
You didn’t get a Woody Woodpecker tattoo did you?
No, but I wish I had gotten one back in the day. Peckerwood is the name of a member of a prison gang called the Peckerwoods. It was made up of mostly rural poor whites. They help me through 5,674 days of hell.
As I was sitting in kid rock’s overpriced bar in Nashville for the first and last time the other day I noticed a fair amount of otherwise attractive young girls who also had lots of visible tattoos.
Obviously this isn’t a new phenomenon, but it’s definitely increased.

To me it says, hey this is a girl who if you can convince her to have sex with you, great, but definitely not a keeper. Especially when the hot 24 yr old body gets transformed for the worse with age. In about 20 years America is going to have a whole lot of formerly hot but now sad looking tattooed women.
No, but I wish I had gotten one back in the day. Peckerwood is the name of a member of a prison gang called the Peckerwoods. It was made up of mostly rural poor whites. They help me through 5,674 days of hell.
Yeah as a kid growing up in Detroit “peckerwood” was the go to insult for blacks against whites. Actually it started a lot of fights and was considered worse then honky. I haven’t heard it used in a long time.
Yeah as a kid growing up in Detroit “peckerwood” was the go to insult for blacks against whites. Actually it started a lot of fights and was considered worse then honky. I haven’t heard it used in a long time.
It’s almost quaint hearing it now given almost no one really knows what it means.
I'm sure we have posters who have tattoos as they've become ubiquitious in the U.S. and obviously admirable people can be tatted, especially men. But they've gone from being a "cool" act of rebellion by sailers, bikers and outlaws to something that's now almost expected, especially among the young, which to me indicates someone who's an unthinking conformist rather than a rebel the way people with tatts used to be thought of.

This article makes some good generalizations and notes that 59% of tattoos in America now are on women. The non-stop rapid rise in tattooing corresponds with the rapid decline of our country and its traditional virtues, especially this country's women.

I was at an outdoor festival this weekend and while most of the ladies were good looking there were quite a few inked up. Some were fatties that had tattoos drawn up on cellulite mottled thighs, gross!

However the worst thing was, and this is my pet peeve, pun intended, all the idiots that dragged their poor dogs along on a sweltering hot day along scorching pavement.

Poor dogs were panting and looked ready to pass out. They were “comfort dogs” the new woke thing that allows dumb asses to bring their dogs with them wherever they go to supposedly deal with some made up mental issue they claim. This stuff borders on animal cruelty and I wish places would ban it.
I was at an outdoor festival this weekend and while most of the ladies were good looking there were quite a few inked up. Some were fatties that had tattoos drawn up on cellulite mottled thighs, gross!

However the worst thing was, and this is my pet peeve, pun intended, all the idiots that dragged their poor dogs along on a sweltering hot day along scorching pavement.

Poor dogs were panting and looked ready to pass out. They were “comfort dogs” the new woke thing that allows dumb asses to bring their dogs with them wherever they go to supposedly deal with some made up mental issue they claim. This stuff borders on animal cruelty and I wish places would ban it.
Couldn’t agree more. As a dog owner who lives in a hot place it makes me extremely angry when I see people do this.
If you think there's a lot of crashes now, just wait until America's dumbed down population starts using flying cars. Look out below!:

Color me skeptical, especially with a VTOL flying car. Range would be very short especially considering how much batteries weigh with current technology. Look at how heavy a Tesla is largely due the the battery. And with no wing loading taking work away from the lift mechanics, it's all on the batteries and fans to keep the thing in the air. Cheaper just to go buy a helicopter and all of those problems go away.
Something I've noticed this year around the suburbs and semi-rural areas here is a lot more U.S. flags being flown on vehicles, front porches, along with arrays of small flags planted on properties near the shoulder of roads as the 4th approached. Not sure what it means or if it's even happening elsewhere, but it's certainly not because people are proud of the Biden Crime Family or the communist Biden regime and the people running the senile super-grifter. I suspect it's more an act of defiant patriotism by MAGA Country, one of the few ways left the "dissident" half (and likely more than that) of the country has to show its defiance and unwillingness to accept America 2.0 even if most still don't fully understand what's taking place and how and why it's being done.
Something I've noticed this year around the suburbs and semi-rural areas here is a lot more U.S. flags being flown on vehicles, front porches, along with arrays of small flags planted on properties near the shoulder of roads as the 4th approached. Not sure what it means or if it's even happening elsewhere, but it's certainly not because people are proud of the Biden Crime Family or the communist Biden regime and the people running the senile super-grifter. I suspect it's more an act of defiant patriotism by MAGA Country, one of the few ways left the "dissident" half (and likely more than that) of the country has to show its defiance and unwillingness to accept America 2.0 even if most still don't fully understand what's taking place and how and why it's being done.

I agree. Not since the days after 9/11 have I seen so many people with the flags on cars, trucks, yardss, etc. etc. I think alot of people are
now waking up to the communism quickly spreading here and around the Western World especially. It's all about control. Another popular
flag is the "Dont Tread on Me" Flag. I see some but not as many. The only sad part of this trend is it makes your vehicles and houses more
of a target fo the mentally ill crazies pushing for complete socialism/communism and the death of everything American. Propaganda works.
It's been going on down here since Trump lost.
Here as well, and everywhere else outside of the urban "blue" areas from what I've read. There are Trump signs still to be seen in suburban Pittsburgh and environs and even in some city neighborhoods.
Here as well, and everywhere else outside of the urban "blue" areas from what I've read. There are Trump signs still to be seen in suburban Pittsburgh and environs and even in some city neighborhoods.
Here in rural Missouri, Trump signs are fairly ubiquitous. It's extremely rare to see a Biden sign and DeSantis signs are non-existent.
Something I've noticed in the last few years is that the number of warm weather storms -- talking about lightning and thunder here -- has significantly decreased. There's some fairly close lightning and thunder as I type this, but as seems to always happen these days when there is a hint of electricity in the air, the brunt of the storm wasn't felt here.

As with so many things that happen above us, namely in the sky, few people even look up much less notice. Is this phenonemon only happening here, or, more likely, elsewhere. Establishment loyalists will of course ritually blame "man-caused climate change" while free thinkers will look elsewhere for answers.
This has been bugging me for a while: I grew up in an overwhelmingly white environment. When speaking of locations, the prepositions have always been up north, down south, out west, and back east. Say, up in Seattle, down in Los Angeles, back in New York, out in say, Utah depending on your location.

But with almost all the minority types (especially Mexicans) I speak with nowadays, I've noticed their go to preposition is over. I'm up in northern California, and they'll say yeah I used to live over in Portland. Or my cousin says it snows a lot over in Denver. I'm going to go visit my sister over in Arizona.

I just wondered if anybody else has noticed this. Or if anybody else cares.
This has been bugging me for a while: I grew up in an overwhelmingly white environment. When speaking of locations, the prepositions have always been up north, down south, out west, and back east. Say, up in Seattle, down in Los Angeles, back in New York, out in say, Utah depending on your location.

But with almost all the minority types (especially Mexicans) I speak with nowadays, I've noticed their go to preposition is over. I'm up in northern California, and they'll say yeah I used to live over in Portland. Or my cousin says it snows a lot over in Denver. I'm going to go visit my sister over in Arizona.

I just wondered if anybody else has noticed this. Or if anybody else cares.
Where did you grow up? I admit I'm not familiar with those prepositional phrases so much that I'd miss them.

Personally, I hate the word "folks." It's the new ****** word that's now used to rope together demographic groups. Apparently, this makes it less offensive: ie, "black folks are portrayed as doing a lot of crime" is softer and kinder than saying "those black people sure are doing a lot of crime!"

I used to refer to my parents as "my folks" colloquially as a cool way to shorten "parents" when talking with my friends. People on the east coast weren't doing it yet, and it was cool. Obviously, the etymology is from the German word "volk," which should need no explanation.

Nowadays, that word "folks" just sounds tinny and rotten, like the vagina of a peri-menopausal feminist who is out of carousel tickets.
I was not sure where to put this, so here it is. I don't know of many little league teams and high school teams that had two high-caliber athletes as these two.

Didn’t listen to GOO debates. Who cares. Did watch some of Trumps interview with Tucker. Also about as exciting as watching paint dry. The lack of energy/hope compared to ‘16 election is evident. Going through the motions.
Didn’t listen to GOO debates. Who cares. Did watch some of Trumps interview with Tucker. Also about as exciting as watching paint dry. The lack of energy/hope compared to ‘16 election is evident. Going through the motions.
I didn’t watch either one and more amazingly I didn’t even feel tempted to try. Once you realize how fake and gay it is, it’s very difficult to get back to the place where you though it made a difference.

I think I’m gonna write in Willie Nelson/ Kanye West on my ballot. Won’t change anything either but I just can’t see voting for the uniparty.
this concept has been probably posted here before, but in case it isn't.

this concept has been probably posted here before, but in case it isn't.

It's 100 percent true and it makes sense. The problem is that people need to be entertained even more when they are depressed. No easy
answers but they feminize and give ultra comfort to a country to make it easier to conquer. They won't even have to fire a bullet from the
looks of things. America is Babylon 2.0. It's Rome and many other places before it fell. The end of an empire. So sad to watch it happen.

As always I hope to be wrong but the destruction is everywhere. If there is to be a revelution & and kind of resistance it's almost too late.
As they say better late than never though so we shall see what happens. May God help us.
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