The usual. Anyway not posted to use the usual right wing outrage BS click generator. But remember Derbyshire and "The Talk" controversy? Yeah give your kid the talk, tell them the narrative creators are evil and to be on guard. That said we do not so much need "The Talk" but The Question, "Why would we want to be around blacks?"
All the right wing tough talk about n*****s means squat, all the conservative essays on bowing to the left are only enticements for more cruelty but the day some one asks that question why we would want to be around blacks the world will quietly shake.
FTR all the "Protected Classes" are dependent on us White men, regardless of the trillions of dollars of hate propaganda and psyop we are the Prize.
Edit; No white kid or parent of a kid in that school will ask why they should go there or send their kids there, no one in a position of authority there will have to give anything more than scripted answer which frankly these days will just treat the white kid as sub human trash. FTR I would not send my kid there I would make them spend thousands trying to enforce their diktats.
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