
The usual. Anyway not posted to use the usual right wing outrage BS click generator. But remember Derbyshire and "The Talk" controversy? Yeah give your kid the talk, tell them the narrative creators are evil and to be on guard. That said we do not so much need "The Talk" but The Question, "Why would we want to be around blacks?"

All the right wing tough talk about n*****s means squat, all the conservative essays on bowing to the left are only enticements for more cruelty but the day some one asks that question why we would want to be around blacks the world will quietly shake.

FTR all the "Protected Classes" are dependent on us White men, regardless of the trillions of dollars of hate propaganda and psyop we are the Prize.

Edit; No white kid or parent of a kid in that school will ask why they should go there or send their kids there, no one in a position of authority there will have to give anything more than scripted answer which frankly these days will just treat the white kid as sub human trash. FTR I would not send my kid there I would make them spend thousands trying to enforce their diktats.
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The video no longer plays and it's not on Twitter in this feed. However, I can imagine it's typical magical behavior. But we all must remember that the greatest threat in America is White supremacy.
This may need its own thread. I heard about this in the first hour of Farren Shoaf's "The Alternative Media" on RBN from this morning.

This all fits together now. This is their goal and has been all along. It fits with Talmudic practice. Molesting and raping and sodomizing children is what they want to do legally. Here they are saying it openly. If a child can legally "change" their own gender and "have autonomy over their own body" then these demonized adults think that these deluded children can have control over it for having sex "with who they want to". You guys must read this. THIS is something to go out and fight against with no quarter and no sympathy:
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Think we're just fighting against politicians? The Machine is stacked against us to the max:
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And for any of your normie friends who don't think the corporations are not hand in glove cooperating and funding the full-on globohomo agenda with political power fused together, have your friends just take a gander and read this. Problem with most normies is they've been brainwashed into thinking abominations such as homosexual and lesbian perversions are just fine and dandy. These are the same idiots that will eventually accept pedophilia, of course. We must call people to repent and reject the media in total and all the ones on board, to the point it makes a difference:
On the subject of Jeopardy, which was mentioned earlier in this thread, count me in as another ex-fan who now finds the show unwatchable. In addition to the purging of White men, even worse is the constant wokeness now being shoved into the questions and answers. About 30% of the Final Jeopardy clues are some type of rabidly in-your-face wokeness - correct responses over the past few months have included Harriet Tubman, Desmond Tutu, Stonewall (the homosexual riots, not the Confederate general), Harvey Milk (homo-worship has gotten absolutely out of hand), the Green Book (some guide that told blacks which trains and buses they could ride in the mean old days of segregation, boo hoo), George Washington Carver, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, butthurt Maoris whining that the name of New Zealand should be changed because rayciss and colonialiss, Greta Thunberg, something about African airports (we wuz kangz who could fly), Jackie Robinson, MLK (always a staple), "Caitlin" Jenner, cuckoldry (literally), Serena Williams, some random downtrodden crybaby black literary family that no one's ever heard of, "vax" (get the jab, goyim), McCarthyism (boo hoo), Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and Harriet Tubman.

Vomiting yet?
That was painful to read. Jeopardy is toast. One more notch in the cabal list of once great Americana pastimes.
Also, Ken Jennings, the current Jeopardy host, makes it even worse by delivering the woke clues with a lot of enthusiasm. Yes, he can't be blamed for the wokeness itself because he doesn't do the writing, but the least he could do is no-sell it.

I just wish the "vax" one had come up when Aaron Rodgers was guest hosting. That would have been fun.
Barbarism is waking up even the NormieCons.
Ever seen a headline like this? Wow.


That's from the Assistant Secretary of the National Security Council (not Alex Jones or someone at RT, LOL).
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It goes back to Vietnam war and Hippies vs Conformists. If you look at bands that evolved into hard rock acts like the Rolling Stones or the Who or the Beatles they had "long hair" for the mid 60's which would be medium length hair now and then when the war protests happened and the hair length of the band became similar to Barbarians from the Roman Empire era.

Alternative Rock bands actually brought back short hair to even bald heads in the late 90's through early 2000's.
Your post reminded me of this video I just watched.

Your post reminded me of this video I just watched.

Very interesting video. I had read some of Dave McGowan's stuff before from his website (https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/), particularly the way he effectively skewers the moon landings and the official version of them, but had never heard or seen him interviewed before. He died in 2015 at the young age of 55 so I'm assuming this interview was conducted sometime in the early to mid 2010s.

There was a helluva lot going on in California in the 1960s, particularly in the LA and SF areas. I disagree with McGowan's conclusion about the purpose of the hippie movement and the music scene that suddenly popped up in Laurel Canyon; I see it as the beginnings of the Permanent Cultural Revolution that began right after the JFK assassination (which was a coup) and has continued ever since, always changing and mutating until now we have the "trans" insanity, "woke" totalitarianism, etc. But still a great listen as the man knows his stuff.

A good book I read a few years ago and mentioned somewhere on CF at the time is "Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties" by Tom O'Neill, which besides diving deeply into the Manson Family, the hippie scene and the active presence of the intelligence community, also brings up quite a bit about some of the Laurel Canyon musicians and bands and Manson's connection to them before they went on their murder spree.
Glad you enjoyed it Don and I do believe you're right in your conclusion regarding the hippie movement.. I think Dave was close enough in his assessment, but a bit off.

Admittedly I'd never heard of McGowan until a few years ago during height of scamdemic, when I was bored midwinter. He's got some fascinating material. I'll be checking out his site and purchasing some of his books. Damn shame gone so soon at 55. I'll also be checking out your book recommendation.

I find the Laurel Canyon stuff fascinating. They've been engineering our society for decades.

Also any recommendations on deep dives into JFK assassination?
I stumbled across this video the other day as well. Found it interesting. JFK was assassinated 3 weeks after Lodge botched Vietnam in leading a coup. Colby was Deep States fall guy for the failure that was The Vietnam War.

Also I knew the French were in charge of Siam, but had no idea that even the South Vietnam Royal Family and Government spoke French. Siam was considered a European city culturally and architecturally.

It's a bit longer than 1st video I shared. Still 99% better than garbage available on TV.

I stumbled across this video the other day as well. Found it interesting. JFK was assassinated 3 weeks after Lodge botched Vietnam in leading a coup. Colby was Deep States fall guy for the failure that was The Vietnam War.

Also I knew the French were in charge of Siam, but had no idea that even the South Vietnam Royal Family and Government spoke French. Siam was considered a European city culturally and architecturally.

It's a bit longer than 1st video I shared. Still 99% better than garbage available on TV.

Bucky, on the Tubi app on my firestick there was a very interesting documentary on Bill Colby. I don't know if they are still showing it but it is a must-watch if you have Tubi. Tubi has to be one of the best free apps you can get for documentaries.
Glad you enjoyed it Don and I do believe you're right in your conclusion regarding the hippie movement.. I think Dave was close enough in his assessment, but a bit off.

I find the Laurel Canyon stuff fascinating. They've been engineering our society for decades.

Also any recommendations on deep dives into JFK assassination?
Yeah, it's amazing (a diplomatic word as it's a lot worse than that) to realize how utterly phony the system and its media are. Trump's greatest accomplishment was his non-stop attacks on "fake news," which started the awakening process for millions of Americans. The PTB have been creating a fake world with fake explanations for a long time, and it started in earnest after JFK was done away with.

As for JFK's assassination, I don't have a particular book or books to recommend. A book pinning it on Israel and the Mossad is popular in some circles, but I knew the author very well first as a friend and then as an enemy as part of my journey into alternative politics and he was as unethical and full of bs as they come. In fact, I went deep down the rabbit hole myself in those days for a number of years and came away believing that quite a bit of the right wing political scene is manipulated and controlled as well, which is why I don't think a right wing "third" party is feasible at this time, sadly.

I tend to believe JFK's murder was a hit job by the "intelligence community," particularly the CIA, but am far from an expert. Perhaps some others can give some good recommendations on books and videos.
Yeah from what I've seen George H Bush, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, etc wanted a NWO loyalist.

I also agree fake news was Trump's biggest accomplishment.
Yeah from what I've seen George H Bush, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, etc wanted a NWO loyalist.

I also agree fake news was Trump's biggest accomplishment.
I would also add he pulled us out of the W.H.O. and the Paris Climate Accord. Of course our current commie president put us right
back in as fast as he could. Biden has undone everything good that Trump did. Not a big Trump fan but those 3 things were big.
Tranny Amy Schneider won Jeopardy's Tournament of Champions recently, defeating a White man professor and an Asian guy. But after being all but phased out for a while, White men are reappearing on the show in decent numbers again. The current champ is a normal looking guy named Cris Pannullo, who today won his 19th game in a row. He's already something like fifth all-time in money won.
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