Movie Reviews

Just saw "Charlie And The Chocolate Factory" with my daughter today. We
both loved it. Tim Burton is one of my favorite directors, and Johnny
Depp is the best actor in the world, imho. I would recommend this movie
to everyone.
While I'm posting pictures I'll post one of Johnny and his dad.

and one with mommy

I have too much spare time.
How'd a kid raised around guns turn out to be, well, Johnny Depp?
Forgot to mention, in my review of "Charlie And The Chocolate Factory,"
that all the kids who picked the golden wrapper from the candy bars,
and were thus invited to Willy Wonka's factory, were white. That is
truly incredible (and actually a bit unrealistic, considering this was
supposedly being done around the world) in this day and age. One would
expect at least one black, and probably another minority among the 5
children selected. There may be a slight explanation for this bit of
political incorrectness, however. All the kids, except Charlie, were
thoroughly obnoxious in some way. We all know minorities can't be
presented in a negative light like that. Still, it was refreshing to
see it. For all his weirdness, Director Tim Burton has a really good
track record of making all or nearly all-white films.
Ben Jones (Cooter) has been joined by James Best (Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane) in criticizing the Dukes of Hazzard movie. They are both encouraging people to stay away from it as it has totally changed from its family friendly roots. I add my voice to theirs. I hate to say it, but Jessica Simpson's body won't even make me go see this movie.
I wrote my take on "Conan the Barbarian" for another site, so I decided to post it here too. Yeah, it's an old film, but maybe some of you haven't seen it, or maybe haven't thougt about the movie in the light I bring up.

Conan the Barbarian:
No it's not explicitly pro-white. But the white heroic lead is portrayed as the toughest man of the Hyborean age. He comes from an idealized White rural/tribal background, which is viciously destroyed by a motley band of foriegners, giving him a healthy taste for vengeance that more whites could use. Early in the movie he destroyes a vicious ********. in a gladitorial pit fight. The main villian, who Conan later slaughters, is black. ****gotry/perversion, over-civilized decadence, pacifism, and silly foreign religions all get depicted badly. Simplicity, strength, belief in one's ancestors and Gods, and the "discipline of steel" are all portrayed in a positive light. Conan has two Asian allies, but the impression you get from their portrayals is they may be okay enough fellows, but our Aryan Conan is head and shoulders above them, both in mind and body. One of Nietschze's better sayings is quoted. The music is good.

All in all, I like it as a depiction of what White can and should be-IMO, allowing the NWO media to portray Whites as natural couch potatoes, best suited to working in accounting, is far more harmful even than lies about ******* intelligence or social un-desirability. We need to be a race of Conan-esque men defying our racial enemies.
Guys, I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on Imax last weekend and it was really good. I thought the lessons tought in the movie are very applicable to todays society, even if they were a bit blunt. I think this could have been the reason there were no black kids or parents. All the parents except Charlie's grandfather were bad parents! How could they show a black parent and have them be a bad parent at the same time. That's just the sceptic coming out in me I guess. I thought Johnny Depp overplayed his part a little and the make-up was too much for me to handle, but overall it was a very good film. I give it two thumbs up!
Funny, in his review of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory",
Roger Ebert said Depp is basically channeling Michael

Then, there was Depp in the bizzaro "Finding Neverland".

And Depp's love of Hunter S. Thompson, who has been
implicated in some very nasty things involving kids.

Yeah, I really want my kids to watch a Johnny Depp movie!
Colonel_Reb said:
Guys, I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on Imax last weekend and it was really good.

I'm sorry but that was the worst picture I have ever seen. I cannot think of a movie that is worse. Sitting through it was tortue for me. Kids liked it though, and yes the morality is OK but that is because it was written a long time ago.


Waaaaaay overboard on the driving stunts, too many unbelievable car tricks to really enjoy the movie.

But watching a movie with a white star who kicks ass on black and Hispanic villains, along with a Russian or two, is a rare sight, indeed. There is one scene where our hero takes out 4-5 black thugs (along with a token white guy) who are trying to carjack his Audi in a parking garage, and another scene where he kills a huge black guy who is a bodyguard for the main villian, who judging by his accent is Cuban or Colombian.

Despite the white-favorable fight scenes though, I'd still wait to watch it on DVD, if at all.
So what happened to his Asian girl in Transporter 1.
Just came in from watching "Firewall," with Harrison Ford. It wasn't bad, nicely suspenseful, with a good plot. The hero is a family man, good morals and character. The villians of course are whites, the ringleader of which speaks with a vaguely European accent.

But I'm not posting about "Firewall." I wanted to point out a few things in the three of the trailers that we watched during the previews.

One is a film about a sophisticated gang of bank robbers. The arch villian is white. The detective(s) and hostage negotiators who will stop them? None other than Denzel Washington and his black sidekick. The obstinate mayor and his pretty, blonde female assistant block Denzel and crew at every turn. At one point, the black sidekick is speaking to Denzel: "You know if anything goes wrong, they're gonna dump this right in your lap."

In the next preview, Bruce Willis plays an aging, alcoholic detective who is escorting a young black convict downtown to testify at a trial. Along the way they are attacked by ruthless white assassins who are attempting to kill the black teen. Why, you ask? Because the teen has information on police corruption. And all the white men who are after him, practically the entire force from the look of it, are dirty (white) cops.

And finally, a preview of another 'gangsta' movie titled "Waist Deep," starring some rapper, the entire cast of which appears to be black. His son is kidnapped by ruthless drug lords, but the family-oriented gangster robs banks and goes on a violent rampage in an attempt to recapture his son, because he doesn't want him to wind up "in the system."

I don't know how anyone can view this stuff with an open mind and not see the propaganda. It is becoming so overt and blatant, I cannot comprehend why more people do not notice it. If you flew here from another planet, you'd think that blacks are the benevolent masters and leaders of a recalcitrant, sniveling, criminal race of whites, who are kept in check only by the wisdom of their black caretakers.
i saw this trailer on the net called CSA it suggests what would happen if the south have won the civil war.....looks f*ckin hillaries :))
When you go the movies you put money into the pockets of the enemy. Boycott Hollywood leftist scum
<center>SPOILER ALERT: I AM LEGEND</font> </center>

I went to see "I am Legend" today. Not a bad movie, I'd give it a 3 out of 4 stars, as far as plot and excitement. However, the movie was of course not without it's propaganda. In the book, the hero was white but in the movie he is black, a soldier-scientist who is the only one who can save mankind. At one point in the movie, in a weird segue, Will Smith lectures a younger co-star about Bob Marley and his fight against racism. Funny, all I really remember Bob Marley being famous for was as a pothead.

On a more positive note, the movie's point of view towards God and faith was favorable, and heavily influenced the outcome at the end.

I also watched a British film entitled 'Outlaws,' about a group of men who take the law into their own hands in modern day London.

You'd think that the movie would depict a few blacks or Muslims as villains, considering the modern day climate of crime in Merry Olde England. But no, all the thugs were white, and one of the heroes is a black Muslim lawyer who works for the government - of course! There are a few scenes sprinkled throughout the movie where the evil white men insult the race of the Negro barrister, but the most truly politically correct scene showed the Muslim lecturing his fellow white gang members that his vigilantism isn't about race or religion, it's about the murder of his wife and child.

The previews of this movie made it seem as though the white vigilantes were going to take on all colors in the criminal rainbow, but it was not the case. I should have known better, especially in a film coming out of Europe.
White Shogun,

Did you see "No Country For Old Men?" What did you think if you saw it? I thought is was a great movie. As far as I could see, there was no propaganda. Only one black guy in it for about five seconds, no gays, No women throwing men around a room, etc, nothing.

Of course, this dooms it for making best picture.

Tom Iron...
I would really recommend "Cindarella Man" not only is based on a true story of a devoted white family oriented man who is dumped on by the government and the people running boxing it is also a well done movie with competent actors ( Russell Crow plays JJ Braddock) and very entertaining.

Another white male friendly movie is " A history of violence" There are two sex scenes and one moment of brief nudity and a lot of violence but the Story line concerns a strong white man protecting his gorgous wife and his family from a group of mafia thugs. Viggo Mortensen ( Hidalgo another good flick ( and Mria Bollo play the two leads but it also has Ed Harris and John Hurt.
Tired Old White,

Yeah, I saw "Cindarella Man." Great movie. Based on fact. I really liked it when he repaid the relief money back. I think Renee Zelweger did a good job in it as his wife. She's a good little actress. Was great in "Chicago."

Tom Iron...
I saw No Country and thought it was an outstanding movie - until the very end. The ending left a lot to be desired and I'm hoping that Tommy Lee Jones will leave retirement to track down the villain in a sequel.

You mentioned that there are no blacks in the movie. Another thing - the drug dealers were actually Spanish-speaking, Tijuana-style Mexicans. Surprise, surprise! Mexican drug dealers on the Southwest border? Whoda thunk it?
bigunreal said:
Forgot to mention, in my review of "Charlie And The Chocolate Factory," that all the kids who picked the golden wrapper from the candy bars, and were thus invited to Willy Wonka's factory, were white.

Speaking of which, Rolling Stone's movie reviewer in the current issue proclaimsdirector Ridley Scott's"Blade Runner" the best movie of all time. Interestingly, the future depicted in "Blade Runner" (made in 1982) consists solely of whites and Asians with nary a Mexican or black to be seen, which is why the flick has obtained cult status among some racially conscious white circlesas well.
Don't forget Hoosiers. I have the collector's edition with the real game footage. The movie accurately portrays the racial composition of the team that Milan or "Hickory" takes on in the last game. That's my favorite sports movie. Well, Cinderella Man is right there too.

On the other hand, Friday Night Lights portrays a good white tailback as fumbling fullback in the movie.
KG2422 said:
Don't forget Hoosiers. I have the collector's edition with the real game footage. The movie accurately portrays the racial composition of the team that Milan or "Hickory" takes on in the last game. That's my favorite sports movie. Well, Cinderella Man is right there too.

On the other hand, Friday Night Lights portrays a good white tailback as fumbling fullback in the movie.

My favorite sports movie would have to be without a shadow of doubt "Major league". hilarious movie from start to finish. The intro does a great job of showing off the "real" Cleveland.
Don Wassall said:
bigunreal said:
Forgot to mention, in my review of "Charlie And The Chocolate Factory," that all the kids who picked the golden wrapper from the candy bars, and were thus invited to Willy Wonka's factory, were white.

Speaking of which, Rolling Stone's movie reviewer in the current issue proclaims director Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner" the best movie of all time. Interestingly, the future depicted in "Blade Runner" (made in 1982) consists solely of whites and Asians with nary a Mexican or black to be seen, which is why the flick has obtained cult status among some racially conscious white circles as well.

Ah, Bladerunner. A vision of our future. Aryans used for war and other dangerous work (Rutger Hauer, "combat model, optimum self-sufficiency") and for pleasue (Daryl Hannah, "your basic pleasure model"). All the time being kept in check by one of the chosen (Harrison Ford) just in case we try run off the plantation as Roy and his small group did in the end. Making the Aryan replicants more human than their ugly multi-cult masters.

I don't know if it's the best movie ever but it is very good. Harrison Ford doesn't like talking about the movie to this day. And it's interesting how a liberal rag like Rolling Stone can be so myopic when reviewing this movie. No doubt they see it as a polemic against slavery or some other nonsense.
A racialist interpretion of Blade Runner never occurred to me, but it makes a lot of sense now that you mention it. I don't know if it is the best movie of all time, but I think it is at least the best science fiction movie of all time. Ridley Scott really brought out the best in the actors involved. He also directed my second best sci-fi, Alien. Edited by: Hockaday
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