
Look at the leg tattoo on the mom. Does this seem like the kind of place that is going to produce winners in society generally?

And as for forcing these kids to do anything I think they need to fight back.

I went to school in a mostly black city, you have to just never show weakness and you are fine. You start doing this crap and you are gone for life
I find this encouraging! Thoughts are welcome:
I find this encouraging! Thoughts are welcome:

God is so Powerful. Praise the Most High God! This is such an uplifting story. Thanks for posting this video. All of us
here and all around the world need more hope in these crazy days that we live in.

There is power in the name of Jesus. Even demons tremble at his name!
God is so Powerful. Praise the Most High God! This is such an uplifting story. Thanks for posting this video. All of us
here and all around the world need more hope in these crazy days that we live in.

There is power in the name of Jesus. Even demons tremble at his name!
Amen bro. With so much darkness in the world right now and in the media all the time this was a very bright spot. I am glad that it made the news in such a positive way!
I rarely look at the obituaries, but the obit page in today's rag was right next to the sports section, so I took a quick look. Just four obits and all of women. It seemed a few years ago like women were starting to live forever, as when I did look at the obituaries pre-Covid it was routine for all the women listed to have died in their 80s and 90s, and sometimes even make it to 100, as one of my grandmothers did.

Now, three years after the fake pandemic was foisted on Americans and just about everyone else around the world, we read regularly about how the lifespan of Americans, especially White Americans, are rapidly declining. That's true, and more and more people are dying young and in middle age than before. It's very noticeable. Part of it, perhaps the major part of it, is due to the experimental Covid "vaccines" that so many took eagerly, or reluctantly because they were told they would lose their job if they didn't. And of course as usual the government and media were as one, a single weaponized propaganda organ of disinformation and misinformation encouraging everyone to get vaxxed several times a year.

But Americans are dying younger not only because of the Covid vax poisons, but also because of hopelessness causing some to slowly kill themselves through alcohol and drugs, with fentanyl being the worst scourge drug ever, by far, brought in mostly through the wide open southern border, in other words with "our" government's blessing

The air, water and food has been poisoned as well, then there's all the synthetic plastics causing the rapid drop in testosterone. And let's not even get into the extreme damage caused by feminism with its agenda realized of destroying harmonious relations between men and women along with wrecking the nuclear family (the ultimate irony is that feminism's final "achievement" has been the erasing of women altogether as "trans" biological men are supplanting them).

I'm sure many other factors can be added concerning this complete beyond belief insane asylum that's being constructed by the PTB. Getting back to today's obit page, of the four deceased women listed, all White, only one was a "normal" death, one that could be expected because of old age. Mary Louise (I won't give their surnames) died at the age of 82, while Toni died age 60, Carolyn was 50, and Jennifer was just 38. It's just one obit page and not a lot can be extrapolated from just a single one, but my guess is that one would have never encountered an obit page with three-fourths of the deceased dying at a young or relatively young age pre-Covid, especially women. And you can bet none of these four died from Covid. It's slow motion depopulation from a number of causes rather than a single large event.
I rarely look at the obituaries, but the obit page in today's rag was right next to the sports section, so I took a quick look. Just four obits and all of women. It seemed a few years ago like women were starting to live forever, as when I did look at the obituaries pre-Covid it was routine for all the women listed to have died in their 80s and 90s, and sometimes even make it to 100, as one of my grandmothers did.

Now, three years after the fake pandemic was foisted on Americans and just about everyone else around the world, we read regularly about how the lifespan of Americans, especially White Americans, are rapidly declining. That's true, and more and more people are dying young and in middle age than before. It's very noticeable. Part of it, perhaps the major part of it, is due to the experimental Covid "vaccines" that so many took eagerly, or reluctantly because they were told they would lose their job if they didn't. And of course as usual the government and media were as one, a single weaponized propaganda organ of disinformation and misinformation encouraging everyone to get vaxxed several times a year.

But Americans are dying younger not only because of the Covid vax poisons, but also because of hopelessness causing some to slowly kill themselves through alcohol and drugs, with fentanyl being the worst scourge drug ever, by far, brought in mostly through the wide open southern border, in other words with "our" government's blessing

The air, water and food has been poisoned as well, then there's all the synthetic plastics causing the rapid drop in testosterone. And let's not even get into the extreme damage caused by feminism with its agenda realized of destroying harmonious relations between men and women along with wrecking the nuclear family (the ultimate irony is that feminism's final "achievement" has been the erasing of women altogether as "trans" biological men are supplanting them).

I'm sure many other factors can be added concerning this complete beyond belief insane asylum that's being constructed by the PTB. Getting back to today's obit page, of the four deceased women listed, all White, only one was a "normal" death, one that could be expected because of old age. Mary Louise (I won't give their surnames) died at the age of 82, while Toni died age 60, Carolyn was 50, and Jennifer was just 38. It's just one obit page and not a lot can be extrapolated from just a single one, but my guess is that one would have never encountered an obit page with three-fourths of the deceased dying at a young or relatively young age pre-Covid, especially women. And you can bet none of these four died from Covid. It's slow motion depopulation from a number of causes rather than a single large event.

One of your best posts. Most people have no idea about fluoride in the water, geo engineering(chemtrails) in the air, and gmo's or
genetically modified foods. Then not they are injecting many of the farm animals with gates special sauce. At some point it may
be if you want to be healthy you will have to rely on just your local farmer. Cut out the middle man.

On top of all of that we are in a Psychological operation worldwide against all whites. They house the migrants in hotels and let
whites die homeless. We are in an attack on all humanity but especially anyone of european descent.

Get your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual house in order as this will also be the GREATEST DEPRESSION.
One of your best posts. Most people have no idea about fluoride in the water, geo engineering(chemtrails) in the air, and gmo's or
genetically modified foods. Then not they are injecting many of the farm animals with gates special sauce. At some point it may
be if you want to be healthy you will have to rely on just your local farmer. Cut out the middle man.

On top of all of that we are in a Psychological operation worldwide against all whites. They house the migrants in hotels and let
whites die homeless. We are in an attack on all humanity but especially anyone of european descent.

Get your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual house in order as this will also be the GREATEST DEPRESSION.
Just to add to my above post, two days ago I took a walk. It was a rare clear day here, not a cloud in the sky. I wasn't looking up constantly, but during the 45 minutes or so I walked, I counted around 20 airplanes, all appearing to be commercial-sized, and all flying at very high altitudes but one. They were at least 30,000 feet up as the planes themselves were ant-sized from my perspective on the ground. There were no chemtrails, just traditional contrails that quickly disappeared so there was no organized "spraying" or "seeding" taking place. But there were often several planes in the sky at once at this very high altitude.

I live about 25 miles from the Pittsburgh airport. There's no way those planes were preparing for landing, or had just taken off, not at 30,000 feet. So why all the planes flying over Pittsburgh and environs? Surely commercial traffic isn't that voluminous and congested that so many planes are flying high over Pittsburgh that aren't going to land here.

Then yesterday, I was driving a lot and noticed the same thing but with even more planes in the sky. At first it was a chemtrail filled sky even though otherwise the weather was the same -- supposedly sunny and with low humidity. But then the chemtrails dispersed and once again it was back to fast disappearing contrails. But the amount of planes in the sky continued to be very high, and again all flying at 30,000 feet or more, not preparing to land and too high to have just taken off.

Very peculiar, maybe there's someone on CF that knows a lot about aviation and can explain what I saw, which happens a lot. I don't notice it or look for it every day but it certainly seems to happen on a regular basis. There seems to be a lot going on in the sky but it gets no attention because the fake news media doesn't mention anything, and most Americans seem to be too involved in the rat race to even look up and observe.
Just to add to my above post, two days ago I took a walk. It was a rare clear day here, not a cloud in the sky. I wasn't looking up constantly, but during the 45 minutes or so I walked, I counted around 20 airplanes, all appearing to be commercial-sized, and all flying at very high altitudes but one. They were at least 30,000 feet up as the planes themselves were ant-sized from my perspective on the ground. There were no chemtrails, just traditional contrails that quickly disappeared so there was no organized "spraying" or "seeding" taking place. But there were often several planes in the sky at once at this very high altitude.

I live about 25 miles from the Pittsburgh airport. There's no way those planes were preparing for landing, or had just taken off, not at 30,000 feet. So why all the planes flying over Pittsburgh and environs? Surely commercial traffic isn't that voluminous and congested that so many planes are flying high over Pittsburgh that aren't going to land here.

Then yesterday, I was driving a lot and noticed the same thing but with even more planes in the sky. At first it was a chemtrail filled sky even though otherwise the weather was the same -- supposedly sunny and with low humidity. But then the chemtrails dispersed and once again it was back to fast disappearing contrails. But the amount of planes in the sky continued to be very high, and again all flying at 30,000 feet or more, not preparing to land and too high to have just taken off.

Very peculiar, maybe there's someone on CF that knows a lot about aviation and can explain what I saw, which happens a lot. I don't notice it or look for it every day but it certainly seems to happen on a regular basis. There seems to be a lot going on in the sky but it gets no attention because the fake news media doesn't mention anything, and most Americans seem to be too involved in the rat race to even look up and observe.
I have dogs and walk them everyday. I must say that in the southwest they have been relentless spraying. Like today the weather was all sunny with no clouds on every forcast. Well the planes started early in the morning and flew for half the day. There was little sun and just the man made fake clouds which slowly come back to the ground. It gets in the water, food and our lungs. Every day is different and sometimes we can go a few days with only normal planes with contrails. The chemtrail planes make tik tok symbols and grids in the sky of where they want to cover with their posions. The Bill Gates says they have to block out the sun to save the earth. What a joke. This crap has been going on for decades and it's only gettting worse. Then I'm sure it's out of our tax dolalrs to boot.
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I have dogs and walk them everyday. I must say that in the southwest they have been relentless spraying. Like today the weather was all sunny with no clouds on every forcast. Well the planes started early in the morning and flew for half the day. There was little sun and just the man made fake clouds which slowly come back to the ground. It gets in the water, food and our lungs. Every day is different and sometimes we can go a few days with only normal planes with contrails. The chemtrail planes make tik tok symbols and grids in the sky of where they want to cover with their posions. The Bill Gates says they have to block out the sun to save the earth. What a joke. This crap
has been going on for decades and it's only gettting worse. Then I'm sure it's out of our tax dolalrs to boot.
I don’t believe in any of that chemtrail stuff but if I did I’d move. That would be terrifyingly thinking the air I breath is being intentionally poisoned. Move somewhere where you don’t have to deal with that. Wyoming or Northern Michigan or something.
When our overlords tell us they intend to do something nefarious, I tend to believe them. Biden and Victoria Nuland said they would eliminate the Nordstream 2 pipeline. Then it happened. I’ll give them credit. Likewise, for 20 years, the climate scientists, NASA, Al Gore, and various other agencies have been telling us about Solar Radiation Management and Stratospheric Aerosol Injections to “dim the sun” and combat global warming. Then I look up and see airplanes creating hazy clouds just as described by the psychopaths. Therefore I can observe their “Chemtrail” program has been in full effect for a long time. It may or may not be “poisonous” but it sure as hell ruins a nice, sunny day. It’s all part of the military’s full spectrum dominance of land, sea, air, weather, and the mental, physical, and spiritual well-being of the masses.
When our overlords tell us they intend to do something nefarious, I tend to believe them. Biden and Victoria Nuland said they would eliminate the Nordstream 2 pipeline. Then it happened. I’ll give them credit. Likewise, for 20 years, the climate scientists, NASA, Al Gore, and various other agencies have been telling us about Solar Radiation Management and Stratospheric Aerosol Injections to “dim the sun” and combat global warming. Then I look up and see airplanes creating hazy clouds just as described by the psychopaths. Therefore I can observe their “Chemtrail” program has been in full effect for a long time. It may or may not be “poisonous” but it sure as hell ruins a nice, sunny day. It’s all part of the military’s full spectrum dominance of land, sea, air, weather, and the mental, physical, and spiritual well-being of the masses.

Excellent Post. SUPER LIKE!!

Last I had heard the Black female who is twice the boy's size had been expelled. Apparently not(!)... and no enforcement!!! That poor mom! I swore out loud listening to the pain and anger she feels! This is where we are.

The antiWhite agenda is on full display and we know who pulls the strings of the ones who either enforce policies or let criminals off the hook. I'd call this war...just like I've said for a while now. I work a swing shift that is basically graveyard, but I still talk to the very few folks I see in my life. I give out Don's newspaper and I comment and post on several sites. I tell folks about this site, and podcasts and other stuff to make them aware. I'm outspoken when it's not going to be counterproductive and yet I live in a quite remote area. Bottom line is we need to all do our part. That scrawny little kid could of been me if I was young in this world! We must dig in and fight in whatever way God opens doors for us. I am telling you guys there are plenty of people that think like us. Awareness is the first step and then each person can do their own part. The cooks on a submarine at war "just cook food" for those handling the arms and torpedoes...but they are needed! Let's ALL do our part! Kids like that poor lad need us!
Well said. I was at dinner with a buddy of mine recently. I’ve told him about this site and showed it to him in person in face so we could talk about it without fear of cancellation somehow.

At first I think his take on it was that I was a kook, but he’s a bright guy and although like me he wants to believe the best about people , the evidence here is compelling enough that i think he sees the light on it now.

I think the greatest challenge we as a group face in making people understand the caste system is that most white Americans instinctively realize that something is wrong and they know what that something is, but….

Our general altruistic nature coupled with the propaganda that we are fed constantly through media, schools, and HR departments that are trying to avoid lawsuits, means that unless you really sit down w them and have a discussion where you present the evidence for this stuff it’s very easy for them to go on about their lives.

That’s been my experience anyway. However I credit this site for opening my eyes a lot and there are a few other people I’ve been able to turn onto it as well.

Inevitably the masses will get it but it will take a strong effort individually for all of us because the powers that be very much benefit from our docility.
Just to add to my above post, two days ago I took a walk. It was a rare clear day here, not a cloud in the sky. I wasn't looking up constantly, but during the 45 minutes or so I walked, I counted around 20 airplanes, all appearing to be commercial-sized, and all flying at very high altitudes but one. They were at least 30,000 feet up as the planes themselves were ant-sized from my perspective on the ground. There were no chemtrails, just traditional contrails that quickly disappeared so there was no organized "spraying" or "seeding" taking place. But there were often several planes in the sky at once at this very high altitude.

I live about 25 miles from the Pittsburgh airport. There's no way those planes were preparing for landing, or had just taken off, not at 30,000 feet. So why all the planes flying over Pittsburgh and environs? Surely commercial traffic isn't that voluminous and congested that so many planes are flying high over Pittsburgh that aren't going to land here.

Then yesterday, I was driving a lot and noticed the same thing but with even more planes in the sky. At first it was a chemtrail filled sky even though otherwise the weather was the same -- supposedly sunny and with low humidity. But then the chemtrails dispersed and once again it was back to fast disappearing contrails. But the amount of planes in the sky continued to be very high, and again all flying at 30,000 feet or more, not preparing to land and too high to have just taken off.

Very peculiar, maybe there's someone on CF that knows a lot about aviation and can explain what I saw, which happens a lot. I don't notice it or look for it every day but it certainly seems to happen on a regular basis. There seems to be a lot going on in the sky but it gets no attention because the fake news media doesn't mention anything, and most Americans seem to be too involved in the rat race to even look up and observe.
I have very little particular knowledge of air traffic in the Pittsburgh area, but I can give you a general explanation:

Commercial and cargo airliners almost always fly the same routes from the same cities every day; not only all United jets will fly the same route but other airlines(Southwest, Delta, etc) will fly the exact same route as United did from the same cities. Only thunderstorms along the route will force the airlines to fly different routes.(Upper air winds such as the jet stream might have airlines flying a different route usually on overseas flights).

Before about 2010, most airlines used ground based navigational aids(Navaids) to guide their flights(think of highways in the sky). Most of these navaids were located near big cities for 2 reasons(it was easier for technicians to service them and these navaids helped to guide air traffic to busy local airports.)

Since 2010 most airlines use satellite based navaids to guide their flights particularly for departures. On the other hand, arrivals are more likely to use the old ground based system.

To relate this to the Pittsburgh area; the east coast is very congested and more likely to use the ground based navaids as arrival and depature fixes(a point in space)as using a new satellite fix located at a different spot a few miles away will have an impact on other East Coast routes.

Near where you live is likely near an arrival fix for aircraft landing PHL from the Chicago area as well as MSP, Milwaukee and Detroit or perhaps Washington DC area departures fly over that point on their way to the Pacific Northwest.

For example, I know for a fact that the airspace above the larger cities such as STL and Chicago have many more aircraft flying 30,000 above them than the airspace above Decatur, IL.

I hope that this wasn't too long winded.
Thank you for that, just seems like a lot of continuous traffic but as I wrote there could easily be an explanation for it.
I'm sure we have posters who have tattoos as they've become ubiquitious in the U.S. and obviously admirable people can be tatted, especially men. But they've gone from being a "cool" act of rebellion by sailers, bikers and outlaws to something that's now almost expected, especially among the young, which to me indicates someone who's an unthinking conformist rather than a rebel the way people with tatts used to be thought of.

This article makes some good generalizations and notes that 59% of tattoos in America now are on women. The non-stop rapid rise in tattooing corresponds with the rapid decline of our country and its traditional virtues, especially this country's women.

I’m glad I only have one. Got it as a 18yr old and it’s hidden.

The amount of skanks with tatttoos below their breasts on dating sites.. Just Gross women like to emulate porn stars nowadays. Whatever happened to modesty?!

Don’t get me started on the number of single moms with 2 or 3 kids on dating sites either. Surprisingly there are many young women on dating sites that are currently pregnant! Dating scene is screwed..
I'm sure we have posters who have tattoos as they've become ubiquitious in the U.S. and obviously admirable people can be tatted, especially men. But they've gone from being a "cool" act of rebellion by sailers, bikers and outlaws to something that's now almost expected, especially among the young, which to me indicates someone who's an unthinking conformist rather than a rebel the way people with tatts used to be thought of.

This article makes some good generalizations and notes that 59% of tattoos in America now are on women. The non-stop rapid rise in tattooing corresponds with the rapid decline of our country and its traditional virtues, especially this country's women.

Your first paragraph sums it up perfectly. Tattoos are cliche now. A total mark of the normies/status quo. I find it funny seeing how many people have them that shouldn't have them. Agree with how trashy women look with them, I just don't see the point to them in modern times.
I can give some good advice if ya'll will listen to a person who learned the hard way. If you don't have tattoos don't get them. As you get older they tend to fade away and become unrecognisable. They are the first things cops look for when you get busted. They enter them into your folder and they will always have a way to identify you. If you are with a gang and the gang's name or emblem is on you it is just that much harder on you. Listen to an old Peckerwood.
American Freedom News