Hispanics is part of it. Bush is also a corporate shill. That's not helping.

guest301 said:
I also will never agree that the white race should only practice acts of kindness and compassion within our own race. That's a very sad belief on your part and I think it is the one characteristic that distinguishes white people from other races.

It is? No wonder we're dying! We're going to get wiped off the face of the earth!

Seriously though, your conception of "whiteness" is unsustainable. Ironically, you may be "pro-white" because you think we're morally superior... I'm not sure if that's your Jewish or Christian side talking.
Personally, I don't care about any supposed superiority. I just don't want people who look like me to be oppressed, to become second class citizens, I don't want the Western World to become like South Africa. That's my motivation. I don't care about our superior "goodness." We're dying. That's my concern.

White people have not achieved what they've achieved because of their "kindness" and "compassion." Military prowess, technology, agriculture, etc., have a lot more to do with it. Our kindness is not going to save us from extinction.

guest301 said:
What about such things as nobility, honor, and character.

Those are great things, but survival comes first.

guest301 said:
If the white race all the sudden withdrew within themselves, the world would collapse and the white race eventually would too.

The whole world would collapse without us? Woah! You're more racist than I am! Look, I'm not trying to save the world, I just want a decent future for my own people. That's all. I'm not a missionary like you. I don't care if the rest of the world collapses. That's not my problem. And don't worry, we would be fine without them.

guest301 said:
The roman empire was for the most part populated by white men and they ruled the world. They still collapsed from within because they turned on each other, practiced all types of perversion and persecuted the one group of people(christians) who could have lifted them out of their depravity.

You have a hero complex. You really do feel an obligation to save everyone else, don't you? As far as Christians lifting others out of depravity, I think Christians are becoming depraved now, as well. What about the Catholic Church fighting against illegal immigration legislation? That's very depraved! Maybe Christians should focus on saving themselves for a little while.

guest301 said:
Do I think that the white race should value their history, accomplishments and culture more..absolutely!

You're not talking about white people. You're talking about Christians and Jews. Come on, admit it.

guest301 said:
Should we withdraw from the rest of the world, not give a darn about anybody different..absolutely not!

It's not about withdrawing. It's about surviving.
I'll do whatever it takes to see my and my relatives survive and do the best they can. To me, blood is thicker than water. Like the character of Wyatt Earp says in the movie Tombstone, I believe for the most part that "Blood is the only thing that matters, everyone else are just strangers."
JD074..You are exhausting with these line by line disections but like you said "to each his own"..Maybe I am frustrated because I haven't figured out my computer enough to do that!!...No I am not just talking about jews and christians but the white race as a whole..but yes the aforementioned are a large part of said "its not about withdrawing but about surviving"..the white race is in trouble because of declining birthrates but it will survive just fine and in some instances continue to thrive.
Yes I do think the world would collapse without the white may collapse anyway. Can you imagine a world without the structure, ingenuity and administration of the white race. What would we have left, maybe the asians would pick up the slack..maybe..I think even those who despise the white race know what gifts the white man brings to the table. I don't know where the "moral superiority"(as you call it) comes from. Maybe it's a blessing or maybe it's genetic...whatever it is..those who have been given much are required to give back...but again that is not the way a secular person such as yourself would look at it..I am second guessing myself even as I write this..I am not comfortable with the whole "moral superiority thing" ...that is not a humble way to maybe you got me on that one..I don't believe in superior races..I do believe in ones who have been more blessed. Sorry for the scatterbrained posting...trying to watch the USA-Japan men's soccer match on ESPN while posting at the same time.
Still obsessing and barking at imaginary trolls, aren't "we". Who's we? You don't speak for everybody at CF, maybe a few but not everybody. At least I"m not so sure and full of myself I could admit to a scatterbrained posting. I didn't come to this site thinking I had all the answers but apparantly you did. Why don't you private message Don and Jaxvid about me being a "troll", I guess you think they are defenceless and clueless to trolls.You could also take a cue from JD074 and White Shogun, at least they come to the table in a respectful way and engage me in the arena of ideals and ideas. You just dismiss me as being a troll. That would be like me calling you a bigot. The conversation goes nowhere after that.
I wish everyone would quit talking about trolls and dissecting posts line by line and write something useful for a change.
Colonel_Reb said:
I wish everyone would quit talking about trolls and dissecting posts line by line and write something useful for a change.

Here, here! Amen!
Posts on a discussion board are like emails. All entries will be sliced and diced in both intended and non-intended ways.

I learned the hard email lesson many years ago, that any and every angry email will return regret. Email is diabolical that way. Tick off somebody with an email and it may take years to heal the woulds. Maybe never.

Same with discussion board or "chat room" chatter. So no blasts from this old redneck, either email or chat room.

It is likely that most of us would like each other in a face to face meeting. Like a future ANU convention perhaps. Save for a few obvious "plants" and an occasional angry Arryyan hater, the CasteFootball discussion board is a great forum, very positive. The Big Cheese of CasteFootball occasionally purges somebody for the above mentioned offenses. I bet none of us in this thread are either plants or exceedingly hateful.

Anyway, the blizzard is starting in my corner of the USA, and it's time to start driveway shoveling. Enjoy the brisk February weather.Edited by: Realgeorge
Nice post realgeorge. I think it is likely that most of us would like each other in a face to face meeting. It's harder to hate up close.
guest301 said:
the white race is in trouble because of declining birthrates but it will survive just fine and in some instances continue to thrive.

Not just birth rates, it's immigration, too. I hope we'll survive but it's not guaranteed. And even if we do survive it may be as second class citizens. We all should be very afraid of other peoples taking control of our countries. They will not play nice like we try to.

Other groups have an advantage over us: they differentiate between us and them. We try our best not to. It's not survival of the fittest but survival of the most cunning. And right now we're the least cunning group out there. We're really quite pathetic. All of those wonderful white qualities that you speak of will not save us. We need to fight fire with fire. We need to be mean.
Guest301, here is a good example of what I was trying to explain to you in how conservatism has been abandoned by almost everyone in the media and politics.

February 11, 2006

Whatever happened to....?
Doug Hagin
Maybe it is the fact that I am now over 40, maybe I am just old-fashioned, and maybe I just do not understand the world today. Maybe I am just out of touch with modern culture, music, art, and morals. On the other hand, maybe the world is just screwed up.
Whatever it is I find myself wondering more often these days where certain traditions, cultural icons, values, morals, and most of all common sense have gone? So in an effort to find out if it is me or the times that are out of touch, I offer up this column. Whatever happened to....?

Whatever happened to our constitution? You remember it don't you? It used to be in the history books in schools, but I have heard it is now gone from there in many schools. Maybe they were forced to remove it to make room for more chapters on how racist America is. Perhaps they decided that teaching the constitution was not as important as teaching kids how to put condoms on bananas? Only so many hours in the school day you know!

Whatever happened to manners and common courtesy? Remember words like "please","Excuse me", or "thank you"? Bet you do not hear those very often anymore do you? Where have they gone? Lost to lazy parenting perhaps? Lord knows I see and hear enough rudeness from kids today, of course often times their parents are just as rude and inconsiderate as the children are. Now if I or any other kid I grew up around had failed to say "please" or "Thank You" our parents would have corrected our error. We would have been told to apologize and ask properly, where is that kind of parenting today?

Maybe today parents are too busy, taking the kids to soccer, or Little League, or too engrossed in their laptops or cell phones to even notice what their kids are saying. Maybe too, they are far too interested in being their children's "pals", or maybe they are worried about bruising their children's self-esteem.

Whatever happened to patriotic Liberals? I know there used to be some of them when I was growing up. Where exactly have they disappeared? Oh sure, Liberals say quite often they love America, but far more often they are saying things which seem to indicate they loathe this nation. According to many Liberals today the America they profess to love is imperialistic, a terrorist state, a bully, intolerant, a big part of the world's problems, an oppressor of women and minorities, and can only be saved by surrendering itself to the brilliant leaders of the United Nations. Is that patriotism?

Whatever happened to Liberals who hate Marxist ideology and Communist atrocities? There was a time, not all that long ago, when Liberals would gladly stand up and denounce the evil of Stalin, Mao, Castro, and Pol Pot. Where are they now? Today's Liberals are far more likely to heap praise upon Castro because all Cubans have health care and can read, than will bash him because he is an evil dictator who allows no civil liberties in Cuba. Today's Liberals also are embracing the ideology of Marxism more and more. Socialized health care, gun control, redistribution of wealth, bigger government, and the very Marxist nature of political correctness, are all embraced by Liberals today. Liberals used to decry the censorship in Communist nations, now they wish to prescribe it for America.

Whatever happened to Conservatives who were willing to defend Southern heritage and culture? Oh sure, there are some who will defend the honor of Robert E. Lee, or the gallantry of Confederate soldiers and their banner. That number, though, is sadly diminishing every year it would appear. Now Conservatives like Sean Hannity and others criticize Bill Clinton for signing Confederate Flag Day into law as governor of Arkansas and because Arkansas had a joint holiday for Robert E. Lee and Martin Luther King. Others refuse to defend Southern heritage against the bigotry and lies of the NAACP and their ilk. How shameful! Where has their historical knowledge gone?

Whatever happened to common sense? People today seem to have the attention spans of mice. They are too busy either jabbering into their cell phone, surfing on their laptop, or engaging in some other self-centered activity to even notice there are actually other people around, much less act with any consideration for them. Frankly many of us more closely resemble zombies than animated beings anymore. No wonder people are so clueless, when they drive, shop, dine out, or go to a sporting event. Hang up your phone, get off the computer, and open your eyes people! Try thinking for a change!

Whatever happened to costumer service? Remember that? Now days it seems you cannot go to a restaurant without being greeted by a server or bartender reciting some moronic scripted line. They all sound alike too. Welcome to blank, have you ever been to blank before, would you like a blank, or maybe a blank? Who writes this drivel anyway? Give me a server with a brain AND a personality over a mind-numbed robot ANY day! No wonder costumer service has gone down the proverbial tube; the corporate run restaurant chains have destroyed it! They take bright young people tell them every little move to make and every word to say, then tell them to "have fun, be yourself"!

Whatever happened to job security? Remember the idea that you would find a good job, work hard, move up the chain, and retire some day? Today most Americans have held numerous jobs; many have seen their hard work be rewarded with a sudden dismissal. Naturally, workers soon figure out that their job is not really safe so they think nothing of jumping ship to a different company. No job security, no worker loyalty, CEO's receiving huge bonuses, while companies lay off workers, unions that do more to protect unproductive workers than to do what unions were formed to do, not a good recipe there.

Whatever happened to all of this? Do not ask me, I just do not know.
Wow Colonel Reb...the place Mr Hagin was describing doesn't exist anymore and very likely never will again. I have wondered about where the patriotic liberals have gone, the ones who rallied around the flag after pearl harbor...I had hoped 9-11 would change things with them but only briefly did they change only because the american people at the time were so angry. I also relate to the loss of good jobs in this country. It seems if you are not a small business owner and/or have alot of technical training it is really hard to find a good job in this country. I am living like alot of americans paycheck to paycheck with usually very little in savings. There are too many two-income families out of necessity and not necessarily because the ladies want careers. If you want a decent standard of living for your children and money for their education..usually both parents have to work. Free trade has screwed this country out of alot of high quality manufacturing and assembly plant jobs. You know, the kind of job that doesn't require a college degree, just a willingness to work hard and you can make a nice living for yourself.
The only thing I take issue with in that article is the comment on Sean Hannity. I only think Sean Hannity criticized Former Pres. Clinton for signing Confederate Flag day into law as governor of Arkansas because it highlighted a inconsistency with clinton and his party. As governor of Arkansas he was for it but as president and de-facto leader of his party he's against it. That is what Sean was oppossing not the confedarate flag. But anyways, it was a insightful article about yesteryear and what is missing in America. Thanks for the post.
JD074 said:
Not just birth rates, it's immigration, too.

On the other hand, immigration may simply be a symptom. The combination of collapsing birth rates and white Big Welfare states could be the real underlying problem. As white populations age rapidly, our bloated governments will someday not have the revenues to pay for their atrocious Nanny States. We should reduce our governments by at least 75%.

I must admit that there's a definitive link between religion and birth rates. More religion, more babies. The Muslim birth rate is an obvious example. Whites may need a religious revival before we can get our birth rates up again. I'm not a religious person, but I would accept more religious fervor among white folks if it meant more white babies and, therefore, a brighter future for our people (even if it meant that I would have to conform to that religion. I would do it.) If not religion, there needs to be another very compelling reason for white people to have large families. "Do it for the future of your race" probably won't be enough to compel people to make those sacrifices. Religion will do the trick though. It certainly has the track record.

Western Civilization is decadent, and decadence is unsustainable. We'll have to undo that in order to survive as a people. We'll need to sacrifice our decadence and luxury.

Also, we'll need to take the offensive. Either conquer or be conquered; is there any other alternative? Can we just "live and let live" with other peoples? Doubtful. We're on the defensive now, we're retreating. I'm all for salvaging what we still have, but at some point we'll need to reverse white flight/ non-white pursuit in our favor. This doesn't necessarily mean military empire and imperialism; history shows that that's not sustainable either. But we'll need to find some way to strike back against our pursuers. We need to pursue them or over-power them, somehow. Edited by: JD074 wrote"western civization is decadent, and decadence is unsustainable". I agree, it will just get worse and worse. You wrote "We'll have to undo that in order to survive as a people. We'll need to sacrifice our decadence and luxury". Agreed. How do you think that will ever happen? The only way it will ever happen is a religous awakening and revival. That's a fact which you seem to acknowledge in other parts of your post. I don't know any other way. Unfortunately from your perspective(not mine), any religous revival in this country is likely to be multi-racial and multi-ethnic and not centered on what's best for the white race. I do wish the church was not so pc about race sometimes and to be able to discuss race, heritage and illegal immigration in regards to the decline of white culture and therefore american culture.
guest301 said:
Agreed. How do you think that will ever happen? The only way it will ever happen is a religous awakening and revival.

Another possibility is nationalism. Look at the Mexicans invading our country. Nationalism is definitely a big part of their fervor. Race plays a part, as well, but they consider themselves to be a separate group than other "Hispanics." That's our classification to lump them all together. But, like Christianity, we can't use nationalism either. Both Christianity and America are passionately multicultural.

guest301 said:
That's a fact which you seem to acknowledge in other parts of your post.

Yes, I do. I see the practical- dare I say, worldly- benefits of religion, even though I personally have no religious belief whatsoever.

guest301 said:
I don't know any other way. Unfortunately from your perspective(not mine), any religous revival in this country is likely to be multi-racial and multi-ethnic and not centered on what's best for the white race.

You say "likely." It's possible that a future religious revival will be centered on what's best for our people, but I wouldn't bet on it. Do you really believe that that's how it would play out? What if what's best for us is not what's best for others? Is it still likely? Would you, as a Christian conservative who loves your people, endorse a revival like that? From what I know about you, I wouldn't think so. You want us all to get along. That's not a realistic possibility. If we get what we want, others might be denied certain things. Immigration and affirmative action are two obvious examples.

Something extremely drastic would have to happen to reverse the course of Christianity. As our birth rates collapse, and non-white Christians' (like Hispanics) birth rates explode, Christianity will need to pander to those groups more and more. It's no coincidence that the Catholic Church strongly opposes illegal immigration legislation. They see the future of the Catholic Church... it's brown, not white.

guest301 said:
I do wish the church was not so pc about race sometimes and to be able to discuss race, heritage and illegal immigration in regards to the decline of white culture and therefore american culture.

They can't do that for two reasons: one, as I said, their future is brown, not white. And two, as you've said, their religious beliefs are more important to them (and you) than "white culture" and "American culture." They couldn't care less about our interests, for those two very important reasons.

That's why our "struggle" (if you can call it that, it's a pretty pitiful struggle right now) is so frustrating. We can't use race, religion, or nation as a "rallying cry" for our people. All we've got is the Internet and fringe grassroots activism. We're pretty much screwed. Edited by: JD074
JD, you make me think I oughta change my name to Gonzalez and practice my Spanich.
I hear ya! I can understand how my stuff might be pretty depressing for others. I just try to assess the current situation, and it's many problems, as realistically as I can. Unfortunately, at the present time, the difference between realism and pessimism is pretty darn small. Oh, there I go again!

Optimism is bad if it's naive (that's just ignorance,) and pessimism is bad if it's an excuse to not make an effort to succeed. Ah, but succeed at what? That's the question. One has to pick one's battles wisely. Giving up can actually be a good thing, if the battle isn't worth fighting. We all have to make our own judgment about what's a winnable battle, and what's not, what's going to result in the most tangible reward, and what is a total waste of f*cking time.

What goal is reachable, attainable, practical? What is worthy of our hearts, minds, efforts, sacrifices? Will WNism pay off decades from now, or is it already dead in the water? Is there still some life in conservatism, or is it totally gone? And does WNism actually damage conservative causes? (Like those goose-stepping morons at the Minuteman protest.) Will shrinking the government a la Libertarianism result in the best gains for our people? Is Christianity an important piece to the puzzle? Should I just leave the country and forget about all this crap? Hmm.... Edited by: JD074