
“Parents pressing charges” is unfortunately how Whites want to handle things through the “justice” system. They will be sadly disappointed.
Yeh, they don't have Joe Mixon's privilege. Charged with a serious crime one day and already with a history of battery against women, the charge is promptly dropped the next day like magic.

You read all the time about how this person or group is threatening to sue, or actually does sue, but how often do you hear of a favorable resolution of the case later on? Not saying it doesn't happen but it's pretty rare. The Covington high school kid won a high profile case, but how many others can you name? Kyle Rittenhouse was eventually acquitted but had to go through hell. Just look at how Trump and his small army of lawyers were screwed trying to get a hearing on vote fraud in 2020 in many states. Shut down everywhere, including eventually by the Supreme Court. What chance do mere deplorables have by comparison?
Well, there still have been no actual riots or mayhem over these five brutal savages beating a Black guy to death. If this doesn't reveal a lot about Black solidarity nothing does. The big city violence among them and their never wanting to snitch on each other and now even with the cops faces known there's no difference. No riots, no buildings burned to my knowledge, and the msm chunts just want the story to go away. It's a "Police problem". It certainly can't be a violent and unrestrained tendency problem. Nah, can't be.
Anyone ever see the 1994 movie " Higher Learning " ? Decent movie but there are 5 skinheads portrayed in the movie if no ones seen it. The top 2 parts are played by actors Michael Rappaport and Cole Houser. Two Jewish guys. Not sure if the late director John Singleton knew this but I find it funny 2 Jewish actors are portraying white supremacists.

Well, there still have been no actual riots or mayhem over these five brutal savages beating a Black guy to death. If this doesn't reveal a lot about Black solidarity nothing does. The big city violence among them and their never wanting to snitch on each other and now even with the cops faces known there's no difference. No riots, no buildings burned to my knowledge, and the msm chunts just want the story to go away. It's a "Police problem". It certainly can't be a violent and unrestrained tendency problem. Nah, can't be.
I am sure no one here likes rap but check out Burden riot for me on YouTube. He pretty much sums up everything we discuss here.
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On a number of occasions in recent years I have brought up caste stuff to total strangers. I swear a good number of people have told me I should watch Joe Rogan because of the things I state. So I started watching Rogan here and there and he is not afraid to keep things even handed when it comes to political topics but man the guy is annoying. His bio says he is 5 foot eight but he has got some kind of Napoleon complex going. He seems to always talking about kicking someone's ass. It's pretty obvious and blatant. I don't get the guy though. He is extremely unlikable. Why so many people are into him and I don't get it.
On a number of occasions in recent years I have brought up caste stuff to total strangers. I swear a good number of people have told me I should watch Joe Rogan because of the things I state. So I started watching Rogan here and there and he is not afraid to keep things even handed when it comes to political topics but man the guy is annoying. His bio says he is 5 foot eight but he has got some kind of Napoleon complex going. He seems to always talking about kicking someone's ass. It's pretty obvious and blatant. I don't get the guy though. He is extremely unlikable. Why so many people are into him and I don't get it.
I’m with you. I never get why people liked Howard Stern or Don Imus either. Both of them were incredibly annoying yet amazingly popular (in the greater New York area anyway). I thought it was kinda funny when I was in high school then I gave up on it

No accounting for taste as they say
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Jeopardy had been on a really good roll for a while there. The contestants once again were mainly White, and White men were dominating. But I just turned it on now, and there's some ridiculous three week contest starting today called "High School Reunion Tournament," with contestants from a high school tournament several years ago reunited. Boring, and of course the contestants for the first show were right out of Great Replacement Central Casting -- an Indian male, a Black female and a White female. Pass.
Jeopardy had been on a really good roll for a while there. The contestants once again were mainly White, and White men were dominating. But I just turned it on now, and there's some ridiculous three week contest starting today called "High School Reunion Tournament," with contestants from a high school tournament several years ago reunited. Boring, and of course the contestants for the first show were right out of Great Replacement Central Casting -- an Indian male, a Black female and a White female. Pass.
Yeah Jeopardy’s got a White male problem. Most of the really good players that people want to see are going to be White guys. Hell even the best woman was a White guy. I’m sure the network execs hate it so they trot out Amy and a diverse crew every once in a while.
Fox News has been going after Alec Baldwin for his involvement in a shooting on set that resulted in a death. Somehow real bullets got in gun meant to have blanks. He was originally charged with negligent homicide but I think it’s been reduced.

As much as I hate the guy I don’t understand why he’s charged with anything. He’s an actor, it’s a movie, someone hands him a gun. What’s he supposed to do? Crack it open and inspect each round? That’s what Fox has been saying. They’ve had experts on saying no one should point a gun without checking it out.

How does that work? Does Arnold when firing a thousand rounds in a movie check each of the dozens guns he uses before the Terminator goes on a rampage? Does Sylvester Stallone check the anti-tank rounds before Rambo destroys a tank?

Look I'd like to see Baldwin in jail but this seems ridiculous.
Fox News has been going after Alec Baldwin for his involvement in a shooting on set that resulted in a death. Somehow real bullets got in gun meant to have blanks. He was originally charged with negligent homicide but I think it’s been reduced.

As much as I hate the guy I don’t understand why he’s charged with anything. He’s an actor, it’s a movie, someone hands him a gun. What’s he supposed to do? Crack it open and inspect each round? That’s what Fox has been saying. They’ve had experts on saying no one should point a gun without checking it out.

How does that work? Does Arnold when firing a thousand rounds in a movie check each of the dozens guns he uses before the Terminator goes on a rampage? Does Sylvester Stallone check the anti-tank rounds before Rambo destroys a tank?

Look I'd like to see Baldwin in jail but this seems ridiculous.
I agree which is why I suspect there is more to this story than we are being told. Lord knows it wouldn’t be the first time the powers that be and the media lied to us
Every now and again I will see a movie or atv show where one of the characters will say " people are Taught to hate . " Maybe it's true in rare forms when it comes to race but to me that statement is untrue. Any animosity I harbor for another human is solely on something I learned. When that behavior is repeated by multiple people it leads to stereotyping. I'm smart enough not all races , religions or ethnicities all fall under a stereotype. But I guarantee no one TAUGHT me to hate someone. It's the individuals behavior that led me down certain paths of thinking. This thought will never be rectified in a woke universe.
I agree which is why I suspect there is more to this story than we are being told. Lord knows it wouldn’t be the first time the powers that be and the media lied to us
I disagree. As someone who has a lot of experience handling firearms, I know the rules of hun safety. Ultimately, whether a prop gun or not, it is the person handling its responsibility to ensure it is unloaded.

Yes the armorer on set bears responsibility, but ultimately Baldwin is the one to blame as he clearly did not verify it was unloaded. I feel pity for him for what happened, but the blame lies with him.

It just goes to show all these liberal Hollywood types who scream for more hun control really have no clue what they are talking about when it comes to firearms and safe practices.
To be honest, the whole Alec Baldwin saga seems like a bunch of made for TV nonsense. I wouldn’t give it two thoughts.
The idea of him getting thrown in jail is great for lots of other reasons but to me this doesn’t seem like his fault.

Just my .02
To hopefully keep my brain sharp as Middle age encroached I like to do puzzles a few times a week. I used to do a lot of Sudoku but that had gotten boring and now I TRY to do a crossword puzzle once a week though I think I probably gave solved maybe 3 or 4 out of a couple hundred now. As with the Jeopardy thread there seems to be more and more crossword clues in reference to lgbtq crap more and more. Not every puzzle but I never saw any questions like the one today or others even 4 years ago. NY Post crossword 2 26 2023. 115 down blank Raining Them . Mila jam remake celebrating the gender. It's just sickening how the libtards are trying to normalize this crap in normal everyday American life. Whatever you think of him I think DeSantis gets us a little more back in track to the middle in January 25.
To hopefully keep my brain sharp as Middle age encroached I like to do puzzles a few times a week. I used to do a lot of Sudoku but that had gotten boring and now I TRY to do a crossword puzzle once a week though I think I probably gave solved maybe 3 or 4 out of a couple hundred now. As with the Jeopardy thread there seems to be more and more crossword clues in reference to lgbtq crap more and more. Not every puzzle but I never saw any questions like the one today or others even 4 years ago. NY Post crossword 2 26 2023. 115 down blank Raining Them . Mila jam remake celebrating the gender. It's just sickening how the libtards are trying to normalize this crap in normal everyday American life. Whatever you think of him I think DeSantis gets us a little more back in track to the middle in January 25.
I agree with you Ben Sharp Arrow on every point with the exception of DeSantis. It's my opinion at this point that no political solution at the top, a President, is anywhere near the answer to moving things back to the middle. And we know "middle" is always moving leftward because Republicans always cave, and compromise and go left rather than rightward, which is in essence nearer sanity. We are in loonytunes land. Men menstruate and give birth, and women have penises, so we're told. Don't believe those things and you're a transphobe.

The answer is total grassroots resistance in every form and having an openly defiant stance on all issues contrary to natural law, God's law/principles in every aspect of life. And that will mean openly standing for Jesus Christ as Lord, and God's word, the Bible as the final authority in all matters of faith and practice in society. Not too many people want to take that stand but that's where I'm going.
Very Well said Beyond Fed Up. Yes God and Jesus along with basics like the 10 Commandments. Back to Morals and Values again. The
way forward is the ways of the past which are tried and true like fine gold or silver. They stand the test of time.
The Russians survived nearly four generations of ((Bolshevism)) and in the end they emerged and within a generation seem to be getting themselves back on track.

The Eastern Orthodox Church has been restored and is growing.

Their formerly abysmal demographics have been slightly reversed with pro-family policies

Even former Soviet dominated countries like Georgia are more right leaning than us (as is Poland).

To me this is heartening news because even the decades of communism didn’t fully extinguish what was good in our Eastern brother lands.

Not sure what it would take to precipitate a similar change but whatever it is I think a good chunk of America would be ready for it
The Russians survived nearly four generations of ((Bolshevism)) and in the end they emerged and within a generation seem to be getting themselves back on track.

The Eastern Orthodox Church has been restored and is growing.

Their formerly abysmal demographics have been slightly reversed with pro-family policies

Even former Soviet dominated countries like Georgia are more right leaning than us (as is Poland).

To me this is heartening news because even the decades of communism didn’t fully extinguish what was good in our Eastern brother lands.

Not sure what it would take to precipitate a similar change but whatever it is I think a good chunk of America would be ready for it
Yes sir. I've often said that Poland and Hungary are 2 countries showing the way forward. I should have added Russia to that list
Have you ever seen the videos from many of the Russian Subways. Many are like art galleries. One huge difference though. Poland,
Hungary and Russia don't allow the massive non white immigration whether legal or illegal. So when you have majority whites it's
like looking at America from the 1900's up to the 1960's. Once whites starting disapearing everything changed quickly. If these countries
want to stay strong they will continue with putting their white people first and above everyone. Demographics matter!

Poland for example is 96.9 percent Polish the last I checked. That is how you keep a country great.
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I couldn't find the whatever happened to the old posters thread but whatever happened to Thrashen and Ala France LA Blanche ?
The Russians survived nearly four generations of ((Bolshevism)) and in the end they emerged and within a generation seem to be getting themselves back on track.

The Eastern Orthodox Church has been restored and is growing.

Their formerly abysmal demographics have been slightly reversed with pro-family policies

Even former Soviet dominated countries like Georgia are more right leaning than us (as is Poland).

To me this is heartening news because even the decades of communism didn’t fully extinguish what was good in our Eastern brother lands.

Not sure what it would take to precipitate a similar change but whatever it is I think a good chunk of America would be ready for it
I think what will get us back to where we should be would be a total collapse. True hardship as when that happens (as it was seen when the Soviet Union fell) the moderates and even some center-left and center-right stop seeing government as the daddy and become self-sufficient again. Self governing. All the alphabet ******** does not matter anymore.

Now a collapse would be horrible for many, but it is honestly the only way I see us turning this thing around.
Yes sir. I've often said that Poland and Hungary are 2 countries showing the way forward. I should have added Russia to that list
Have you ever seen the videos from many of the Russian Subways. Many are like art galleries. One huge difference though. Poland,
Hungary and Russia don't allow the massive non white immigration whether legal or illegal. So when you have majority whites it's
like looking at America from the 1900's up to the 1960's. Once whites starting disapearing everything changed quickly. If these countries
want to stay strong they will continue with putting their white people first and above everyone. Demographics matter!

Poland for example is 96.9 percent Polish the last I checked. That is how you keep a country great.
100% agreed.
Who would have thought that 60 years of communism would be the best thing that could happen to a country? It sure seems like in the long run that will be the case. It made them harder and better equipped to deal with soft times.
Thousands protest in Israel for a few days now. BeBe seems to be disdained now even among his own:
American Freedom News