
I haven't watched Jeopardy in years, except for a couple of episodes where Aaron Rodgers was hosting, though I used to watch fairly regularly. As long as I could remember there was always a certain pro-leftist bias to the questions that was low-key for a while but became more blatant and in your face as the social justice/woke types gained power (leftist politicians like Hillary Clinton always being mentioned in a positive light when they're an answer, conservatives only being mentioned negatively, leftist mass murderers like Lenin and Mao being mentioned in a neutral light, things like that). One of the main reasons I stopped watching.

The reduction in normal White men as contestants and their replacement with Indian men, butch women, fairy-type males, etc. comes as no surprise to me with the way everything else in the so-called "mainstream" is going. The fact that so many of the high-profile female contestants are butch and lesbian-looking (whether they actually are or not) is also part of an agenda. Unattractive feminist women have always tried to stereotype attractive women as dumb and unattractive women as smart. It's nothing new, it's a very old lie.
Here's an interesting video from a man who actually has eaten bugs as part of being a wilderness survival expert and isn't necessarily against eating them, but still believes the "you vill eat ze bugs" campaign is sinister and evil.

Never eat bait. If nothing else, put those damned things on a hook and reel in some real food. People like Gates will be eating premium everything, while he wants most people to be mulch and fertilizer for the forests and plants his descendants get to enjoy.
Never eat bait. If nothing else, put those damned things on a hook and reel in some real food. People like Gates will be eating premium everything, while he wants most people to be mulch and fertilizer for the forests and plants his descendants get to enjoy.

I've seen a lot of billboards lately pushing people to "go vegan" in the name of "saving da animuhlz", "saving da environment", "sustainability", etc. It's a GUARANTEE that ALL of the rich people FUNDING those billboards eat meat.
I've seen a lot of billboards lately pushing people to "go vegan" in the name of "saving da animuhlz", "saving da environment", "sustainability", etc. It's a GUARANTEE that ALL of the rich people FUNDING those billboards eat meat.

Veganism to “save the environment” is nonsense. The two things have no correlation. However, if someone does not want to kill or exploit animals for food, that can be reasonably argued. The question of what is the ideal diet can be debated ad infinitum and ad nauseam. Diet is a personal choice on the same level as medical freedom. My body, my choice.
I've heard a lot of the non profits promoting veganism trace back to The Saudi Royal family. I'll see if I can find the link. So yes, the elites brainwashing the masses to eat bugs while they drive a fleet of 10 foreign cars.
Veganism to “save the environment” is nonsense. The two things have no correlation. However, if someone does not want to kill or exploit animals for food, that can be reasonably argued. The question of what is the ideal diet can be debated ad infinitum and ad nauseam. Diet is a personal choice on the same level as medical freedom. My body, my choice.

And just like medical freedom, there's only one side trying to force its opinions on the other. No omnivore is ever trying to force vegans to eat meat, just like no vaccine skeptic is ever trying to force people NOT to get vaccinated. Our side is live and let live, their (((side))) is "go vegan and get the jab, goyim, or else."

I have no issue with people who voluntarily choose to be vegan or vegetarian. That lowers the demand for meat, which lowers meat prices, which lets me get my dead cow parts cheaper. ;) I'm just pointing out how the "go vegan" campaign is part of a larger "eat ze bugs, live in ze pod, wear de mask, get de jab, own nothing" propaganda campaign by the (((usual suspects))).
Great posts in this thread. Some of us are just enjoying it and nodding in complete agreement. I think we are really and truly the majority. The left has brain damage. NOBODY is that way normally and without full-on indoctrination of the educational cabal 24/7 from Pre K to Post Grad school and from the idiot box that these fools still have self-imposed on themselves with 8 to 10 square meals (hours) a day.
I don't know where else to put this, so I'll just post it here. These days everything, even accidents, has to be reduced to identity politics and people being forcibly assigned the role of victim or villain based on what race, gender, or sexual orientation they were born as. You may have heard about an incident in Florida where an obese teenager fell to his death from an amusement park ride that he was far too heavy to safely ride. Because the teenager in question happened to be black, Ben Crump - yes, Ben Crump - has taken the case and is suing the park on the family's behalf. Of course Crump has turned it into a racial thing and has compared the teenager's death to that of George Floyd.

Well, at least there's one similarity - George Floyd's death had nothing to do with his race either.
I'd never seen even two Black contestants on a Jeopardy show before, but tonight all three are. Combine that with the sudden disappearance of White men the past few months and that would seem to be a strong indication that the contestant pool is now rigged against those hated White men. Looks like I'm going to be a former Jeopardy viewer.
No doubt they are engineering it now. Tranny's, Women, Blacks. Conservatives need to offer an alternative to Jeopardy it looks like. Had a good run.
It's laughable how blacks and other crybaby minorities demand their own versions of everything while simultaneously being granted extreme over-representation in the "mainstream" versions of those things. I recall there was a year (I think last year) where Miss America, Miss USA, Miss Teen USA, and Miss Universe were all black - and then blacks have their own exclusive Miss Black America pageant where, of course, all the contestants are black.

Any Jeopardy episode with zero White contestants, especially zero White heterosexual male contestants, is, for me, unwatchable by default. If they can't find even one contestant out of three who looks like me then it's simply not something that's worth my time.

The deliberate murder of innocent little children is MUCH worse than the unintentional death of a middle-aged junkie with a long criminal record. Obama is showing how racist he is.
Meanwhile the murder of Justine Damond by a black Minneapolis police officer has been buried. That's because Damond was white.

When they say "black lives matter" what they really mean is only black lives matter, the lives of white people don't.
Unbelievable! I can just imagine what kind of treatment she is going through. I hope someday those who are responsible will have to pay for this. Karma is a bitch.
We treat you like a moron:
There might be some gaslighting going on here as the author claims to be able to easily spot Mormons, but it's an interesting article:

Why Are Mormon Girls So Hot?


Yes they have Danish and Swedish Looks. I may have to move to Utah someday. I'm not morman but they have many that
live in my state. They are beyond beautiful. Not all but the majority of them. They are also some of the nicest people you would
ever meet. They are probably the only white group of people still having very large families. Catholics used to but not as much anymore. We could use more large white families from every group. When they look like that it's even better. Wow I'm am
just gonna keep looking at these pics for a while. The women are amazing!
The right strikes back! Check out this commercial for Jeremy's razors. They've got my business!

Pretty amazing that these guys would be so reckless in taking bribes. I have always assumed most large cities have these kind of schemes but that the politicians involved were smart enough not to get caught. Especially when the sum total of what they received was so small in comparison.
I was reading the posts about the Panthers hiring that "thing" as a cheerleader under the NFL topic and I didn't want to answer that there so as to divert too much away from strictly NFL stories. I'd be willing to be that there are a whole helluva lot of actors and actresses, amongst other trades, who are not the sex we think they are. They just aren't the so-called "brave vanguard" on the fringes like these people who've declared themselves.

I personally live in the South and within the past few years I've seen some very strange people with ambivalent sexual persuasions. And this area is FAR behind the level of Hollywood and Madison Avenue. I'm not saying all of Hollywood is the opposite of what they are purported to be, but I'll bet it's a good chunk of a minority.
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