
The stereotypes are so strong about everything having to do with black men and the majority of men & women believe them as facts.

Kind of like that all Polish People are dumb. So untrue. It went from jokes to reality. Amazing how gullible people are. They believe almost
everything they are told. The scholastic system and Hollywood have done such a huge job of propaganda and its' overwhelmingly worked.

We need to teach children to be independent thinkers. Teach them to think for themselves and to question everything.
Everyone caters and curtsies to the ADL...

I don't doubt that the threats were real. Safety could or would have been an issue. Anti-Christian, antichrist leftists are known to be extremely violent. I'm surprised he was even invited considering the pervasive mean-spirited woke mobs that permeate anything to do with Universities.
Is it mebut why is it about 80 percent of the time I walk through a mall or Walmart parking lot there is always that one idiot that spends anextra 8 to 10 minutes slowly cruising around trying to get the closest frigging parking lot and try and save a whole whopping of 30 to 50 feet of less walking space ? People on this planet blow my mind with just stupidbehavior.
Lol. I see it every single time. I park pretty far from the entrance to a store, preferably away from those types of people. I don't like land whales parking next to me and slinging open their doors and denting mine. I spend all of 5 seconds selecting a place and do a little walk.

Cougars Are Heading East. We Should Welcome Them.​

I'd like to see mountain lions back in the eastern half of the country. Penn State teams are referred to as Nittany Lions, after nearby Mount Nittany that oversees the university. Cougars were common in the east until the beginning of the 20th century.

1-Mount Nittany Penn State.jpg

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Now the only cougars east of the Delaware River are divorced and wear too much make up, and generally are to be avoided even more than the real cougars!

Until recently I always associated Martin L K with the idea of blacks needing to take personal responsibility and care of their communities. I suspect this is because I wasn’t alive to witness him grift like those that followed him.

He had some lofty rhetoric which unfortunately he didn’t live up to and neither will 99 percent of his community.

Amazing how we get fed this BS from early years and it sticks. MLK Blvds in towns and cities all over America now serve as a convenient way to identify places you should avoid at all cost.
Until recently I always associated Martin L K with the idea of blacks needing to take personal responsibility and care of their communities. I suspect this is because I wasn’t alive to witness him grift like those that followed him.

He had some lofty rhetoric which unfortunately he didn’t live up to and neither will 99 percent of his community.

Amazing how we get fed this BS from early years and it sticks. MLK Blvds in towns and cities all over America now serve as a convenient way to identify places you should avoid at all cost.
I heard someone in recent days refer to him as George Floyd for Boomers. I thought that was amusing. I’ve always seen him as a better presenting Rev Al or Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson. I’m sure without his communist jew (redundant) writer / handler pumping out speeches, he was as articulate as a Creflo Dollar type televangelist preacher.

And I think you hit on his true legacy, marking the primary route through the heart of the worst ghetto. That and hilariously bad monuments in his name that almost look like a troll by people of our persuasion.
A really good channel on rumble and youtube. Note the despicable females in the thumbnail while a man is praying. Really sick.
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The truth about Jan. 6th. What the msm will never say.
Hospitals killing people for profit:
@Freethinker has been using the term goyslop over on Gab when referring to fast food/processed food. I consider myself to be a fairly healthy individual and watch my diet. Every so often I’ll still get the urge to grab some fast food and since being introduced to the term goyslop it becomes so much easier to combat those impulsive cravings.
@Freethinker has been using the term goyslop over on Gab when referring to fast food/processed food. I consider myself to be a fairly healthy individual and watch my diet. Every so often I’ll still get the urge to grab some fast food and since being introduced to the term goyslop it becomes so much easier to combat those impulsive cravings.
It's funny you say that. I try not to eat it as much as I did my younger & dumber carefree days. I work out too. A couple of days ago though
I was craving McDonalds. I finally gave in to the urge. After I ate it the rest of the day my stomach just felt gross. I went there for lunch and
didn't even really want to have dinner that night. We know it's very unhealthy food and it's not like real meat or fries/potatos from what
I've read. It's very hard to digest. Not having it for a long time and then eating my body wasn't liking it. Lol. It always tastes good and brings
back happy memories as a kid. I think that's why it's so hard to not occasionally go. The less the better though for all or our health.
@Freethinker has been using the term goyslop over on Gab when referring to fast food/processed food. I consider myself to be a fairly healthy individual and watch my diet. Every so often I’ll still get the urge to grab some fast food and since being introduced to the term goyslop it becomes so much easier to combat those impulsive cravings.
Thanks but I can’t take credit for the term. I’ve heard it over the last 6 months or so on “far right” corners of the internet. I think it’s helpful for the reason you mentioned. It sort of shames White people so they avoid the stuff as it’s designed to make us fat, lazy and unhealthy. Truly a certain tribe trying to turn us into cattle, or as they say goyim.
Darn those Amish folks who erect Satanic Statues on top of New York City Courthouses dedicated to abortion and to honor other Amish folks! Darn them!
Darn those Amish folks who erect Satanic Statues on top of New York City Courthouses dedicated to abortion and to honor other Amish folks! Darn them!
They can boast now but these evil satanic luciferians will all be judged in the future. I wonder then if they will think their money and power can save them because it cannot. They can still turn from their ways and repent but it's unlikely many will.
I wonder how many Blacks will riot? In how many cities? How many millions in property damages and looting? How many hours of Police and Fire Departments being dispatched to the arson, violence and various incidents? How many hours of network coverage of the "mostly peaceful protests"? How many interviews done by talking heads about the evil Police in the evil, systemic, anti-Black system of racism? How many statues of the victim erected?
Apparently he even said I can’t breathe!!!

Man the media is gonna be all over this!!

Oh wait, no they won’t.
Not the Babylon Bee but rather "serious" headlines from the lunatic-run Washington Post:

Are those headlines from the Washington Post or straight from the desk of CIA head William Burns or Isaac Herzog or maybe "Hisself" Netanyahu?
American Freedom News